TOUR BUSINESS WANTED ! MASS FARMYILLE TOUR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS ? ? ? ' - ? I h?. I . HI! I ??? ? ' ' " '' ' * 1 1 VOLUME THIRTY-SEVEN FARMVILLE, POT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1946 NUMBER ELEVEN I. n j ,1.1 mi., I I .1 I ' ' IT' .. . I I . I ILUIMI,,.^ :?, Chamber Commerce Starts Drive For New Members ? I Non-Member Firms To Be Given Opportun ity Join As Greater Service Planned Benjamin Franklin's admonition "to hang together or well all hang separately" is just as applicable to modern Farmville as it was to the early struggling American colonies in days of the Revolution. This is the opinion of the Farmville Cham ber of Commerce which this week is launching a drive to get into the organisation non-member business firms. Robert Monk is chairman of the committee. Working with "him are Ernest Petteway and C. S. Hotchkiss. Assisted by others, these members will canvass business firms, explain functions and advantages of mem bership in the organization, and try to get them to affiliate. Serving as a clearing-house for ideas, suggestions, information and service, the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association?the tWo in Farmville have been incorporat ed and function as one organization ?promotes many activities for the good of businesses and citizens at large. Some of its functions are: To effect a closer association of merchants and business men through organizational and cooperative pro grams. To secure and disseminate con fidential information through the operation of a credit rating ex change. To eliminate uworthy and fraudu lent advertising and donation solici tation in the community. To protect, insofar as possible, merchants and citizens of the com munity from all sorts of fake and fraudulent schemers. To oppose unfair competition, il legal sales and lotfery schemes. To secure and promote State an^ National legislation favorable to merchants and consumers and to op pose legislation detrimental to their welfare. "To disseminate trade information and encourage improved business methods. To assist in helping to locate those who have loft the community owing merchants. To foster and develop a genuine spirit of cooperation among its mem bers in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the community and to make Farmville a better place in which to live. Offers free notary service. Pitt's Vote Wyatt R. Highsmith, secretary af the Pitt County Agricultural Con servation Association, has announc ed that this county's vote in last Friday's special tobacco referendum is as follows: Township v 3 yre. 1 yr. No Ayden A ? 526 1 ' 1 Ayden B 363 1 1 Beaver Dam 336 0 0 Betvoir 164 . 0 4 Bethel 462 1 0 Carolina 39 1 2 Chicod A 298 0 0 Chicod B 368 0 9 Chicod C 334 3 0 Chicod D 281 0 0 Falkland 353 1 0 FarmVille 765 2 0 Fountain 343 0 1 Greenville 2011 0 0 Pactolus 286 0 0 Swift Creek A 362 0 0 Swift Creek B 367 0 0 Winterville 5 3 1 1 Totals x 8,523 .11 9 me roiiowuig 111ms ana iiuuviuu als are listed as members as of May 1st: A. C. Monk and Co., Baink pf Farmville, Briley Oil Co., Belk-Tyler Co., Brocks Service Station, B and W Chevrolet Co., Blackwood's Whole sale Co., Centre Hardware Co., City Drug Co., N. Cannon, K. Cannon, D. Pender Grocery, George Davis, R. O. Lang -k Son, East Carolina Rail way, Dupree's' Dept. Store, Eason Brothers Service Center, Chkndler's 6c to $1 Store, Colonial Ice k Coal Co., Farmville Furniture Co., Farm ville Mutual Burial Association, Farmville Laundry k Cleaners, Farmville Trading Co., Farmville Bonded Warehouse, Farmville Flow er Shop, Farmville Leaf Tobacco Co., Farmville Oil k Fertilizer Co., R. A. Fountain k Sons (Fountain), C. S. Hotchltiss, Sam Jenkins (Wal stonburg), J. H. Harris k Son, Dr. Pool E. Jones, Walter Jones Office Supplies, Kemp's Barber Stop, Lang ley's Jewelry, Farmer's Warehouse, Lewis and Lang, Leona's Beauty Shop, Lottie's Beauty Shop, Dr. John Monk's Warehouse, D. R. i's Jewelry Store, Moore k Speight Service Station, Norfolk Southern Railroad, Paramount Theatre, R. A. Parker Motor Co., R. K. Pippin's Grocery, Pollard's Auto Co., Rollins Cleaners k Dyers, fa 6c, 10c A 26c Store, Printcry, N. Thomas, Town Farmville, The Turnage Co., The Western Auto Co., Dr. T. Williams, WBHama Grocery k Wheless Drug Co., Wooten I Co., Duke-Garner Furniture Co. tfdftfens have in recent weeks. All nei Ipe wiQ appear in The Enterprise an early date. 76 IN FARMVILLE FUBN. CO. TODAY GET i A."' *>? -.v'l' The percentage favoring control is considerably higher than in 1948, the date of the last referendum, when results of the voting in Pitt were as follows: 5,734 voted for three-year extension; 24 favored one year extension, and 67 wanted to abolish control entirely. Use Sugar Wisely In Home Canning By Verna Belle Lowery, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent Our to&ft- problems are as great, if not greater, than they were at any time during the war years. Our North Carolina budget calls for 24 quarts of canned fruit per person. By wise planning, home-makfers will be able to preserve the maximum amount of fruit with sugar that has been allotted for canning this year. Fruit butters are the most sugar economical of the sweet spreads, re quiring only half as much sugar as fruit pulp used. A pound of sugar will make about 3 pints of butter. In jam and preserve recipes that ordinarily call for equal parts by weight of sugar and fruit, the pro portion can satisfactorily be cut to 3-4 as much sugar. For jellies, a pound of sugar made up with a pint of fruit juice yields on the average 1 1-2 pints, which would fill about 4 glasses. When jelly recipes call for 3-4 to 1 part sugar for every part by measure of fruit juice, use the smaller propor tion of sugar. Jelly making is a delicate art, the tinkering with jelly recipes by any but experienced jelly makers is' unwise. Failure may mean loss of precious sugar. Honey and corn syrup can be used to replace part of the sugar in can ning fruit and m making jam, jelly, preserves as follows. _ In canning fruits, honey may re place as much as 1-2 the sugar call ed for in the canning recipe. Corn syrup may replace as much as 1-3 the sugar called for in the canning In making jelly, honey can re place up to 1-2 the sugar called for in -the recipe. .Corn syrup can re place up to 1-4 the sugar called' for. If you use either part honey or part corn syrup, cook the mixture slightly beyond the jelly stage. In making jams and preserves, the sugar is weighed rather than meas ured by cupfuls. Cook jams said preserves somewhat longer when you cut the amount of sugar. With less sugar it takes a little longer cook ing to get the product aa thick you want it With corn syrup or honey, replace up to half the weight of sugar called for in the rgcipe. To make substi tutions by cupfuls rather than by weight it is necessary to know that 1 pound of sugar equals about 2 cups sugar and that 1 pound of honey or corn syrup measures approximately 1 1-3 cups. ACTIVE K1WANTAN Sam D. Bundy goes to Greensboro Thursday of this - week xat which time he has a part on the program of the Greensboro Kimmis Club. After the meeting as Immediate Past Governor of the Carolina* Kiwanis IHstrict, he will confer with Hick, and Herb Hennig, g and secretary of the district, ^ officer of the Bra-raj Caatrel frogram 765 In This Township Favor Three-Year Ex tension and 2 Want One-Year Plan In the special referendum con ducted I act Friday, tobacco grow en of Farmville township showed they know "which side their breed is buttered on" ss they voted 100 per cent in favor of extending the control program and joined in the landslide which retains the Federal marketing quota system for 1947, 1948 and 1949. Not a single opposing vote was east. 765 growers voted in favor of retaining the peasant system for i additional three years. Two others, -hot quite so enthusiastic, were will ing to go part of the way and voted to keep government control only for 1947. * From eerly morning until 9 o'clock that night, growers and oth ers who shared in the 1946 crop filed in and oat of the office en East Wilson Street where voting was carried on under the supervision of John D. Dixon, Jesse Moye and Clifton Jones. While exact figures are not available^ it is estimated that 1100 in this township were eligible to participate. Lenders expressed themselves as being well pleased with the vote ill Farmville township, and throughout the tobacco growing areas. First returns in Pitt county, yet to be verified, showed that 11 voted for one-year extension, 8,523 for three years, and there were nine who would remove all restrictions and government support. In Greene county, one voted against the entire program, while 6,882 voted for three years and seven favored qne-year extension. Six states participated in the re ferendum: North and South Caro lina, Florida, Georgia, Virginia and Alabama. Totals far the entire section were: 24&616 for three-year quotas; 3,126 for one-year quotas, and 4,132 against the quota system. A' two-thirds majority was need ed to continue the present system. NEW ARMY PAY INCREASE ' BOOSTING ENLISTMENTS Pope Field, Fort Bragg, July 18? Enlistments si the Pope Field Re cruiting Office have, shown a brisk increase during the month of July due to the new Army pay increase effective July L Lt. J. Lee POates, Jr., base recruiting officer, an nounced today. A private who is immed ananas three children draws 1173.00 per month according- to the present pay scale in addition to his clothing and rations," Lt. Pontes pointed out. "And this is free of income tax. Com pare it with industrial and commer cial pay checks after the income tax has been subtracted." Jumping from Jhe dfweet enlisted grade to the fflfeSest enlisted grade, the recruiting officer stated that a Msster Sergeant with four depend ents draws |600 per month in addi tion to rations, clothing, and the free medSki care* extended to all army men and their dependents. ? fids doss net include flying pay nor the fire per cent of 1mae pay for each three pears of amy service which is an additional inducement for man who have been in the vice to vesnlist, Lt Pontes pointed out Man who go or menus receive an additional 20 per cant of their base pay and men on flying status receive an additional 60 per cent of their base pay, he added. "Comparfe your income today with that of A-.ny pay," the recraiting officer iatited, "and then coma in to the nearest Afcr Corps recruiting office or the base recruiting office at Pope Field to make- a profitable investment jjHg AL TOBACCONISTS GO TO SOUTHERN MARKETS The following tobacconists will leave during the week end for the Georgia and Florida markets. A. C. Monk, Sr., A. C. Monk, Jr., R, T. Monk, James R. Lang and Bob Pulley, Waycroas, fin.; R. D. WMlW J. T. Windham, Valdosta, Ga.; V. Fisher, Allen Osborne, Allen Material For i1 * Engineers, Town Board Wffl DecideType Sur facing To Be Used On Streets The first 20 ears of sand to he used in paving and improving Ffcnm rille streets and sidewalks have bean skipped and it U anticipated thai the project will he underway st full speed within the next few lays. The contract called for' the work to begin on of about the 15th rf this month. Specifications for* the improve ments, approved "by voters of the town in a special election several weeks ago, provide that two differ Hit typdl of surfacing will be used. A sand-asphalt surface will be laid hi those attests over which traffic a heaviest while those whose traffic leads are lighter?this applies to residential districts?will be given t bituminous treatment . Members of the Board of Com nissioners and engineers will deter niae the type of surfacing to be ued on each street . This is one of he things which remains to be done mfere the wofk can be Started. Exum and Chne, road construe -ore with headquarters in Rocky Mount were awarded the contract for the project which calls for a ?tal outlay of $264,646, which in ?ludes the cost of sidewalks, itreets, and improvements to the icwer system. Engineers are Henry L. and I rhomas W. Rivers of Greenville. New Sayings Bond Minute Man Design Wii! Appear Soon Greensboro, July 18?The Minute Han, symbol of savings bonds "yl itgmps since 1941, has turned from var to peace. One of the most ridely publicized trade marks of 11 time, it has appeared on hund eds of millions of defense and war avings stamps, on billboards, on asters, in sponsored aqd donated and advertisements, . on leaflets, tamp books and stationery, its sepa ate reproductions rtuming into mil Ions. Allison James, State Director of he U. S. Savings Bonds Division for forth Carolina, Was adyiyed by the ^easury Department . that a new' finute Man design has been adopts d. Pint, used in the defense savings ampaign of 1941, the original de ign was adapted from the famous (mute Man statue by Daniel Chest r French which stands at Concord, (asaachnsetts "by the rude bridge hat arched the flood" where the mbafed patriots in April, 1776, fir d the shot heard around the rorid," as described in Emerson's oem. Up to now the Minute Man has sen shoWn faring to the right, tuni ng away from the plow as he rasps his musket: a symbol of the ation turning from the pursuits of ?er to take up arms for freedom. In the new design the patriot sees to the. left, bringing the low into the foreground; the msket is grounded but still in his rasp. Otn, the base of the statue, Ir. James has been informed, will ppear the keynote of the peace ime savings bond and stamp pro tarn: the word "Security." At The Rotary Club The freezer locker and its place a the community was the subject hosen for discussion by program eader Arch Flanagan Tuesday veiling at the Rotary meeting. Arch gave a very interesting talk elative to the value of the frozen boda to -tbe patrons and to the ommunity and explained the ad aneememt made by the freezing aethod of preeerving meets, fruit# Farmville is indeed fortunate in aving a freezing plant to serve the own and community. All available units are in use at present, 100 more units have been but it is impossible to say rhen delivery can be made and the nita installed. Alex Rouse won the attendance ?rize. Ed Nash Warren presented 'ostmaster Henry Hi Johnston, who pas his guest for the evening. . (ORTH CAROLINA AGAIN IN SATURDAY EVENING FOOT more North Carolina is in | The current with picture Farmville Doctors Hosts At Meeting The July County Thursday, "at Ore. Paul E. ty-five membcri mrMWit. including Dr. J. M. Mewborn, also of Farmville. Dr. F. P. Brooks, at GiMrtviHo, president of the Society, and presented Dr. E. B. Aycock, who read a paper on Venereal Dis ease Management as outlined by the United States Army. Dr. Ayeock, released ? recently from military service, was a qualified speaker and discussed the subject in a compre hensive manner. The next meeeting will be held| August 8. National Guard has Six Year Plan For Ground Force Troops I Regular Army Officers Wifl Be I Detailed To Supervise Vast Training Program For Reserves The Army Ground Forces six year plan for the training of ap proximately 571,196 ground force troops of the National Goard of the United States was announced today by Lieutenant General Oscar W. Griswold, Commanding General Sev-1 enth Army, operative in the 3rd | Army Area. In announcing the plan) General Griswold emphasised that actual training of the National Guard will continue to be a function of each state. However, the Army Ground Forces will detail Regular Army in structors, under the supervision of the Armies, who will be responsible for the supervision of the training programs. TheaA instructors vdll be assigned to unite down to and includ ing the battalion level. The six-year plan, which provides for the progressive instruction of units in each state, is designed to standardize the trainhig of Hie Na tional Guard all over the country. During the first and second years in dividuals and units will be trained on a company lqvel; during the third and fourth yean an a battalion level; during the fifth year an a re) imental combat team and combat level; and during the sixth pear on a division level. The plan will go into effect when individual organizations reach an established quota of 46 per cent of Hie required number of enlisted personnel and 90 per cent of the required number of officers. Specific types of training, such as basic and general, technical, and tactical training, also will be under taken. Training schedules will de pend to some degree on local condi tions. It is estimated that a mini mum of 96 hours per year will be devoted to armory training and a minimum of 92 hours per year to field training. In addition, a train ing program will be conducted for each special type unit. Jo assist the National Guard in carrying out the plan, the Reg ular Army instructors intend to make use of every known type of training aid which was used effect ively during the past war. This in c hides the use of teaming films, pro jection equipment, tank and plarte models, map reeding kits, sub-caliber ranges, skeet ranges, and graphical charts, pertaining to each type of I unit. A further step is the establish ment of various types of schools. The Army Ground Forces will con duct Officer Candidate Schools to which qualified National Guard per sonnel will be assigned. Also, com missioned and non-commissioned of ficers and selected enlisted personnel will attend service schools whose courses, of approximately 3 months' duration, will be parallel to those offered in the Regular Army. Local schools of instroctkn, which will be held at such times and pieces as designated by the Chief of the Na tional Guard Bureau, will algo be conducted. Such schools will be tied as Schools e# Instructing in Leadership Preparatory to Meld Training; Instruction in Administra tive Ditties; Command and Staff Duties; and Instruction in Basic Weapons. In order to determine the effi ciency of the training programs, the Army Ground Forces will prepare proficiency testa for the various units. 'In those instances where no tfcor will be conducted to determine the training status at all units. Three divisions which have been ar will be activated in the Third Army Area are the 30th Division, the 81st and the 48th Infantry are located is the Bplfflorida, North Carolina, Phone Firm Spokesman Says Equipment Now On Order Will Be Keve Congestion At an informal conference Tues day with several FarmviHe leaders, a spokesman for the phone and Telegraph Company stat ed that laek of equipment which has been on order akase May, 1946, is directly responsible for the poor long distance service the town has been receiving. This conference, evidently stem ming from a letter town officials sent to State Utilities Commissioner Stanley Winbome as ? a complaint against long distance service, indi cates that company officials have been concerned about the situation and that more action will follow. Luke Hill, president of the own ing company, has accepted an invi tation to attend the Rotary Club meeting Tuesday night and discuss the situation. Rotariacis, it will be remembered, are the ones who started the "better phone service" ball rolling. The Kr vanis Club, Chamber of Commerce, and other organized groups followed suit and the drive has gained real impetus. It was explained that during the war there were no restrictions on the construction of trunk lines con necting important military cities and Installations but that the govern ment prohibited the construction of additional lines and facilities for communities, no matter how im portant they might be locally, which did not figure prominently in the war effort Consequently, towns like Famnville suffered and will not be able to get better service until manufacturers catch up with their back-log of orders. Acceptance of the invitation to meat Farmville authorities en their home grounds indicates that steps to remedy the situation win be tak en and everything possible will be done to expedite the manufacture and installation of equipment need ed for the overloaded lines. Final Rites Held For Henry R. Bynum Final rites for Henry Ruff in By num, 6^6, of 2302 Idlewood Ave., Richmond, Va-, were conducted from the Farmville Funeral Home, Thurs day morning, St eleven o'clock by the Rev. J. F. Osborne, pastor of Broad St. Methodist Church, Richmond, assisted by the Rev. E. R. Clegg, lo cal Methodist minister. Interment was made in the family plot in Forest Hill cemetery. A favorite hymn, "Some Day Well Understand," was sung by a choir of -women's voices with Mrs. Haywood Smith as accompanist Mr. Bynam was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bynum, pioneer citizens of this community. He was a loving husband and a devoted father. Possessing a genial nature, he was well known here and had many friends who Teamed of his passing with regret He held the position of engineer for the Richmond Dairies for many years, but was forced to retire sever al months ago due to failing health. Surviving are: bis widow, the former Miss Nannie Mae Vaase, of Hoekerton; two daughters, Mrs. B. W. Forrester and Mrs. Jack Shutter, of Richmond, and a sister, Mrs. R. B. Havens, of Tarboro. Active pallbearers wan: Joe H., J alma ami Ralph BySnm, Leroy Baas, W. E. Joyner, Ernest L. Bar rett, Fred Cam, and I*e Dew, of At The Kiwanis Club Sonny Bradham wu in charge of the Kiwanis Club program Monday, hat was unable to be present, and Frank Allen introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Mr. Cecil Wfaftsad, authob, ?f Farmville, who gave a vary interesting resume of how he started writing and the hard im mniBt J 1.1 ,m-tl - .... ? snips epicottRierea. in gauneriDg ma terial for his works. He then read IjTipgested form from one of his stories he he* written for "True Lou# Distance Service Subject Of Letter To State Utilities That Farmville tar vica Mil __ in the past is the girt of a tetter Lewis AQen sad Sam D. respectively, of the Commerce, to Stanley WMbome, State Utilities Cbnniasiener. It was made clear that the officials had no boas to pick with mwmets of the telephone system, Carolina tele phone sod Telegraph Company ml did not initiate the project in an antagonistic attitnde, What they are interested in is a more efficient end quicker long distance sendee and out-of-town connections. It has been reported in some instances that local persons wishing to call Greenville have made tile trip by automobile rather than wait for a call to go through. ~ The letter follows: Dear Mr. Winborne: The merchants, businessmen, and eUisnas in general of FmviDe, North Carolina, are much about the long-dish service, or rather the lack mt such in and out of the town. Durbrt the war years the people of nomrille accepted the kmg-dii service as offered without plaint The iaconver cepted in a patriotic spirit at co operation. Now that the wur has been over for a year sock sutjic rather than getting better has hsan steadily getting worse. The of FarmviQe f sal that they are\ ing for a service which they sew not getting; they feel that they an en titled to much better ssmlm than they are getting. The FsnsviUe Rotary Club, the Farm villa Kin?is Club, the Farm villa Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Associa tion, sad the town officials have separately gone on record coudemn mg the present service and strongly urging that steps be taken to con tact the proper authorities in an effort to remedy this situation Specific complaints are as fol First, inability to got the long distance operators. Some of oar calls go through Wilson and some through Greenville since there is no long-distance operator in Farmville. In too many instances it is some times ten to thirty minutes before the long-distance operator even answers. Some instances have been for a longer period. This causes the caller to lose valuable time and is a constant source of irritation. Second, on important and even emergency calls the operators bland ly tell the caller that he nnmt wait an hour or some such similar time before they can even initiate his call. Third, report calls are not given with any regularity and often the sailers have to call back to check on their calls. As a result more time Is wasted. Fourth, some of our business men oompiain that half of their time is consumed with a telephone in their lands trying to call the operator, trying to get reports on their calls, and trying to get their sails through. The citizens of Farmville feel that such a situation is not justified and that Farmville is entitled to a glint - bt efficiency in connection wfUt long-distance telephone calls. We ire prepared to lay before you and the officials of the Carolina Tele phone and Telegraph Company our complaints in parson at any time and at any place. ' With the coming of the tobacco marketing season much time will be consumed and it Is feared that much business will be lost unless the present condition is made better.^ Our need is urgent, our complaints are based an fbets, our demands are Mr, and we ke ipectfully request that ions to alleviate a bad rhich is causing loss of With bast wishes, we are tally yours, LEWIS ALUM, ? 8AM D. BDKDY, of ,

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