* 4 Mr*. Motrin Gay w visitor, Monday. ? ? ? ? Miss Bertha Lang was a Raleigh visitor, Saturday. ? ? ? ? Bill Carr spent the week end in Raleigh with relatives. ? ? ? ? ? Mrs. Nannie M. Humphrey was a Wilson visitor, Monday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duke were Warrenton visitors, Sunday. ? ? ? ? \' Miss Ruth Speir spent the week end in Kinston visiting friends. ? *? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hardy, of Maury, were visitors here, Tuesday. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mra. R. G. Ruffin spent Sunday with relatives in Rocky Mount ? * ? ? Mrs. J. T. Bundy spent Wednesday I in Walstonburg with her brother, Jes sie Gay. ? ? ? '? Mrs. Joe H. Bynum and Mrs. F. G. Smith were Greenville visitors, Wed nesday. ? ? we E. C. Carr, Jr., of Newport News, Va., spent the week end with his parents. ? ? v ? Mrs. Hadley Bryan and daughter, of Rocky Mount, were visitors here Monday. ? * * ? ? Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst and Mrs. T. T. Moore were Greenville visitors, Monday. ? ? ? ? - Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Eason spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Rich mond, Va. ? ? ? ? Miss Jean Beckman left Monday to resume her studies at Meredith Col lege, Raleigh. ? ? * ? Mrs. T. W. Williams, of Raleigh, will spend the week end with Miss Bertha Lang. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Bennett R. Fields spent several days of this week in Richmond, Va. * * ? * Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner and Mrs. M. V. Jones were Rocky Mount visi tors, Wednesday. .* ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. Tom Herring, of Kinston, spent the week end with Mrs. F. G. Smtth. 0 ? ? ? Mrs. Nonie Barrett left Wednesday to spend several days visiting rela tives in Greenville. ? * ? ? Jimmy Darden, of Durham, is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. J. H. Darden. * ? ? ? Neal Howard, Jr., left Tuesday for Woodberry Forest, Orange, Va., to resume his studies. ? ? ? * Mrs. M. C. Todd, of Wendell, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes, this week. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rasberry were guests at the Jefferson Hotel, More head, last week 'end. ? ? ? * Mrs. J. W. Holmes and Miss Fran ces Winstead were Concord visitors, Monday and Tuesday. : t ? ? ? * Mrs. Berkeley Rutledge and daugh-* ter, Miss Bobby, visited relatives in Ayden last week end. Mrs. E. C. Beaman was the week end guest of her -sister, Mrs. D. F. Hardison, in Snow Hill. ? ? ? ? Miss Mary Leah Thorne, a senior at St. Mary's, Raleigh, left Wednes day to resume her studies. '< * ' ? ? ? ? Miss Vivian Scott left Tuesday to enter the high school department of St. Mary's School, Ralhigh.. ? ? ? ? ^ Edward Beckman has returned to Oak Ridge Military Institute, Oak Ridge, to resume his studies. ? ? ? ? Mr; and Mrs. Warren Palmer, of Greenville, spent the week end vdth Mr. and Mrs. 1. Frank Harper. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Bergeron at-, tended the Barnes-Phillips wedding in Wilson, Wednesday afternoon. ? ? ? ? Miss Elisabeth Lang, of Roanoke Rapids, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lang, x ? ' r Miss Mary Ellen Kittrell, of Wals tonburg, left Sunday to enter the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol] Holmes, of Hertford, sprat Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes. Mrs. J. H. Pay lor, Lewis and Mrs. ? e e ? ? CALENDAR? r, asptemeer 33 3:30 P. M.?Garden Club meets .with Mm. Paul Alton, jr., at 306 W. Wilson street. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwanis. 7:30 P. M.?Ballards Home Dem onstration Club meats with Mrs. L E. Jones. 8 KM) P. M.?Presbyterian Auxili ary meets with Mm. John M. Mewborn. . Tuesday, 34 2:30 P. M.?Seven Pines Home Demonstration Club. ^ 3:46 P. M,?Merry Matrons meet at the home of Mm. Bertha Gardner with Mrf. R. A. Fields, as hostess. 7:00 P. M.?Rotary., 7.00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. 8:00 P. M.?Community Planning Board. * 8:00 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 8.-00 P. M.?<-Altar Guild, Episco pal, meets with Mm. R. C. Copenhaver. Wednesday, 35 3.-00 P. M.?New Mai Club meets with Mrs. S. A. Roebuck. 8:00 P. M.?Wednesday Afternoon Club -meets with Mrs. R. V. i Fiser. 3:30 P. M.?Brownies meet at home of Mrs. George Farr. Thursday, 28 8:00 P. M. ? Parent-Teachers As sociation. 3:30 P. M.?Girl Scouts, Troop 2, meet at the home of Mrs. R. T. Williams. t 8:00 P. M.?Girl Scouts, Troop 1, meet at the home of Mm. Mac Carraway. Friday, 37 3:30 P. M.?Book and Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Frank Allen. Saturday, 28 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. TOMORROW, 21 1:00 P. M.?Mrs. Frank Cooper, of Kington, and Miss Verona Lee Joyner give bridge party at the home of the latter for Miss Effie S. Lewis, bride-elect of October. Mrs. T. iEJ. Joyner, Sr., Mrs. R. T. donk and Miss Verona Lee Joyner, >f Greenville, spent Wednesday in laleigh. ? ? * ? Mrs. W. R. Dixon, Jr., and daugh er, Barbara Ann, of Wilson, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. George Vindham. ? ? * ? Miss, Edith Tyson, of Ballards, has esumed her studies at Atlantic Christian College, Wilson, where she b a senior. ? ? ? ? * Mrs. J. T. Windham has as her quests for several days, Mrs. Earl lias ton and son, Earl, Jr., of Moul rie, Georgia. I Friends will regret to learn that I he Rev. E. S. Coates has been ill at I lis home thy week. He is reported I is improving. ? ? ? * | I Mrs. Lanye Dail and Mr. and Mrs. I Mien M. Harris moved from 106 N. hontentnea street to 204 E. Wilson I treet this week. I ? ? * ? I Mrs. Ed Nash Warren, Mrs. Bertha hardner, Mrs. Pat. Ruffin and Mrs. Iieorge Windham were Greenville Irisitors, Monday. I ? ? ? Friends were glad to see Carl A. ryson out again this week. Mr. Tyson lias been ill for some time bat is iteadily improving. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mogpe, Jr., and. laughter, Mary Law," were guests of Kr. and Mrs. Fred C. Moore, in But-1 erworth, Va., Sunday. * ? * ? ? ' | Mr. and Mrs; Knott Proctor and; laughter. Miss Hannah Dixon, of Oreenville, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Louise D. Hants. ? - ? ? * ? Miss Nell Taylor Beaman, student it Campbell College, Bales Creek, will spend the week end with her mother, Mrs. C. L. Beaman. ? Miss Gladys Crawford, of Ballards, to Flora MacDonald College, Springs, last week where she is dnber of the sophomore class. Mr. and Mrs* G. Alex Mra John B; Wright, Jr. remaining for a viait of ? ? ? ? Friends wilT be glad" Horace Lewis, lft*. f. H. (m Smith and Mr*. Richmond, Vs., k van Goldaboro ?> J | 10m Bcttie Joyner, Mrs. & G. I Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph , D. I Joyner and John Russell Joyner visit led R. A. Joyner In Duke Hospital, I Sunday. ? * ? ? Mrs. S. A. Roebuck and son, Roberf I Everette, Mrs. Frank Daria, Jr., Mrs. Ernest Petteway, Mrs. W. M. Willis land Mrs. George Moore, Jr., were [ Greenville visitors, Wednesday. '? ? ? ? ? Mrs. Russell Moore, of Cythiana, Ky., arrived Friday to be with h4r husband, who is a member of Farm ville's "Tobacco.Colony". The Moores I are residing at the home oXJtrs. B. 0. | Turnage. ? * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Jack Montgomery, Jr., of Shelbyville, Ky? whose marrige occurred this month, spent Monday and Tuesday with Ma Montgomery's I sister, Mrs. R. E. Pickett and Mr. I Pickett. / ? ess /, Mrs. S. L. Loving, of Richmond, IVa, spent the week end with her I husband, who is on the tobacco market I here. The. Lovings were guests of I Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Ruffin during I Mrs. Loving's visit. esse Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moye, of I Maury, accompanied their daughter, I Miss Ruby, and Miss Agnes Quinerly lis Salem College, Winston-Salem, I Thursday, where Misses Moye and I Quinerly yrill resume their studies ? ? ? ? Friends will regret to learn that I Wyatt Tucker, who has been in Caro llina General Hospital, Wilson, since I suffering a leg injury some weeks I ago, and who was reported as quite | ill last week, improves very slowly. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Whitman and children, Dorothy Jane, Howard, Jr., I Ralph and Dora, formerly of Wilm ington, moved this week to 106 N. I Waverly street. Mr. Whitman re Icently accepted a position with Mel ton Motor Service. - ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. .C. R. Dodson, of I Asheboro, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. I Greene, Mrs. M. L. Eason, Jr., and I son, of Newport News, Vs., and Mrs. I James Yates, of Whiteville, spent the ? week end with their parents, Mr. and I Mrs. A. J. Greene. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barrett and children, Fasehall and Brenda, Joe H. Bynum, Miss Margaret Bynum, of I Farmville and Louisburg Collegp, and I Mies Mildred Curtis, of Jacksonville, I week end guest of her aunt,. Mrs. I Barrett, attended a family barbecue at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Curtis, in Norlina. * .* * * Mrs. Hannah Shirley moved this week to reside in the home of Mrs. J. I. Baker. Mrs. Emma Jones moved this week to reside in Mrs. B. J. Skinner's home. Richard Tugwell has purchased the home on Contentnea street, formerly occupied by Mrs. Shirley and Mrs. Jones, and expects to move his family here this fall. INVITATIONS ISSUED | The following invitations have been received by friends here this week: "Mr. and Mrs. John Stanley Smith request the honour of your presence at the marriage of thejr daughter, Eleanor Hawes, to Mr. William Fitz gerald Lipscomb, on Monday, the seventh of October, at eight o'clock, Galilee Episcopal Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia." A reception will be held immedi ately following the ceremony, at Albemarle Hall, the home of the "MA Samuel Taylor Lewis requests the honour of your presence at the marriage of his sister, Effie tenors, to Mr. John William Price, Jr., on Thursday, the third of October, nineteen hundred and forty-six, at five-thirty o'clock in the afternoon, the Methodist Church, Farmville, N. C." A reception will be held immedi ately following the marriage in of the bride. J . You cant demand of it. A; * ?o to fr T* ?? Ml n ? rarmvine, Liles, of o'clock, L teenth, in the Farmvilie Church and characterised by beauty and dignlbr. The Key. E. K. Clegg, pastor of the church, officiated using the double ring ceremony. Oregon fern and palms were ar-l ranged as a chancel background f<}r I tell baskets of white gladioli and for | the cathedral candles in floor cande labra. Smllax entwined the altar rail, Iwhich waa interspersed with sprays of white gladioli, and enhanced the setting for the wedding tableau*. Mrs. Arthur P. Joyner rendered a program of prenuptial music, includ ing "Schubert's Serenade", "To An Evening Star" by Wagner, VPoem" by Flbich, "Angel Serenade" by Braga, and Schubert's "Ave Maria". "Oh Promise Me," by R. deKoven, was sung by Elbert Holmes, baritone, and Mr. and Mrs. Holmes sang a [duet, "The Want Of You" by Van srpool. "EstrelUta" by Ponce-Kohl ann, Was softly played by the or .mist during the ceremony. The Iridal Chorus from Lohengrin was ted for the processional and Men-1 ilssohn's Wedding March for the re ional. "Lutkin's Benediction" was I as a duet by Mr. and Mrs. [olmes. , Mrs. Joyner was attired in a gown if dusty rose silk" jersey. Mrs. Holmes I rore a gown of floral silk jersey and 'hite net. The bride entered the Church with ?r father, Hosea Neal Howard, by rhom she was given in marriage. I ter gown was a lovely creation of inch lace and net. The bodice was toned in the basque mode of eh lace over taffeta with, a round roke of net in an off-the-shoulder rt outlined in pleated net, as were I lace sleeves which extended to .Jnts over the hands." The gown was fastened down the back in tiny self >vered buttons. The bouffant skirt, / net over taffeta, was shirred at the jip-Une and extended into a cathedral :rain. Her wedding veil of illusion 'ell from a Mary Queen of Scote tonnet and extended beyond the tra[n ?f the dress. She carried an old faah ined bouquet of bride's roses een I with a white orchid and show __ with white satin ribbon. Mrs. Lowell Fulghum Liles, of >igh, sister-in-law of the bride jji, was matron of honor. She 'ore a gown of white net over satin, he fitted bodice was fashioned with bertha in an off-the-shoulder effect. | .he full skirt of net"featured bands blue ribbon which terminated in.l lover's knots. She wore white elbow r length mitts and carried an old fash ioned bouquet of mixed flowers in itel shades, blue predominating, jwered with contrasting ribbons. A ironet of the same flowers was worn in her hair. ; Miss Agnes Virginia-Quinerly was ...aid of honor. Miss,Mildred Howard, of Louisburg, couain of the bride, Miss Mae "Knott, Mrs. Allen Moore Harris and Mrs. Carol Willis Modlin (wet*; bridesmaids. -They all wore gowns identical to that of the matron of honor and carried old fashioned bouquets and wore coronets in their hair. Lowell Fulghum Liles, of Raleigh, served as his brother's best man. Ushers were Neal Howard, Jr., broth er of the bride, Robert Pierce, Donald Walston, Douglas Kemp, William |Thorp, Jr., cousin of the bride, of Rocky Mount, Milton Heath, Jr., of Chapel Hill, and Claussen Allen, of I Raleigh. Mrs. Howard, mother of the bride, was attired in a gown of powder blue crepe with sequin design and wore an (orchid in her hair. I Mrs. Idles, mother of the bride groom, wore an aqua crepe gown with silver sequin trim and an orchid at |her shoulder. The bride, a young woman of beauty charming personality, is the ohly __ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Neal Howard. She received her education in the Farmville schools and was from Stratford College, MRS. WILLIAM GRAYDON LILIES, of Durham, who before her marriage on September 14 in the Farm ville Methodist Church, was Miss Frances Covington Howard, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hoses Neal Howard, of FyimviUe. Mr. Idles is the Son of Mr. and Mrs. Manly LHes, of FarmviHe. v Mount, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Joyner. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lea, of Rocky Mount, Introduced them to the receiving line composed of members of the bridal party, the bride, the bridegroom, and the father and moth er of the bride and bridegroom. Mr. and Mis. R. C. Copenhaver di rected the guests to the bride's table, which was spread *ith a lace and cutwork cloth, and centered with an arrangement of white ehryuntbe mums and fern flanked by white tapers in crystal candelabra. 'Seated at either end of the table and serving the bridal ices and decorated cakes were Mrs. Turner B. Howard and Miss Ruby Howard, both of Danville, Va. Miss Swap Thorp and Miss Hen rietta Thorp, of Rocky Mount, Miss Anne Jones, Miss Vivian Scott, Mrs. Emerson Smith and Mrs. John Parker assisted in serving mints and nuts. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Albritton di-| >le. I rected the guests, to the punch table. Mr, and Mrs. I. D. Thorp, of Rocky Mount, and Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Pickett served punch from a beautifully ap pointed table. |? Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Scott presided at the bride's register. Goodbyes were said to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Jones. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Willis received guests at the Howard home where the gifts were displayed. Wedding Trip Following the reception, the bridal couple left for a wedding trip to unannounced-points. Upon their re turn they will reside in Durham. For traveling, the bride chose a winter white wool gabardine suit. Her hat was a small off-the-fac?r model of brown frit and trimmed with ostrich tips. Her accessories were of brown alligator, and her shoulder corsage was a white orchid from her bridal bouquet I Mount, aunts of the bride, and Mrs. W. L. Draper, of in of the bride, entertained the bridal party .and out of town guests at a luncheon at the Country Club. Out of town Ulee-Howard wedding, Saturday aft ernoon, were: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Abbott, Mrs. Erwin L&ngley, Mrs. Howard Fbrley, Mr. and Mn. J. L. Abbott, Jr., of Kineton; Mrs. W. D. Hackney, Jr., Mn. H. L. Holden, Sr., of Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Draper, Mr. and Mn. W. B. Lea, Stanley Lea, Bugs Barringer, Miss lib Grantham, Mr. Mr. and Mn. R. D. Wimberiy, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Browder, Mr. qad Mrs. T. E. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ken iy McGee, Mr. and Mn. B. J. Thorn ton, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Thorp, Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Thorp, Jack Thorp, Mr. and Mn. Alex Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Woodsrd, Miss Susan Thorp, Miss Henrietta Thorp, of Rocky Mount; Mrs. Turner B. How ard, Miss Ruby Howard, of Danville, Vs.; Mr. and Mn. C. M. Howard, Mies Virginia Hpward, of Louisburg; M.r and. Mn. Mark Smith, of Chapel Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Howard, of Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hodges, of Washington, N. C.; Mrs. S. L. Loving, of Richcmond, Vs.; Mr. and Mn. B. C. Allen, of Raleigh. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School?10 a. m., Sam 0. Bandy, Superintendent. Preaching and Communion?11 a. m. Christian Endeavor?7 p. m. Preaching?7:90 p. m. ; The first night service this fall will be held Sunday, September 22. There will be preaching every Sun day night, thereafter, at 7:80 p. m. Rev. Zeeeiy B. T. Cox, Minister. I am resentful, as are millions of others, that the Gallup people have never consulted me. NEW IDEA FOR MORE AMPLE LIVING...