FARMVTLLE ENTERPRISE FARMYILL* N. C G. A. Rouse, Editor, Owner ft Mgr. Eva Horton 3 Associate Editor Published hy THE ROUSE PRINTERY Farm rill e, N. C. SulissilptUn Moo: Tear >2.00?? Moo. >1?4 Moo. 60c Resolutions of Respect, Cards of Thanks and all Notice of En tertainment for profit will be charged for at the rate of 2 cents per word. Cash to accompany or der. Advertising rates will be furnish ed upon request. Published weekly and entered as Second Class Uafl Matter at the Post Office at Farmville, N. C., under Act of March Srd, 1878. Activities Of Local Church Organizations Baptist Builders' Class Members of the Builders' Class of the Farmville Baptist Sunday School and guests enjoyed a delicious rock stew supper, Friday evening, prepar ed by Arthur Joyner, Sr. The com mittee in charge of arrangements was composed of C. L. Beaman, Jr., John T. Walston and Charlie J. Ras berryf After supper, a business meeting was held to elect new officers for the church year. Inspirational talks were given by the class teacher, George W. Davis, and by Rev. E W. Holmes, a special guest. Elbert C. Holmes, newly-elected president, made a fellowship talk. Rev. E. W. Holmes, pastor of the Farmville Baptist Church, announces the following sermon topics for Sun day: morning, "Forgive- Us Our Debts;" evening, "His Master's Voice." At the morning service, three new Deacons, elected by the Church on last Sunday, will be ordained. Mem bers of the present Board of Deasons will assist in the ordination.. Episcopal Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver was hostess to the Altar Guild, Tuesday evening, and discussed the symbolic ornaments of the Church. The directress, Mrp. John D. Dixon, opened the meeting with prayer, fol lowed by the Creed. - A report on the personal stationary sale held recently by the Guild was given. Mrs. T. S. Ryon was appointed treasurer ?0 succeed Mrs. W. R. Bur nette, who has resigned, due to mov ing her residence. During the social hour, coca colas, peanuts and potato chips were served by the hostess. Lovely pink and white roses were used as decoration. Presbyterian Mews. Rev. E. S. Coates announces a re vival meeting to be held at Cam way's Chapel, Sept.- 27 to October 6. Services will be held at 7:36 with the Reverend Coates in charge on Friday and Sunday evenings. Beginning Monday evening, the Rev. Charles W. Solomon, of Wilson, will be the visit ing preacher. | The Rev. Mr. Solomon comes highly recommended as an excellent preacher and the local pastor said today that his sermons are inspiring and up lifting. Everyone is invited. ' Group Three of Albemarle Presby tery, of which Farmville and Falk land are members, will meet Thurs day, October 3, in the Falkland Church. Registration will begin at 10 o'clock. All women of the local auxiliary are urged to attend. Mrs. John M. Mewborn, president, was hostess to the Presbyterian Aux iliary, Monday evening. After, the singing of the hymn, "The Son of God Goes Forth to War," /n unison, Mrs. Mewborn read Psalm 100. Mrs. C. F. Baacorn led the group in prayer. ?-.<>%. "d ?. Mrs. Mewborn made several Church the group- conference, of local church ia a member. Will be held fa Falkland, October 3. Mrs. Allew Drake gov* the Math in a series of talks on the church, which was entitled, "What Ir My Church Doing About Telling the Good News." ' . The session was closed with a prayer by Mrs. K. 8. Coatee. BIRD CLUB Stanley Tyson nod an article on the thrasher kt Saturday's meeting. This bird appears to be confined very largely to the open spaces of the Far West, where ss far as the eye can see there is no sign of human habitation, and yet tt is at home running about the streets of an abode Indian village. Except tor its spotted breast one might easily mistake it tor the fam ous and better known songster?the mocking bird. In the spring its song rings far end wide over the sandy wastes. It is seldom seen far from I where it rune about thrt J ushes. '%?' of the sage thrasher is low bushes, especially sage from one to three feet the ground and is substantially built of sticks, twigs and grassed; the lining is constructed of fine stoma and rootlets. Three to five eggs ate laid which are oolorod rich greenish-blue, spotted with bright reddtsh-broWn and a few lead-colored spot*. The ease thrasher is eight inches longi with Ubbe*" parts of griyish brown and under parts of huffy whit# with dark streaks. Charles little was welcomed' as a new, member. " NOTE OF THANKS I wish to thank the many friends, who were so kind in every way dur ing the illness and death of my be loved father, Mr. B. T. Collins. Mrs. Leta Bray. Bay "Savings Bonds" Rant Hold! HI dent of* the tf&ii&ttrftujtioYne uemon- t stration. Club; Mr*. A. C. Garris, vies i rs. I* R. Jones, sec . at a well- attended at the home of Mm. L. 1 E. Jones, Monday evening. ? < the ewfoing president, Mrs. J. R. Gowan, presided and opened the meet ing with the Club Collect. Plans for the building of clubhouse were dis cussed. Reports oi{ the Farm and Home Week held fan August at State College < were fciven by Mrs. C. L. Jones and Mrs. Gowan, who attended with theif husbandM| ?l *? ? ? "Shoes and Feet" was the interest Want Ads! FOR SALE? Simmons Stack Iron vBM u<l Springs. Phone 409-2? Mrs. Joe Batchelor. (9-27-ltp) RADIO BATTERIES ?We have '* good stock?Come ta and get ? today. WESTERN AUTO AS SOCIATE STORE. WANTED 1?A small house or three nnfarnlshed rooms at once. Pat Bandy, Farmville, N. C. ? Dial 493-1. (9-27-6tp) ?. FLOWERS FOR SALE! ? When wanting Cat Flowers, see Mrs. N. L. ROBINSON, at Marlboro, near Farmville. (9-27-2tp) FLOORS SANDED and REFINISH ED ? Expert Service. J. R. BRADY, Phone 349-6, Farmyille, N. C. (9-20-tf) FOR SALE ? Slightly used living roam suite, 3-pieee. Sire suitable for small house or apartment.?W. H. Fisher, Rose's 5 ft 10c store. FOR SALE?TWO BUILDING LOTS located on E. Pine street. If in terested, write F-283, care The En terprise, Farmville, N. C. tf FOR SALE ? Remington Model 10 Typewriter, reconditioned, $49.00; Pool Table, 3|x7 ft, with cues and balls.?H. M. Winders, City Drug Company, Farmyille, N. C. HAVE YOU LOOKED OVER OUR SPORTING GOODS? WE CAR RY NEARLY A COMPLETE ~ LINE WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORE. WANTED: A First-Class Expert-: ed Automobile Mechanic. Refer ences required. Apply Pitt Motor Co* 118 W. Wilson Street, Farm yille, N. C*. Dial 479-1. 9-27-2-p FLOOR SANDING and FINISHING, Call Williams, Phone 3095, or (N. D.) Conway, Phone 2875, 1218 Reade St* Greenville, N. C. <9-27-3tp) WANTED. TO RENT: Desperately need unfurnished house or apart-' ,'ment at once. Call or see A. W. Gilbert, E ft F. Motor Company? Dial 296-6.. S-20-2tp WILL RENT OR LEASE MY FARM . near Farmville; good tobacco 'allot ment, fine tobacco lend. See mm at' once if interested. Mrs. Preston - M. Mnrphrey. __ (9-20-2tp) TIRES?TIRES?JUST RECEIVED A Big Shipment of DAVIS TIRES vr and they still carry an uncondition al Guarantee for 18 months. Got Our Prices before -you buy. WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORE FOR SALE?Home Comfort Wood or Coal Range, in first close con dition; two Hot Water Tanks, 20 and 46 gaL capacity. > See < write R. F. Tugwell, FarmrHle, N. C. (6-27-4tp) LOST OR LEFT SOME PLACE? Black and White Umbrella with my name inside, also light tan and tweed reversible raincoat. Finder please notify Miss Tabitha M. DeVisconti, Farmville* N. C. f' Itp MALE HELP WANTED ? Man or Woman, physically able and will ing to serve 360 customers on local route. Average $1.50 , per hour. Foil or spare time. -Write.J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. S3, Rich Virginia. (S-13-Stp) FOR SALE?Immediate delivery? 2,000 square feet V-Crimp Alumi num Roofing. See C. S. Smith-Douglass office, N. C. Phone office 484-tlilgli ?re? enjoyed by the-members, Ml Lowrey, Mr*. Tyeon, end another meet, Mrs. Will Barrett. Handsome Jersey Beauty dahlia* used in decorating. COME IN AMD SEE OUR LINE of Baby 8trailers. Play Peaa, Car riage*. Chain, Seeki, Bathanettea, Bed and WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORE . ___ Haddock and wife, Martha ^Haddock, and f Ottis Billy wars? dock. , The defendant, Herman Haddock, will take notice that an action en titled aa above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Pitt County. North Carolina, to asll for partition an undivided two-fifths (2/6) interest there and to the following tract of of Haddock and - L. F. <Hlls and on the north by the lands of W. L. Smith, contain ing 80 acres, more or loss. And the said defendant will further tabs notice that he is required to ag offfce of the Cleric of ST-*-fTO at in Greenville, North ( the 21st day A October, 1946. demur the complaint action, or toe plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint This 18th day of September, 1846. B, T. HOUSE, Jr Clerk Superior Coua. Excessive cheerfulness is frequent ly very obnoxious. Kl . ?%? l&fjEigg SET YOUR SIGHTS It tabs planiag ta a goal / I V Some young men know what they want and plan for it. Others are (till looking for their niche. The new Regular Army can help both. Perhaps you want to go to college but can't afford it. If you enlist in the Army, you 11 get your chance. Honorably discharged after a three-year enlistment, you are eligible for 48 months of edu cation at any college, trade, or business school for which you can qualify. The Government will pay your tuition, laboratory fees, etc., up to $500 per ordinary school year, plus $65 a month living allowance?$90 a month if you have dependents. If you haven't found your spot, an Army enlistment offers y6u training in any of 200 trades and skills. You leave the service eligible for further training at the best civilian schools. You can assure yourself of the benefits of the GI Bill of Rights if you enter the Army on or before October 5, 1946. See your nearest Army Recruiting Station for details. HIGHLIGHTS OF REGULAR ARMY ENLISTMENT 1. Enlistment! for 1V4, 2 or 3 years. (1-year enlistments permitted for men now in the Army with 6 or more months of service.) 2. Enlistment age from 18 to 34 years inclusive (17 with parents' consent) except for men now in Army, whorsnay raenlist at any i and former' service me on length of sei nice. 3. A re enlistment bonus of $50 for each year of active service since such bonus was last paid, or since last entry into service, provided reanlist ment is within 3 months after last hosiersbla discharge. 4. A furlough for man who reenlist within 20 day*. Full details of other furlough privilege* can be obtained from Recruiting Officers. 5. Mustering-out pay (based upon length of service) to all men who an discharged to enlist or re enlist. 6. Option-to retire at half pay for the net of your life after 20 years' jpyStorlO^e^' service! All pie vious active federal military set sice 7. Choice of branch of service and' overseas theater (of thoee still open) on 3-year enlistments. ? \ MONTtJCV MEW, HIQHER MY FOR ARMY MEM i t* Feed, I***. In Addition to Column One M the Ki?ht: 20% In creeee for Service Over eeea. 50% Increeee if Mem* ber of. Flying or Glider Crew*. 5% Increeee in Pay lor Each 1 Tear* of Service May Be Added. or First Sergeant Technical Staff Corporal . . . . Private First Class au fay far >165.00 135.00 115.00 100.00 90.00 80.00 75.00 M> r*fi' ; ?107.25 87.75 74.75 - 65.00 5SJ0 5Z00 48.75 10 Y?T? #189.63 151.88 129.38 112.50 101.23 90.00 8438 Uttoa to: "Warrior* of fooco" 'ToJe? at / fko Amy," "Proudly Wo HoU," tod Major j _Joolboll tmrdomH of you, itdio. , y? s. ENUtT NOW AT YOU NEMEST I.S. AMY EEORIIiTINfl STATION RECRUITING OFFICE ? NEW CITY HALL BUILDING. Greenville, North Carolina m?. Bk ('. .*? \ N A '.'J! Pint $125 AustiitoNichols ? IOOKIVH PI* 'Ml T tE ippl THE HOME OF BETTER ENTERTAINMENT WEEK* OF SEPT. 28th ~~ SATURDAY That King of Cowboys, ROY ROGERS, and the smartest herse_ in the movies TRIGGER, are starring in "UNDER NEVADA SKIES" with Dade Evans?Gabby Hayes. Also "King Of The Forest Rang ers" Chapter No. 9. Plus Edgar Kennedy Comedy. SUNDAY & MONDAY ROMANTIC VAN JOHNSON FINDS IT "EASY TO WED" in this Technicolor musical co starring Ester Williams?Lucille Ball. Also Latest News Of Hie Day. TUESDAY Only "THE VIRGINIAN" starring Joel McRea?Brian Don levy?it's the season's greatest Technicolor western. Plus . . . Sports Scoop, and Color Cartoon. WEDNESDAY" DOUBLE FEATURE "WEST OF THE ALIMO" starring The Saddle Pals. ? ? And ? "COWBOY BLUES" With Ken Curtis?Jeff Dennell. -Also Chapter No. 5, "Scarlet Horseman." . . . THURSDAY and Friday "TWO GUYS FROM MILWAUKEE" T Starring Dennis Morgan ?-Jack Carson. >; They Caused a Commotion from Ocean To Ocean. r Plus Latest News, Technicolor Trsveltalk. Transform Your Sofa Into a Soft Comfortable Bed! These modern and beautiful sofa bods offer you 100* sit ting and deeping comfort. They oper ate easily?are de signed with an.eye to real beauty. SPRING-FILLED SOFA-BED Shown above. One of the most popular designs we've ever shown. Spring - filled throughout. Excellent cover. $89.50 DOUBLE-DUTY SOFA-BED Also spring-filled. Dees day and night duty with equal j efficiency. Very attractive- j design. $69.50 COMFORTABLE VERSATILE Will provide you with years ce. Pull, " ' of service. Pull, spring-filled construction. Covered in your choice of colors. $54.50 Farmville Furniture Co. "THE FASHION SHOP OF THE HOME" FARMVILLE, N. C. 1 - . . f ? ? >1 \ -m v mm ? ^ SKI "?' V'"*' ,'?v~ ifcfil trarl ?? _jr * r^-rftiWRSF1"iSf* - >?-?* ? Take a luit-dresa tailored I to distinction ... touch it up with date-bait dotal! ... presto! An exciting answer td 1 the clamour Cor t?fc" plus M-SStli stamina. It's i Great Gabbo, a Manrille _ & Bin

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