Social ano pergonals c. W. Blackwood spent the end ia Spartanburg, & C. Dr. Paid E. Jones, Jr., spent day and Friday, "in Charlotte. Mrs. B. Cy Allen, of Raleigh, i? house guest of Mrs. Manly liles. Marvin McDonald spent the ws end with his parents in Fremont. Mrs. C. W. Blackwood and Cart, Jr., spent Sunday in Na? Mrs. Ben and Mrs. Horace spent Tuesday afternoon in Green ? ville. , Miss Polly Bundy, of Wilson, ill visiting her mother. Mrs. S. HI Bundy. , M I Mrs. P. G. Dupree, Jr., and Mrs ? F. T. Carr were Greenville visitors ? Tuesday. I J. T. Bundy attended the Free Wil B Baptist Union meeting, in Ayden ? Saturday. Mrs. C. W. Blackwood and MrsH W. Jesse Moye were Wilson visitors! Wednesday. ? I Mrs. G. Alex Rouse attended thf ? funeral of Dr. Cooper Person in Pike-i ville, Tuesday. I Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson u| spending the week end with relatives! in Williamston. George B. Moore spent several days! of last week with relatives and! friends in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Finch, of VassJ spent the week end with Mr. and I Mrs. E. F. Gaynor. . -I Mrs. Ben Lang, Mrs. Robert L.| Smith and Mrs. B. S. Smith spent! Tuesday in Raleigh. Mrs. Arch Flanagan and daughter,! Miss Gayle, spent Thursday after-! noon, in Greenville. Howard Harris, of Winston-Salem,! gpent the week end with his mother, I Mrs. Louise Harris. Mrs. M. L. Eason has returned I from several days visit with Mrs. C.I G. Rollins, in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Walston viaited their son, Donald, a student at State I College, Raleigh, Sunday. R. A. Joyner, Jr., of Raleigh, will spend the week end with his parents, I Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Joyner, Sr. Mrs. James R. Lang, of Douglas, Ga., is visiting Mrs. W Alex Allen I and other friends here this week. Mrs. L. T. Pierce, Mrs. R. C. Thorn ton, Robert and Lonnie Pierce were Richmond, Va., visitors last week. Mr. and Mr*. Sam D. Bundy and sons attended the Christian Church Union Meeting, in Grifton, Saturday. Mrs. S. E. Ewell has returned from a visit to relatives in Elkhart, Ind., and is visiting^ her son, P. K. Ewell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Daughtey at tended a Union Meeting of the Chris tian church, in Jones county, Sun day. Lt.-Cmdr. Lucy Rumley, of Wash ington, D. C., is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Pearl John ston. Dr. Paul E. Jones, Jr., left Wed nesday for Wilson, where he will be connected with the Woodafd- Herring hospital. Mrs. J. T. Bundy .will return Sun- I day after a ten-days visit to friends | and relatives in Durham and Fuquay Springs. Claude Joyner has returned from a trip to Richmond, Va., where he purchased merchandise for The Turnage Co. Mrs. George Wilkerson, of Green vill, is recuperating from a recent ill ness at the home of her mother, Mrs. S. G. Gardner. Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Williams and daughter, Nan, and Ann Pollard spent the week end at the Bogue Sound Club, Morehead. Mrs. G. Alex Rouse, Mrs. Lath Morriss, Mrs. R. A. Fields and Mrs. B. O. Turnage are spending today, Friday, in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, Jr., and children, spent Sunday with Mr. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jones, near Macclesfield. Misses Ruth and Jean Moore, Haxel Garris and Jack Turnage attended the County 4-H Council meeting, in! Greenville, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bundy and Mrs. S. H. Bundy spent several days of last week with Mr. And Mrs. Bill Bundy, in "Chester, 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horton Roun tree, of Chapel Hill, will spend the week end with Mrs. Dora H. Keel and Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree. " I Miss Minnie Mae Moore, of Cleve land, Ohio, will arrive Sunday to spend several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Moore. Mrs. William P. Eaaley and Mrs. J. M. Stansill attended a Conference of Group h of the Albemarle Presby terial, held in Tarhoro, Sunday after I noon. - c i Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Bundy will attend the Ladies' Night *ve Aulander Ruritan club, night Mr. Buqdy will be the speaker. md Mrs. Bill Rollins and Mrs. 7 8:00 P. M.?Christian Woman** Council meats In the Church. 8:80 P. M.?Baptist Woman** Mis sionary Society meet* in the Church. 8:80 P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary meet* with Mr*. J. H. Darden. 8:80 P. M.?Methodist Woman's Society of Christian Service meet* in the Church. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwanis. 7:30 P. M.?Y.W.A., Baptist, meets with Mrs. John Andrews. Tuesday, 8 3:46 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet with Mr*. G. M. Holden. 6:30 P. M.?Rotary. 7:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. 8:00 P. M.?Annie Perkins Circle, Baptist, meets with Mrs. A. J. Melton. 8:08 P. M.?Boy Scouts. Wednesday. 9 3:00 P. M.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. Harry Harper. 3:30 P. M.?Brownies. 8:30 P. M.?Woman's Club meets with Mrs. W. J. Ran berry and Mm. J. W. Bass at the home of Mrs. Rasberry. Thursday, 10 2:30 P. M.?Farmville Home Dem onstration Club meets at the Club house with Mrs. Roy Bowl ing and Mrs. P. T. Morgan, as joint hostesses. 3:30 P. M.?Troop 2, Girl Scouts. 7:30 P. M.?Masons. 8:00 P. M.?Farmville 4-H Club meets at Club house. 8:00 P. M.?Troop 1, Girl Scouts. Friday, 11 3:30 P. M.?Book and Bridge Club meets with Mm. Lewis Allen. 8:00 P. M.?New Deal Club meets with Mm. Henrietta M. William son. Saturday, 12 / COLUMBUS DAY. 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. TOMORROW 9:00 A. M.?Troop 2, Girl Scouts, has hike and picnic. Mrs. F. G. Dnpree, Sr., and Mrs. Garry Bergeron spent Wednesday with Miss Minnie Oversjreet in Whit akers, returning by Rocky Mount, for a few hours stay there. Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck, Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt, Mrs. T. W. Lang, Mrs. J.' T. Thome and Mrs. E. R. CI egg attend ed^ district Missionary Conference, Friday, in Rocky Mount Mrs. Wayne A. Mitchell, Jr., -and daughter, Madeline Harrison, will ar rive during the -week end for a few days visit with Mrs. Dora H. Keel and Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree. Elbert Moye, who left recently to enter the University of California, was unable to find rooming quarters and has returned to Chapel Hill where he will take a physical education course. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McAdams and daughter, Miss Annette, of Washing ton, D. C., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams, An nette remaining for a longer visit with her grandparents. Marion Hupp, of Munich Ind., veteran of World War II, Spent Wed nesday and Thursday with Charles Blount Quinerly. Hupp and Quiner ly served in the same hospital unit overseas as pharmacist mates. J. A. Carraway, Mack Carraway and daughter, Miss Jess, spent Sun day with Miss Lena Carraway, who is receiving treatment at Duke Hos pital, Durham. Late reports state that Miss Carraway is improving. Mrs. M. W. Lincke and daughter, Miss Dorothy Lincke, of Nashville, were guests of Editor and Mrs. G. Alex Rouse, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Harris and small daughter, Dail Dixon, Sun day. Miss Tabitha DeVisconti and Mrs. Chasles H. Mozingo, represented the Major Benjamin May Chapter, and Mrs. J. W. Parker, the McAllister Chapter,' of Snow Hill, at the district D. A. R., meeting, held in ML Olive, Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. Carol Modlin and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. "Sbekrin visited Mrs. Clark Davis in Pails View Hos pital, Rocky Mount, Tuesday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs- Shearin also visited the former's brother, H. B. Shearin, who is a patient there. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gaynor were Raleigh visitors, Monday. Mrs. R. C. Shirley, of Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Mildred Dixon, of Cape Charles, Vs., Mrs. LaVsrne Greene, of Newport New#, Vs., and Mrs. nest Cartwrifht, of Portsmouth, Vs., have returned to their respective thelH Mrs. 1. and white dahlias, pompoi rnd Chinis. Tallica wan suggestive of th The four tables were spread wit! covers and centered witl arrangements of ml*W The place of the honor guesl by a corsage. Prior U the games, vanilla, ice cream, toppet with strawberries and whipped cream was served with decorated cakes ant salted nuts, and during the last pro gression, aa iced fruit drink was en i .1 WW* , ';.. v? '? rM lira Archie^ Speight scored higl and received hand painted ash trays, Mia Edgar Barrett retained the con solation, notettea The honoree was presented china in her chosen pattern Mra W. R. Burnetts, who is leaving soon to reside in Rocky Mount, wfti remembered by the hostess with s blue hobnail basket. In compliment to Miss Effie Senors Lewis, bride of yesterday, Mra Albert V. and. Miss Etna Lewis entertained at an attractive kitchen shower at the home of the former, Monday evening. Lovely mixed fall flowers wets used throughout the reception rooms. A corsage of carnations, with cut lery attached, was presented the hon oreeas she arrived. The game of hearts and bridal con tests were enjoyed and prises award ed the winner*, Mite Lewis was given silver in her pattern by the hostesses. . Refreshments, consisting of straw berry shortcake and coffee, were served. The shower of kitchen gad gets and seeeesories was brought in by Uttls Van Lewis, son of Mr. and Mra. Albert V, Lewis, in his littls red wagon. Mrs. Burnetts Honored Artistic arrangements of xinnas, dahlias, nasturtiums and roses deco rated the home of Mrs. T. R. Mizelle, Thursday evening, when she and Mrs. Will Jones, Jr., were charming hos tesses for a lovely surprise handker chief shower and dessert-bridge in compliment to Mrs. W. R. Burnette, who leaves soon to make her home in Rocky Mount. Upon the honoree's arrival, she was giyon a corsage of red roses. Guests were seated at tables cov ered with pastel colored cloths and centered with miniature arrangements of flowers. Individual cakes, brick ice cream and salted nuts were served before the games and iced coca colas and nuts were passed during play. . Napkins were awarded to Mrs. Leonard Joyner, who held high score, hi-jacs to Mrs. W. Jesse Moye for low score and Mrs. Albert Lewis re tained the floating prise,-stationery. The honored guest was giyen a lovely quilted handkerchief box, fol lowed by a novel heart arrangement' containing the shower of handker chiefs, which was decorated with fev erfew, fern and white streamers with, gift cards attached. Junior Woman's Gab The Baruch Plan for the control of atomic energy was reviewed by Mrs. George Farr at the Junior Woman's Club held in Mrs- R. C. Copenhaver's home with Miss Bertha Lang 4s joint hostess, Tuesday evening. I The main idea in this planis for all nations to reach an intelligent under standing of what constructive uses can be made of this newly found pow er. Since Russia insists upon keeping her veto power, this plan or a similar one is not workable in the Security Council. No veto power is allowed in the Baruch plan. x Mrs. J. T. Ngjpn, presiding, opened with the Club Pledge and appointed Mrs. Bill Rollins as chairman of the calling committee. Mrs. R. T. Wil liams reported on the Girl Scouts and, stated that they'will present a play at the October meeting of the P. T. A. Mrs. George Farr announced that Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox will assist her with the Browniee and thafthe newly or ganised troop is progressing rapidly. The group was reminded of the district meeting in Plymouth, October lltk Announcement was made that the executive and way and means committees will hold a joint meeting at Mrs. Q. S. Hotchkias' home, Tues 8, at 3:80 o'clock, to year. ice nuts of which stressed the feet that pro tec tion against the atom bomb te ap patently impossible. Current Events, featuring labc: unions, price control, squatters "rt ing as discussed by Mrs. J. I. Mor After adjournment, delicious indi vidua] pecan pies, eheeee straws, cof fee anA stuffed da$es were served. I ifr rs. Fnmk K. Allen delightfully entertained members of the Book and Bridge Club at her home, Friday which was made attractive by th? of beautiful sinnas, lavendai and Jersey-beauty dahlias. I Refreshments were served before play from the dining room table, which bore a lovely centerpiece of white candles and pink pompon dah lias. White lace mats were used at the individual places. Assorted sand .wiches, potato chips, pickles, individ ual chocolate pies and coffee were served by the hostess. During the games coca colas were ?enjoyed- Mrs. IrVin Morgan, Jr., scored high for the afternoon, Mrs. John M, Newborn and Mrs, Eli Joyner, Jr., were welcomed as new members. Contract Club Members of the Contract Club and additional friends On joyed an afteiv Upon dfjjrujse, Tuesday, when Mrs! B. M- WhJtehwrst charmingly enter tained at her home, in which the autumnal colors of green, gold, red gnd brown were effectively carried in floral decorations and table ap pointments. Following the second progression, the hostess invited her guests into the dining roofh for tea. The table was spread with a lace cloth and centered with a mixed arrangement of autumn flowers, flanked by tapers in crystal candelabra. Mrs. C. Hubert Joyndr, president of the club, poured tea, and guests served themselves to an assortment of party sandwiches, ham biscuits, pickles and ginger wafers. High score for club members was compiled by Mrs. W. Leslie Smith, who was awarded a handi-box of labels, tape and tags; the guest prize, a book of late bridge rules by Culber son,' went to Mrs. Emerson Smith; Mrs. M. V. Horton received bridge tallies, as, consolation. Mrs. T. Eli Joyner, Jr., a recent bride, was re membered with a china demltasse by the hostess. Special guests were; Mrs. Ben Ver non, Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt, Mrs. G. L. Gilchrist, Mrs. Paul Kimbrough, Mrs. Robert T. Monk, Mrs. T. Eli Joyner, Jr., Mrs. L. E. Ralston and Mrs. Emerson Smith. * < ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Eli Joyner, Sr? announce the engagement of their daughter,- Verona Lee, to Fred Timms Langford, son of Mr$. Clarice Langford, and the late Mr. Langford, of Columbia, S. 6. The wedding will take place in the Farmville Methodist Church on Saturday, November 16. PARAMOUNT I THEATRE I FARMVILLE, N. C. The Ihm of Better Entertainment ? PROGRAM ? FOE WEEK OF OCT. 5 SATURDAY ONLY "GHOST OP HIDDEN VALLEY" Starring Buster Crabbe Plus Chapter No. 10 "King of The Forest Rangers" f ALSO ?COMEDY SUNDAY * MONDAY For Barbara Stanwyck's Demands, a man had but two answers . . . Complete Surrender or DEATH I in this great screen celebration? "THE STRANOE LOVE OF MARTHA IVERS" 1 Also LatejtNews ? i i?m ii ii Ihi li i n m'i ? ' i ' TUESDAY ONLY , Returned By Popular Request is the seaaes& greatest Technicolor Musical "STATE *4J?&> ^ Andrews and MRS. JOHN WILLIAM PRICE, JR. Pfeoto by Henry A wedding characterized by impres sive dignity and simplicity Was sol emnized at the Methodist Church, Thursday afternoon, October 8, at 5:80 o'clock, 'when Bliss Bifid genera Lewis, of Parmville and Jackson, daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Taylor Lewis, Sr., became the bride of John William Price, Jr., of Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John William Price, Sr., of Garyaburg, in a formal ceremony. The pastor, the Rev. E. R. Clegg, officiated in the double ring rites. Oregon fern, in wheel designs, formed an effective background of greenery for the pedestal baskets of white gladioli, chrysanthemums and fern, and for the cathedral candles in seven-branched floor- candelabra. Family pews were marked by white tulle and gladioli spray arrange ments. Prior to the ceremony, Mrs. Ray wood Smith, organist, and Elbert C. Holmes, baritone, rendered a program of nuptial music. Organ selections included "Aqdantino in D-iflat" hy Lemare, "Always." by Berlin, "Trau merei" by Schumann, "Love Dreams" by Liszt, and "Romance" by Rubin stein. The . traditional wedding marches were used and during the ceremony, MacDowell's 'To A Wild Rose" was softly played. Following the blessing of the Church, Mr. Holmes sang Lutkin's Benediction. Mrs. Smith wore a black lace dress and a corsage of red roses. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Samuel Tayler Lewis, wore a wedding gown of white Duchr esse satin, fashioned with a fitted bodice and a sweetheart neckline trimmed with twisted loops of Iredell beads. The sleeves were long and the same bead design was used to finish the points Avpr the hands. The skirt was full, and had a court train. Her veil of illusion, in tier mode, fell' from a halo of self-material hand made satin roses and beads, and ex tended the full length of the train. She carried a prayer book covered by a white orchid and showered with white satin ribbons and stephanotis. Miss Dorothy Hope Lewis was her sister's maid of honor. Her dress, of rose crepe, was floor length and fashioupd with'a bodice and full skirt. She wore long gloves of tire material as the gown and her dress of net and flowerets was in halo effect She carried a colonial bouquet of asters in pastel colors, -j tied with "blue ribbons. I Mrs: Herman R. Raker, sister of the bride, a honor. Her gown of identical in mode to that of ( of honor. Her bouquet was simili also but was tied with rose George North Taylor, of Gumberry,] was best man,* and man B. Baker and Archie L. ! brothers-in-law of the bride, Carl Price, of Garysburg, brother of Hf* HHHR #ore ' a black crepe draw and an orchid at her shoulder, Immediately after the ceremony, a reception was held, at the home of the bride, with her sisters, Mrs. Mel vin Gay, Mrs, Archie L. Speight, Mrs. Earl Bagley. and Mrs.' Earl E. Modlin, of Portsmouth, Va., as hostesses. The Lewis home, near Farmviile, was thrown ensuite and beautifully decorated with handsome .pink and white dahlias, the mantels being: banked with greenery and illumined by white candles in crystal holders. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Joyner met guests as they arrived, oh the fftreh, and Mrs. Archie L. Speight and Mrs.' John William Price, Sr., greeted them at the entrance of the home. Miss Verona Lee Joyner introduced the receiving line composed o? the bride and bridegroom and the bride's attendants. ~ . Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Taylor Lewis received in the hall. Mrs. Earl Bagley hnd Mrs. Mehrin Gay directed the way to the register, whidh was presided over -by Mrs. Earl E. Modlin and _Miss Bettie Joyner. 3 Mrs. Mary Lewis Lang received in the dining room. Here, the tradition- j al nuptial colors of white and green prevailed in the effective arrange ments of mixed white flowers and the ( room was illuminated by tall white tapers on the table, mantel and. buf-1 fet. The table was spread with a handsome crocheted lace cover and centered with white gladioli, carna tions and pompon chrysanthemums in a Silver bowl, flanked by candles in , silver holders. Mrs. T. E, Joyner, Sr., served lime ice frappe from a I crystal punch bowl and Mrs. T. T. Stephenson, of Garysburg, served i bridal caiea from the table. Serving mints and nnts were; Miss Etna, Lewis, Mrs. Joseph D. Joyner, Mrs. and the ^att *t bt er October 14, they will be Mrs/fHce, e youhg women of fine intellect and attractive perr is a member of prominent families of this section of Carolina. She was graduated, from the Farmville high school, as Salu torian of her class, and from East Carolina Teachers College, Green ville, where she held a council posi tion in the Woman's Student Asaxia tion. She was a faculty member of the Fountain and Snow Hill school, Home Ee, until a year and a half ago when she accepted her present position ^ Home Demonstra tion Agent of Northampton county. Mr. Price went into military ser vice immediately following his gradu ation from the Seaboard high school, and served 87 months overseas with the Medical Corps of the Ninth Di vision. Since his release in Septem ber, 1948, he has been connected with the Leroy Vaughan store in Jackson. Rehearsal Party Following the rehearsal Wednesday evening, Mrs. Herman B. Baker and Miss Dorothy Lewis entertained at a -fv?> cutting at the home of an aunt, Hn. s. G. Gardner. Floral decora tions of gladioli, rosea and chrysan themums effectively carried the color note of green and white. ' The bride's table was spread with I a lace cloth and centered with the tiered wedding cake tb which white ribbon streamers were attached. A miniature bride and bridegroom top ped the cake. The room was illui." Ic ed by candlelight. Mrs. Eari E. Mod lin assirt^d the bride in cutting the rake. Mrs. S. G. Gardner served the bridal ices and Miss Bettie Joyner, Miss Marie Darden, of Waahington, D. C., and Miss Dorothy Draper, of Jackson, passed the mints and nuts. [ . Prenuptial Courtesies The bride-elect has been honored st a number of lovely parties since announcement of hoc engagement. Prenuptial courtesies of ? the past week include: * Mr. and Mrs. Herman B. Baker entertained the bridal party and ?ut jf-town guests, Wednesday evening at a'buffet supper. The table was iptead with an embroidered cloth, sprcau -iw ? and centered with a mixed floral ar rangement flanked by tall white sandles in crystal holders. Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Taylor Lewia vera host# at a luncheon for the bridal isrty and out-efrtown guests, num bering twenty-four, TTiuraday. Be^ roses and white gladioli were uaed as ieeo rations throughout the home. The bride's table was covered with an embroidered and lace trimmed sloth and centered with an arrange ment of white carnations, pompon shrysanthemums and a wedding scene which was illumined by white tapers n silver holders. The place of the j >ride was marked by a corsage, and she was later presented a gift of rrystal in* her chosen pattern by the bosts. """ ^hertlCkkfCke, T OR DEATH!

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