Mr. and Mrs. Vasee: Kinston visitors, Monday. ? ? ? ? Miss Annie Perkins .pent the week end in Enfield, with friends. * * * * Miss Marjorie Freema* spent the week end in Kinston at her home. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mm. W. H. Duke are spending this week in New York City. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Lowell Liles and Manly Liles were Rocky Mount visitors, ? day. ? ? ? ? - Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gaynor will spend Sunday with friends in Battle boro. * ? ? ? . Miss Mariah Thompson spent the week end at her home in Stantons-1 burg: * * * j I Miss Margaret toates has returned from a visit to friends in McColl, | S. C. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Ernest N. Petteway visited relatives in Kinston, Tuesday | night ,,,, Dan Morgan le/t Thursday for | Darlington School for Boys, Rome, Georgia. ? ? ? ? | Mr and Mrs. T. R. Mirelle will visit relatives in Ahoskie during the j week end. * * * * I Bill Morton left Tuesday to enter the Presbyterian Seminary m Rieh- j mond, Va. ? * * * Mrs Frank Allen and Mrs. C. S Hotchkiss spent Tuesday afternoon in Kinaton. ? ? ? ? Miss Mary Elizabeth Carr spent last week end with Miss Dorcas Sum rell in Ayden. ? ? * ? Mrs. E. C. Holmes and Miss Anne L. Jones were Pinetops visitors Tues day afternoon. ? ? ? * T. C. Rollins, Jr., of Wilson, spent Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. W. J. Rollins. Mr. and Mm. J. W. Holmes have returned from spending a week at Carolina Beach. * ? * ? Ernest N. Petteway and Cecil Johnston were Charlotte visitors, Sun day and Monday. ? ? * * Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Ben Weaver is improving after a recent illness. * * * k Misses Louise and Virginia Harris are spending the week in Washing ton and New York. ? ? * ? Mr and Mm. E. C. Holmes and children attended a family reunion in Wendell, Sunday. ? ? * ? Stewart McCullum, of Winchester, Ky., spent the week end with Mr. ?M Mm. J. W. Joyner. ' Mm. J. L. Rumley, of Greenville, visited her daughter, Mm. G. E. Moore, Jr., Sunday. ^ Mr. and Mm. Robert TTelds, and mnall aon, "Chip" were Snow Hill visitors, Wednesday. ? ? ? ? I?Roy Rollins of the Lumberton tobacco market spent the week end with his family here. ? ? ? ? , Rev. E. S. Coates has returned from Charlotte, where he attended a meeting of the Synod. Miss Easter May Gay, of Wilming ton, will spend the week end with Misses lizzie and Sue Gay. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Holmes and son, Dyke, of Raleigh, spent Satur day here visiting relatives. ? ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Bailey, of Chapel Hill, spent several days recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Allen. ' ? ? ? ? Mrs. R. T. Williams and Mrs. C..S. Hotchkiss were visitors in Rocky Mount on Monday afternoon. ?' ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Marion Shirley and son, of Raleigh, were week . end guests of Mrs. G. M. Shirley. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Eason had as their guests last week end, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Waters, of Lumberton. v ? ? ? ? Mrs. Ben Lewis attended a lunch eon on Saturday for the Lee-Braswell wedding party in Rocky Mount. ? * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wesley Joyner and daughter, Pat,||?f Greenville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bob Joyner. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Jones and son, James, returned home, Monday, a month's stay at Bogi^ Sound. G. B. Smith, Mrs. Allen R. - - - Ml Iff ? W1 I 33H . :?*" . * ?CALENDAR Monday, Sept. 14 3:30 P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary meets with Mr?. R. C. Co pen haver. 6:30 P. M.?Y. W. A., Baptist, has supper meeting with Mrs. H. D. Johnson, as hostess. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwania. 8:00 P. M. ? Executive Board, Woman's Society Christian Ser vice, Methodist, meets with Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt. Tuesday, 17 3:00 P. M.?Contract Club meets with Mrs. W. Leslie Smith. 3:30 P. M.?Junior Woman's Club meets with Mrs. Tommy Ryan. 7:00 P. M.?Rotary. 7:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. 8:00 P. M.?Boy Scouts. Wednesday, 18 2:30 P. M.?Bell Arthur Homo Demonstration Club. 3:30 P. M.?Presbyterian Juniors I meet with, Roy and Ray Moore. 3:46 P. M.'?Literary Club meets with Miss Elizabeth Davis. Thursday, 18 3:30 P. M.?Troop 2 of the Girl Scouts meets- at the hobie of Mrs. R. T, Williams.- _ 3:80 P. M.?American Legion Aux iliary meets with Mrs. Louise Harris, Mrs. M. V. Horton, and Mrs." H. N. Howard as hostesses. 8:00 P. M.?Troop 1 of the Girl Scouts meets at the home bf Mrs. Mac Carraway. Friday, 20 3:00 P. M.?Lamrad Club meets with Mrs. J. I. Morgan, Jr. 8:00 P. M.?Order of the Eastern Star. Saturday, 21 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. 8:00 P. M.?Supper Club at Coun try Club with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Allen, as hosts. TODAY The Woman's Club will meet Fri day, today, at 3:30 at the home of Mrs. E. R. Clegg with Mrs. B. Street er Sheppard as joint hostess. 8:00 P. M. ? Rehearsal of Liles Howard wedding party at Methodist Church, followed by a cake cutting at the Country Club with.Mrs. Lowell Liles and Miss Agnes Quinerly as hostesses. cj . TOMORROW 12:00?Mrs. W. L. Thorp, of Rocky Mount, and Mrs. W. D. Hackney, Jr., of Wilson, aunts of Miss Frances Howard, and Mrs. W. L. Draper, of Rocky Mount, a. cousin, will entertain for the bride-elect at a luncheon at the Farmville Country Club. 6:30 P. M.?Liles-Howard wedding takes place at the Methodist Church. Reception at the Country Club will follow. Mr. and Mrs. William Thome, of Washington, D. C., are visiting rela tives here. * * * * R. A. Joyner, town clerk! entered Duke Hospital Durham, Thursday, for treatment. ? ? ? ? Miss Ruth Williams spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. James Ed wards, in Washington. ? ? ? ? Friends .will regret to learn that Mrs. George W. Davis, Sr., is con fined to her home on account of ill ness. ? * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kelly and daughter, Mrs. T. E. Gladson, of Greenville, were Plymouth visitors, Sunday. ' ~ T'K " Mr, and Mrs. George Wilkerson, of Greenville, spent Saturday night with Mrs. Wilkerson's mother, Mrs. S. G. Gardner. ? ? a ? a Mrs. G. S. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wilson, of Greedville, spent Sunday in Aurora. a a a, a Miss Corinne Holloway, of Bal lards, left Wednesday for Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, Va., where she 'is a senior. x ' , ? a a a Mr. and.Mrs. Frank T. Clifton and children, Tommy and Jane, of Kim ton, spent the week end With Mrs. J. L .Baker. - a a a . Mrs. Ben Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Shearin attended the Lee-Bras weil wedding in Rocky Mount, Satur day evening. . .S. ? ? ? ? ? ? . Mrs. Mattie Swain apd Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Swain arid son, Charles, spent the weak end with v ' ' ? ? ? ? a night 6f Mr. and will regret to learn that I In Woodard-Herring Hos pital, in Wilson, Wednesday. * * ? ? . | Mr. and Mra. C. J. Tyaon returned to Greensboro, Monday, aftr spending the week end with Mra. Tyson's pa rents, Mr. and Mra. L. R. Jones. ? ? ? * Misa Jane Turnage, Misa Mary Elisabeth Carr, and Misa Margaret Bynom returned Monday to resume their studies at Louisburg College. ? e ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joyner. Mra. Stephen Gardner, and guest, Stewart McCullum, of Winchester, Ky., spent Sunday at Morehead and Camp Le jeune. , >-v e ? e e Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Calhoun and family, of Greenville, and Mr. and Mra. O. L. Speight,, of Ayden, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Nerville, Sunday. ? ? ? e Mrs. J. R. Lewis, Mrs. Claude Joy ner, and Mrs. Lillie West brook at tended the-County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs in Greenville, Tuesday. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Welsh, of Baltimore, Md., returned to their home Thursday after spending a week with Mrs. Welsh's mother, Mrs. S. G. Gardner. Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Lang, of Con cord, and Mrs. A. R. Shearin, the former Olive tang, of Whitakers, visited friends and relatives here, Wednesday. ? * ? ? Friencjp will regret to learn that Mrs. S. E. Ewell, mother of P. K. Ewell, is ill in Elkhart, Ind., where she has been visiting relatives for several weeks. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Arch Flanagan have returned from a trip to Western North Carolina. They visited Rev. and Mrsi C. B. Mashbum, near Black Mountain, while away. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bundy, Mrs. Pearl Baker and Mrs. Apple Flana gan attended the state association of the Free Will Baptist Church, Wed nesday, at Black Jack. * ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Jones and Mrs. L. R. Jones were Rocky Mount and Wilson visitors, Tuesday. Mrs. Jasper Jones underwent treatment while in Rocky Mount. ? ? ? * Mrs. Miniiie Warren and sister, Mrs. J. A. Viverette, of Battieboro, are attending the Triennial meeting of .the Episcopal Woman's Auxiliary being held in Philadelphia. ? ? ? a Mrs. B. C. Allen and son, Closson, of Raleigh, and Milton Heath, Jr., of Chapel Hill, will arrive today to at tend the Liles-Howard wedding and will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Manly Liles. ? ? ? ? Miss Bettie Joyner, Mrs. S. G. Gardner and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Welsh, of Baltimore, Md., were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkerson, in Greenville, ruesday. ? * ? ? Mrs. A. C. Monk Jr., Bill Monk, Mrs. R. O. Long, Sr., and sister, Mrs. Augustus Rogers, of Lake Al fred, Fla., and Mrs. Ted L. Albritton spent Wednesday and Thursday ip Richmond, Va. Miss Mildred Howard, of Louis burg, Miss Ruby Howard and Mrs. T. B. Howard, of Danville, Va., will spend this week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Howard and attend the Liles-Howard wedding. ? ? **+ Mrs. Quinton Smith and daughter, Priscilla, of West End, Miss Mary Irma Rives, a member of the Wals tonburg School faculty, and George Rives, of Lillington, were guests of-f" Mr. and Mrs. Arch Flanagan during the week end. * ? e ? Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Turnage ac companied their daughter, Ann, to Flora Mac Donald College, Red Springs, Tuesday^ where Miss Turn age will resume her studies. Mr. and pits. Turnage spent the night with relatives in Dunn and returned home, Wednesday. t\' ? , . ? .1 J BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Walston, of Farmville, announce the birth of a sont William Roderick, on August 81 dt Williams-Winstead Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bradham an nounce the birth of a son onJSunday, September 8, at Park View Hospital, Rocky Mount. Mrs. Bradham was the former Miss Rebecca Short, of Rocky Mount. v ? Dr. and Mrs. A, F. Hammond, Jr. of New Bern, announce the birth of a Kins^ fnrniAf lupuci Convention to be held in 1 on October 8 and .9. ? T. W. Lang, W. Willie Garland Hoiden were appointed serve on the nominating for the ensuing year. Mr*. Frank Davis, Sr. chairman, presented Mrp. Herbert ?. Hart, who spoke interestingly on the "Southern Forts of the Confederacy." Parts of .these forte are still and are visited by many tourists every year. - ..y'' .-J' ? Following adjournment, fruit gela tine, topped with cream, cheese straws and cookies were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Willis. Laauad Club Quantities of lovely sinnas, mari golds, dahlias and roses were used as a setting for the tables in play when the Lamrad Club met on Friday after noon with Mrs. George E. Moore, 7r., as gracious hostess. Between progressions, sandwiches, watermelon rind pickle, brownies and eoca-crilas were served. High score was won by Mrs. C. 8. Hotchkiss, a guest of the hostess. Other guests included Mrs. Walter Jones and Mrs. Yancey Burke, of Hforse Cave, Ky. Home Demonstration Meeting The September meeting of the Farmville Home Demonstration Club was held in the clubhouse, Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Claude Joyner, the president, presiding. The meet ing was opened with the singing of America followed by the Club Col lect. An interesting report on Federa tion Day of the Farm and Home Week, held in Raleigh, in August, was given by Mrs. J. R. Lewis. Plans tor a benefit Brunswick stew supper to be,held, in October, were made ind a committee, composed-of Mrs. B. R. Fields, Mrs. C. T. Westbrook ind Mrs. Earl Bagley, was appointed ? complete ardangements/ for the svent. ~ The following officers were elect id: Mrs. J. R. Lewis, president; drs. Earl Bagley, vice president; VIrs. B. R. Fields, secretary-treasurer. Mi 188 Verna- Lowery, new assistant iome demonstration agent, -interest ingly presented a study of "Shoes ind Feet" as the program feature >f the afternoon. Mrs. Noah Bundy was cordially welcomed as a new member. Home-made cocoanut cake and ice :ream were served by the hostesses, Mrs. S. F. Hobgood and Mrs. Bennett ryson during the social hour. Merry Matrons Beautiful arrangements of dahlias, narigolds, nasturtiums, ageratum, snapdragons," roses, and asters were ised as-a lovely setting for the meet ng of the Merry Matrons held in .he home of Mn. A. W. Bobbitt, ruesday afternoon. I ? ' During a short business session 3 resided over by the president, Mn. Bobbitt, a vote of thanks was extend ed the year book committee, of which Mrs. J. I. Morgan was chairman, for he attractive books distributed at his time. Mrs. Bobbitt spoke briefly :onceming the many absences at his, the first fall, meeting. The hostess was assisted in serving ielicious angel food cake, ice cream, Kited nuts, And cheese straws by >bert Pollard to the members and Mrs. E. R. Clegg, a special guest. A warm'welcome was extended to L. E. Walston, a new member. i Wednesday Afternoon Club Mn. R. C. Copenhaver was a graci ous hostess Wednesday afternoon, en tertaining members of her bridge club and "Additional friends, Mn. Paul Kimbrough, of Cynthiana, Ky., Mn. Robert T. Monk, Mn. C. S. Hotchldss and Mrs. R. T. Williams, at her home in which roses, sinnas, dahlias, scar let sage and lilies were used with pleasing effect.. The three card tables were spread with refreshment coven and centered with mixed floral arrangements for the dessert course, consisting of ice cream sundaes and blade chocolate cake, which was served upon the ar rival of guests. A fruit drink and salted nuts were enjoyed during play. Mn. George E. Moore, Jr., scored high for members and a packet of seasoning herbs and C. S. Hotchkisa received cellophane doilies as guest award. 4 New Deal Club ,; -.^7' ? MM. WABBEN GEORGE PALMER, of Greenville, who before her marriage on August 28 in the Farmville Methodist Church, was Mine Etta Prances Harper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jennie Prank Harper, of Farmville. Mr. Palmer is the son . of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Palmer, of Berkeley, Calif. a delicious frozen marehmallow falad, party sandwiches and iced tea. Order Of Eastern Star The Order of the Eastern Star held a regular meeting Friday evening in the Masonic Hall with Mrs. Curtis Flanagan, worthy matron, presiding, rhe altar was draped in memory of Rev. J. W. Patten, past grand patron, who recently passed away. A repbrt on the Robert Morris Day program held in Greensboro recently was given by Mrs. J. W. Parker. Mrs. Flanagan announced that the District Deputy Grand Matron, Mrs. Florence Lewis, would make her of ficial visit on October 18. GIRL SCOUTS HOLD ANNIVERSARY PARTY v ri Troops 1 and 2 were guests at a weiner roast given them by their ?ponsors, the Junior Woman's Club, held at the home of Mrs. R. T. Wil liams on Tuesday afternoon. All enjoyed a scavenger hunt be fore the roast A beautifully dacorat ;d cake bearing one candle was cut ind served. After the roast each troop enter tained with stunts and joined in sing ing favorite songs. Plans for the mming year was discussed. The leaders, Mrs. Walter Jones, Miss Rosemary Holmes, Mrs. J. M. Garraway and Mrs. Williams were present CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Hadlejr Morgan, winsome little laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J< Irvin Morgan, Jr., celebrated her fifth rirthday on Wednesday with a lovely jarty. Following games on the lawn the Hostess invited her guests into the lining room for refreshments. The Able was spread with a blue cloth j ind centered with a boVrl of pink Flowers flanked by pink candles in diver holders. From one end the tostess served fruit punch and from Lhe other her mother cut and served the birthday cake, which bore five Handles and decorations of pink and blue. Pink baskets of hard candies and Walloons were given as favors. According to census reports, North Carolina farmers purchased $7,782, XX) worth of feeds in 1989 and $86, 163,000 in 1944. Director .1 O. Schaub of State College says that this is dangerous business. ROCKY MOUNT HOSTESS COMPLIMENTS MISS HOWARD In compliment to Miss Frances Howard, bride-elect, Miss Susan Thorp charmingly entertained at a. bridge-luncheon on Friday morning at her home in Rocky Mount Summer flowers were in effective arrangements throughout the Thorp home. ? ? . ? The cold plate luncheon consisted of ham, stuffed tomatpea, . potato chips, cream cheese sandwiches, staff ed celery, individual lemon pies, and iced tea. .* * Following three progressions, prises were awarded high and low scorers, and the hostess presented Miss How ard with novel book ends. In addition to the honoree and her mother, Mrs. H. Neal Howard, Miss Thorp had as guests from Farmville, Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner, Mrs. Lowell Liles, Mrs. Carol W. Modlin, M1k Mae Knott and Miss Agnes Quinerly. CANDID r The fond mother approached the teacher anxiously. "Dont you think Randolph will ever learn to draw?" "No, madam?that is, unless you harness him to a truck," replied the teacher. ' I ? It's the people who'just call to say hello who hang around till you're nuts. FOR SALE?Small Used FrigMairc See Eey Taylor at Wabtonburg. FOR SALE?TWO BUILDING LOTS bested on E. Pine street. If ih temoted, write F-ttS, care The En terprise, Farmville, N. C. tf ^ WE HAVE A FEW NEW LOCKERS AVAILABLE BIGHT NOW I ^aS^T FREEZER' LOCKERS Dial 380-6 ? Farmville, N. -C. of the |. 9* be bode in Fkrmvilie, where m?ny happy sesortatlnns i accorded a warm welcome. Mr. Fuquay wu relsaapd on Ju nary 7 of thie. year from military duties having Berved since March, IMS, with 24 months spent in the European Theatre as a radio opera tor with the AriHy Air PSreee op a P-17. Walt Hamilton, the former popular manager, of the Paramount, has ac septed the managership of two thea tres in Williamston. While welcom ng Mr. Fuquay, the many friends of iroung Hamilton also expressed re fret that his rejourn with us hed to >e brought to a claM. wsa f* ; M If r* know <f MM. Wb. k ?, ?rl AM To woko your bost.... IV* mim

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