G. A. Bouse, Editor, Owner * Mgr. Virgie P. Gilchrist, Society Editor Pubttdwd , 1 ?HE BOUSE FEINTS / Parmville, N, a H%i Tear $2.0a-6 Moe. $1?3 1 lea. 60c All L egml Adv. 6c a line per weak. Pott Off!*) at Farmvflhs r Act of Harsh pill at tS N. C., WE SAT IT AGAIN In oar SPofLlGHT of September, 1984, the year following the breaking of the backbone of DEPRESSION, and the operation of the tobacco mar keting quotas for growers, we penned an editorial, "The Fanner Cannot 'Plant AH He Dora Pleases' and Prosper," and we herewith take ad vantage of the opportunity provided by the pending referendum for to bacco quotas to say it again: "The rapidity with which the first tobacco signup campaign was carried forward in this State to a successful conclusion was the most promising sign observed in farming sections by leaders for generations, and the same fihe spirit of signing of the crop limitation contracts and the strict observance of these agreements was sufficient proof that the fanner has learned that he may 'plant all he dura pleases', but he may also expect low prices to obtain in such an event. 'The farmer views the future with something of serenity in his face, this year, for though he was forced to mortgage his home, after savings of a lifetime were exhausted, it has been saved, for the government has come to his relief with its farm credit pro gram, and the grim spectre of fore closure no longer stares at him. "He realizes that improvement in price for the 1933 crop, due to the tobacco marketing quotas, will save him, he will pay his taxes, his store account, the wife and children will have some new additions to their de pleted wardrobes, and - he will have some cash with which to meet the long winter ahead, and he is iltcpmg again o' nights and whistling cheer fully as he figures his tobacco allot ment card and cotton contract. "The tobacco crop in 1833, the first year of the control quota program, in North Carolina brought 376,000,000 as compared with $32,000,000 the previous year, 1932." A HARD SCHOOL, BUT . . Lest we forget the fateful year of 1939, when we let down the ban and decided to once" again plant all the tobaceo we could, and as a reminder to those who are inclined to be in different to the pendtag referendum, we point a warning finger to the statistical record of North Carolina's tobacco acreage and average from 1936 - 1939: Tear: Acres Averej* lb. 1936 597,066 28-0 ?1937 684*00 24.0 1038 61X100 22.6 1930 851400 15.8 If a fanner can make the same money on 10 acres of tobacco that he can on 16, why in the world will he consider planting the 15 acres T There is no logical mswtar to this question, but "he'll do it every time." Another point in favor of the amallw acreage is that the farmer, faced by a drastic labor shortage and exorbi tant housing easts, stands . a better chance of housing the 10 acres any way. DEDICATED TO PEACE ? - - The war to preserve our indepen dence has always been waged as one with any war to safeguard liberty, anywhere. This Independence Day finds us dedicated to Peace and to only aa a dim echo. ? the pourth in farmvillk The Fourth of July was here by the dosing of the if there was any failed to see iA "?" >10* "?II' grarametrist, Automotive Mechanic, Cameraman 1 (motion pic ture), Topographic Draftman, Steno grapher, Teletype Mechanic, Tele graph .and Telephone Wire Techni cian, Classification Specialist, Inves tigator, Clerk Typist, Radar Opera, tor, Finance Technical Clerk, Radio Repairman, Airplane Mechanic, Radio Operator, Supply Clerk, and Medical -mm! Dental Technicians: A complete list of the needed skills is available at the U. & Army Recruit** Station, Near City Hall Building, Gmanviile, N. C, where a group of trained men is avaRifele to discuss the opportunity with interest ed nun in Eastern North Carolina. Bay Savings Rente New And Save 1 PARAMOUNT 1 THEATRE 1 FARMVILLE, N. C. THE HOME OP BETTER ENTERTAINMENT WEEK OF JULY 6th SATURDAY Johnny Mack "BORDER BANDITS" Added?Serial and Cartoon. SUNDAY ? MONDAY The TECHNICOLOR Musical Romance Farmville wfll love ... . "DO YOU LOVE ME" ? Starring ? Maureen OUnra, Dick Haynes ft Harry Janes ft his MusicMakars. Also?News and Pete Smith Special. TUESDAY ONLY Henry Fonda-Gene Tierney?in "THE RETURN OP FRANK JAMES" Plus?Cartoon and Sport. WEDNESDAY UBLE fea DOUBLE FEATURE "A LETTER FOR EVIE" ? and ? "COLT COMRADES" THURSDAY ? FRIDAY Joan Leslie-Robert Hutton?in "JANIE GETS MARRIED" SPECIAL?Bags Bunny Cartoon. of the pew _ , baaed ? j from the World Cell. w ? J WW V MimlHMli |B*oi Boim r - ed. The hostesses used rammer fleer era in decanting their heme*, provid ing pleasing settings for the meetings. Group One met Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock with the chairman, Mrs. F. A. Darden as hostess. Mrs. Fred G. Smith led the devotional. Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox was a special guest'Chilled fruit Juice, icebox cookies and ritx crackers were served after adjourn ment _? , Group Two met with the chairman, Mrs. J. H. Paylor, Wednesday even ing, at 8:00 o'doek. Mrs. Z_ B. T. Cox had charge of the meditation period. Heavenly hash was served on angel, rake by the hostess during the social hour. Group Three met Tuesday evening with lbs. Theodore Moore as hostess and Mrs. Ernest Russell presiding. The meditation was presented by Mrs. T. R. Mizelle. Miss Elisabeth Moore waa extended a cordial welcome aa a new member and Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox as a guest The hostess served ham biscuit*., sand tarts, birds nest cook ies, salted nuts and coca colea.' Group Four met Monday evening with the chairman, Mrs. Arch Planar gan. Mrs. Florence Thome was de votions! leader. At the close of the program, the hostess served ice cream, topped with fresh strawber ries, and cookies, Baptist I The T. W. A., Baptist, enjoyed a meeting Monday evening which waa featured by echoes of the T. W. A. camp at Ridgecrest, given by Mrs. Robert P. Whelees, Mrs. Frank Joy ner and Mrs. Lynwood Brock, who had just returned from the camp. Mrs J. C. Brock, Jr. wad hostess, entertaining in her home, which had been made more inviting by the use -of lovely floral arrangements. Mrs. Herbert Moore used Psalm 126 as the theme of the devotional period. Mrs. H. D. Johnson, leader, dismissed the group. The members enjoyed a fruit salad"course during the refreshment period. The National safety Council has cautioned the nation's farmers to guard against accidents which al ways increase during spring haying season. Barley is becoming a popular sub stitute for corn in Rowan County. Farm Agent P. H. Satterwhite says that fanners can handle a crop of barley with less labor than corn. ccml by S4 cents a coal by 46 Met Eight Do You Want To Go To College? Contact Tour Local United Army Recruiting Station. NOTICE OP SALE! Under and by virtue of the powers contained in Section No. 44-2, of General Statue of North Carolina, the undersigned, FarmvBIg ? it <>tor Company, will on the B3th day of July, 1948, in the gamge of the Fhrm ville Motor Company, at 12 o'clock, I Noon, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described al property: One 1984, four doer Plymouth Se dan 'Automobile, Motor No. PP.71952, Registered in the name c* Albert Gay. This June 17th, 1944^ FARMVILLE MOTOR COMPANY, By B. O. Taylor, Partner, R. T. Martin, Atty. 6-21-3wka EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA PITT COUNTY Public notice is hereby given that 1 the undersigned has qualified executor of the estate of John T. Thome, late at Pitt County, North Carolina, and this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Rocky Mount, North Carolina, on or before the 28th day of June, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.?All persons indebted to said aetata will please make immedi ate payment This the 28th day of June, 1944. PEOPLES BANK A TRUST COMPANY, Executor of the estate of John T. Thome. 6-28-6wks. New .v.t .. - ? 1 ' j - ?> ^ CASEY Br Jerry Colonna JOSEPHINE NO LEAN ON THE BELL Chpitol Record No. 24? CEMENT MIXES By Ahrino Rey ft Orchestra WE'LL GATHER LILACS - Capitol Record No. 248 CANT HELP LOVING DAT MAN By Margafet Whitipg COME SAIN OR "COME SHINE Capitol Record No. 247 CAMPTOWN RACES By Johnny Mercer , SURPRISE PARTY ^ Capitol Record No. 217 COTTON TAIL By Bobby Sherwood ft Orchestra SNAP YOUR FINGERS Capitol Recojrf No. 2J1 IF I HAD A WISHING RING -?& Andy Russell WITHOUT YOU - Capitol Record No. 224 I BEEN DOWN IN TEXAS By Shu Kewton ft Orchestra SHOO FLY PIE AND APPLE PAN DOWDY Capitol Record No. 215 MY FIRST, MY LAST, MY ONLY AND TOBRE YOU ARfC Ptaiinum HE ;-V ^*V'. * / WALK It OFF ; 5111 ? v : * * ,;.j| IT IS BETTER TO BE BY YOURSELF SWEET GEORGIA BROWN ; f NEW SHIPMENTS OP CAPITOL AND B. C A RECORDS ARRIVING WEEKLY. COME IN AND LISTEN TO YOUR FAVORITES! . A l .,v r ?' ?: :!?% m ROBEI h'; RHk 3551 Siji'. ??' 1 i J .-r.-.i; 103 NORTH MAIN ST. - PHONE 479-7 - FARMVILLE, N. C. PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES I - EMERSON RADIOS ! turn ir $1.30 2 29c Ml lit fir ?; Peanut Butter Wm^mtSSPK'' w' T& |' Mb GIm 29| CLAPPS STk.UNKD Baby Foods 7c Mastartf ?t* 13c LAUNDRY BLEACH Fleecy White &SS 23c F-r* 5 $3.75 lljf ^ 3 Dm. 25c ? i i.? ? ? i Large CannMteH\ i * WATERMELONS _ lb 4c Sweet Carolina CANTALOUPES .. Jb. Tc ' Si* . ~ n r CORN 6 Ears 25c Crisp Slicing CUCUMBERS 2 lbs. tjfc HemeHllB New White | . 10 lbs. 29c ? ,x~. California Crisp Iceberg LETTUCE lb. 12c large 8i*e Celery ' 2 stalks 29c I STUFFED OLIVES 29c DEVILED HAM UBBT8 KMC. 14c SUPER SUDS ?8& ?23c SALAD DRESSING DUIlMei(M?hr 27c SILVER LABEL TEA 17c MAJESTIC ' SOUR PICKLES DILL PICKLES 26c HP I 13181113$ W Call at Oir Stare far * choice ?* Also Choice Young Fryers - ? . " Apple Jiice Birnlnl Juice K 2TcL 29c Mtmnhii Rpllf 46-o? Cm 42c Motfi Quart Bottle 27c 46-oi Can 39c Nablaco 1-Ib Pig 2V Blue Labd Quart Bottk 39c Facial tup 9j?8^_ ToH?t Soap r i2c TOWN OF FARM VILLE, N. O. Summary of Tentative Budget for Year 1946-47 APPROPRIATIONS ??- ? l j . General Pond - ^ Administrative Salaries and Expense | 8,200.00 . Street Department, Salaries A Expense 24,850.00 Street Department Equipment 5,328.80 Police Department, Salaries & Expense 8>500.00 Fire Department, Salaries A .Expense ? 4,250.00 Cemetery 500.00 Other Expense, Including Contingency 11328.50 ?? ?' ? *x . ... i. - Total General Fund ? 68,457.80 ? ' " ' ? -V- ' . , -j: a|' ? ? Debt Service, General Bonds : ??? ;. Interest on Bonds $ 8,600.00 Water A Light DepartaMnt Total Operating expense including salaries, labor, and supplies ? 74.482.00 Contribution to General Fund 9,818,00 Debt Service, Maturing Bonds 11,000.00 Debt Service, Interest on Bonds 7,200.00 P# '2?18' ???$$$ v-5 . ?- . ? r . /.. 7. ' :?M + Total Water ft Light Bbdget ..*10^500.00 RE A Lines Expense, including Supt. salary, 2 employees, labor, supplies ? 15,000.00 ? . fi.425.00 Contribution to General Fund - 1,500.00 Total R E A Bttd-et - ? 21,925.00 ral Fund ?..... Servk. iSiSl^S$Z k Light Di Lines ? A Light Department REVENUE General Fund . ; v?r Estimated Revenue other than current tax levy 3 7,500.00 Current Tax Levy * ' 32,600.00 Contributions from Water & Light Dept 9,818.00 Contributions from R.E.A ?: 1,500.00 Caih Surplus r.__ 6,710.50 Cash Reserve for Street Equipment T 5,828:80 . ? Total General Fund Revenue 3 63,457.80 ?? ? ? ? iiLi -MB..,-, . JMPEWEBPWMW fM: ?: IS?#,? P WP&&. *v" Debt Service (torrent year's Tax Levy J 3 8,600.00 Water A light Department 'vV'KctS ? *,M W&MmmmMim Estimated Revenue from sale of water and-electric current 3100,000.00 Other Estimated Revenue 500.00 2,000.00 $102,500.00 ' jf *- ?' . M .i4 .. J ...... Liaea -W" Dated Revenue from service of R E A Lilies 3 15,000.00 ted Receipts from Construction 5,425.00 ?rve for Clearance 1,500.00 . ? ? 3 21.925.00 & f II ?38,084,481.00 JilS ? 1.00