A GENERATION OP SERVICE For thirty four years this firm has respectfully provided modern and efficient service to the families of this and surrounding communities. FARMVILLE FUNERAL HOME ? Day Phone 888-1 ? Mr. Edwards 405-6 ? Night Phones ? Mr. Joyner 398-1 AMBULANCE SERVICE BOYETT TOBACCO SPRAYER Specially Made for Tobacco Spraying Immediate Delivery From Stock ? 1 J. H. Harris & Son Cor. Main & Wilson Sts. Farmville, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT We have just received our FLOOR SANDING MACHINE and with our new PAINT SPRAYER, we are now prepared to serve your Floor Finishing and Painting Jobs. Bring us your Tobacco Trucks and Sprayers and all Farm Machinery for quick and satisfactory repairs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS TYNDALL CABINET & REPAIR SHOP PHONE 45-1 FOUNTAIN, N. C. i?COOL OFF?i at the beach; pay off on your Home inoderaly?by means of our Direct Reduction Home Loan Plan! No need strug gling along with a burdensome dld-fashioned mortgage, when you can enjoy the convenience and economy of streamlined up-to-the-minute Home Financing. See us now about the savings our plan features. FUST FEOEML SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF OKEIVILLE 320 EVANS STREET GREENVILLE, N. C. Phone 3^24 A. C. TADLOCL See. and Trees. ?1 ? r,: ? 1 FRHB! i 1*41 "CHAMPION" MMMI ?3 ??!. 2r*NMU7Mil ? TJhwfalJ^TURA^OOLQR *lw" ? Utottuld' wvy No. 1271 ?5S5S?' mr ? & ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS I Question. Will I be able to pwr-| chase calcium arsenate for boll wv | vil control. Answer: You should have ob tained a supply several weeks ago to be oetiain at enough to do a thorough Job. All reports indicate that only two-thirds at a normal supply of calcium arsenate is avail able in North Carolina and not one pound can be wasted since the wee vil population is increasing in many sections of the state. Question: How does sweet potato meal compare with corn aa livestock feed? Answer: The sweet potato meal, a new feed to North Carolina farm ers, is fully as good as corn in nutri tional value, and the livestock will eat it as readily as thejr do corn. In addition to theee qualities, the meal will keep indefinitely in the crib since weevils and other insects will not bother it. Rats are the only known pests that need be con sidered in storing the meal. De hydrators are to be in operation soon at Tabor City, Greenville, Newton and Oriental to take care of surplus production and culls. Question: What effect will to bacco quotas have on government loans? Answer: If quotas are approved by famers in the tobacco referendum on Friday, July 12, farm acreage al lotments will be continued on the 1947 crops and government loans will be available. If quotas are not approved, the government is not au thorized to provide loans for the 1947 flue-cured tobacco crop. . Good Practices, Give Record Crop Of Pigs A record number of spring pigs were saved this year, reports Jack Kelley, Extension swine specialist of State College, and because of this the pig crop is larger than last year. An average of 6.5 ptgs per litter for the entire state is a great im provement over ten yean ago and is encouraging to swine men. The cause for this remarkably good re cord involves several facton: fint, exceptionally good weather during farrowing time; second, wide use of cleaner, tighter houses with sloping floor and guard rail, third, more ri gid culling of breeding hogs and the saving' of sowb with good farrow ing records in numbers of pigs rais ed past weaning age; fourth, gener al increase in knowledge of how to I cope with diseases and the use ef practices promoting herd health. The tendency is to wait for the corn crop by using pasture and roughage instead of pushing the pigs to market on full rations. This fits well with* the support price pro gram. Fewer but healthier pigs that grow rapidly is a requirement now that feeds are scarce. In general farmers are exerting more than usual precautions to keep their herds healthy, with consequent ly more pigs saved and greater pro fit realized," says Dr. C. D. Grin nels, State College experiment stat ion veterinarian. For one thing, the use of sodium floride m elimin ating intestional worms is increasing this season. UPSET One little school girl in an east ern North Carolina townjs quite in dignant at her government. The Advertising Division of the Department at Conservation and Development is in receipt of the following stern note: "Please send me all the books and papers of the United States or world [that you have. My school teacher sent aftel" them and yon sent her a lot of stuff from all over the world, and you sent it to her free. So I want you to send it to me, too, be cause I need it. I think I am as good as she is. So send it soon." Removing com suckers, a com mon practice, is unnecessary, the plant scientists advise. The little shoots do no harm. E. D. Hayes of Yadkinville produc ed 122 bushels of corn par acre on the J. D. Wellborn farm last year for the largest yield reported in North Caro lina. Yield attested by Farm Agent D. R. Perkins. N. C. State College. Food aperialista say tta? is mora waste than overstocking and careless marketing. You cant tail from the looks of s toad how far it xan jump and you can't tell the value of all feed bfr it# appearance. Many tons of fruit with alight blemishes are ignored by the custo mer and left to rot, contaminate other fruit, aad eventually be thrown away by the retailer. Many of these hot so perfect or well-com plexioned fruits have equal taste and nutritive vatae with their more at tractive companions. And another good rule for shop pers that saves food is a hands-off policy when it comes to pinching, ; prodding, end pomeling sound fruits and vegetables. Handling causes rot and results in waste. Many people throw away the leaves of cauHflower, endive, end chard without thinking of the tasty nutrition lost by failing to put thorn in stows and soups. Many a tasty healthful dish goes by the way aide if the cook is unwilling to try new recipes that can turn left overs or not overly popular vege tables into a delirious dish. A. little foresight in purchasing, careful planning of meals, and con servation in the kitchen, and at the table are just good - sense. It not only makes for more adequate, well balanced diets but in these days it saves the lives of millions of men, women and children who are dying of hunger ovter. the face of this earth of ours. THE 01 STUDENT The following Information on the educational opportunities for GIs has just been released by S. Sgt. Paul G. Manning of the Greenville sub-station. American GIs all over the world are taking advantage of their leisure time to increase their education. Ac cording to Sgt. Manning, they are doing this m many ways. One means of doing this is by taking advant age of classes that are being spon sored by world famous colleges all over the globe. To name a few, of these we could list Sarboime Univer. sity in France, University of Besan cean in France, the University of Luzon and many others. t The Army itself, by means of the United States Armed Forces In stitute have also furthered this edu cational program by making avail able correspondence and extension courses with many accredited Amer ican Educational Institutions. These are completely available to GIs all I over the world. | "And so," Sgt Manning said, "the best men of the United States Army retain their position as the best equipped, best paid?and best educa ted army in the world." An invitation to a wedding involves more trouble than a summons to po lice court. FINANCIAL STATEMENT FARM VILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, 1945-1948 Balance in Bank, Aug. 14, 1945 $ 903.98 Total receipts from Aug. 14, 1946 to June 6, 1946 7740.61 Total disbursements from Aug. 14, 1945 to June 6, 1946 8006.60 Balance in bank June 6, 1946 637.98 $4060.90 of the above receipts were received from the Federal Govern ment for the lunch room program. The above receipts do not include the daily lunch room collections which were deposited.to the credit of the Farmville Parent-Teacher Association. A receipt is given for all school money collected and a master re ceipt book iB lcept in the office. The receipt book may be checked ag ri the pass book to the bank for accu racy. All bills are paid by check; therefore, upon inspection, you will find Cancelled checks for all dis bursements. We welcome anyone to examine the records of both the school and the Parent-Teacher Association. We shall also be glad to answer any question. J, H. MOORE, Principal Farmville Public School June 6, 1946 7-19-lt MILLION!" ' Ki ir"~ Wr vmIw WN^VFMUWv ? . ? $75.00 a month . . . Muter cam $165.00. And nearly all of it is ?3-?. wheat else cea you top this opportunity? Mfatstiasi3sr ' ?? ' Ailiitariiffi . PiiSfc n atf* J* ??. ?" ? * m y RECRUITING OFFICE, New CITY HAUL Ms-, GREENVILLE, N. C. *&**'' ? C., Wednesdays, 9-16 A, M. sponsored' COMPANY, Inc. OF SALE ?' ,M f|Ua*>r and by virtue at the Power at Sale contained fax Chapter 160, Ar ticle 6, Section 69 at the Genecal Sta tntee at North Carolina (1948), the Town of Fountain will, on SatOrday, 8, 1946, at 12 o'clock new for sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, on the premises, in the Town of Fountain, North Carolina, the following descri bed property: BEGINNING 100 f?et from the northern corner of Square 11 oa Wilson Street and running west with Wilson Street 26 feet, cornering; thence south parallel with Jefferson Street 100 feet; cornering; thence east parallel with Lang Street 26 feet, cornering; thence north para llel with Jefferson Street 100 feet to Wilson Street, the beginning, being part of Lot H in Sqoaae 11 of the plot of the Town of Fountain, and being part of Lot conveyed to the Town of Fountain by Luke Lamb and T. R. Uzsall, Commissioners, by Deed recorded in Pitt County Reg istry in Book E-24 at page 411: Also the building located on the above described let. The building ia to be sold first; then the, lot as described above will be sold; then the building and lot will he aold together and the high est bidder or bidders-will be declar ed the purchaser or purchasers of the said property. The bid will remain open for a period of Ten (10) days for raised bids, the purchaser or purchasers to deposit 10 per cent of their bid to guarantee their good faith pending confirmation of the sale. , The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Fountain retains the right to reject all bids. This the 2nd day of July, 1946. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN, By G. E. Trevathan, Mayor, and J. M. Horton, Clerk. John B. Lewis, Atty. 7-12-4t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA PITT COUNTY ' Public notice is hereby given that the undersigned has qualified aa executor of the estate of John T. Thome, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, and this is to notify all peroens having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Rocky Mount, North Carolina, on or before the 28th day of June, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment , This the 28th day of June, 1946. PEOPLES BANK ft TRUST COMPANY, Executor of the estate of John T. Thome. 6-28-6wks. ; ' - '-Mi .. ? T ? >. 7Z - T- . y-? OF THE CONDITION OF BANK OP FOUNTAIN fgg! FOUNTAIN. NORTH C AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON 1UN? ZTrvS c r-'^s 1. Loan and discounts (including no overdrafts) $ 167,827.78 . 2. United Statea Government obligations, direct end guaranteed 866,480.00 3. Obligationa of States -and political subdhrions 11,0 76.78 4. Other bonds, notes and debentures ; ul 26,4100.80 5. Corporate stocks (including $ none stock of Federal Reserve bank) , ?' r_ 760.80 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash balances in process of collection 115,84533 7. Rank premises owned $1,689.66, furniture and fix tures $149.60 1,889.16 U. Othar assets 2,021.86 12. TOTAL ASSETS $ 681,610.11 13. Demand deposits of individuals, and corporations $ 417,236.84 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ? 89,983.98 16. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 73324AC 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions .32438.43 18. Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 694.03 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS ___ 613,878.19 28. Other liabilities i 4,767.92 24b TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including obligations ahawn below) '. $ 618,646.11 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 86. Capital ? $ 25,900.00 26. Surplus ; I 25,000.00 W. Undivided profits 10,466.63 (and retirement account for preferred capital)- 2,408.37 89. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT : $ 62364.00 80. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNT $ 681310.11 * This beak's capital consists of common stock with total 'par value of $26,000.00. IORANDA ' 31. Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): (a) U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits end other liabilities? 140,000.00 (e) TOTAL 140.000.00 32. Secured and preferred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requirements of law 98,244.42 - (e) TOTAL , 98,244.42 34. (a) On date of report the required legal reserve against deposits of this bank was ! __ 70,987.46 (b) Assets reported above which were eligible aa legal reserve amounted to 115346.33 I, J. M. Horton, Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly reprsaept* the true state of the several matters herein dbntained and set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Correct,?Attest: J. M. HORTON. Cashier. R. A. FOUNTAIN, Director, a M. SMITH, Director. G. W. JEFFERSON, Director. State of North Carolina, County of Pitt - Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of July, 1946, and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. (SEAL) H. D. JEFFERSON, Notary Public. My commission expiree January 13, 1947. (FRESH 411 ,0 1EZ3ffia&. as r:k" Shredded Wkett ><???? 2 ?r 23c SPtY SHORTENING VS 24c LVNNNAVENMUSTARD !&* 14c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2SL 29c BUNDED JUICE wSlc-39c PEAS p?.? 2 29e mini kraut ?? ? 14c BETTER YET MOTTf PEANUT BUTTER VINEGAR if 29c ?S37c "% U. S. No. 1 Yellow ONIONS..... 5 lbs 19* 54b. Mesh Bag ... 22c Georgia or Hiley Belle |P E A C H E S .... 5 lbs. 30* New Crop Mountain Green BEANS . . . . 2 lbs. 25* Faney California 4! ORANGES . . 5lbs. 52* Green Home Grown CORN . . . . 6 ears 29* Fancy Florida LIMES . . . . Dob. 27* Arizona GRAPEFRUIT..each 6* Crisp California LETTUCE Head Ill CUnMr MifkLran r aiicy iixicnigiui CELERY 2 stalks . . 23tf wmrn Tomato Juico M ISLp. ? ? ' Mb ? - Foods T&2K? OUOTO>i ? v*l 9c MASON JARS | esi 63c s-7Sc IN PENDER MARKER Dressed Chickens ... lb. 73$^ WESTERN BEEF Roast, lb. ? ,...44* - Steak, lb. ...... 59* Stew, lb. ? *#3 3~-21e TEA

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