.'^Trfct.Vn ^trry tal ano ^krsonais >*44*44*44???M44?444?4? T " 7 - - --- -T'TiT Mias Jam Tuxuaga la visiting tel tivaa at Now Holland. j'v^.5 ? ? a Mrs. Herbert E. Halt ?> visiting relatives in Dublin, Ga. Coatee is spending time at Myrtle Beach, & C. ? a ? Miss Mae Knott is attending a house party at Carolina Beach, a a a The Rev. E. S. Coatee is spending this week with relatives at Angler, a a a Frank Carr, of Raleigh, spent Son day with his sister, Mrs. Bob Joyner. a a a Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Gilchrist spending this week at Virginia Beach, a a a Graydon Liles, student at Oiapel Hill, spent the week end at his home here. ? ? ? Ann Lang, of Kins ton, is visiting her uncle, James R. Lang and Mrs. Lang. * * ? Mrs. Susie Collins, of New York City, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. I. Baker. v a a a Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Smith left Wed nesday for a visit to relatives in Henderson. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Martin re turned Monday from a visit to Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Baker, of Colum bia,. Term., are visiting their mother, Mrs. J. 1. Baker. Mrs. Carl W. Rogers has returned to Chattanooga, Term., after a visit to relatives here. John Dwight Holmes, of Fdrt Worth, Texas, spent the w$ek end with relatives hero. Mrs. Mary Jerome Simons, of Ral eigh, arrived Thursday for a visit with Mrs.. J. M. Wheless. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes returned Sunday from a trip to Smoky Moun tain National Park, Term. Friends will regret to learn that j ' Mrs. John E. King is receiving treat ment at a Wilson hospital. Miss Elvira Tyson left Monday for a visit to "her sister, Mrs. Roy B.^ Da vies, in Washington, D. C. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Bundy and children left Wednesday to spend sev eral days at Ocean View, Va. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Taylor, Carol Ann Pitt and Miss Hattie Carr spent the Fourth at Atlantic Beach. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Jones and children are spending the week end with relatives at White Lake, a a ? Walt Hamilton, Paramount's popu lar young manager, spent Sunday night at his home in Beaufort a a a Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Clark have re turned to Douglas, Ga., after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lang, a a a Ensign William A. Carr, USNR, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carr. ? a a Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Drake and daughter, Nancy Etta, are spending the week end with relatives in Wind sor. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Hart George Hart of New York City, and Ray Hart were Durham visitors, Mon day. a a a i Seaman 2/c George R. Smith, Jr., who is stationed at Washington, D. C., spent the week end with his family here. ? ? a Mr. and Mrs. Eugene White and family, sof Taunton, Mass., are guests of Mr. White's mother, Mrs. W. A. White. a a a Shelby Roebuck underwent a tonsil operation in Wilsah, Thursday. Wo are glad to lean tint he is improv ing rapidly. ? ? ? Mrs. D. R. Morgan and son, Dan, and housegueet Miss Ann Jones, of Raleigh, are spending several days at Virginia Beach, Va. Miss Frances Bivena Smith, of Washington, D. C,, arrived Thursday for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Smith. Mrs. J. F. Hart has returned from ? visit to relatives is Emporia, Vs., some time with her E. Hart, a ? a , Wilson, I * a CALENDAR? 3:30 P. M. meets ia 1 8:80 P. Society, meets is the Baptist Church. 4:00 P. M.?Episcopal - Auxiliary meets with Mrs. R. C. Copeti hayer. 4.-00 P. M.?Woman's Society of Christian Service meets ia the Methodist Church. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwanis Club. 8:00 P. M.?Worker's Council, Methodist, will not meet durtaf July aad August. Tuesday, 8 7:00 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. 8.-00 P. M.?Annie Perkins Circle, Baptist, meets with Mrs. John T. Walston as hostess in her home. 8:00 P. M.?Boy Scouts. Thursday, 11 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. 2:30 P. M.?Farmvilie Home Dem onstration Club. 7:80 P. M ?Masons. 8:00 P. M.?Farmville 4-H Club. Friday, 18 3:80 P. M.?B A B Club with Mrs. James R. Laos W. O. Humphrey, of New Bun, student at State College, Raleigh, spent the week end with his brother, H. B. Humphrey and Mrs. Humphrey. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Herndon Seigler aad laughters, Misses Ruby and Martha, >f New York City, former citizens of Farmville, visited friends here, Tues day. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Archie Caytoa and son, Jan, and Jesse Gay, spent last Sunday in Wilmington with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd iParker and Easter Mae Say. Pfc. William W. Wooten, United States Army, stationed at Alamogor io, New Mexico, arrived Thursday for s visit to the Bonnie T. Wooten 'amily. . ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carraway and Miss Patsy Allen visited Miss Jess Zarraway and other Farmville girls it Camp Hardee, on Bleunts Creek, iunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Corbett and son, Ashley, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Norville and son spent Sunday vith Mr. and Mm. Bruce Cobb at Jallards. ? ? ? Mr. and . Mm. W. E. Brinson have -eturned to Beaufort after a visit to nr. and Mm. M. D. Brinson. Maurice, Fr., returned with his grandparents 'or a visit * ? I Mr. and Mm. E. F. Wilson mid laughter, Judy, of Albemarle, ar rived Wednesday to spend the Fourth ind the week end with Mr. and Mm. r. B. Rouse. ? ? ? Mr. and Mm. Herbert Kemp and laughters, attended a family reunion dinner, held at the home of Mm. Kemp's mother, Mm. W. C. Hales, at Middlesex, Sunday. ? * * Mr. and Mm. J. C. Cross and son* Ueorge and Ernest Cross, returned to Portsmouth, Vs., Tuesday, after spending several days with the Ben lie T. Wooten family. ? * ? Robert Custer, of Dublin, Ga., re leased this week from the United States Marine Corps, having just re turned from duty in the Pacific, spent ruesday mid Wednesday with Mr. said Mrs. Herbert E. Hart ? ? b, ? Miss Batty Rose Wilkerson will re turn tomorrow from Louiaburg, where the attended the Youth Fellowship meet. Her roommate Miss Mary Hea ter Hunt of Durham, will accompany her and remain for.*-visit. * Mr. and Mrs. D..L. Dounell, of Oak Ridge, arrived this week to reside here, Mr. Donnril having accepted a position with A. fX Monk & Co. They are living at present in the home with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Rouse. * ? ? Mr. and Mm. James Koraegay and of JBlpcfceburg, Vs., mrlml days with family. Mm.< been visiting them in r? 0$| L. E. Mrs. George E. Moore, Jr. compiled [h ccore end km aw ardod the Idge prise. Om of the books ot the month, "A Solo In Tom-tome", by Gene Fowler, vu won by Mrs. T. 3. Ryon, and the other, "The doiater and the Hearth", by lbs. James R. Unc, aw??? lyWTEND MASONIC BANQUET Attending the Msatmlf banqnnt. honoring Grand Master W. J. (Dick) Bundy at the GreesnrHle armory, Tuesday evening', were; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bandy, parents of the Grand Master, Mr. and lbs. W. E. Joyner and Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Bandy. ATTEND CONVENTION Dr. and Mr*. G. L. Gilchrist at tended the 44th annual convention of the North Carolina Veterinary Medi eal Association, held in AaheviUe, lest week. The convention vu the first to be held since the beginning of the war. TO HAVE HOUSEPARTX A number of local young people, including Vivian Scott, Belay Willis Jones, Daphne Yehnertou of Fountain, Dan Morgan, Harold Booae, Jackie Willis and Bobby Russell will hold a joint houseparty at Dan Morgan's cottage, Edgewater, on the Pamlico river, next week. lbs. Ernest Russell will be the chaperon. ATTEND UNION MEETING The Rev. Z. B. T. Cox, pastor of the Christian Church, Mrs. Cox and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. and Mrs. Fred Danden, Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Bundy, lbs. Fred G. Smith,. Mrs. Aaron and Mrs. Leslie Turnage, Mrs. Laurence and Mrs. Clarence Moye, Mrs. Leonard Hardy and Mrs. J. R. Go wan attended die Hookerton Union Meeting of the Christian Church, held in La Grange, Saturday. GOLF LOSERS HOST - TO WINNING TEAM A gala event of the week waa the Golf Tournament supper, of Friday evening, at the Country Club, when members of the winning team, led by Andy Martin, were guests of the losers, Otis Taylor's team. There were 26 golfers on each of the teams taking part in the local tournament, which lasted a week. Approximately 86 attended the sumptuous barbecue supper, served outdoors and in picnic style. RECEIVES DISCHARGE SgtE. C. Carr, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Qarr, Sr., was released from service in the United States Army, Tuesday, Jane 26, at Fort Bragg, after serving 28 months, with 18 months overseas duty; with the 102nd Infantry Division during com bat. He served ha eight countries,' Scotland, England, Fiance, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Austria and visited Switzerland. He was with the Ninth Army on its march from the Rhine to the Elbe. He had the good fortune to escape injury of any kind. Since the war, Carr has worked as a draftsman with the Transportation Corps in Frankfurt He was sward ed E. T. O. ribbon with 2 Battle Staraw Good Conduct Victory, and Occupation Ribbons and the Combat Infantry Badge. RETURN FROM CAMP three .boys and (iris at tended the annual 4-H Camp held at Camp Millstone in Richmond County, June 12-17. The program this year was especially beneficial to those boys and (iris attending camp as four courses of instruction were given. The courses ware: 4-H Organisation, Swimming, Recreation and Handi craft The camp schedule wis ar te such a manner that the Lass work and class per iods did not corns together.' One of Hie highlights of the camp was a Woraanlsaa Wedding given by the Pitt County boys for the Stunt Night program. AH boys , and girls attend ing reported having a fine 1 The 4-H camp at i for neat year's Flrianda will be glad to lean that Mrs. Chariea Russell Carrsway, oi Fort Bragg, dm former Mias Virginia Cobb, of Farmville, is reported ai slightly improved following a eerloei operation at Walter Reed Hospital Washington, D. CL, to which she war rushed by plane recently from a Fori Mrs. John B, Joyner and shildm sad Mrs. B. A. Parker and son. Mar iMv# r, Mrs. R. H. Knott, Mrs. John Co?ncilP*rker, in saving ribbon and and ebon oHvee, pickles, sand tarts, brownies, The bride-elect was remembered with dessert plates in her pattern of j china by the hostess.- : Ont-oif-town guests won: tb*; hon oree, Miss Evelyn Ktlpstrtcb, Miss Janet Palmer, Miss Pmnces Taylor mid Mrs. Roy Tinker, at Hookerton, and Miss Marjorie Webb, of Pine te*?. Mr. and Mr*. W. E. Joyner were hosts to thirty-five friends at a love ly luncheon, Saturday, in compliment to Mrs. JoynePs cousin, Miss Nancy Hopton Kilpatrick, bride-elect- and Euclid Adams, bridefrroom -elect Quantities of rosea in shades of pink, Picardy gladioli and dahlias were used in decorating the Joyner home, an Contentnea street The gueets were seeded tomato cocktail and hors d'oeuvree in the dining room by Mrs. J. W. Joyner and Miss Aimie Lee Janes, of Ral eigh. The traditional nuptial colors of white and green were effectively carried here, the table being centered with a mined arrangement of gladioli, snapdragons, daisies and feverfew. The luncheon served in the garden, consisted of barbecue, daw, corn sticks, potato salad, stuffed eggs, a sorted ph&les and stuffed ' celery. Mrs. J. H. Moore and Mrs. Jaima Byrtum served tea and lemon chiffon tarts from beautifully appointed tables. - The bride remembered her attend ants at this time with lovely gifts. Out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Adams and daughter, Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Adams, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Aiford, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Adams, Frgpk Adams and Whitfield Shaw, of Laurinburg; Miss Harriet Chestnut, of Snow HU1; Mrs. D. R. Keller and son, Dale, Jr., of Winston-Salon; Dr. and Mrs. Roy Tumage, Miss Evelyn Kilpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kil patrick, Miss Frances Taylor and Mr. 'and Mrs. D. B. Vaase, of Hookerton. On Thursday of laat week, at 1:30 o'clock, in the D. A* R. Chapter House, Mrs. Vernesaa S. Townsend and daughter, Miss Mary Anne Townsend, charmingly entertained at a barbecue luncheon, complimentary to Mrs. Townsend's niece, Mist Mary. L. Smith, at Greenville, and to the bridegroom-elect, Qattis C. Honey cutt, Jr., whose marriage occurred in the Greenville Eighth Street Christian Church, Friday evening, June 28. the Chapter House was beautifully decorated throughout with summer flowers, carrying the nuptial colors of white and green. Assisting the hostesses hi serving were Mrs. John R. Riley, of Raleigh, ahd Mrs. L. E. Flowers. Mrs. Townsend and daughter, Miss Mary Ave, and son, C. R. Townsend, Jr., attended the Honeycutt- Smith wedding, Friday evening and the re ception held in the bride's home after wards. Miss Mary Anne Townsend was a bridesmaid. . L. B. Johnson, Jr., was a grooms man at the Honey cutt-Smith wedding, Friday, in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyner and a number of ether Farmville friends attended the Adams-Kilpotrick wed iing in Hookerton, Saturday. STOCKS-HODGES The marriage of Miss Sarah Wal lace Hodge*, attractive daughter of Mrs. Sal lie E. Hodges and the late John Gray Hodges, and Janes Allan Stocks, Jr., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Allan Stocks, of Farm ?ille, ww solemnised oa Wednesday June 10, at 6:30 in the afternoon, at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. a B. Mashbum, at Black Mountain, with the ceremony bring performed by the Her. Mr. Mashbum. f Tto bride worn a lime green two with accessories to shoulder corsage of Hey ?nly oma a wedding gift. The home was attractively decorat ed with Mb The eoagia in Western Carolina. They axe pew at at Snow Hill, B. F. B. !:| KIWANIS SCHOLARSHIP V.V - wm soloist. The bride, given in maniage 1BH of berthas. Thai fa points over fas wrists and fan Ml skirt Ml from a bustle extending into a train. The fuR-lengfa and tiered veil of illusion was worn with a tiara of satin caught at the side with orange blossoms. Her white prayer book was owered with stophanctis and cen tered with a white orchid. Mas Lillian Harris, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and Mrs. W. E. Evans, sister of the bridegroom, was matron of honor, They wore identical dromes of pale pink satin fashioned with a fitted bodice, and berthas forming off-shoulder neck lines. Their full net skirts extended from corded satin at the hips, and their hats were fashioned of net They carried nosmgajii of carnations in shades of pink/tied with blue ribbons. Each wore a strand of pearls and short white gloves. Bridesmaids were, Miss Grace Whitehurst, of Conetoe, Mies Lela Adams, of Blount* Creek, Mrs. Jimmy Rose, of Rocky Mount and Miss Eleanor Phillips, of Trenton. They wore identical dressed of aqua taffeta with bouffant skirts of net Tlyeir hats were fashioned of net and they carried nosegays of pink and white carnations. Each wore a strand ol pearls and short white gloves. The flower girl was little Miss Sara Francis Smith, of Griftop. She wore a pink dress and carried a white satin basket from which she dropped rose petals. The ring hearer was Billy Cox, of Grifton. J. D. Jones, of FWmville, was best man. Ushers were Theodore Wooten, brother of the groom, Dougfas and James Jones, of Farmville, and Jira mie Harper, of Snow Hill. The bride's mother was dressed in black crepe and wore a corsage of white carnations. The bridegroom's mother was also dressed in Mack crepe and wore a corsage of white carnations. bride an WMLr- 1 b>' CUmn# Wooten, sister of the bridegroom, end Mrs. Jack T^Son. Kill Dorothy Jones invited guests into the gift room which was presided over by Mrs. Wooten, mother of the bridegroom. Mrs. J. P. Moye presided over the bride's book, end goodbyes were said to Mrs. P. J. Elks. After the recep tion Mr. arid. Mrs. Wooten left for s wedding trip to Weetern North Caro lina. For traveling Mis. Wooten wore ? palm beach suit of aahee of bine white aeceesoriee end the orchid The bride attended Louisburg Col lege and received hat AB degree from East Carolina Teachers College. For [the pest two yanra she has taught 1 second grade in the public schools of [North Carolina. The bridegroom at tended Smithdeal Maasey Business I College in Richmond, Va. For the fpait three end one-half yews he has served in the armed forces, receiving hie commission at Port Bennmg, G&. Following their wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Wooten will he at home at 621 Dickinson Ave., in Greenvjlle, where Mr. Wooten will be employed by the Taft Furniture Co. Out-of-town gnests attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Luther Noel Wilson, Mr. end Mrs. J. a Harris, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Belcher, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hall, of Durham; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crabtiee, Mr. ' and Mrs. Clyde Berry of Timberiake; Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Seaaer and Miss Geaaie Seaaer, of SmithJfield; Mr. end Mrs. W. H. Gillette, Jr. of Richmond, Vs.; James Wright, of Clifton, S. C.; Mrs. Elmo Smith and Mr. end Mrs. Fred Cox, of Grifton; .Mies Peggy Jones, of jyilawi; Mr. and Mrs. Corey Gerria, Juanita and Mrs; A. L. Gerris, of Ayden; Mrs. Will and lbs. Effie Wooten,' Mr*. OUie HUl and Mis. Drew Harper, of Snow Hill. Friday evening, preceding the re hearsal, the bride entertained at a buffet supper for members of the wedding party. Mrs. Fredrick Oox and Mrs. Elmo Smith entertained in Grifton for the ?ieinvssjB ?''2.-! Li WT*TL: 'J IrS ink rom. n? ? minia Tmr* ly gifta in linen and the bride'* chosen in silver, crystal ad china. I After the aocfal hour, cake and tee served by the hoateeaea. The c#Sf schaBie of pink and green rittveiy carried out through out the hone. -4 BISTH ANNOUNCEMENT Cpl. and Mrs. Charles Ruaaell Car rawmjr, of Port Bran, awwiiw the birth of a daughter, Jennie Bae, a mday, June 90, at Walter Bead Gen eral Hospital, Washington. D. C. Mra. Carraway waa the former Miaa Vir ginia Cobb, of Ftarmville. NOTE OF APPRECIATION . v. . We wiah to express our siaeere ap preciation for the many acta of kind ness shown our beloved husband and father during his illness, and for the many expressions of sympathy ex tended us during our bereavement. Mrs. John T, Thome Miaa Mary Leah Thome - ricoRO hit' |0UT TOB?* _ iur I've CAP 259 HiAii. <" ?"?" 1 Robert's Jewelers JANE GREENE, Mgr. Phone 479-7?Parmville, N. C. For A Happier Home ..,rp- ?' ? v';v' $*?$ i"'." :?"JiMltP' "* ? if; EXrV.^'..' 3 Pc. LIVING ROOM SUITES Consisting of Sofa, Club Chair and Lounge Chair, spring filled and with hew tapestry and velour cov ers. Smart and comfortable, will add grace and charm.to you.' living room ? priced from .... SOFAS?ODD CHAIRS A large stock of Sofas and Odd Chairs, newest styles, new covers. All completely spring filled .... PRICED TO PLEASE I ROLL-AWAY COTS ' l M, - So handy around the house, always ready', easy to store. All metal in Cot and Twin-bed sites, complete : ~ . with cotton frit pad ... 3*$SJijS8; $P INNER for single and double beds. Limited stock with heavy drill tick, roll edge, sisal and cot ton felt upholster>p|tandard spring unit, button tufts, ventilated wmmm RTjESiEtf SHBsjaS Screened top, pi?rvw. ? WARDROBES ? Large size, two door wardrobes, with solid panel or mirror doors, walnut, mahogany, and maple finish. Built for storage. Prices from ? CHIFFEROBES With full length mirror door, hat box with mirror and four drawers ? Hanging and drawer room combined in this lovely piece. Prised from * . .