Mr. and Mi*. Ray West, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Bay Wart, Jr. and Bobby Bay Went, spent Sunday in Jhtr? mont, die guests of Mr. Hhd Mrs. Cameron TTy|^ V \ ' i' " ; 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Brooks and Mrs. Iroy Smith spent the week mm) visiting friends and relet lees near Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mercer - Mr. Mid Mrs. Earl Lang spent Son day at Atlantiic Beach. *????? { Mrs. Buck Wnstead and Becky Rae. of Elm Cfty,' spent a few days with Mrs. L. H. Gala. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Smith, of Fountain, spent" the week end in Wal Btonburg with friends! ? Miss Masel McKeel left Monday Mrs. Em.a* Mewborn, of Hitt, is spending a ftw days visitini her sister, Mrs. Hetta Banter. 7 with Mrt afternoon. Mrs. R. G. Fields gave i Book \report and the usual businea meeting was presided over by tfc president, Mrs. R*r West. Jr. M hostess served a salad plate. Mrs. Henry Butch has return* home from Woodsrd-Herring Hos pital, Wilson, and friends will b glad to know that she is getting along nicely. Miss Grace Gardner has return* m 181 the H _ ? ?UBHMS? aaasms wjnvwa ~ ? ? Spots, Gny Lombardo, Wayne King, Ernest Tahh, Bed Nichols, The Pied Pipers, The King Cole Trie, Freddy Martin, Benny G and Religions Singers, Selah inbilee Singers, ami Sister Thorpe. O LATEST SINGLE RECORDS O A LITTLE BIT INDEPENDENT DONT YOU EVER LET MB GO Marie'Greene and Her Merry*en ? Signature Record ?? 89c TEA FOB TWO MOONGLOW ,.rJ Barney Bigard Trio ? Signature Record .... 82c I like Mas SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT Helen Forrest ? Deeca Record ?... We PUNCH AND JUDY FLYIN' HOME No. 2 f Lionel Hampton ? Deeca Record .? 82c # ALBUMS #* Porgy and Bass ? Featuring Todd Dnacan, Baritone; Anne Brawn, Soprano; The Era Jeesye Choir, afl fro* the Original New York Production, and the Deeca Symphony Orchestra, nader the Direction of Alexander Smollena. ALBUM No. 145 (4-50 ,Brah",f *nn?rUm ?"nCe8' Erk* M?riBl' ArtbUr Balsom nt the Piano. VICTOR Red Seal No. 1?52 ; $SJ0 COMB IN AND LISTEN TO YOUR FAVORITES t - . * ? !. MRS. J. M. CARRAWAY, Phone 479-7 ? North Main St ? Farmvifl*, N. C. ' " '" ? ? i>- " '' FRUIT-OF-THE-l rWWr r j ? ~ ?? '?? 500 boys' Fruit-of-the- Loom Shirts just in * time forschool needs. Whites... Solid Col ore... and Fancies... Sport and dress stylk. ?' :r0 - Sizes 6 to 14 f$ % - ;s>;: it PHI %> 'rh7;-: 1 HE ^P ?:. . -iiajt '--Iv :V ' ""? f' 01 B' .... T tfHNL* nm 1 ?.^... ?? J^k mm z pg^pps. 0$b -f^':-^ t V ,? *?;& >.. :--? "4; Jigfe#* :W P#te ? 'xi-' ?' * ' ??'?'?? ??<>- ? '. ,? :i\.?." ?v. , . ? ?? ..> .... - , i> . . -? r " . ;? / Ci -$4U|U*VP*1?' ^ TT** :'^SF to see higcammunity membership committeeman and -V JOIN THH PITT COUNTY FARM BUREAU FOR IM6 Jip - : ?,**??"'' "?? \?. . , :.'*>-.5L- >' , ? ?'. 'j -:V v'-i'is^T i-' ' : ??--it '" ?' H;. ., . ? " -'f ' - 47. 3800 Pitt Comity Farmers Joined themselves togeth 'i ' - . T m er last year to promote a better agriculture. ? ?; -'? ?? ''' ;* sj&v'S.^-Uin , .- ?? . "? ?>: i, ^ . >? .a :t Sil ? -cf.""- > : ij/a .. - a*- -* ?u-*?2wSMS; If you were a member last year, renew your membership. " ' . fIvniTmAT.iV, If you were not, JOIN TODAY! 4 .SiU - . . ,.;.. ^ ......j,. - ,-iw '. ? J:S2&,;.5w"$a; LlMiiiiHi i"; ? .... .mi'" '- SSWaRfSTC^r'S'^Sp. - " -T. ?'?? w ? 3i ?* ? ff'? -tf /s " ?*? ^j^iij "Tiff i ifl tTaf > . ???-, The future needs of agriculture makes it imperative ttiat every farmer pvt his shoulder to the wheet by join?. . .rrr. . ?, i ? xn m^Tratnrn 17/.TTT, yg^mgr-- **::&&& HP"? ***?? ' F " ) . ?. V&>: * 'm-:': ,W. .4,.- i^?5 : n % ?S Hili .r * >? IE#1 11 rmi? ' . ? ? _1 vi?a IS tit 'U. ?; ..'? ??:. ' ? - , , '? ' . -' . "-'a : .. ..: ? A * ?v,r. ? _? ?,