Stay m The mght Side Of Your Budget! It will help to practice mme of the leseons learn ed in the past few years. Buy only what yon need, and get the best quality you can afford, fn the kmy run, you'll SAVE ALL WATS ? and make your income go further. *+4* . ? OMi-v - ' X INVCST IN SXVfROS BONDS Our friendly serrice in ?n financial ?utters will meet with ywur com plete satisfaction ? ? ? ? "SAVE TODAY for Ow things you will want ? ^ ^ ^ - U\> ?a.-~ ? 1 and Building 8(ijp|?tlei Farmvilie Retail Lumber Yard '? M 3 . ; PHONE 302-1 ?- , Next to Norfolk-Southern Depot FarmriDe, N. C. ; V'V "V\_> * ?WM<I> ? it*** Qiiiijf .djii ANNOUNCEMENT A. D. GARDNER has recently joined as in oar Cabinet and Blacksmith Shop, and we are now prepared to do all kind of REPAIR WORK on CART and WAGON WHEEL TIRES, TOBACCO TRUCKS and GENERAL FARM MA CHINERY REPAIRS. 1 In our Cabinet Department we wish to announce that we now have a good supply of Screen Wire for Doors and Windows. v SEND US YOUR ORDERS TYRBALL CABINET & REPAIR SHOP PHONE 45-1 .... k FOUNTAIN, N. C. TAKING THE FORWltt STEP Dojpw knew folly about the Loir Ceet of Membership and the sayings yea get by being a member of Joyner Mutual Burial Association, 'Inc., Tour Borne Town Association? This Association was eiganibeli by and for the people of this community and the surrounding areas. Why net call at the Office or mail a Postal Card to ns for say information yen > ing it? DO IT NOW! Tomorrow May Be Too Late. JOE R. JOYNER & SON FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE 105 WALLACE -STREET FARMVILLE, N. C. ? HOME OF ? ? DON'T HESITATE! ? ^ But, before you take the plunge into Home Ownership, I sure to acquaint yourself fully with the advantages of c Home Loan Plan. Learn how much more efficiently, Sav ingly, it serves the needs of Home Buyers. Whether buy * ~ ' an old mortgage, it will pay you from a recaent operation m a ?^vviini - McKeel ?pent the week end ta Whtfrihgton with Mrs. W. L. A. D. McLawhom, It. of Win tarville, visited in the home of Mm G. W. Corbitt, FMday. Mm W. P. Elite and little Frankie, of Wilson Waited .Mi*. W. I. Shackleford, Tuesday. Mm Rotnd Herring1 and Sedma, of Durham, were the i guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Craft Cpl. William Willtem Whitley, of Fort Bragg, spent the week end with hte parents, Mr. and Mm J. S. Whit er Mr. and Mm Albert Hiimant and Mr. and Mrs. John Roy Whitley went to Whfte,Lake, Sunday. Mrs. William Windham and Mrs. Albert Hamas* were in Farmville last Friday an business. Mr. and Mrs. Beanie Windham, of Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yelver ton, of Eureka, and Mr. and Mm Walter Windham, of Wilson, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Windham, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Speight add family spent last week end with hte brother, Mr. and Mrs. Melton Speight, near New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. Dew^y Johnson and family visited their daughter, Mrs. Harper Lee Tyson, in Greenville last Sunday. Mrs. Ed. S. Taylor entertained at a tea for her daughter, Mrs. Breton Taylor, Friday afternoon. The home was beautifully decorated with mixed summer flowers. About sixty guests called during the afternoon. , WILLIAM B. McKEEL Walstonburg.?William B. McKeel, 60, of Walstonburg, died Friday in the Veterans Hospital in Fayette ville from heart complications. Funeral services were coririocted from .the home in Walstonburg Sim day afternoon at S o'clock, with in terment In the Walstonburg Ceme tery. Hie Rev. Key Taylor, pastor of the Walstonburg M. E. Church officiated. Mr. McKeel was bom and reared in the Walstonburg community and was a prosperous farmer end a large farm holder. He was a veteran of Wortd War I and a member of the American Legion Post of Farm ville. The American Legion took part in the service. He is survived by his widow, the former Robbie Ballard of Richmond; a sister, Mrs. Rosa McKeel, and a brother, Carl McKeel of Walstonburg. sweet potatoes may easily be come <tB? of oar most Important food sad feed crops. '*P& JI ? QUESTION: Will we be able to get more hybrid ?phn seed next yearT ANSWER: There are now 116 cer tified and 163 apprentice growers of hybrid corn seed in North Carolina working under the supervision of the N. C. Crop Improvement Association. Much larger supplies of hybrid Beed will be available next year, but grow ers should be careful to get the best adapted strains for their section. A card addressed to the Agricultural Editor, State College, Raleigh, will bring a free leaflet showing the best hybrids for each of the 9 com grow ing sections of North Carolina with a description of each hybrid. QUESTION: When is the best time to begin a fall garden! ANSWER: Right now, says John ny Harris, Extension horticulturist at State College. He suggests that seed of cabbage, broccoli and cauli flower be sown in cups or other con tainers, and thinned to one plant to the cup. After they have grown for 4 to 6 weeks, set the plants, dirt and all, In the garden. In this way the pilints trill have a much better op portunity of withstanding the hot, dry weather of summer. Parole For Meadows Set A$id? By Board Raleigh.?The case for parole of Dr. Leon R. Meadows, former presi dent of East Carolina Teachers Col lege now serving a three-year prison sentence for embezzlement and false pretence, has been set for reopening next December 16, according to Pa rolee Commissioner, Hathaway Cross. The Paroles Commission, which re viewed the case yestetday, declined to parole Meadows. He entered pri son September 26, 1946. We Render Service with Dignity and Honor ? NOTHING UNDONE, * NOTHING OVERDONE! Ambulance Service PHONES: W. H. DUKE DAY ?r NIGHT W. C. GARNER 356-1 416-1 ^ ; 468-1 ELECTRIC IRONS A TtKMIFIC VAtVi *SMit 3Si for poftogc ? Cool, Kuy-Grip lUndl^i ? CompWa with Detachable Cord. e Suitable far All Type* of Ironing. ? Attractive, Durable Chrome ML S^ndMonmrOrd%zorCh%ok (t&d* taring C.O.D. 0&oi^4 K1K fALIf COMPANY 534 Pittabargh Life Bldg.^cpt 65" flft^bargh & Pa. I 50 Hour SHU.MM-JMRHPlHi . . Rvrf. '? . , . - ? fcj ? TTME & ONE-HALF OVER 40 HBS. ? wiii* tie': I IM-II Hi III) , j?. ??jfa-iiSto'-i, ^ - i?. 1 ?* m aot+*~ * * * #? ? ? * * ? nn JANE GREENE, Mgr. Phone 479-7?Farm vifle, N. C. I State College Hints For Farm Homemakers ' ? ; ; By Biih Current, ^ N. C. State College. It's no time to waste or throw away any kind of food. The foods hot needed for tike hungry world are the foods that will help as nil the gap made by our voluntary curtailment of fata, oils, and grain. '? B If there are leftover foods, proper storage and beat use of them in tasty dishes will keep them out of the gar bage pail. Meats often spoil unless placed in the coldest part of the re frigerator. Forgotten food riioved hack in the iee box too often ends up in the garbage pail. Frequent inspection of packaged I goods, too, saves waste and elimi nates damage from insects and mice. One of the most outstanding spots I for food waste is right at the table. J The bits of food scraped from plates. There is plenty of room for saving the be* rr nutrition in the foods that come into the kitchen, if they are property prepared. Food valaea can be almost completely loet in cooking. For example, paring away one-tenth to one-quarter of the potato results in physical loss, but in adition iron and vitamin C in the potato are wast ed by not cooking it with the jacket on. There is also nutritive food. .. when housewives cook vegetables too much water and then drain off , the water into the sink. Here's a waste of vitamins and minerals which have aeeped out of the vegetables.' into the water. In addition to that,' flavor which might encourage the1, eating of such vegetables as cabbage and turnips is lost by too much cook ing. Screwworm flies are reported at-'| tacking cattle in southern Georgia and farmers are treating wounds of animals with Smear 62. j?:?r , "For Hen's Sake, Grow Yellow Corn" reads a news bulletin. Yea, yellow com contains vitamin A bjit """- i | WANTBD1 ? WHITE GIRLS for| Regular Work?Apply at Chand ler's 5c to $1.00 Stone, N. C. | WANTED! ? TwoT stats, "bay Gayle or Chas. Gayle, Phone a r* i Mil.. . - MMX - ? - *cv. >? II l9n?ipnB6 Olllce. ; ; b| SKI HI STOPS -RUNNING FITS II I DOGS op We WTuad yen* I We know of ne other g fits rbmedy. Dkng Co. (7-5-4tp) I FOR SALE ? Splendid T Cow and her 3-mee. old bail Excellent milker, beat I. C. Extra Hill, N. C. ;? ^SM HAVE YOU LOOKED OVER SPORTING GOODS! WE RY NEARLY A FRESH BARBECUE FOR Krtrj Week ton) by the Roy Dixon, West RfcOretod Stteet, Fai C. S-14-4tp HALE HELP WANTED?Man, aerre known grocery and MwwIwM prod ucts on local rout*. Average **? to |5# weekly. Write Roatc grr. P. O. Box M71, Virginia. M i . . . ' ir.ljjr - il Ti. in. IN AND wST ' e; . Hip"* rt*?ffi'i}' ????"'; mtu^^mi.. y?wc ?r. MM'fV*-'. -X BEjt ?-' *' ? '-"ft" *:' ' , Lrf.'.'" -. ,"j i.j';V.:',' r *<;.?'51 .":>d " .?'? V* U- ??' - ft- , : -<,H r. '--.?.4 v " - ? - ;?*?'? -'^/^ga Jggtefo i~ sl a 11$ r"'? $t*&-4 ?>-?5 -..<; el- '? ?.-- . U - t ?H. -& * *1 'J \v;?;, : a a fe.'t. |$ ?;rf With price ceilings lifted ... a wild inflation ary move will surely fallow unless the buy ing public exercises the utmost caution in BUY SPARINGLY . . .Amy only the items you actually need and in the smaHest pofasi bfe quantities. BE SURE THE PRICES ARE RIGHT . . . do not pay in excess of prices preVdHiag during lecent months. M price controls during the emergency period provided they were senriMy administered and we are alarmed to see all ceilings re moved without some reasonable control. V? '? J - BELK -sTYLBR pledges Toll cooperation in trying to maintain the usual LOW PRICES. We will dolour utmost to "hold the Hne" in then Our markup wffl carry the same low always placed'on our M m ti* KEEP PRICES PROM SHY ?-iG if we are to avoid a national it

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