K- CL Out ami sou, Chariea, *K Monday in Wilaon. Mr. aad Mm H. H. Saturday In Rocky Mount. Mrs. Annie Mixelle ia visiting he: son. Walter MiseUe, in )few Ben. Mies Helen Rouee, pf Wilmington ?pant the week end at her home here Mis. W. H. Bynum, of New Bent is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam T Lewis. Miss Mary Brady, of Bennett, spenl the week end with her sister, Mis. W R. Burke. Harry Devia, student at State Col lege, Raleigh, spent the week end at his home. Miss Janet Tyson, of Saratoga ?pent the week end with Miss Willie Rae Harper. B. S. Smith Jr. visited in Baltimore, Md? and Washington, D. C., during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis ?pent several days last week in Wash ington, D. C. Sgt. Bob Psylor, who has been sta tioned in the Philippines, is expected home this week. Mrs. Cora M. Edwards, of Pinetops, visited Mr. end Mrs. Charles S. Ed wards, Monday. Mr. sad Mrs. R. D. Rouse, Jr., of Chapel Hill, spent the week end with their parents, here. Mrs. Corinne Stilley left Tuesday for a few days visit to relatives in Dunn and Durham. Mrs. Archie L. Speight and Mrs. R. E. McLawhom were Snow Hill visitors, Wednesday. Mrs. Marie W. Joyner and son, Pat, of Greenville, spent Tuesday night with Mrs. J. M. Ward. Mrs. L. A. DJ-sart, of Lenior, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joseph D. Joyner, this week. Mrs. Graydon Liles, of Durham, spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Neal Howard. ' Miss Ruby Sanders, of Columbia, S. C., spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. H. D. Johnson. Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst, Mrs. G. L. Cilchrist and Mrs. Ben Vernon were Greenville visitors, Tuesday. Mrs. John A. Moore, who has been visiting Mrs. Louise D. Harris, re turned to Fayetteville, Sunday. Miss Jean Beckman, student of Meredith College, Raleigh, will spend the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, Jr., and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Cbx, in Rocky Mount. Sjgt; Casey Dzietak, of Camp Le jeune, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Garner during the week end. Mrs. Mary Lewis Lang and daugh ter, Mrs. J. H. Harrell, of Greenville, were Raleigh visitors, Wednesday. Mrs. 0. G. Spell and Mrs. Edgar J. Barrett and daughter, Brenda, were Greenville visitors, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parker, of Fort MeCelland, Ala., will arrive to day for a visit to Mrs. Senie Parker. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duke and fam ily spent Friday and Saturday in Richmond, Va., and Roanoke Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Knott Proctor and daughter, Miss Hannah, of Greenville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Louise D. Harris. Mrs. F. A. Darden and son, Bruce, Mrs. Charles Edwards and Mis. Fired Smith were Kinston visitors, Wed nesday. | Miss Ida Cowan, who has been vis iting her sister, Mrs. J. H. Darden, | returned to her home in Durham, Tuesday. < >r | Latest reports state that Leon Jones, a patient in the Veterans Hos pital at Fayetteville, is not improving s expected. - | Jim Joyner, George W. Davis and Dr. Paul E. Jones were among those attending a political rally in William - ston, Monday. | Mrs. Robert Lee Smith and Mrs. Jalma Bynum were week end guests | of their sister, Mrs. R. K. Virnelson, in Charlotte. ? Mr and Mrs. M. L. Eason and Mil ton Easoa, HI, and Mr and Mrs. W. | F. Carraway were FaysMsvilis^y Sunday. ? Mrs. R. A. Fields ni Mrs. & K. [Moore, Jr., visited Mrs. John E. King at the East Carolina Sanatorium, in Wilson, Tuesday. | Mrs. J. C. Brock, Jr., Mrs. C. Moxingo, Mrs. Marvin Speight, Jr., and Mrs. Edward Moxingo were Kin ston visitors, Friday. Mrs. J. L. Beyette, of Kenly, Mrs. W. E. Smith, of Wilson, arrive today, | with Mrs. the Mar Mr. Tom City, i 3:S0 p. m. ? Gardsn Club mart* with Mm. Melton Allen. 7:00 p. m.?Siwanis. 8:00 p. m?Presbyterian Auxiliary meets with Mm. J. M. Mewborn. 8:00 p. m. ? Christian Woman's , Council, Group 1, meets with Mm. Louise Ranis. Tuesday, 20 10:00 a. m.?Executive Committee, Baptist Woman's Missionary *? Society, meets with Mrs. Henry fi. Johnson. 7:00 p. m.?Woodmen of World. 8:00 p. m.?Boy Scouts. 8:00 p. m. ? Christian Woman's Council, Group 3, meets with v Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr. 8:00 p. m.?Mrs. Curtis Flanagan entertains at dessert-bridge in compliment to Miss Verona Lee Joyner, bride-elect of November. 8:00 p. m. ? Christian Woman's Council, Group 4? meets with Mm. Howard Moye. 8:30 p. m.?Episcopal Altar Guild 'meets with Mrs. C. S. Hotchkisa. Wednesday, 30 1:00 p. m.?Miss Verna Lowery and Miss Lillian Hinss compli ment Miss Verona Lee Joyner, bride-ek -t, at a luncheon at the Greenville Woman's Club. 4:00 p. c..?Girl Scout Rally, with all troops participating, at the park and swimming pool. 7:16?Rotary Club will entertain at Ladies's Night , 8:00 p. m. ? Christian Woman's Council, Group 2, meets with Mm. Sam Flanagan. Thursday, 31 3:30 p. m. ? Presbyterian Juniors meet with Walter Burgess. Friday, November 1 3:00 p. m.? Lam red Club meets' with Mm. Ted Albritton. 3:30 p. m. ? Rebecca Winborne Chapter, & Z). C., meets in the home of Wfc G. M. Holden with Mm. L. E. Flowers as hostess. 7:00 p. m.?American Legion mhets in the high school cafeteria. 7:00 p. m.?Order of Eastern Star. 7:00 p. m.?P.T.A. Rally in the high school gymnasium. Saturday, 2 *? 10:00 a. m.?Pet. Show in the gym. Saturday, 2" 10:00 a. m.?Bird Club. 4-6:30?Mrs. Ruel Tyson and Mrs. Robert P. Wheless compliment Miss Verona Lee Joyner St a tea at the Greenville Woman's Club. TODAY, FRIDAY 7:30 p. m.?Joint meeting of Wesley and Langs Fellowship groups at the Farmville Home Demonstration Clubhouse. Hallowe'en party fol lows the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Murphrey will attend the Ferguson-Humphrey wed ding and a buffet supper for out-of town guests, Saturday afternoon, in Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Roebuck and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Roe buck and family attended a reunion of the Roebuck family in Robersqp ville, Sunday. Sam P. Bundy ahd Ernest Petteway were guests at the annual dinner meeting of the Kiaston Chamber of Commerce held in Kinston on Thurs day night of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steppe had as dinner guests, Sunday, Rev. L. B. Manning, of Fountain, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bearaon and sons, of Tar bo ro, and Miss Evelyn Craft, of near Farmville. 0 Mrs. Bob Joyner, Miss Hattie Carr, Miss Sula 'Carr, SP. (S) 1/c, of Charleston, S. C., and Mrs. - Math Wesley Joyner visited Rev. and Mrs. M. Y. Self, in Mt. Olive, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams, of ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Ji wards, of Washington, were the end guests of Mr. and Mfs, G. Williams. Mr. and Mts. F. F. Proctor, Danville, Vs., A. S. Proctor, *? Huldah and Christine R. Drake spent the his family. Mrs. Drake Clinton, Monday, and is Hi They atta * 4 Carolina evening. is visiting in Union, Spartanburg, and a a Mrs. E. W. Holmes, who ac The bride was given in marriage by bar father. A petite brunette, a never lovelier than in her wed gown of white nylon in bodice with lace trim. The long fitted ended with a point over the The skirt waa full and ex into a long train. Her veil of illusion was fingertip length and fell from a tiara of orange blossoms. She carried a white prayer book covered with white orchids and showered with white satin ribbons and step hanotis. Miss Annie Nichols, was her sis tar's maid of honor end-only attend ant. She wore a dress of pink mar quisette made with a shirred bodice and a sweetheart neckline, puffed sleeves and a long full skirt She carried an arm bouquet of mixed au tumn flowers in shades of pink and rose. The best man was H. A. Nichols, a brother of the bride. Ushers were Edward Nichols, another brother of the bride, and Raymond Cannon. The bride's mother wore s drees of navy blue crepe while the mother of the bridegroom chose s black crepe drees. Both wore shoulder corsages of red roses. The bride, a vivacious young woman of much personal beauty and charm, is a graduate of Parmville High School. For the past five'years she has been employed at the Naval Air Station in Norfolk, Va. The' bridegroom was graduated from the secondary schools in Balti more and attended Johns Hopkins College. He was released from mili tary service in March of this year' after serving for three years in the Medical Corps in the European Thea ter. He is connected at preaent with the Main offices of the Commercial Credit Corporation, Baltimore. Following the ceremony, the par ents of the bride entertained the bridal party and wadding guests at a buffet luncheon at their home en' West Wilson street. After the luncheon, the couple left for St. Petersburg, Fla., and a visit to other interesting points in that state. Upen their return they will be at borne in Baltimore. For traveling the bride changed to a gray wool suit, with which she wore a modish black fall hat and black accessories. At her shoulder she wore the white orchids from, her bridal arrangement. Captain and Mrs. Charles E. Hunt, and Km, Mike, of Seattlj, W9fr., who enroute to FoW Banning, Ga., Capt. Hunt will be stationed, spent several days the first of the veek with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest N. Pett?way. | Miss Hattie Carr and Miss Sula Carr, SP. (S) 1/c, of Charleston, S. C., attended the wedding of Miss Eva and Charles Barker, in War , Tuesday, and a breakfast held for the bridal party and out-of-town guests. , Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dixon and daughter, Barbara Ann, of Wilson, and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Windham visited Mr. and'Mrs. C. E. Case, near Fountain, Sunday. Barbara Ann, who has been visiting her grandparents, returned home with Mr. and Mrs. t$?u. Melvin Gay was among those the Walstonburg Meth at the Zone meeting of Barn Distriet, held in the Hill Methodist Church, Wed Her small son, Melrin, Jr., presented a life membership at Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck St (he Zone Church, Hew ' iMg Mrs. PMiMiMHkMirmiHMirii V^FTwrTT^TJB-TTr-^nr yyrPwWf>WMiW^hN>^W|fPi1iPPi^r fit of I Mrs. John W. Price, Jr., of MWpH honoreea were Lovely tnltf were need in the two In the dining room, the bridal colore of green and white were effectively out by the use of una end white Mrs. George Wilkerson, of Green ville, greeted the guests as they ar rived. Mies Elisabeth Lang intro duced them to the honoreos. Mies Bertha Lang introduced them to Mia. T. E. Joyner, Jr., who invited them into tile dining room where lire. T. E. Joyner, -Sr., mother of the bride elect, ponied tea from a beautifully appointed table which waa spread with a handsome lace cloth and cen tered 'with an arrangement of white chrysanthemums and fern in a silver bowl, and illumined by tall*white tapers in silver candlesticks. Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver, Mrs. Joseph D. Joyner and Miss Bettie Joyner as sisted in serving ?arty sandwiches, ham biscuits and assorted cookies. The guests were invited into the living room by Mrs-- Max McLeod. Mrs. Herman Baker presided at the register and goodbyes were said to Mrs. R. T. Monk. Out-of-town guests were Mrs, Frank Cooper and Mrs. Claude Barrett, of Kinston; Mrs. -Charles Wilkerson, Mrs. Lindsey Wilkerson, Mrs. George Wilkerson, Mrs. T. A. Person and Mrs. F. A. Jordan, of Greenville; and SP (S) 1/c Ursula Carr, of Charles ton, S. C. Dessert-Bridge ; Mid. Herman Baker, Mrs. Archie L. Speight, Mrs. Earl Bagley, Mrs. [< Motrin Gay, Mrs. John William Price, Jr., of Jackson, and Miss Dorothy Lewis, of Greenville, wore gracious dessert-bridge hostesses, , Saturday evening, at 8:00 o'clock, in the home of Mrs. Gay and Mrs. Speight in com pliment to Miss Joyner. The home was attractively decorat ed with white chrysanthemums, dah lias and roses and the nine tables, spread with refreshment coven, were centered with miniature arrange ments of mixed flowers. London mist, cocoannt cake and salted nuts were served prior to the games and an iced beverage was enjoyed during play. Guests, invited especially for the refreshment hour, were Mrs. T. E. Joyner, Sr., mother of the bride elect, Mrs. Nonie Barrett, grand mother, Mrs. S. G. Gardner and Miss Bettie Joyner, aunts, Miss Etna Lewis and Mrs. John Erwin. Wilkerson. In the progressive bridge Mpife-iBod the high seoro award and Mrs. R. A. Fountain, Sr., of Fountain, retained the floating prise, both smoking ae and Miss Elizabeth Walker, rod a bubble of Greenville, received a bubble bowl as consolation. The honoree waa pre sented water glasses in her crystal pattern by the i mm A sketch about Sir Walter Scott was given by Mia. J. W. Parker, Tuesday afternoon, at the meeting of the Merry Matrons. Mrs. J. M. Hobgood was hostess in her home which had been made attractive by the use of dahlias and chrysanthe mums. Mrs. Leslie Smith assisted the hostess in serving a salad course daring a pleasant social,hour. Guests of the afternoon were Mrs. T. Eli Joyner, Sr., Mrs. T. Eli Joyner, Jr., Mrs. E. R. CI egg and Mrs. Chgrles Edwards, a recent bride, who was remembered with crystal in her pattern by the hostess. Sapper Club A delicious supper consisting of tomato juice cocktails, barbdlue, slaw, a variety of pickles aid corn pones was served evening, to Club and guests by the joint Mr. aad : Mrs. Algw Alien and Mr. and Mrs. R. V. FHaar, at the Country Club. L'lWa tmn : ths additional Mend. at a loveU ' ~ ??. a lovely MdM P?ty, Wednesday afternoon, at 8.00 rcloek. The Room home, on Contentnsa I *** decormted wi?? artistic arrangements of white, gold bron? chryaanttemuma and dahlias. The five tablet in play bore appointments suggestive of the au tumn season in colors and motifs. Mm. Henrietta M. Williamson scor K *** 'or. club memb^d^ Mm bowf ^ of New York, won umi award for guests, a double deck liS?*?" ?*rd*' "4 Mr*, w. Leslie T? WM P?eented a novel- baro as consolation prist. , Ices, molded in fruit motifa, coeoa followed by coffee and cheese ' 2!*;w ** John lomsby, of Eminence, Ky.; Mrs. Ben ernon, uf Lebanon, ~Ky.; Mm. W. F. Tim, of Bowling Green, Ky!; Mm. ?*e M?y?. ot New York; Mm. J. Pbylor, Mm. M. V. Jo^sT*?. 5 ?111U' Mr* W. C. Hols Mr,. W. Jesse Moye and Mm. H. Joyner. irW^TdfJr Aften,OOB Club Mm. B. L. Lug delightfully enter !" Wednesday aft *n, at her home, in which mixed flowem wen used with pleasing II f. R. V. Finer won the high score * handpainted salad bowl, and "f?r*e Moore, Jr., received a u consolation. *3* P^PPl? upside-down n and coffee were *rved after the game. an? ? rem enjoyed during the progressions. I > A. |* Auxiliary V1? American Legion Auxiliary net,^umday afternooh, at the home **?; & LeRoy Rollins with Mrs. , ul E. Jones and Mm Arthur F. toyner as joint hostesses. Fall flow ** .**? u*?d to affective arrange imute throughout the home. L The meeting was opened with the tofing ?f tte Star Spangled Banner, be FUg Salute and the Preamble. P""Went, talk II J?" ITP?rUnce of *>* Adri an Legion Auxiliary." Mm. B. R. Fields mad th< ng report, which resulted (lection of Miss Davis ss PARAMOUNT THEATRE 1 4 FARMYILLB, N. C. Hm Home of Better Entertainment FOB WEEK of OCTOBER 2< SATURDAY ONLY "LAWLESS BREED" .g with Klrfey Grant - Pmiy Knight. It's something new and different in Westerns ... A Mystery Thrillerl Also?Chapter No. 1 " > ? A NEW SERIAL ? "Daughter Of Don Q." Plus?Comedy. . SUN&AY * MONDAY The Musical That's a Screen f r Of Good Lack Charm!; Mm "IF FM LUCKY" starring Vhrian Blaine - Perry Como - Harry James - Carman Miranda. ? Plus Latent New? Qr\At4a 1 ?ports j PAYS w\ M Our fore of country andJ devotion to the oause of pence calls] in oar 1947 membership Following adjournment, the host i? ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED The engagement of Miss Betty Lou rurnage, daughter of Mrs. Harvey W. Turnage, of Washington, D. C., bid the late Mr. Turnage, to Charles Washington Howard, Jr? son of Mr. ind Mrs. Charles W. Howard, of jreenville, has been announced by ter mother. The wedding will take Mace December 31. Miss Turnage, a native of Farni rille, is the granddaughter of Mrs. W. J. Turnage and the late Mr. Turn ige. , PRESBYTERIAN JUNIORS Jack Lawk was host to the Juniors, thuruday afternoon, the meeting opening by the group repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Walter forgoes told the Bible story of Jesus ind His Love for little children and fort Barrow Warren alio told a dory. Mrs. John B. Lewis conducted a Sible quiz which was quits interest - ng and instructive. Refreshments consisting of cake I ind ice cream were sacred following | idjournment. Dickie Manning was a special guest. I SONE MEET TO BE HELD HERE ON OCTOBER 311 The Quinn County Zone of the locky Mount District Woman's So dety of Christiaa Service will meet | n the Farmvilie Methodist Church at .0 a. m., Thursday, October 31. Mm. <1. L. Holton, of Stentonahurg, iead rr of this zone, will preMds. Charges o be repmoented include Elm City, Jtantonsburg, Kenly, Wilson, Evans lale and Farmvilie. -vyjSj i. Help save the Jewish survivors by j living to the United Jewish Appeal!1 ^ andw to (^be^afTlfk>">' H. Fanasran acceDted a Bible, a gift from Mr*. J. W. Gifta from the m __ Mrs. Flanagan and Mr*. The aide members were ed with flower* end treys of fruit After the meeting, the member* and guest* were invited to the home of Mrs. Parker where a lovely social hour Was held with Miss Dixie Bar rett as jelgt%>etess. A aBMasKvamAVi^w ? M at* ?iwe >? ? a 1,1 n ArrangeiwniB 01 cnryB&nixieirtums were used 61 the reception rooms. Individual iced green and white cakes and brick ice cream in the same colors were served. The paper napkins carried out the chapter colore ted, white, green, yel low and Mae. v Other out-of-town guests were H. McLean, of Plymouth, past grand chaplain, and a former resident of Farmville; Mrs. Josephine Rawls, Mrs. Louise Tadlock, Mrs. Annie Stock, and Mrs. Daisy Whitehurst, worthy matron of the Greenville chapter, all of Greenville. ? MISS SIMON COMPLIMENTED In honor of Miss Mary. Simon, of Lowell, Mass., who is visiting friends here, and in Wilson, George Rabil was gracious host to .a Lumber of friends at the Country dub, Monday eve ning. Candles and autumn flowers were used as "decorations. A variety of sandwiches and iesd drinks were served buffet style by the host assisted by his sister, Mrs. Mitchell B. Farris, of Wilson. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Mit chell B. Farris, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie [ Farris, Mr. and lbs. Mitchell P. Far ris, Joe Cannon and Ml sees Rita and Angeo Labaki, all of Wilson, Mrs. James Steele, of Goidsboro, and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Finn aadafr. and Mrs. John Hornsby. * - - i&L ?? - ? * ' ,s home aF?bab overseas ' ^-V'i George Cobb Wain right arrived in the States, October 16, after 12 months overseas service in Italy, and spent Monday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wainright. He is expected home during the week end on terminal leave. He will receive his discharge in KEEP YOUR BABY IN PLAYTEX PANTS ;.V a t*?wtL& ?? fv ?

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