Virginia Spell mi a Witoo visitor Wednesday. ? ? s Mrs. G. E. Thompson is visitfclg relatives in Gretna, Va. ? s ? Miss Grace Miller spent the-week end with frierds in Fountain. ess" Miss Babs Williford is visiting re latives in Washington, D. a ? ? s Will Jonah, III, is confined to his home with an infected foot <? ? ? ? Miss Mary Leah Thome is spend ing this week at Carolina Beach. ? ? ? Mrs. Margueritte Britt spent the week end with Mrs. Agnes Blount * s s Mrs. J. W. Parker and Miss Alice Parker were Raleigh visitors Toes day. ? ? ? Miss Wilma Stansill is visiting Miss Nancy Gates in Kinstoh this week. 4 _ ? ? ' 1 * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Ruffm spent several days this week at Atlantic Beach. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bradham spent a few days last week at Atlantic Beach. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Amnions visit ed relatives in Rowland during the week end. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bradham vis ited relatives in Rocky Mt. during the week end. * * ? Miss Nancy Lu Moore is visiting friends in Washington, D. C., for two weeks. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnston are visiting Mrs. Johnston's mother in Orange, Va. * ? ? B. R. Collins continues ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Leta Bray, on Beecher St. . ? ? ? ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kimel, of Win ston Salem, are guests this week of Mrs. J. R. Lewis. Edward Powell, of Washington, D. C., spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spivey. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jones of Mac clesfield, visited Mr. .and Mrs. W. M Jones, Jr. Sunday. * ? ? Miss Margaret. Williams visited her sister, Mrs. James Edwards, at Washington, Friday. ? ? * Mrs. J. S. Welch has returned to Raleigh after a visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. A. J. Melton. ? * * Mrs. Billy Thompson, of Rocky Mt, was week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moore Harris. ? * ? Mrs. Pearl Johnston is spending this weA with her sister, Mrs. Ray West, near Walstonburg. - ? ? ? Mrs. Jerome Perking and daugh ter, Joy Stokes, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Myrtle Roebuck. a a a Mrs. Walter Jones and children left Monday for several weeks' stay with relatives in Eden ton. ? * ? Mrs. J. W. Parker and Miss Ailce Parker spent Thursday in Mt Olive with Rev. and Mrs. M. Y. Self. ? * ? Miss Betsy Morriss left Monday for an extended visit with relatives in Houston and Brenham, Texas. ? e ? Miss Virginia Howerton spent the week end at Myrtle Beach, S. C., with a party of friends from Stanhope. ? ? a Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Spell, Miss Vir gins Spell and Addison Sprague.vis ited relatives in Pender the Fourth. ? ? ? Mrs. Nanny Moye Humphrey and Mrs. Theodore Albrittan visited Mrs. Harry Lang, in Kkffiton, Wednesday. ? a a Mrs. Emma Parker and Miss Elis abeth Parker, of Raleigh, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. No lan. ? ? ? Mr. and Mn. Charles A. Mozm go and son of Hagerstowa, Md., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mo ? a ? Lieut Commander Lucy J. Rum ley, USNR, returned to Washington, D. C? Sunday after a visit with re latives. a a a Zeb Whitehuret m ?CALENDAR# r. Mr 15 8:30 P. M. ? Orel* 4, Methodist Woman's Society, meets with Mrs. J. H. Harris. 4.-00 P. H.?Circle 1, Presbyterian Auxilary, meets with Kn. J. M. StansilL "/ ' 7:00 P. M.?Kiwanis Club. 8:00 P. 1L?Circle 2, Presbyterian Auxiliary, meets with Mrs. Al len Drake. 8r00 P. M.?Y. W. A., Baptist, meets with Miss Ida Elizabeth Pate. Tuesday, July 14 7:00 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:00 P. M.?Woodmen of the World. 8:00 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 8:30 P. M.? Episcopal Altar Guild meets with Mrs, R. S. Scott. Wednesday, 17 2:30 P. ML?Bell Arthur Home Demonstration Club meets. Thamdey, 18 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. Mrs. C. S. Schubart and daughter, Vera Anne, are leaving Sunday for a visit with relatives in Point Pleas ant, N. J. ? ? ? David Harris spent the week-end as guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Og lesby at their summer home in Morehead. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Melton Allen spent the week end at Carolina Beach and White Lake. ? ? ? Mrs. Albert Lewis and son. Van, and Miss Etna Lewis spent last week in Eilzabeth City with Mrs. Lewis' sister. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Ryon and children, Shipley and David, have re turned after a three weeks stay at Shady Banks. * ? * Miss Sara McDaniel and Miss Ca rol I pock, of New Bern, spent the Fourth as gheets of Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Gregg. ? ? * Mrs. Wood row Gatling and daugh ter, Betty Rose, of Hampton, Vs., vere guests' of Mr. and Mrs. Melton Mien Monday. t ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Mitchell, fr. and daughter, Madeline Harrison >f Kins ton, were guests of Mrs. Dora d. Keel, Monday. ? ? ? . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Moore, of New I Bern, were week end guests of Mr. ind Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst and | Hrs. Cora Barrett ? ? * Miss Ada Ray Bray has returned tome'after spending days at Caro lina Beach. She was the guest of 2hief and Mrs. Croora. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Carrsw&y, Jr., and children, returned Wednesday! to Annapolis, lid. after a visit to Sirs. W. B. Carraway, Sr. ? ? ? Chief Crown and Mrs. J. L. Croora of Wilmington spent last Thursday with their niece, Mrs. Leta Bray, and brother, B. R. Collins. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Matthews, of Norfolk, Virginia, visited Mr. and Mss., Robert Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Jones last week. ? ? ? Miss Gladys Blackwood, dietitian at the Unversity of Texas hospital, Galveston, is visiting Mr. and Mm. C. W. Blackwood this wee ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Stevens of Rocky Mount, and Mrs. Warren Ha ris, of Wilson, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Mizelle. ? ? ? Miss Vera Brown, of Dover, re turned to her home Sunday after week's visit with Mrs. W. L. Free man and Miss Mary Alice Morgan. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spivey and Mrs. Myrtle Roebuck will leave Fri day to attend thrTelepbone Pioneer meeting at Morehead this week end. see Mr. ami Mis. W. A. McAdamsjmd house gpests, Mr. and Mrs. Graham McAd&ms daughter, ' Annette, were Atlantic Beach visitors Friday, > ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wilson and brother, Johnnie mid Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams, of Gretpville, spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. G. & Wil ? ? ? George W. Davis and son, Ce-1 la FtamvOU a f*r * ^ whHHhNM in ? *' Mr. mid Mrs. O* G. Spell, Sr., Mr.) and Mrs. 0. G. Spell, Jr. and ran, Glenn and John. atte. Spell family reunion in lbt ? iWU and Virginia fe1.isi * * ? J??. *t Bynum, Miss Flo ra Dean Johnson and Jos ]_ Mm weik sod at Oaro ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bundy daughter, Miss Alice Ruth, of Green ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bandy. ' '-'x ? Mr. and Mrs. Graham McAdams and daughter, Annette, of ton, D. C., spent the Fourth erf July holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mc Adams. ? ' K* * Friends of Mrs. Charlie Mozingo will regret to learn .the* she sue-1 tained painful burns to her legs rp ? SK cently by scalding with hot water an accident ?' ? ? Mrs. D. R. Morgan and son, Dan, Miss Ana Jones and Mrs. G. L. Gil christ returned Monday after a week's stay at the Albemarle Hall, Virginia Bench. Mrs. Robert Matthews, and house guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Matthews of Norfolk, and Mrs. Watson Owens spent Wednesday in Wilson with Mr and Mrs. Robert Nichols. ? * * Miss Dora Mae Barrett will leave Saturday for Baltimore, for a three weeks visit with her sister. Miss Rachel Barrett, who is employed at the Johns Hopkins hospital. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. James- Edwards, of Washington, Mr. and Mn. Bill Wil liams and Mr. and Mrs. G. 01 Wil son of Grtenville, spent the-Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Willwma. ? * ? Miss Lola Gray Kemp and > Miss Seleta Tucker are < ending the B. T. U. conference at Ridgeerest this week. While there they are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis. ? ? ? Miss Jean Beckman and Mends, Miss Christine Creech, of Smitfafield, and Miss Doris Carroll, of Char lotte, all summer students at Wake Forest, spent the week end at Miss Beckman's home here. ? ? ? Mrs. F. M. Davis, Jr., is in Durham this week to be with her husband, who is a patient at Duke Hospital. Late report received is that Mr. Davis' condition is improving. Char les Blount Quinerly visited, them Wednesday. ? v * Mrs. Ben G. Lang-ley and daugh ter, Daneille, at Arlington, Vir ginia, are visiting Mrs. Dameron Fields. Mrs. Langley, formerly of Albany, Australia, arrived in this country in March. Lieut Ben, Gray Langley is a nephew of Mrs. Fields. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Bowles, and daughter, Ruth Stafford, and Mrs. 0. E. Hedrick, of Richmond, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Scott this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bowles and daughter returned to Richmond Wednesday leaving Mrs. Hedrick for an extend ed visit. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs Henry Johnson and daughter, Henri-Perie, will leave Saturday for Ridgecrest. Mrs. John son and Henri-Perle will remain for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis at their summer home there. Mr. Johnson experts to return to Fannville Monday. * * * - Mrs. E. W. Holmes leaves Satur day for Easley, S. C., where she is to be a member of the faculty in a week's Sunday School Laboratory. Mrs. Holmes will teach the Intermed iate Observation Classy and-will dem onstrate the latesf method of Sun day School lesson presentation. Be fore coming to Fsrmville, Mrs. Holmes wss the South Carolina Ap proved Worker in the Intermediate Department of Sunday School Train ing. BIRTHDAY DINNER Charles. H. Mosingo was honor guest at a surprise stag dinner, Sa turday, June 27, at which his wife and daughters, Mrs. J. C. Brock, Jrr and Mrs. B. Melton Allen entertain ed, iA observance of his Slat birth day. The table was laid with a white linen cloth and centered with the birthday cake, which^was surround ed by white flowers and flanked by < green candles in crystal holders, ef fectively carrying out the color note of white and green. Placet laid for twenty. A course was served at 7:00 o'clock. 1 ANNOUNCED- | ?e&t. to Mr. George C. Wilson, of Greenville. The wedding took piece at 10:30 A. M., June 24, at the Baptist parsonage in Green villa, With the Rev. A. H. Campbell "STt, :? V-:r MILANG HONORED Miss Anne Lang of Kinaton, houae gueet of .her aunt, Mrs. James R. Lang, was homoree at a delightful swimming party and picnic supper at the municipal park, Saturday eve ning, with Mrs. Lang as hostess. Following the swimming period, supper was served in the outdoor dining room. . Twenty-two friends were in attendance. BIRTHDAY PARTY Brand* Adelaide Barrett, attrac tive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Barrett, entertained at a lovely birthday party, Wednesday after noon. Rain prevented the celebra tion of Brenda's sixth bisthday on the proper date, July Fourth. The playing of games and acting for movie films served as entertain ment, prior to the serving of re freshments on the lawn. The table was spread with a white embroid ered cloth and centered with a three tiered birthday cake decorated in red, white and blue and surrounded by miniature American flags and large stick*1 of peppermint candy, which were given as favors. Ice cream and cake were served to the 46 youngsters present and coca colas were enjoyed by the 18 adults in attendance. FARMVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Earl W. Holmes, Pastor Sermon topics for Sunday, July 14th. Morning: "No Vision?No Life." Evening: "Beauty and the Beast." Sunday School at 9:46 o'clock. A fully graded. school, ministering to every age group. Baptists in the town, and in the surrounding coun try will find a sincere welcome here. Training Union, 7 o'clock. Story Hour, Junior, Intermediate and A chilt organizations. Young and old are invited to .come to this vital training service of the church. Prayer meeting, Wednesday even ing, 8, o'clock. It is the pause in the week for spiritual refreshment. " 1 ""* m ?ft. W1 8, at Wilaon. ?I^25S of absence for some mooths, was the former Miss Mary FrUr; only daughter of Editor Bouae a the late Mra. Myrtle Dail Rouse. ' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fields, Jr.,of Robersonville, announce the birth of a daughter, Charlotte Elisabeth, on Friday, July 6, at the Woodard-Her ring hospital, in Wilson. PICNIC SUPPER . X. Members of Emmanuel Episcopal Church and Sunddy School enjoyed a picnic supper at the municipal park, Wednesday afternoon. Rev. I. R. Rountree, rector of the church, and Mrs. Rountree, who live in KJasto^ motored over for the event. Eisenhower's Story of War Now On Sale General Eisenhower's forceful re port as supreme commander to the allied chiefs of staff will be available to the- public in printed form, the Government Printing Office announc ed tamy. The report covers the period from D-day to VE-day and is printed en heavy enameled stock with maps in two colors. This official description of the operations ki Europe contains 123 pagep and is for sale at $1.00 per copy. Orders should be addressed to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Wash ington 26, D. C. Three decisive battles were listed by General Eisenhower which, coupl ed with Allied teamwork and German mistakes, clinched victory in Europe. The three decisive battles were the battle of Normandy, the battle of the Falaise pocket, aid the battles west of the Rhine. As a specimen of printing, the Re port is one of t&e best jobs ever pro duced in the Government Printing Office. The cover stock is a heavy antique {taper and features the su preme headquarters shield which is printed in five colors. Buy "Savipga Bonds" Have! Hold! Am Perth* Circle The Annie Perkins Circle met at the home of Mrs. Jo ton on Tuesdi Mrs. J. W. sided, and Mr*. Chester umtgvey brought the devotional, from Mat end Acta. The program, "Mis sionary Education, a Christian Im perative^" was given by Mrs. A. J. Melton, Mrs. 7. H. Rouse and Mrs. Robert Joyner. # Plane were made for the World Relief Offering to be taken by the Southern Baptists this mouth. Special guests were, Mrs. Ben Gray Lang-ley, of Arlington, Vir ginia, Mrs. E. W.. Holmes, anil Mrs. Dameron Fields. Mrs. ^angley, who formerly lived in Albany, Australia, brought some interesting facts about her country to the group during the social hour. The meeting closed with ting ing the hymn, "Bleat Be the Tie that Binds." During the social period the hos aerved sandwiches, cookies and lemonade. The Woman's Missionary Society meeting in the church Monday aft ernoon was presided over by the president, Mrs. A. B. Moon, and was opened with the hymn, "O Zion Haste." lbs. Henry Johnson nod Scrip ture from Matthew and Micah m baaed her remark* on the subject, "Jesus the Teacher." Hie " program topic, "Missionary Education, a Christian Imperative," was develop ed by Miss Mamie Davis, Mrs. Carol Modi in and Mrs. C. L. Betupan. Little Henri-Perle Johnson sang a solo, "A Vhisper Song." The meeting closed with prayer. Miss Fannie Gary was welcomed as a guest Walstonbin* Christian The regular tri-monthly election was held by the Christian Endeavor on June 30th, when the following of ficers wen elected: Ruth Gay, presi dent; Leonhrd Mann, vice president; Ola Grace Ganfasr, secretary, .and Rachel Griffin,, treasurer. An im pressive worship service was led by Doris Beamaa and Myrtle Griffin, the theme of which was "Loyalty To Christ's Ideals." "Our Foreign Pol icy" was the theme for the program on June 27th, with "Mexico" the sub ject of study. METHODIST CHURCH The Women's Society of Serriee met at the church Monday the president, Ha A. W. Bote**. The program opened with the of the hymn, "America the Mm. -E. R. Clegg gave the devotional, uehig ? her subject, "Guard Our Defender." The etudy topic, "Women Trustees of the Future," was developed by Mrs. L. P. 'Thomas In this she spoke of the responsible place that women take in the world, especially in these times when they must stand for greater freedom end responeibili- J Members of the circles reported suppers served during the Yotith Fellowship week to en average at tendance of 45 young folka. The meeting adjourned with a prayer offered by Mre. E. R. Clegg. EPISCOPAL The Woman's Auxiliary met Mod-' day afternoon fa the home of Mrs. E. C. Beaman. Mra. Jamee R. Lang1, president, presided and con ducted a devotional period. Mrs. Lang, fa charge of the pro gram, gave the chapter "Elsewhere," a continuation qf the study of Henry P. Van Onsen's book, "They Found the Church There." Plans for the church and Sunday School picnic on Wednesday were furthered at this time. During the social period an iced fruit drink was served with sand wiches and cookies. CHRISTIAN The Woman's Council of the Christian Church meeting fa the' church Monday afternoon was pre sided over by the president, Mrs. Ted L. Albrittan. The meeting open ed with the singing of the hymn, "Take Time To Be Holy," ami Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox gave the devotional. Group No. 1, of which Mrs. F. A. Darden is leader, was fa charge of the program and used the topic, "The Christian and Race," which waa developed by Mrs. Fred Smith, who talked on the white race; Mrs. Aar on Turnage, who talked on the yellow race, and Mrs. Henrietta Wil liamson, the black race. The meeting closed with the council benediction. NOTE OF APPRECIATION I wish to express my heartfelt thanks for the acts of kindness and many expressions of sympathy Shown me in my bereavement x Mrs. W. B. McKeel. < Ififeli t<4" I r; .

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