Activities Of Local Church Organizations | - b? * w <f Christian _ | Groups 1, 3, and 4 of the Womqgfr >uneil. of the Christian Church, mat Cmm| this week with designated hostesses in their respective homes, fit which midsummer flowers were used with, pleasing- effect. Hidden Answers from 'The World Call" were u?;d by each group as a feature of tae program. , Group 1 met, Monday evuuipt, with Mrs. W. A. Barrett as hostess. Mrs. Sue Robinson was in charge of the*devotional, which was inped on Psalm 24. The meeting was (dosed with the Council benediction. The hostess served coca colas, nahe and nuts. Mrs. Worthrngton, of Ayden, was a special guest. Group 3 met, Thursday evening, in the home of Mrs. J. E. Bynum. Mrs. Florence Thome read the 23rd Psalm as a meditation feature. Mrs. Blanche Paschall conducted the pro gram of the evening. The meeting was eloped with the Council bene diction. Following adjournment, pineapple ice cream and cookied*were served by the hostess. Group 4 met, Tuesday evening, at the parsonage with Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox. Miss Elisabeth Moore read a selection from the Psalms and the Rev. Mr. Cox, a special guest, led/ in prayer and gave an. interesting, talk on how chaplains may aid in war and peace time programs. The hostess served vanilla frappe, salt ed nuts and cookies during the social period. Episcopal The Altar Guild met, Tuesday evening, at the home of Mrs. R. S. Scott for a bqsina* meeting. Mrs. R. a Cofwnhaver presided in the Mrs. John D. Dixon. Following the business '""swaa ice cream sundaes, Toll House cookies and salted nuts during the social hour. ". f Presbyterian r The1 Presbyterian Auxiliary "held Its regular monthly meeting, Mbn day evening, at the Church, {tfttfeh the president, Mrs. John M. Mew^ bora, presiding. "Love Divine" was used as the openiiig hymn and Mrs. Mewbom, hi charge Sf foe devotion al, read-Scripture from foe boohs of Acta and Peter. The group was then led in prayer by Charles H. Baucom. ??- ? - ??' ,'f Mrs. Ellen Lewis Carroll, guest speaker, developed the fourth topic, in the study -for the year,- ort ^"Bap tism and The Load's Supper,"in which she asked various members to participate. , > The meeting closed with a prayer by Mrs. Mewborn. . > & i ii _ ERROR IN LAST WEEK'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE A legal advertisement in last week's issue of The Enterprise stated that the three Flanagan lots and property -on Grimmersburg and Con ten tnea Streets would be sold at "1 o'clock A M,," on Aug. 24th. The time should have read "11 o'clock." Bidders interested in the property would no doubt get up in the middle of the night to attend the sale of this good, property but John B. Lewis, conducting the sale, is holding it at a more orthodox time. ' -1 .1 Membership in Farmville's com bined Chamber of Commerce end Merchants' Association approached the 100-mark this week with the an nouncement by Secretary Sam D. Bund?" that eight new firm* bay been signed up within the past vfae_ as part oT the membership drive spearheaded by a committee compos ed at Robert Monk, Ernest - Pette-' way and C. S. Hochkiss. , The eight Nnew members, bringing to JH the total enrolled in the or ganisation, are: - Curtis Flanaga (Armour Fertiliser Co.), Dr. Grady Gilchrist, Dr. M. J. Clegg, Henry p. Johnson, Jones Pool Room, Royal Grill, Nichols Market, and TVigwell's Restaurant . WEDDING GUESTS TO ARRIVE HERE DURING WEEK END The following relatives and friends will arrive during the week end to attend the McDavid-Parker ?wedding on Tuesday, "Aug. 6. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McDavid, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lorude Munger, Sr., and son; Lotuiie, Jr., Oharies and Prince MeDavid, J. P. Morgan, and Welch Hill, of Birmingham, Ala.; Miss Rosie Rawlings, of Franklin, Va.; Miss Gloria Owens, of Moul trie, Ga., Miss Jane Ferebee, of High Point; Miss Marty Brady,.of Siler City; Mrs. Quentin Gregory, of Halifax, and Mrs. B. E. McClure, of MaysviHe, Ky John T. Harris, of St. Louis, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howell, of Ocala, Fla., have already arrived and are visiting the John D, Dixon family. m- ADVERTISEMENT Iff |JM|| NORTH CAROLINA, PITT COUNT*. 'Notice is hereby given Beard of Aldermen of , Ninth Carolina, will receive b the Alterations sad Additions Municipal Building for the Town of Farmvillo, N. C The building construction is as fallows: exteriit walls brick sAd cin der blocks, front faded with Indiana lime stone, interior partitions, eifafar b fecks, asphalt tile floor over con crete, concrete roof dab over steel joist, composition roof; all as shown by piths and called for in the speci fications. ??/:>!, Proposals will be received until 8 P. M., August 15th, 1M6, in the Municipal Building, Fhrmville, N. C. A bidder's certified check for 6% of the amount of bid must accom pany proposal. (In lieu thereof, a bidder may offer a certified eh. ck for 2% of the bid phis a bid bond of 3% of the bid). A performance bend is required fa ttw amount equal fa 100% of thq contract and upon the payment of all persons supplying labor and furnishing materials for the construction of the project The Proposals for Plumbing, Heating and Wiring will be received on this date but let under separate contract The Proposals, Instructions, Plans and Specifications may be obtained from Frank W. Benton, Architect, Wilson, N. C., or 'ftom the City Clerk, Farmville^ N. C. Application has been made with the War Production Board for priori ties. The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Farmville, N. C., reserve the right to reject any or all bids. J. W. JOYNER, Mayor. E. A. JOYNER, Clerk. 8-2-2t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA PITT COUNJY Public notice is hereby given thA the undersigned has qualified as executor of the estate of John T. Thome, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, and this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Rocky Mount, North Carolina, on or before the 28th day of June, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All parsons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment. This the 28th day of June, 1946. PEOPLES BANK A TRUST COMPANY, Executor of die estate of John T. Thome. 6-28-Swks. NOTICE OP ELECTION Pursuant to an Order of the Clerk of Superior Court,,notice is hereby given that an election -will be held on Monday* August 12, 1946, to elect three (3) persons to serve as Boar^ of Commissioners for the Pitt County Drainage District No. 1, their terms of office to begin on October 1, 1946. This election necessary to replace the vacancy of John T. Thome, Chairman, who died on June'-14th and R- A. Joyner and B. S. Lewia^ whose terms have ex pired. Each person owning land in the district has one (1) vote fer each acre of land owned. Polls to be opened at the Town Hall in Town of Farmville, North Carolina, frpm 7. A. M. to T P. Mi on Jdooday, August, 12,~ 1946. R. A. JOYNER, ?A/diur Chairman. John B. Lewis, Secretary. 7-19-4t * NOTICE OF S^LE Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in Chapter 160, Ar ticle 6. Section 69 of the General Sta tutes of North Carolina (1948), the Town of Fountain will, on Saturday, August 8, 1946, at 12 o'clock noc offer for sale to die highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, on the premises, in. the Town of Fountain, North Carolina, the following descri bed property: BEGINNING 100 feet frem t northern corner of Square 11 i plot of the Town of Lo by OF VALUj gstoi V< Under and by virtue of an Ol der of the Superior Court of Pitt , County, North Carolina, made in that Special Proceeding, entitled! "Mrs. Appie E. Flanagnfc vs. W. K. Burnette, Admr. of Mi*. Flor ence V. Nelson Estate, George Le-1 roy Skinner and wife, Sadie Skin ner, E. Guy Skinner and wife,! Selma Skinner, J. T. Skinner and! wife, Pearly Skinner, W, Rufus[ Skinner and wife, Mary Lee din ner, Preston G. Phillips and wife, Ma We Skinner Phillips, Frank Manning and wife, Myrtle Skin ner, Milton Shirley and wife, Ada V. Shirley, Bert Moye Burnette, Unmarried, Z. W. Dye and wife, Jewel Burnette Dye, Henry Moore Burnette and wife, Wanda Bur nette," the same being No. 4676 in the1 Special Proceeding Docket of said Court, the undersigned Commissioner will, on Saturday, the 24 day of Aqj., 1946, at 11 (Eleven) o'clock A. M.,' on the premises in the Town of Farmville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder or bidders for cash those certain lots or parcels of land lying and being in the Town of Farmville, County of Pitt, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: LOT NO. It Beginning at R. A. Joyner's corner on the north side of Grimmersburg Street and runs thence along R. A. Joyner's line in a northerly direction 133$ feet to Lot No, 3; thence along line of Lot No. 3 in a westerly direction and parallel with Grimmersburg' Street 50 feet to the corner of Lot. No. 2; thence along line of Lot No. 2 and parallel with first line in a; southerly direction 133$ feet to", Grimmersburg Street; thence a Ijng Grimmersburg Street in an! easterly direction 50 feet to the; point of beginning. LOT NO. 2: Beginning at cor ner of Lot No.. 1 on north side of Grimmersburg Street and runs thence along line of Lot No. 1 in a northerly' direction 133$ feet to the line of Lot No. 3; {hence a long line of Lot No. S in a west erly direction 57$ feet, or more, to Contentnea Street; thence along Contentnea Street in a northerly direction 133$ feet to Grimmers burg Street; thence along Grim mersburg Street in an easterly direction 57$ feet or more to the point of beginning. LOT NO". 3: Beginning at point on east side of Contentnea Street, being the southwest corner of Miss Mamie Davis' lot and runs thence along Mamie Davis' line in an easterly direction 107$ feet to R. A. Joyner's line; thence along R A.'Joyner's line in a southerly direction 58 feet to the line o Lot No. 1; thence along line of Ldb-.No*. 1 and'2 in a westerly direction 107$ feet to Contentnea Street; thence along Contentnea Street in a northerly direction 58 feet to the point of beginning. The above-described property, to be sold subject to any paving Assessments which may be assess ed against the property abutting on Contentnea Street; the 1946 taxes to be paid in full by the seller. The bidder or bidders will be re quired. to deposit with the Court |_10 .g^r cent of their bid or bidr pending confirmation of the sale. This ,the 16th day of July, 1946. (JOHN B. LEWIS, Commissioner. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Haring qualified as administratrix of the Estate of Ethel Mae Wooten, late of Pitt County, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having chums against the Es tate of the deceased ?to exhibit them to the undersigned at Riurmvilfe, North Carolina, on or before the 1st day of August, 1947, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery All persons indebted to said ?tote ypU please - make immediate settlement. Thi# the 26th day of July, 1946. BENNETT T. WOOTEN, Adminis trator of the Estate of ETHEL MAE WOOTEN. John R Lewis, Attorney. 8-l-?t BETTER VALUES ARE THE REASON OoMtenA. ' ^dfesk to SHOP mm OId Can Can Bn Fitted < 1 Conversion Units MortCdrr%..~,.. 7.45 Bring your car op to datw-witb seated beam Jigfcts. Other cars ."5.96 to MS I AUTO COMPASS &45 * Molded plastic. Soffit? No t?oU needed. BACK-UP LIGHT duces back-" Reduces in; hazards. Gives brpad spread of tight in rear of ear. Easy Turning T-* , . v^-; (?Me AC-BC TABUS RADIO *29.95 100% Pun Punntylvania MOTOB OIL ?? -MM tosnB TIBS PUMP , 1M J enamel WWh m2 J??r?rXi?r5 WE'RE PUTTIN"EM ' *0N EVERY DAYJ Get S.F, Goodrich Silvertown Tires That _ OFTWEAB PREWAR TIRES ? Wider, flatter tnmj ^ ? 35% ttremg?r tin Inly ft /VkjiLIa i?r^f[L^r cfpfsetf l/Ovvvv &&W9w&9w ?^^wftfte ^p ^ Better rubber developed by B. F. Goodrich makes SQvertowns ran iosdS?,rrrapl longer. Btaonger cord, more .conls per inch, and an extra shock-absorber breaker strip provide for a stronger tire body. Wider, flatter tread puts more rubber on the road to share the wear and jdvee quicker stops, better traction, and more safety. Fartxfra Driving Sahty Door Mirrors 1.C9 1.39 Clamp-on type. P^niihed ^ In neutral lacquer. Adjustable Fita moat cara. ' 4Sjv" ' A<mi Up Your Car WHITE SdEWAU," ? TIRE BINGS 6M ,5T, Here's an easy way to add i_w , sfta&KLS'fif Will not scuff oq curbs. Fit all ?aaaara Nationally Famous . : ... in ? * m PROOF PORCH'SWINGS?Regular $9.95 j Of oak and other hardwoods, I Complete with chains... I $7.95 'T OAK GLIDERS?Regular 919.50 Value Made of selected hardwoods, natural finish, safe end sturdy. ' No chains needed. Easy to move. Close out price? . v ? >' ,n*si?ivdi $15,95 BEACH CHAIRS?Regular $4.95 Value Hardwood frames, heavy duck seat. FIBRE ROBES?Regular 911.95 Value Large size, double doors, hat shelf, two mirrors, shoe stor age. Close out price? ?.? ELECTRIC IRONS?Wt. 4 1-2 lbs. Guaranteed. OPA priced1 * JiJt Get 'can while they last. ^9*9" FARMVIUE FIRN1TIIE CO. ? ?9 More than a million ownors Moro tfcon a million frlondsf i m4m R. A. PARKER MOTOR CO., Inc. 120 East Wilson St FARMVILLE, N. C * m 4 ) /or Building or >%&$? a m* tfJbtf cu i . FIN ANCE!'^?|j " j-i, ?) BSi? i lilluM Investigate out modern?type plan of Home Mortgage, if you are planning to build a modern home. Or, if you al ? ready own a home, let us explain our Refinancing Plan, and show you how it operates to your advantage, by reducing interest rates and carrying charges. The savings are worth while. '; < ,-..r FIRST FEDERAL SAVINS & LOAD ASSOCIATION OF OREENVILLE 320 EVANS STREET'1 1 GREENVILLE, N. C * Phone 3224 ?- _ ? > . ? PpiM A. CL TAD LOCK Sec. and Tnaa. To the owners of Briggs & Stratton Motors in this, territory, we are pleased to announce the appointment of MELTON MOTOR SERVICE 280-2 ? * Farmrifle, N. C. Itatiea to give you die. we wint you to hare when and using only o y on them tor i Bely t ??iliililMlrnfiTTirn cV?m ?i13SEJ

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