iHp to have iiovia'l and *Hairy MMngia / I with the 9oodUckCborml 4ir h VIVWN BUINE ? PERRY CM) 2a HARRY JAMES imaiaij wmw*m Wm PARAMOUNT THBlTfifi 1 THEATRE The Hone of Better ITalu lllmml T Lgfcfr.y SUNDAY ? "MONDAY . . . EXTRA . . . ADDED . . . EXTRA . . . "LATEST NEWS OF THE DAY" - ? SPORTS ? SELECTED SHORT SUBJECT ? ? N0TE3PECIAL GIFT Is Your Name There? IF ROT YGI STIli HAVE A GWUKE ? list Will Be Published Each Week ? The Garner Furniture Co., The Centre Hardware Co., and The FarmviDe Implement C?^ ..$100.76 Mr. John E. Artis 50.00 Mr. L. T. Artis - 25.00 Mr. Irvin Morgan, Jr., 25JH) Blr. F. M. Davis, Jr., _? 25^0 The Tunugt Co., __ 25.00 20.00 :: um The Zannes Club Mr. Luhy Baker Mr. J. W. Joyner, Mayor, .... IZ50 Blr. Joseph A. Bkmnt 12^0 The Western Auto Stare ML00 Blr. John B. Lewis 10.00 Blr. and Mrs. Sterling Trudo 10.00 Blr. Wrfeht Edwards _ 10.00 Blr. Biases Burton, Bridgeport, Conn. 10.00 Blr. P. K E well 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Wllfie Buchanan, Washington, D. C., ! : 5.00 Grand United Order of The Tent 5.00 Mr. A*H Edwards ... 5.00 Blr. J. Archibald Joyner 5.00 Blr. Cleveland Barrett 5100 Bto. Ida Charles, Jersey City, N. J? 500 Bfrs. Gertrpde Woedard, Battle Croak, Mich. 5.00 Mr. Henry Williams ... : 5.00 Blisses Jessie and Sarrah Baker 5.00 Mr. Walter Bulfeek, Sr., 5.00 Mrs. Mary Barfield _ Z+jLJl- 5.00 Mrs. Leaaie Edison Rt 1, Bo* 178, Greenville, N. C.. Mr. Raymond Dickens, Falkland, N. C. i PUBLIC COLLECTIONS AT CHURCHES St James Free Will Baptist Fountain, N. C: Lewis' Chapel v 15.70 Chris' ChapeL Chris, N. C. ?? 15.07 Zion HM ^tiptiBt ^j^. Colraine^ N. C^. 12^5 yf%: STREET COLLBCtTRNfl ? |g?|| At FarmviBe, N. C. _. ' At Eewatain, N. C. ad 4 25.30 -3 < swsfF. At Falkland, N. C. ?_ ??_?. 27>. to her when they ware J| ? llareh, W??'Tm married to him, all oa^ho lilVmy vate fe*?| the only one I ever really liked." r C3Jfft?< 1 Trawick, 36, end her lat eet <in Penaacola, Fhu, hurt month) ?"Oh, that marriage waa annaPed." H Although ahe waa being heM for J ' te*a?ti?ation for allegedly - -JP-s . SiMftllpw^WlpPfpP Wj tenet one of the four, Dorothy * aaa't too worried on that acore. "I never got any allotment from King and he waa the only one of the four who waa in eerviee," the said. She. waa boohed for Mgamy tar dty living la New Orleana, he A Utah Dtfrothy etill waa to the three other men. bad one qoeetidn to uk:| .pot ?a of thane Pndfk lb that'* when I'm going whan get out of thin mean," aha aaldl nlight wont tempt me any |more." . '? . "? ?? " Kill Cotton Stalks As Soon As Possible The boll weevil has done consider able damage to cotton in North Caro lina this year, hot the peat nay ha struck a body blow through stalk der struction before the weevil gods into winter qparten, eajs James T. Con ner, Jr., Extension entomologist at State College. A Late maturing squares and bolis only furnish food for the hoQ weevil The deetruetion of the stalks and hence of the weevil's food supply will send the past into winter quar bers in a weakened condition and then is less likelihood of his snrviv tng the wintMV say* Conner. - ; The earlier the stafc destruction job is done, the better. In other words, the longer the time between stalk de* the first killing frost, the fewer boll weevils then tint likely to he next spring. The stalks nay be killed with ? jitalk cutter, a disc harrow, or a plow. "The thing to do is to get tidof tin food supply iff Mr. Boil Weevil just Skly as possible," says Conait. i ta plsnty rf vflilt*irt from North Carolina but also from other sections of tin eotten belt tint stalk destruction it the best method of fighting the weevil at this time." USO means a lot to them! ? ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE , though this is net required); 1600 words in length, WKm'^S^Si an ^ ? by the Chairman (on or U-. 20, 1946) from the Montiifl ahJ fftllflfffit oatti Ka to * board of capab wil] report within fKtaan and second jhg the NCPAt a ?100 U. a Savings Bond~ Ifiorias E for as* first choice in the twm biT>i'hrl> high fyfyirfrl and col : and a $60 U. a Savings Band, tat aw* asoond ohoiae. f START THE contests right hway hand it member the ftot' local data should be December 1, with *J1 State to the Chairman hot later Deoamber 26. SYLVESTER GREEN, Cfcair |man, will handle all oerrspondence as to' the State Contests. Address- hfci c/o Darbabi Honing Herald, Dar ham, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having fids day qualified- as ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. Mary I, Davis, deceased, lata of Pitt Coun ty, North Carolina, this Is to notify (all yertoaa having claims against the estate of h* deceased to exhibit them (to tin* undersigned at Fkrmrilk, N. C., on or before the 26th day of September, 1947, or this notice Wfll be pleaded in bar of their recovery [All persons indebted to sa6d estate will please make immediate payment This'26th day Pf September, 1946. H D. JOHNSON, Administrator "<ot tha estate of Mrs. Mary L u a i 4?'x' ml I ?W I 1 .wi of tod. medbd," Dr. Byerly ?ld. "A among forty prodneera. All <* I - thT Mtrne^sourcc mvjB . . - ii.. ???? ? inn ?<???woill ayon its counterpart in Oil jj) ?fettiirl by in a county contest were delivered by the aame breeder and on the tame day. When 12 representative pellets from each of the flocks were sold on ? same day, some of lltatliillsis had meet several of the re fer better broilers, Dr, jniMM ______ ggpY.j * jti'tfTlflli ilflii"i Coonpre- s heasive Home Loans-we otter permit monthly paym?ts that are easily fitted into eren most mo** budgets. If your presort Mortgage has matured, or is soon to come up for renewal, see us now, and learn how Modarn Refinancing can xeaSy benefit you! r . ^v:T^.-23tS2Si3S?iiySa'!* " ar" Sw mmt I >? i * ~W S* sow-??* L"v' -5h: Next to Norfolk-Southern Depot Famvffle, N. C. ? . .. .-? fy"."?? JPIPPIIPB ?ii>!5| .. . ?_ ? m 3^ J I I .. . , , . ?-? "???'?? ' >>?{?? r- ' "? **f. : ; .?? - - ???? ?-? *%? iT-: mrt ? J?|H| S? I^... Ill, ,.|J, _ pi|pV|lH.?|l|l|iq. I.J. J III I,, , ? ? f__ . ''"i I jf. J ? - ' "\ j1 '- .? ummiI tMMj In |M*ui llijui ' aii^ ri ilLii n !? ^? ?- ? rin n ? |m Wmhi yoii ro Know rnar ovorymtng possioio #s Doing aono to ?i r :#.? > . _ though Chovroht ha* buHt man car* and trucks them MMfWiuuMi 91 rrom January rnrougn ompronwor ?yoo '-V-h. ? ??- '?-> ^ ? .'-? .! you have ordered from uc, and we pass on to you tns latest lniormation i irotn tne vncvroict motor ijivistoiiy hrfwi thrwogh that information isn't too encouraging It ?? true that Chevrolet foads all ottwr in total prodwfti*i&~ot ""Web from January '946, despite the fhct that Chevrolet wuxwt of production entirely (daring the first three months of this year. It is alee true that Chevrolet has continued to mafrttajn its lead in total production during the third quarter of 1946. AmJaretijlWduction k? S ? 11 m~~a a 11 ai m m m JS still running tar below aesirea levels, witn M* il.,.,.,-t, ' fti a ' fsseg aMfem n .iln through September|^ 19w SHM orBB" of the number produced during thgf ??Sir ? i< ii ??. .1 ' ? mi of new Chevrolet#?even longer to demand for thia product QUALITY ATLOWE8T COST the preaent at least, "there juat aren't enough Chevrolet# to go around," much SB we wisn tnerc were. However, we want you to Jcnow that new Chevrolet# are leaving the plant# in the largeat numbera poasible today. The Chevrolet Motor Division tell# us it ir doing everything it can, 9^. AJUiL'. , rtf nrritinna rl ?,ir>m1?a m * m t c in tne iace 01 continued suppliers Buuces, material shortages and manpower problem#, to Step up shipments to us and to aB dealer#, in accordance With a predetermined distribution each dealer of hi# fair allotment, _ car aalMS/ And we, in _ oar best to deliver new Chev rolet* to our customers as rapidly aa they are recetasd and in the fedreat posaible way We are too appreciative of your loyalty and good will?too grateful for your patience SM ~ standing?to do anything lea# than _ to serve you to the vary best of our **mmm .'. tha moat important car at all to you ? tha oar eat that you keep it in top orn ery of yoor new Chevrolet, by umlwr?cold weather ia hardest on old tuuaUneaae aee a complete check-up today And. afain. thank yv taws* ^ WBto i **+*? - *laJt* ?o. I Phone 170-1 r.c. Lt?: IHPgTJKgHJKMS^PS? \, i^jMswragss! % >--<v if ? K?j ?7c IIB L UHCfibS&Swi! ?' 4142 ? 14,748.44 ?*jfe ; Average $67M W .fcv ' J* ?' -J:v?. ' .,*?1 Amount: $125.94 148.7* 149.70 142.M H7.W 51. SO I.I mart _ '*? 'i !!! S3! ?7? m 9Ht ? ?r? 67e % ?ic & ?*? ??* ?Tc j P'l |IS m sue jg&gLs.lSk n

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