m Sij . > firtttoMt DELUXE. C H AMPIOX Th?Saf*tt, longmst Wearing firm Ivor Bmlhl ? Up to 40%! Mora Non-Skkl Angle* ? Up to 32%] Longer Mtioego f # Koopt 'Em Ally Long* MINNOW nam 3.95 Perforated bottom raises minnows oat ?f water and aerates water at thf Onu Up Your Carl 3 '? ? ? ? k V i.i4l *31 Wtltar ^ A - - ? > Buy to larUU, bo tools ntiltid. Thiy'ro mit win Mop tkotr white boosty. ittA ?AJjSf; ^HlwSAAM^ional fH NKWj - firHiMt Supreme 3 SPAttK PLUG Even fim i Value uay at Tire stone ti M Lf i {j i* r i ~?1 J f Mhy Noa Glirt 1>59 Rm Quality t PUKLPUMM 2.40 1 Stack ga ? Ifcl IRw. JU5C i A ? SPECIAL em \ 340 I ?n ml Works Automatically LIGHT 8&e cntcn^f. rat mam vcwoul : r . . ? i J Mr*tarb , 'W; ;' WA1 JU- Otar. J-toTh Wdlne the Visitor, Monday. ? ? ? Mr. -and Mr*. J. C. Gardner ware Wilson visitors, Wednesday. >.-ZB i.;^-r", f,is,? ? Mr. sad Mrs: Butler Taylor were Winterville visitors Thursday. ^ * * ? Mrs. E. A. Hardy, of Sevan Springs, spent'Sunday hem with rela tives. > * * a Stewart MeKeel, of Atlantic Christian College, spent the week end at Ida home here. 9 ; .. * a a, Mrs. G. P. Bryant, of Rich Square, is spending this week here with her sister, Mn- Aonie Laasiter. *.,? ? Friends will regret to learn that 'MrJ G. W. Corbett was taken to a Wilson hospital, Wednesday. . TH '>Gss Hasel MeKeel returned Wednesday after spending several days with friends in Enfield. x .* ? ;? ?Mhjor and Mrs. T. W. Simpeoir and daughters are visiting Mrs. .SiiftpBon's mother, Mr*. W. E. Lang, ffcitf ?1. LUIS wn:,i ? ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that F. B. Peg-ram has recovered from a recent serious illness and is back at his work with Jenkins Drug Store. * .* *. I George Beaman arrived at his home here Wednesday night after spending the past eight months with the Navy in the Pacific soma He received his discharge at Norfolk, Wednesday. Moving permanent pastures regularly during the growing season is essential tP destroy weeds and undesirable plants. notice of sale of VALUABLE ftEAL ESTATE Under" and by virtue of an Or der of the Superior Court of Pitt ? County, North Carolina, made in that' Special Proceeding, entitled "'Mm. Appie E Flanaran vs WJ| R Burnette, Admr. of Mrs. * lor ence V. Nelson Estate, George Le roy Skinfler and wife, Sadie Skin ner E. Guy Skinner and wife, I Selma Skinner, J. T: Skinner and wife, Pearl Sldnner, W. Ruf us I Skintner and wife, Mary Lee Skin ner, Preston G. Phillips and wiferi Mable Skinner Phillips, Frank I Manning and wife, Myrtle Skin nee, Milton Shlrtey and wife, Ada V. Shirley J Bert Moye Burnette, Unmarried. Z. W. Dye and wife, Jewel Burnette Dye, Henry Moore -Burnette and wife, Wanda Bur nette," the "same being No. 4676 in the Special Proceeding Docket of said Court," the undersigned (jomfhissioner will, on the 24th day of August, 1946, at 1 oVlock A. M. (in the premises in the Town I of Farmville, North Carolina, off er for sale to the highest bidder or bidders for cadi those certain ! lots or parcels of land lying anaf being in the Town of FarmvillaJ County of Pitt, State of North] CaTbHna, and more particularly described as follows: _ -I LOf NO. 1: Beginning at R. Joyner'k bamer on the north side of Grisjtoersburg Street and runth thehee ak?ng It A. Joyner's hn?A in a northerly direction 133* feet to Lot No. 3 ; thence along line of Lot No. 3 in a westerly direction], and -parallel with Grinmversbur?i Street 50 feet to the corner of Lofcl Ne. 2; thence along line of Lot No;t 8 and parallel With first line ma I southerly direction 133J feet to GrttaraerSBnrg Street; thence a4 ong'fWnlHWbiWg "Street in ad easterly direction 50 .feet to the I poi$r%'l2*Tlegiml?g ?t cofA linmmenmtirg* Street, ?pa runs i thence ?W&g line of Lot No. 1 in SI rihrtherlv direction 133* feet to he line of Lot No. 3; thence a-1 tmg tine- of Lot No. * in -a Wes]-T irly direction S7J feet, or more, to 1 lontehthea Street; thence along! Contentnea Street in a northerly direction 133* feet to Grinunem burg Street; thence along GnnH mersburg Street in an easterlfl direction 57| feet or. more to thfl point of beginning. 1 LOT NO. Beginning it poiitM on east side of Contentnea Street] being the southwest corner of Mia| Mamie Davis' lot and roai|tbein<#l along Mamie Davis' line in ajM easterly direction 107* feet to S A. Joyner's line ; thence along B*| A. Joyner's line in a southerly direction 53 feet to the line q| Lot No. 1; thenee along line of. sa&Aftt~ M WHEAT IS ANNOUNCED tt, State director ing the program for next year's crop. "The. fanner has wide leeway i deciding how much insurance he takes out," Scott says, 'tawsev eral different' levels of coverage are available. In the case of lot the farmer receives an indemnity id proportion to his premium." Cro? insurance oh the winter] wheat crop will be under a 8-year contract covering the 1947-49 crops. Applications must be* filed with local. AAA committeemen or other authorised agents before planting and in no ease later than Sept. 28. Notes signed for crop insurance do not fall due until Harvest. " The crop is protected against all unavoidable natural hazards from planting through harvest. "Federal Crop Insurance is strictly a non-profit venture, to guarantee protection to fanners," Scott points out. "Administrative costs are paid .by the Govern ment, and all premiums are re served for payment to protect farmers when their crops are lost." i entire State," Scott added in urg ing winter wheat farmers to atop m at their local AAA office " additional information on the The teacher had forbidden the eat g of candy and the chewing of taring school hours. One day ?he became suspicious of a tamp i?i Johnny's cheek. . . , ? "Johnny," sho demanded, "i eating candy or chewing gum i ^To,-ma'am," repBad the "I'm just soaking a prune to NOTICE OF ELECTION Pursuant to an Order of the CI of Superior Court, notice is given that an election will be he! on Monday, August 12?1946, to three (3) persons to eerve as Bi of Commissioners for the County Drainage District No. their terms of office to begin October 1, This necessary to replace the vacancy i John T. Thome, Chairman, who on June 14th and K. A. Joyner B. S. Lewis, whose terms have pired. Each person owning land the district has one (1) vote for each acre land owned. Polls to be opened at the Town Hall in Town of Farmville, North Carolina, from 7. A. M. to 7 P. M, on Monday, August, 12, 1946. K. A. JOYNEB, Acting Chairman. John B. Lewis, Secretary. 7-l?-4t Buy Savings Bands Now And Snve 1 GET BACK ATOP! If you could be sitting atop of the world, if pressing mort gage problems were off your mind, see us. Refinance through us, on a plan that makes home ownership easy. Come in today! i??? ? " ASSOCIATION OF GREENVILLE 32? EVANS STREET GREENVILLE, N. C. Phone 3224 A. C. TAD LOCK, Sec. and Treas. ia im TENNESSEE HILLBILLIES Station WPTF 3 > i 31 A BIG DOUBLE STAGE SHOW POPULAR PRICKS 111 Jfj MORE THAX t?yHA> R. A. PARKER MOTOR CO., Inc. 120 East Wilson St v FARMVILLE, N. C. . liriRville letail LvMer Yanl '-1|T PHONE 302-1 Next to Norfolk-Southern Depot Forwville, 1^. C. . ?42 - . 9 ? ? ? ? ? ??? CANNISTER m 1 fife * 4-PC- Sets * Colorful ' * All Metal : - '{, COOKERS * vwwUMiw >? . ELECTRIC * Weight-^ 1-4 lbs. * Cord Included * Guaranteed * Afl Metal * Enamel Finish * Glass Shelves ELECTRIC - I .+ . 'J v? * Automatic - * Cord Included * Guaranteed :ii& ' ? - ?? />vr ! v._ WASTE BASKETS *tJI^ -mm imam *? ir MM ? U U * Colorful ? 'Ease, Blue, Yellow * All Metal ; - ?v egg Doable * Two-Burner DOUBLE * First Quality * Porcelain Finish * Heavily Made i ? ?K"^rV'9 COEY . . * jt __ )@.mG * Latest Type J ?*:i _ I - ? - M ? . ?' ' ?