? ? l?l ?? FiflHYlLLE ENTERPRISE G. A. Room, Editor, Owner * Mgr. I"* ''d" Eva PnhHahid Wv THE SOUSE PRLNTERT Farmvfile. N. C. ? i in. ?i_i 12.00?6 Moo. $1?8 Mo*. 60e Resolution* ? of Reepect, Cards of Thanks and all Notice of En tertainment for profit will be charged for at the rate of 2 cents per word. Cash to accompany or der. Advertising rates will be furnish ed upon reqoest Published weekly and entered as Second Class Med Matter at the Poet Office at FannviUe, N. C., - Art of March 3rd, 1878. Activities Of Local Church Organizations Baptist ? On Monday afternoon, the Woman's Missionary Society meeting, held at the Church, wis opened by the sing ing of "I Love To Tell The Story." Mrs. R. T. Williams gave the devo tional taken from I Timothy and Matthew, after which Mrs. E. W., Holmes and Mrs. R. LeRoy Rollins developed the missionary topic, "The Christian Foundation for the Good Neighbor Policy." * The president, Mrs. Alfred Moore, presided and announced the State Mission Program to be held during the week of September 16-20. The meeting was adjourned by the singing of a hymn and a prayer by Mrs. Manly Isles. The hostesses, Mrs. E. C. Holmes, Mrs. F. A. Williams, Mrs. A. B. Moore, Mrs. C. W. Morris, Mrs. W. H. Fisher and Miss Mamie Davis, served ice cream sundaes and black chocolate cake, during the social hour. The Young Woman's Auxiliary met Monday evening; at 8:00 o'clock, with Mrs. Herbert Moore as hostess and Miss Elvira Tyson presiding/ The meeting was opened with the Y. W. A. Watchword. Mrs. Frank Joyner conducted the devotional period. The president, Miss Tyson, develop ed the program theme of "Inter American Ties of Faith," with Mrs. Henry Johnson and Mrs. Robert P. Wheless assisting. v Plans were made for a World Re lief Offering and t}ie report of the sending of a box of clothing to a needy French family was given at this time. The meeting was closed with prayer by the president. .* , , ? During the social hour, cake, top ped with ice cream, chocolate sauce and nuts, was served by the hostess. Mrs. S. W. Miller- and Mrs. A. J. Melton, as program leaders, presented "A Christian Foundation For the Good.Neighbor Policy" at the Annie Perfcins Circle meeting, on Tuesday night,- held at the Church with Mrs. Robert Joyner as hostess. Mrs. George W. Davis developed the Bible study from I Timothy 1:1-7 and Matthew 22:86-40. After Mrs. E. W. Holmes gave thoughts on the state mission fields, a season of pray er wag held for theee missions. Mrs. Maurice Brinson was wel comed as a new member and Mrs. E. W. Holmes as a guest. Following the meeting, the hostess served peaches with whipped cream and Mrs. hymn, See," and aged to to be told at Bethel lfe Mrs. led the-devotional. Group 4, which had charge of the program, presented a short playlet entitled "The Christian and the with Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox, Miss Sybil Barrett, and Mrs. C. L. Ivey taking the partis. Following the singing of "Stand Up For Jeans," the meeting was closed with the Council Benediction. Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver was hostess j to the Episcopal ^Auxiliary, on Mon day afternoon, with Mrs. W. R. Bur nette presiding. After the opening of the meeting with prayer and Scrip ture reeding by the president, the re port of the United Thank Offerings sent during August, was given by the custodian, Mrs. J. H. Darden. Mrs. Burnett* told of sending in a report on Christian Social Rela tions A letter was read from the diocesan president regarding contri butions for a hoys* dormitory in the Philippines. A nominating committee, composed of Mrs. C. Hubert Joyner, Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver, and Mrs. J. W. Joyner, was appointed at this time. "They Found the Church There" by Henry Van Dyke, under the chapter topic of "The Rear Command" was presented by Mrs. C. Hubert Joyner, - program leader. Miss Anne L. Woman's . mat Monday noon, in the Church, with Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt presiding. The meeting was opened With the of "Saviour, like A Shepherd Lead Us." Mn. E. Ik Clegg was in charge of the devo tional period. Mm. Lynn Eason, pro gram leader, discussed "Methodists In The Country," tailing of work done on John's Island, near Charleston, and in the rural areas of the plateau rggions of Tennessee. Mrs. A, Q. Roebuck, Secretary of Youth, Mrs. Ed Nash Warren, secretary of Children's Work, and "Mrs. Bennett R. Fields, secretary of Education, were selected to represent this organisation at the Fall Seminar to be held in Elm City this month."-' ? The Mission Study Class of ftie Methodist Woman's Society of Chris tian Service completed a study of its Ow, two evening week with Mr*. Herbert 1 Mrs. Mack Carre way, aa i home of Kit, J. Gardner with the Society president, Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt, and the Mission Study chairman. Mrs. Bennett R. Fields as hostesses. Ths-jgpjp| on "The Christian Home?Marys and Marthas*' was presented by Miss Joy ner, and Mrs. Herbert Hart reviewed half of the mission study book. There were 22 members in attend ance. During the social hour, the hos tesses served jello, topped with cream, pineapple and cherries, and hbfck cake. .: ^ , v' Jr ~ Circle No. 4 acted ss hostess to the Class, Tuesday evening, at which time the meeting was held in the home of the chairman, Mrs. Charles H.' Mozingo. A total of 26 members was in attendance.1 Miss Joynsr's meditation waa baaed on the subject, "Let Your light Shine." Mrs. Car Phone487-l FOR Cab Service P-D. Corner Wllaon ft Contentaea 8U. FARMVILLE, N. C. following G. E. Moore will be uiM at public auction in fnot of the City Hall iff the Town of SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1946 at 12:00i WHEN YOU GET YOUR NEW KIWANIS Annual Scholarship CARNIVAL A GRAND FROLIC -FOR GROWNUPS and YOUNGSTERS ALIKE PROCEEDS TO FURTHER EDUCATION A HUNDRED PRIZES RIVEN AWAY INCLUDING ? A NEW KELVINATOR NO ADMISSION CHARGE TO GROUNDS DON'T MISS IT! COME AND BRING THE YOUNGSTERS TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT SEPT. 6 - 7?feeginningr at 7:00 o'CloclT IN FRONT OF HIGH SCHOOL GYM > FARMVILLE, N. C. i LIST OF PRIZE CONTRIBUTORS: Blackwood's Wholesale Company ? Candy Garner Furniture Company ? Lamp Western Auto Associate Store ?- Tricycle R. A. Parker Motor Company ? 12 Quarts of CHL Corbett's Garage ?* 1 Gallon of Prestone. Pender's Grocery Store ? Floor Mop. The Tornage Company ? Pressure Cooker ft Case bf Mayonnaise. Nichols Fish-Market ? 2 Cartons of Cigarettes. Sauls Wholesale Company ? Box of Candy. Pollard Auto Company ?? 1 Gallon of Prestone. Jack Smith's Cafe ? 1 Carton of Cigarettes. ;., Farmvilie Implement Company ?-^24 Quarts of OiL J. H. Harris ft Son ? 1 Carton of Cigarettes. ? * Southern Supply Store ? 1 Electric Iron. Williams Grocery and Market ? Assortment "bf Groceries. Walter Ellis ? 1 Carton of Cigarettes. , . Briley Oil Company ? 2 Cartons of Cigarettes. ' N . Louis Alek's Cafe ? 1 Carton of Cigarettes. Newton's Farmere Exchange *? 1 Carton of Cigarettes. Centre Hardware Company ? 1 Pressure Cooker. Mrs. J. H. Bynum ? I Quart of Peaches. Farmvilie Oil ft Fertilizer Co. ? $20.00; Andrews' Grocery ? 1 Broom. > Chandler's 5c to $1.00 Store ? 1 Mirror. - Economy Auto Company ? 1 Hot Plate. Mrs. J&rvis Holloman ? 1 Quart of Tomatoes Vogue Beauty Salon ? Toilet Set Rose's 5c, 10c and 25c Store ? 2 Vases! ? Kemp's Barber Shop ? 1 Hah- Tonic. N. Caption ? Pair of Nylons. Jewelry ? 1 Vase. Electric Shop ? Toaster, lectric Shop ? Carton of Light Bulbs. Moore ft Speight Service Station ? 1 Electric Lantern. B.& W. Chevrolet Company ? 1 Bumper Jack. ~ " T. Williams ? $20.00. ... ? Aluminum Frying Pan. mpany ? $2.00. Plumbing ft Heating Co. ? Can erf Drains. Jewelry ? Mirror and Tray and Perfume, a Depfc Store ? Pah- of Nylons. K. Cannon ? Ladies AppareL " M. Davis Sr. Heirs ? $15.00. Service Center ? Cigars, Cigarettes ft Gulf Products. ? 12 Pairs of Nylons. Take-up Set ? 14K Gol Set. . _ i - &SS2 ?t ? HAVE YOU LOOKED OVER OUR SPORTING GOODSr^mr CAR RY NEARLY A COMPLETE ? pi Gearaatea tor IS Ok Prices Mm yoa buy, WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORE. BSSBBBTO TUNE IN ON W-P-T-P Staday Morning from 9M to ISMS. Hi hoar about aO tha they nay ha SM with songs that ai to please.?WoeUra Aato Store, PanuTUe, N. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified aa Administratrix of the Estate of James R. Lang, late of >Pitt County, State of North Carolina, this is Jo notify, all per sons having claims against the Es tate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Farmville, North Carolina, on or before the 2nd day of August, 1947, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make im mediate settlement. Tills the 81st day of July, 1M6. WINIFRED C. LANG, Administra trix of the Estate of James R. Lang. John B. Lewis, Attorney. 8-2-6t NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administratrix of the Estate of Ethel Mae Wooten, late of Pitt County, State of North Carolina, this it to notify all per sons having claims against the Es tate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Farmville, North Carolina, on or before tin 1st day of August, 1947, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please n^ake immediate settlement. BENNETT T. WOOTEN, Adminis trator of the Estate of ETOEL MAE WOOTEN. This the 25th day of July, 1946. John B. Lewis, Attorney. &-2-6t Notice of Sale of Land By Town of Farmville For 1945 Unpaid Taxes Pursuant- to Chapter 310 c2 the Public Laws of 1939 and" Section 1716 of the Public Laws of 1939, and by reason of non-payment of Taxes due and owing the Town of Farmville for the year-1945 by the persons, firms and corporations listed below, I will on Monday, the 9th day -of Septem ber, 1946, beginning at 12 KM o'clock Noon, and continuing until this sale is completed, before the Town Hall, in Farmville, N. C-, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for dash the heal astute of said 'delinquents briefly described as follows: This the 12th day oi August, 1946.' R. A. JOYNER, Tax Collector. Name: > Amt Canraway^ W. F., 1 res Wilson 20.30 Harden, Miss Mae, 1 vac Main 29.60 Harper, Mrs. Annie, 1 una Coot 18.00 Horton, M. V., 2 res Wilson 49.46 Tripp, Paul, 1 Wilson St. 17,00 CQLORED Name: Amt. Atkinson, Spencer, 1 Perry St $ 1.00 Boyd, Wilson, 1 res Wallace 10.26 Chesnut, Henry, 1 vac George 2.00 Daniel, Moses, 1 Wallace St, 2.75 Dickens, Will, 1 Walnut St .6? Dixon, Henry, 1 Perry St 6.60 Dupreet J. Hue, 1 S. Main St .76 Dupree, Jacob, 1 Main St 5.00 Dupree, Paul, 1 Henry Dupree No. 6, Hopkins, Willie, 1 -M Wallace St 3.60 Joyner, Mattie, 1 Geo * Cotton 1.00 Moore, Caroltoe, 1 E. C. R'y LOO Moore, Mary J., 1 Main St 4.00 Thigpen, David, 1 J. L. H., .70 Tuten, Council heirs, 1 Cotton 6.60 Tyson, Smithy, 2 Wal; 1 Perry 1.10 Vines, Marcellus, 1 res Cotton 6.76 f-away fwr fa Extra Charge V fc ! ?? Velva, Deltah, Lagruna and Queene Anne Pearls Simmons Necklace and Bracelet Sets?Speidel Expansion Bracelet and Necklace Sets?Solid Gold and Costume Pins in popular designs, Solid Gold and Costume Bracelets, in set or unique designs. Swank A Simmons Collar and Pin Sets?Wallets and Watch Chains?Parker A Sheaffer Pen A Pfencil Sets?Ronson & Evans Lighters?Remington & Schick Electric Razors. Gruen, Bulova, Benrus, Win ton . and Rensil. Watches. Exquisite Diamond, En gagement and Princess j RINGS ! Large Selection in Men's and Ladies' Sterling Dresser Sets. ROBERT'S JEWELERS MRS. J. M. CARRAWAY, 103 North Main St FarmviBe, N. C. Home-Purchase" LOANS \ Cosy Monthly Terms I 4 J A PLAN TO BENEFIT YOU! Never before was there an "Easy Payment" Home Loan Plan to compare with the one we offer. A long term Loan that may be paid off in convenient monthly amounts. Like paying rent, except that, in effect, you pay yourself instead of. a landlord. Get our booklet describing the plan and enumerating the savings and other benefits you may enjoy. F1IST FEDERAL SAVII6S & LOM ASSOCIATION OF GREENVILLE 320 EYANS STREET <? GREENVILLE, N.-C. ?- Phone 3224 A. C. TAD LOCK Se? and Trees. Lumber Yard ? :,M. PHONE 302-1 ? Next io Norfolk-Southern Depot FarmviDe, N. C.

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