VAN? > f ? ? mi I US CECIL KELl Carlo* RAMIREZ ? ten I ? Plus ? "Kara Of The Day" iUffijSji :T^v-mow>ay^ ?j? li.- ' IvtSZii^' Dr. Kenneth L. Quiggins Optometrist 109 W. Fourth Street ? Gracavilk, N. C. , Honrs Fo* Eye Ewinations 8:30 to 4:30? (Wed. tin Noon) For Appointment Phone 3779 Albums You Will Enjoy STORIES FOR CHILDREN ? Narrated by Margaret O'Brien Realistic Sound Effect Enhance the Dramatic Appeal of the Tales which Margaret O'Brien enacts. Adapted by Paul Weston and James B. ConkHng, each story receives superb musical accompaniment Capitol Album , Price $2.95 Strauss "Waltzes Tales from the Vienna Woods Southern Roses Waltz , Wine, Women and Song Voices of Spring Emperor Walta Artist's Life ' 5 ' /' 4 1 Vienna Life Blue Danube Capitol Album Price $3.25 Songs by the Dinning Sisters Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone Sentimental Gentleman from Georgia Aunt Hayar Blues Where or Whan ? . Once In a While You're A Character, Dear BraziL 1%/ ? - : i42 The Way You {x>ok Tonight Capitol Album Price $2.95 SfsT MAIL ORDERS ACCRPTKD AND PROMPTLY FILLED. Allew 15e for aniline ami fc for each additional ' ii'inmji.i COME IN AND LISTEN TO YOUR FAFORITSS ! 'IM-XV - FAIR Tills AGAIN -'ff? ? + , Throughout North Carolina for the next abc weeks forris wheels will turn, children will consume floss candy, end Blue Boys will grunt through their paeea as sleepy, smoky Indian summer descends en the Sate once again. Pairs hare already been announced fbr several different places?and there will be numerous other agricultural events and school carnivals. The State Pair, which brought smiles and hat-waving from Joaephus Daniels and Agriculture Commissioner Kerr Scott wbfflf it waa last held in 1941, will return again October 15th te 19th. WAU8T0NBURG Cecil Lang left Thursday for Har vard University where his will begin work on his Ph. D. degree. Mrs. Carl Cobb and Mian Jean Cor bett spent Thursday and Friday in Richmond, Va. Miss Virginia Fields, of Washing ton, spent the week end at her home' here. _r ' -. Miss Hazel McKeel, of the Mebanc High School faculty, spent the week and here with her mother, Mrs. H. C. McKeel. Mrs. W. 6. Lang is spending some time in Arlington, Va., with her daughter, Mrs T. W. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Fields and Misses Daisy Fields and Ruby. Borch attended the North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Association in Raleigh, Tuesday. Mrs. Jason Shirley, Mrs. Lee Jones and Mrs. Melvin Gay were Durham visitors, Tuesday. ? Misses Gem Wine and Julia Mae Etfldy, Lillian Suggs and Mildred Gay were Raleigh visitors, Wednesday. Woman's Missionary Society The Woman's Missionary Society net with Mrs. A. R. Gay, Thursday afternoon After the business ses sion, the program, "Making' God's Mew World'?through conviction, and dealing with our attitude toward oth er nations?was presented by Mrs. A. I. 'Craft * ;<-* served an iced drink S boxes wiD do the i ?1.98 per box, BROWNIES HOLD , ? r*.^ FIRST MEETING The recently organised Brownie troop, auxiliary to the Girl Scouts, held its first meeting, Wednesday, at the .home of the counselor, Mrs. George Parr, who read the Brownie story, giving the origin of file and idea, outlining its objectives and projects to be undertaken during the fall and winter months; these include file study of appreciation of which was begun at this meeting, and of acts and handicraft. Hie group practiced, at this time, a Stunt to be presented at the Girl Scout Rally Day In October. The recreation period was featured by a birthday party honoring Ann Morgan. Martha Holmes, troop lead er, brought fiie birthday cake in mid led in the singing of Happy Birthday. Four new members, Mary Jane CairoH, Geneva Flake, Mary Lou Moore and May Turnage Eaaon were extended a welcome at this time. These additions complete the number agreed upon in forming the troop of 15 girls. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Jimmie Joyner, attractive son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hubert Joyner, oele seven brated his seventh birthday cm Thurs day, September 19, with a party, at which 24 of his little friends were guests. V After playing games on the lawn, the guests were invited into the en closed porch and seated at card j ] tables. - The table of the host host was birthday centered with beautiful jake Hghted by burning Cake and ice cxeaiq were sefjM| on paper plates and papet napkins were used, both jajrying out the color scheme of orange and green. Favors were cellophane bags tied with orange ribbon to which were at tached orange colored horns. ??* NQTB 0F THANKS ; - , . rl. 1 ' " ' V-;> XV familyof Mrs. G, W. Davis, 3f wish to 6XDr6ss their sincere ap~ ?r?. of kind preciation for file many acts or kind-. I >v&.. ? ?W*1 ' ? i -?*&?* Quea. It teems that the school arms vary from college to college. RThat is meant by the ordinary 'school year?" Bzs Aha. The ordinary school year is i period of two semesters or three not toss than 30 or move 38 weeks in total length. El I Qoes. Can a veteran obtain a. ruaranteed loan to buy or establish t farm or a business that he in ;ends to operate on a' part-time mais? . " .f ; V;-' Ans. Yes. Qnes. Why is it neeessary to hare i piece of property appraised if you vant to get a govemmeat'guaran teed loan to buy it? Ans. The law requires that the purchase prise paid or to be paid tor property, of the cost of eoastzuc ion, alterations and improv< oust not be mere than the i hie value thereof as determined by proper appraisal made bjjw miser designated by the Vetenini Administration. This he appraisal it entails are nents made by Congress for the irotection at the Ques. May a loan _ ler the G. I. Bill be considered a rift? Ana. No. A guaranteed loan is he * f*,*" "?UBt the ^ surt^tjSTklfaT the lender, the stecan is obligated do {he goveth nent tar the payment Ques. May a veteran use a VA oan guarantee to acquire ah interest n an already going business? ArfcQfas. %The law provides tbat he funds so borrowedinust be used! n, "pursuing a gainful Kg means that the ve ave to be active ,.dK. I ??t A j * R ? ?? ^7, _r ? 'J: ??;, . /?! ???; !?&?? ~ f.l^T $*???? i '>*V i _i- 11 ?r^SDBi .... . ._ , - N < P^SPH *- BBBb? ^Iffi Sit22: ' ~ 1 . ?* .?# . "-? pa I Mi'??. ' wH-E-R Supplies Retail imthfrtri ? PHONE 302-1 Fanavilk, N. C. M ? II II" / ?- -T- ? -> THE MODERN WAY ? HHHHR to pay off a Mortgage is the Direct Redaction plan. A fixed'monthly payment covers interest, taxes, amortization, everything. The interest item becomes smaller each month as equity increases. Finance, or refinance, through us, on this plan, and save the difference ! - : G. E. Moore w^be^SdTat public^ auction In fnwt of the City HaD in the Town of FaramVe on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1946 at 12:00 o'Cloek Noon to the HIGHEST BIDDER TDR CASH: SECOND: ? One Lot and m n. Electric THIRD: ? ONE HOUSE and LOT located ffc-the southwest corner of Wilson and the hoaie of Mm. G. to her death: FOURTH: ONE HOUSE and LOT SfJ,-,