Yirgie p. Gilchrist, Society B. Advertising Mgr.-and Staff Writer by THE ROU8E PRINTERY " Fhrmville, N. C. $1?3 Mos. 60c AU Legal Adv. 5c a Use PubUrited MM eeond Class Mail Matter at the Poet Office at Farmrffle, N. O, fcl3F3rY IDLENESS AND DEVILTRY Elsewhere in thib issue of The Enterprise is a note that Mayor Jim Joyner declared a holiday for his municipal court last Saturday morning because all the defend ants wanted, and needed, to work in tobacco. Mayor Jim evidently realized that humanity has few ills that hard work and initiative can't cure. Two thoughts stand out in regard to the Mayor's de cision. The first is that if the defendants had been working as they should in the first place, they probably never would have become entangled with the law; the second is that, if they are found guilty, they will probably need the extra day's wages to settle with the court for straying from the straight and narrow. The defendants should benefit by the holiday. A BIT OF PRODDING GOES A LONG WAY - Organizations backing the move ment to obtain better out-of-town telephone service for Farmville deserve a pat of praise from every person who uses the system. Because of the vital service they render, ^public utilities are grant ed franchises which closely re semble monopolies whose rates, and activities are closely super vised and guided by the State. There is certainly nothing wrong with this set-up. It is true, however, that occas ionally operating companies fail to render the service expected of them. There is no immediate threat of a competing company in stalling lines which parallel theirs. The "perking up" comes when dissatisfied customers lodge com plaints with the State agency which supervises the controlling! company and which holds power to grant franchises. That the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company is al ready taking steps to render de fects pointed out is ample evidence that it is sincerely interested in improving the service. Farmville citizens should be thankful that only a prod was necessary, and thankful that they have the type of organizations willing to do the prodding. ILLS WE KNOW NOT OP While Congress played tug-o' war with-re vised OPA legislation, prices continued their upward spiral and the end of the rise ap parently was nowhere in sight. Opinion is divided as to the final outcome. There are those who pro fess to see in their crystal balls, or tea leaves, a levelling off pro cess and a gradual lowering of prices as production lines hum with activity and supply once more catches up with demancL Others, who see no prospects of immediate relief, believe priees will get higher before they begin falling. Some inclined to be alarmists fear that eventually the entire price structure will col lapse. Both schools of thought agree that throughout this tran sition, the low man on the totem pole?the goat?will be, as always, the consumer?you and I and the folks next door, Although post mortems some times are futile, the man in the street regrets that the more ob jectionable features of the original OPA could not have been elim inated without abolishing the en tire price control system, thus ne cessitating starting from senatch. Only time will tell what course ould 1 have In the let, aire than "fly to others we know 3m if Pitt hfc ?gainst the estate of nU bo wMWH: than to Mm tbx on or before fee 12th day of July, WT^orjteMto wfll be^ payment This the ?fe day of July, 1M?. JESSE GAY, Exseutor. &&!? NOTICE OF SALE Uadar and by virtue of an order of fee Superior Court of Pitt eoorty, made in fee Ex-Parte pro ceeding entitled "In the matter of An nie Eartdene Evans, and husband G. L, Evans, aad Johnnie Bdmond Ed wards, Jr., a minor by J. M. Horton, next friend," fee undersigned com missioner will on Saturday fee 10th day of August 1M? st 12 o'clock Noon, st the courthouse door in Greenville, North Carolina, offer ?n IP ri?? Northerly < feet to Frank Lewis wttfc add Frank Lewia Westerly direction 150 Boll Mm, thence in reetioa with the Mid line 128 feet to Smith Street, in en Easterly direction with the said Smith Street 180 feet to the beginning. The same being- the identical land conveyed to L. E. Fountain by G. W. Jefferson and oth ers, by deed recorded ICareh 17th T> A ... ? * ?Kegtstry, 101# in Pitt County Registry. Be ing the identical tract of land con veyed by L. E. Fountain to J. A. Edwards, by deed dated September 10th 1924 duly recorded in Regis try 5f Pitt County. This the 9th day of July 1046. , JOHN HHjL PAYLOR, Commissioner. 7-12 4 wks for the Army! NEW PAT SCALE MADOntOM TO CtOIMNGl FOOD, LODGING, MBDtCAl AMD DBflAL CAM, or I Torlmlrwl (??h( I ? ? # o PHvoto Pint Class $165.00 135.00 115.00 100.00 90.00 ?0.00 75JOO Monthly lillrtmint InotPM AfMw Xr?an> $107.25 87.75 - 74.75 65.00 58.50 52.00 48.75 JO w $185.63 151.33 129.33 112.50 101.25 90.00 34.33 ^I^OOIIION TO COtUMN ONE OF 1MB AftOVfi 30% hw hf twWti OwrwMi 50%fctnn flM?r Owt 3% hcraoM A Fay far EpaA 3 ITwi t/Strvk*. Highlights of Regular Army Enlistment 1. Enlistments for 1H> 2 or 3 years. (Oao-yoar esUistments per mitted for moo now in tho Array with 6 or mora months of service.) : ago from IS to 34 (17 with parents' t) sacspt for mow wow in Anny> who may raonliot at any age, i lnntli of Nrrkti S. A roenlistment bonus of $50 far anch yaar of actira aarrica since such lamia waa hurt paid, or since last aaWry into somco, prcisidsd ra ta within 90 days after 1 Up to 90 days' rsenltatmant f 1 , -I S.a. ? ?$-r, - ? j;., ? . - iinxougn vkd pmyf ewponoing on " of i an Ice, with prescribed allowance paid to borne and for men wow in the Army rat Army Recruiting furlough privileges. t Mnstarisra-oot nar (baaed uoon ragth of service) to all rasa who . AIMT UCSIimtM STATION RECRUITING OFFICE NEW CITY HALL BUILDING Greenville, North Carolina- ~ tag On The Right Side ? - " "i * . ? at - ?; '-y - Illfili - of the lessons learn Boy only what you you ca* afford. SAVE ALL WAVS 1 : t** 77,ri^rwr One of the stars of the Carolina | Barn Daace ahwr het WHITE BATON hose, 80c 10-25c WANTED ? Girl Tor office work, ik Experience desired, P." but unnecessary. The Turn are Co., Inc^ Farmrffl^ N. C. WANTED: ? A heoae or an opart meat by veteran with wife md 4 year-old daughter. IVramnri reatdwata. J?^m B. Hockodoy, c/o THE ENTERPRISE. WANTED I 10 Sales Ladies for ful time emjriqyment Rose's 5-10-25c Store. 7-26-4t MILK PRICES ADVANCED JULY 1 TO 20c QUART. Pleaae mail check promptly for yeor account Grove Dairy, Farmrille, N. C WANTED ? 2 or S nnfumlahed rooms, now, or by the first of the year. Permanent. Address Box IIS, Farmrille, N. C. 7-12-tf SKI HI STOPS RUNNING FITS IN DOGS or we refund year mam Wo know of no other gnanmtm running fits remedy. Wlidess Drag Co. (7-5-4tp) WANTED TO RENT ? House furnished or unfurnished, or apartment, by Aug. 1st. JOE MELTON, Jr., Car* of The Tuntage Co., FftrmviDe, N. C. HAYS YOU LOOKED OVER OUR SPORTING GOODS? WE CAR RY NEARLY A COMPLETE line. - - : WESTERN .AUTO ASSO. STORE. WANTED ! 25 Sales Ladies for Saturday employment, only. ROSE'S 5.-10-25C STORE. 7-2?-4t COME IN AND LOOK AT OUR TOOLS. WE CARRY A COM PLETE UN]* OF GARDEN AND YARD TOOL& WESTERN AUTO ASSSO. STORE. BE SURE TO TUNE IN ON W-P-T-F Every Sunday Morning from 9 JO to 10:00, and hear about all the new inventions and when they may be expected on the market?intermin gled with aonga that are guaranteed to pleaae.?Western Auto Aaaodate Store, Farmville, N. C. ; ? of the estate of John T. let* of Pitt County; North end this is to notify alt Laving claims Against the of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Rocky Mount, North Carolina, en or before the 28th day of June, 1M7, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All panoas indebted to. said estate will please male immedi spHSras l m the 28th day of June, 1M6. PEOPLES BANK A TRUST cqi*jHnKftsS] Executor of the estate of '' John T. Thorne. 6-28-?wke. NOTICE OF SALE Under end by virtue of the Power of Sole contained in Chapter >40, Ar ticle 6, Section 59 of the General Sta tute* of North Carolina <1943), the Town 0# Fountain will, on Saturday, August 3, 1946, at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, on the premises, in the Town of Fountain, North Carolina, the following descri bed property:i BEGINNING 100 feet from the northern corner of Square 11 on Wilson Street and running west with Wilson Street 25 feet, cornering; thence south parallel with Jefferson Street 100 feet, cornering; thence east parallel with Lang Street 25 feet, cornering; thence north para llel with Jefferson Street 100 feet to Wilson Street, the beginning, being part at Lot H in Square 11 of the plot of the Town of Fountain, and being part of Lot conveyed to the Town of Fountain by Luke Lamb and T. R. Uzzell, Commissioners, by Deed recorded in Pitt County Reg istry in Book E-24 at page 411: Also the buildLig located on the above described lot. lite building is to be sold first; then the lot as described above will be sold; then the building and lot will be sold together and the high est bidder or bidders will be declar ed the purchaser or purchasers of the said property. The bid will remain open for a period of Ten (10) days for raised bids, the purchaser or purchasers to deposit 10 per cent of their bid to .guarantee their good faith pending confirmation of the sale. The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Fountain retains the right to reject air bids. This the 2nd day of July, 1946. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN, By G. E. Trevathan, Mayor, and J. |jg M. Horton, Cleric. John B. Lewis, Atty. 7-12-4t PARAMOUNT T THEATRE 1 . FARMVILLE, N. C. THE HOME OF BETTER ENTERTAINMENT WEEK OF JULY 27 :;|K: SATURDAY "2 Another "Red Ryder" Adventure CALIFORNIA MS GOLD RUSH Starring Wild Bill Elliott Also last chapter "Phantom Rider"?and Comedy ' m SUNDAY and MONDAY For them it'e love?For" you Ufa laughs?For us it's a pleasure to ' r 'v preeent '' Barbara Stanwyck and Robert CammiagB in The Bride Wore Added. . . . News and TUESDAY On] Erroll Flynn?Alexis ? Llfc n'w C' v ? * ' -^' UGLY CHILE MY SUGAE IS SO REFINED re-a U Mwcm Capitol tteeord No. M I CAW SEE IT YOUR WAY I DONT KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT YOU Caoitol Record No. 236 va^nvi w*vwmm *.v? mvm 4 MONTHS, 3 WEEKS, 2 DAYS, 1 HOUR BLUES Stan Keotwt PAINTED RHYTHM Capitol R?ord No.2^ PUT THE BLAME ON MAME vT SHOULD I TELL TOU I LOVE TOU I PONT KNOW WHY GOT A DATE WITH AN ANGEL ? m is ONE I