? 1...1MHIH kn. Mm last weak end in Moiekead Ctty. ^ week Arthur Geedwin, of Umtai V Mrs. J. H. Derdsn visited hi* *? ten in Durham during the weak end. Miss Betty Love Spenser, a# 1TO son, is the guest of Mrs. J. T. Bynum. Mr. and Mn. R. G. Ruffln apart Sunday in ftocky Mount with rela tives. Mrs. M. V- Jones and Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner were Wilson visitors, ^ed nesday. Mr. and Mn. David Jones spent the week end in Hopewell, Vs., with friends. Jacqueline Nolan is visiting rela tives in Raleigh, Roanoke and Bed ford, Va. .Mrs. Willie T. Eaaon, who has been seriously ill, is reported.to he much improved. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Blackwood and son, Cart, Jr., spent Tuesday in Rich mond, Va. Mrs. W. H. Moore, Jr? and daugh ter, Nancy Lu, will spend Saturday in Wilson. Mr. and Mn. B. 0. Taylor returned Sunday from a month's stay at At lantic Beach. Mn. Mark Wesley Joyner and daughter, Pat, left this week to reside in Greenville. Mr. and Mn. Arthur F. Joyner spent the week end in Moiehead City with relatives. Mn. Corinne Stilley spent'the week end and Labor Day with her sister in Swan Quarter. Mr. and Mn. Horton Rountree and Jack Darden spent the week end at Morehead City. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Roebuck and sons spent Sunday and Monday at Atlantic Beach. Miss Janie Kemp left Sunday to resume her studies at Man Hill Col lege, Mars Hill. Mrs. Mattie W. Jones, of Holly wood, Calif., is visiting Miss Annie j Perkins this week. Mrs. Roy Da vies, of Washington, D. C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Tyson. R. A. Joyner, Jr., of Raleigh, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Joy | ner, this week end. Mn. Ben Vernon, Mrs. Wesley R. Willis, and Mn. P. E. Jones spent I Tuesday in Raleigh. Mn. Will Jones, Jr., and daughter, I Julie Reid, spent Monday with rela | tives in Rocky Mount. < - Ma and Mrs. R. A. Fountain, Sr., of Fountain, visited Mr. and Mn. R. T. Norville, Sunday. Mn. Deward Nichols and little | Johnnie Mack Nichols were Golds | boro visiton Wednesday. Marvin Horton, Jr., returned, Tues day, from a bo use party at Pawsley Island in South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Norville were | guests of Mr .and Mrs. I. ?k Worth ingten, in Ayden, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, of Sil ver Springs,. Md., visited Mn. E. H. Jones during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Snipes, of Cul pepper, Va., spent the week end with Mr. and Mn. H. D. Johnson. Mn. Tomrtly S. Ryon 'and children have returned from a visit to rela tives near Washington. D. C. Mr. and Mn. Fred Hitt, of Cul pepper, Va., spent the week end with Mr. and Mn. *W. J. Rasberry. Mr. and Mr* Bob Holloman, of Rocky Mount, wen guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Manning this week. Mn. Senie Parker has returned from a visit to Mr. and Mn. Kenneth Parker ^gnd family in New Bern. Mn. W. H. Duke spent the week end in Roanoke Rapids with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Drake and I daughter, Nancy Etta, spent last! week end in Windsor with relatives. 1 George R. \ Smith, Jr., will leave I during the week end to enter Pres byterian Junior College in Maxton. Mr. and Mn. Josh W. Munden and daughter, Betty Jane, of Elizabeth City, spent Tuesday here visiting friends. Mr. and' Mrs. Paul Matthews and children, Gerald and Collette of Nash ville, visited Mrs. Manly Liles on Friday. Mrs. James M. Yates, of White ville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Greene, Monday and Tuesday. Miss Mary Ellen folk, V*., is spsi with Miss Nancy Jack Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Wednesday sister, Mrs. A. Roman's Societ] home of Mrs. E. R. Mm. G. a William. 7:00 P. M-?Kiwanta 8:00 P. M.?Circle 2, Presbyterian Auxiliary, meet, with Mm. Joe Flake. , '"'^1 3:00 P. M.?Wesleyan Guild. Tueaday, 10 4:00 P. M.?Marry Matron, meet with Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt. 6:00 P. M.?Girl Scout, have an niversary party at home of Mrs. R. T. Williams. 7:00 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. 8:00 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 8:30 P. M.?Episcopal Altar Guild meet, with Miss Margaret Smith. Wednesday, 11 3.-00 P. M.?New Deal Club meet. with Mm. A. W. Bobbitt. 3:00 P. M.?Wednesday After noon Club meet, with Mm. R. C. Copenhaver. % 3ft. - rJm Thumday, 13 7:80 P. M.?Masons. 8:00 P. M.?Farmville 4-H Club. Friday, 13 - 3:30 P. M.?Woman's Club meet, at the home of Mm. J. M. Hob good. 3:30 P. M.?Book and Bridge Chib meet, with Mrs. B. T. Williams. Saturday, 14 -? 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. . CHANGE Jhe Rebecca Winborne Chapter, U. |D. C., will meet today with Mr*. W. Willis instead of Mrs.- G, M. Klolden. Mrs. Paul W. Matheson returned, rhursday, to Charleston, S. C., after i visit to her daughter, Mrs. T. Eli,] Toyner, Jr. Missee Lee and Frances Carraway, >f Fayetteville, spent the week end nrith,their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Carraway. Mrs. Thurman Owens and son, of (fhiteville, returned Thursday after t visit to Mrs. Owens' sister, Mrs. BTill Jones, Jr. Miss Hellen Rouse left- Monday to Lssume her duties as teacher of tublic school music in Hemengway jchool in Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sugg Askew ind daughters, Betty Lawson and Tanet Elspeth, of Wilson, were guests >f Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joyner, Sun lay. T Mrs. Nannie Moye Humphrey will eturn during the week end from a. dsit to friends in Winston-SalenM lickory, Black Mountain, and Green rille* S. C. Jimmy Darden left for New York >n Wednesday moping, to attend a eunion of the 89tn 8quadrorf of the kir Corps of which he was formerly i member. ?' ' ' Mrs. T. Eli Jotter, Jr., and mother, Mrs. Paul W. Matheson, of Charles on, S. C., Mrs. Robert T. Monk and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr., spent Tuesday n Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carraway, of Newport News, Vs., have returned ifter a visit to Mrs; Cutaway's] nother, Mrs. Clyde Brooks, near Walstonburg. Mr. jsnd Mrs. Graham Mr Adams ind daughter, Annette, of Washing ton,- D. C., spent the week end with Mr. McAdiuns' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams. Mrs. E. R. Clegg, Mrs. Bennett Fields, Mrs. J. T. Thorne, Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck, and Mrs.'Alton Bobbitt attended the Methodist fall seminar in Ehr City, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.,Jules Phoenix, of Chapel Hill, were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Rouse, Jr., Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. .Rouse and guests ipent Wednesday'at Edgewater. Mrs. Ellen Lewis Carroll, whs re cently underwent an 'operation, re turned Wednesday from Woodard Herring Hospital in Wilson. She is reported as recuperating rapidly. Mrs. E. W. Andrews, of Deti Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Moore i ily moved recently Into the Lip** Apartments on S. Main street. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Freeman and daugh ter moved into the home formerly oc cupied by the Moo res on Home Ave Bob Windham and Miss Dorothy Cecil, of Washington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. W. R.- Dixon and daughter, of Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Har rington and son, of- Greenville,' were guests at Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wfnl ham duriing the week end. Mrs. G. B. Sims and son, Colin, Jr., of Vero Beach, Fla., Who have been visiting Mrs. E. W. Andrews, in De troit, Mich., stopped here en route home to visit Mr. and Mrs. J alma Bynuro and Mrs. B. Streeter Shep pard. They returned home Monday. Mrs.J. I. Morgan and son, Bob, and Mrs. J. I. Morgan, Jr., and daugh ters, Hadiey and Anne, left Wednes day for a week's visit to relatives in Opelika, Ala. They will attend the wedding of Mrs. Morgan's niece on Saturday. Hadiey "xnd Bob Morgan will be attendants In the wedding. Mrs: Louise Hands and Mrs. John D. Dixon accompanied Mrs. Knott Proctor and Mrs. Lee, .of Greenville, to Baleigh, Wednesday, where they carried Mrs. Walter Hartman and daughter, Blanche Louise, to board a train for their home in Tampa, Fla., after a visit to Mrs. Hartman's sis ters, Mrs. Harris and Mm. Proctor. Mr. and Mm. Joe R. Norris and daughter, Beverly, have returned to their home in Patereon, N. J., after visiting Mr. Morris' sisters, Mm. M. L. Eason and Mrs. W. F. Carraway. Pvt. Norris Lee Eason is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Eason. Norris Lee, hav ing completed his basic training at Ft. McCelland, Ala., is now enroute to Ft. Ord, Calif. ? ANKLE INJURY Friends will regret tp learn that Mrs, Madeline H. Rountree, of St. Petersburg, Fla., who has been visit ing her mother, Mrs. Dora H. Keel, this summer, sustained a broken ankle in a fall, early -Sunday night, on George street, and will be lit a east for the next eight or nine weeks. : 2 HOSTS AT SUPPER Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Jones and Dr. and Mrs. ? R. T. Williams entertained members of the Bogue Sound Club, near Morehead at a sumptuous fish Jtew supper on Saturday evening. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Otis TXylor and Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Windham, of Farmville. BIRTHDAY* CELEBRATED Relatives were joined by many of the friends of Mrs. Clyde Brooks in tendering her a picnic dinner at her home, near Walstonburg, on Friday, August 28, in celebration of her birth day. During the afternoon, the hon oree was taken to the dining room, where a shower of gifts had bent arranged as a surprise. I Jk ? - v r' ~ LEFT FOR CALIFORNIA Mrs. Paul E. Jones and Mrs. Wes ley R. Willis left Thursday by motor for a month's ..visit to California. Mrs. Jones will visit her daughter, Mrs. Charles M. Duke, at Pasadena, and Mrs. Willis will go on to San Francisco and Eureka for a visit to her brother, JUason Officer Lee ChappelL s They were accompanied by Elbert Moye, who was released recently from military service and will enter the University of California this menfh. He has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson since his release. BIRD NOTES The Rev. Z. B. T. Cox accompanied the Bird Club members on a hike and picnic in the woods on Saturday morning, telling them about the birds he saw while in England dur ing et he war, which were mostly pheasants and quail, and also just how animals and birds are prepared for cooking and the methods of hunt ing in that country. The construction of bird nests w? studied and different kinds of shrubs and plants from which birds derive Bobby.Joyner and Chandler Cox were welcomed as new party . afternoon at the home of the ?, in which dahlias, asters and were used In effective flc * The color note and white was observed in dining room and emphasised in salad course, served after.the games. Mrs. C, Hubert Joytwr compiled high srfore iif contract and was award ed p towel set and Miss Howard, scor ing low, received guest towels. Mrs. R. E. Pickett won a package of toilet ries as the bingo prise. The honors* presented a silver tray by the A frozen fruit salad, ham biscuits, ribbon sandwiches, cup cakes and iced tea were served after play, and coca colas were enjoyed during the tL . ? &'' -r" ? ?' ) The shower of useful kitchen SCcee sories agd gadgets was presented Hie bride-elect by Diana Monk, daughter of one of the hostesses, in the role of Aunt Jemima. T'- f y Mrs. R. S. Scott and Mrs. R. V. Piser were joint hostesses, Tuesday morning, at the home of the former, in compliment to Miss Howard, at a delightful coca cola party. Dainty sandwiches, ham biscuits, pickles, olives, eheese straws, bird nest cook ies and sand tarts were served with the iced "cokes." The hostesses presented Miss tow ard with mixing bowls in pastel shades and remembered Mrs. James M. Yates, of Whlteville, a recent bride, wita a sii ilar gift Asters, roses and zinnias were in artistic arrangements throughout the surburban home of the Scotts. Miss Howard was honored, on Thursday, at a lovely bridge luncheon, given by'Mrs. Ted L. Albritton and Mrs* R. T. Williams at the home of the former on West Church street. , lire five tables were spread with refreshment cloths and centered with miniature arrangements of asters. Dahlias, hydrangeas and asters were used in the further floral deception of the home. The luncheon, consisting of a bar becue plate and individual lemon chiffon pies, was served at 1:00 o'clock. Mrs. Manly. Liles, mother of the bridegroom-elect, Mrs. ElSert C. Holmes, Mrs. Nannie Moye Humph rey and Miss Anne Jones attended as luncheon guests. In the progressive contract games, played afterwards, Mrs.. W.- S. Roys ter compiled high setae and received a pink tinted glass vase; the floating prize, plastic coasters, was - retained by Mrs. Harry Harper, and the con solation, a flower vase, went to Miss Frances Howard. The honoree was psesented a silver mayonnaise bowl by Mrs. Albfitton and flat silver in her chosen pattern by Mrs. Williams. ? This morning, fctiday, at 11:30 o'clock. Miss Susan Thorpe, of Rocky Mount, wHl entertain at a luncheon honoring Miss Howard. ??e * ENTERTAIN AT DANCE AT THM COUNTRY CLUB A gala eveht on the week's calen dar of the younger set was the en joyable d&nce, of Saturday evening, at which Miss Vivian Scotland Neal Howard, Jr., were hosts. The Country Club, scene of the dance, was decorated with sprays of clematis on the mantles and arrange ments of zinnias on end tables. The hosts greeted guests as they arrived. Dancing was enjoyed by the twenty couples from 3:80 uritil mid night. , * -s Fruit punch, crax, cookies, pickles and olives were served throughout evening with Miss Frances Hi sister of the host, presiding over beautifully appointed table. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Scott and and Mrs. Neal Howard, Sr., were m were a - number oi friends' from Kins ton and. Fountain. dollars in U. S. ? #1 Insure your States Savings NOTICE! The Episcopal Altar that it Mr. laid for t?M? | vidual lemon o'clock, with T. William., the retiring Mm^Mabmy E. PoHwd, and Mm. C. Mm. Nolan presided and outlined the year*, objectives, which will in clude a continuation of the sponsor ship of the Girl Scouts and the tiny tots' playground. In closing, the' president reminded the dub of its theme "With faith in our objectives, and good will in our hearts, we will work toward ajworld of peace." ym Serving with Mm. Nolan on the executive board this fear will be Mrs. R. T. Williams, vice president; Mm. R. C. Copenhaver, recording sec retary; Mm. J. M. Mewbom. cor responding secretary; Mm. C. S. Hotchkiss, treasurer; Mm. Curtis Flanagan, reporter; and the follow ing department chairmen, announced at this time: Mm. W. H. Duke,,American Citizen ship; Mm. John Erwin Wilkemon, Home; Mrs. L. J. Williford, Art; Mm Bill Rollins, Education; Mrs. Theodore Moore, International Relations) Miss Bertha Lang, Literature; Mr*. Sam Lewis, Public Welfare; Mm. Richard D. Harris, Music, The new president brought echoes also from the recent annual Council Institute, held by the NCFWC, in Raleigh, which she attended, and of the program suggested. The. dub pledged ltaelf at this time to full co operation with Mrs. Jesse Moye, president of the 15th District. Mrs. Mabrey E. Pollard reported plana outlined by Mrs. Moye at a recent luncheon tendered by her, and at which Mm. Pollard represented this group. She repeated the slogan adopted by the District, "Service with emphasis on Youth Conservation and the Building of Libraries." Mrs. R. T. Willianjs, a counsellor of the Girl Scouts, reported on their activities and the club agreed to spon sor a party to celebrate the first an niversary of this group. | Mm. Roderick Hanis, Mrs. W. C. j Garner, Mm. Allen Drake and Miss Rosemary Holmes were given < a cor dial welcome as new members, which was extended also to Mm. Josh Mun den, of Elisabeth City, a former mem ber, and Mm. Roy Davie#, of Wash ington, D, C, as special guests. Literary Club . Mm. W. M. Willis was hostess at the initial full meeting of the Liter ary Club, held Wednesday afternoon of this week. Arrangements of roees, astern, gladioli aqd. dahlias made a lovely setting for the meeting. Miss Elisabeth Davis, president, gave an interesting'and informative lecture on "The library of Congress," discussing its origin, growth and de velopment and the varied services rendered by it to the people of this and other nations, illustrating her, talk with exterior and interior views of the building. Miss Davis told also of recent visits to libraries i? West ern North Carolina. Bringing the program to a delight-] the hostess, who pre with a silver breaji pad plate at this time. ?&/*?' Contract dab Mrs. J. W. Joyner delightfully en tertained members of the Contract Club and apodal guests, Mies Fran ces Howard, Miss Elisabeth Davis, Miss Agnes Virginia Quinerfy and Miss Anne L. Jones, Tuesday after noon. Roses, vari-colored hydran geas and marigolds from her own garden were in artistic arrangement in the reception, living and dining rooms, thrown ensuite. Tablet were spread with refresh ment covers and centered with bud vases containing-roses and clematis for the sewing of vanilla ico cream, topped with fresh strawberries, home made cake, and salted nuts updn the arrfVU of the guesta. Mrs. H. Neal Howard and daughter. Miss Frances Howard, won the high ?core awards for dub members and guests, handpainted ornamental pitch en, and Hie hostess remembered Miss Howard, bride-elect of the month, with a handsome luncheon set GIRL SCOUTS TO HOLD ANNIVERSARY PARTY ??? Both troops of thi Farmville Girl Sdouta will hold their first anniver sary party at the home of Mrs. R. T. Williams, one of the leaders, on Tues day, September 10, at 5 o'clock. Each girl is requested to bring her dues of 60c. All girts, who are interested in joining the Scouts, are asked to con tact Mrs. Williams. i i.' EDWARDS - SAWREY ANNOUNCEMENT MADE 79>e following adnouncement has been received by friends here: "Mrs. Verna Rose Sawrey an nounces the marriage of her daugh ter, Eula Ma ye, to Mr. Charles Silas Edwards, on Saturday, the thirty first of August, Nineteen hundred and forty-six, Smithfield, North Caro lina. At home, Farmville, N. C." fe ' Buy Savings Bonds Now And Save! - Wit SUNDAY The Greatest Screen Has ? ?- ? l i ? ? i ip i ? in Technicolor ' Starring . . . Jeane Crain, Cornel Wilde, Linda Darnell, And Many Other Favorite.. Added?Latest News of the Day. TUESDAY Only - J The Thrill-Swept Outdoor Drama? "BAD BASCOMB" with?Wallace Beery and Margaret O'Brien Also?Technicolor Cartoon. v 1 WEDNESDAY * ' DOUBLE FEATURE Picture of Strange Obsession t Lucille Ball, Mark Stevens, William Bendix?in THE DARK CORNER" : .and 7* ' "GANGSTERS DEN" with?Buster Crabbe and Fussy St. John. Plus?Chapter No. 2 ? "The 8cariet Horseman." " . THURSDAY arid Friday The Wonderful New Adventure of those Screen Sweethearts . . . Dorothy McGuire A Robert Young ? in ? "CLAUDIA and DAVID" Added SPECIAL "Bikini-Atom Island" and Color Cartoon. WE HAVE A FEW NEW LOCKERS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW ! ACT PROMPTLY. FARMVILLE FREEZER LOCKERS Dial 380-6 ?? Farmvifle, N. C. Buy "Savings Bends" Have! HaM! STRETCHERS ilfsi Full Size ? Rust Proof Nails ?o ,1 ^ CO. "Farmville's Shopping Center" i,' ' 7 ' >-' f W OF THE BREATEST CELEBRATION TIE SCIEEN HAS EVER SEEN! lyrics by Qtcor ttawtersitiiill : ? through Tfc. Dmy" b, ? "Mp

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