S'Zr'Sa - t':A ? J M*- fill nm fillrfi Mutgifei Vitln BI a fit Ciluti Vila Vara-EIIf? Fraik Litlfiri IIIHI EXTRA ? AQDED ? EXTRA LATEST NEWS QF THE DAY - MARCH OFTlME No. 3 m ?n nmn "?"!* t. ?0?'> 44 ?? ? ? ? e ? ?o ? d ooe ??'?"? >44 >???????>??? 'peHuI We Will Have a Buyer at the John T. Thorne Farm Thursday, Nov. ZStH (Thanks -jiving Day) ? TO BUY YOUR PECANS ? ??FOR Highest CASH Prices Location of the John T. Thorne Farm is on Highway 264, two miles oat of FarmriHe towards Wilson. Sell Your "Pecans To Us and Be Assured of ? TOP PRICES ? T. B. YOUNG & CO. Florence, South Carolina Stay On The Right ShM Of Your Budget! It will help to practice some of the lessons learn ed in the past few years. Buy only what you need, j and get the best quality you can affdrd. In the long ran, you'll SAVE ALL WAYS ? and make your ineome go further. ? uurrf im Our friendly oorrice in all financial INVEST |R matter* wfll meet with your plete satisfaction > | * ? * * 7 "SAV* TODAY for the thing* yon will want Tomorrow I SAVINGS BONDS Bank of a ~ w* - **? i ? just !2 ' ?I 1 Washington,!1 research; of WMh 1 research. of ^liTof?tbe A luncheon meeting will follow, the morning session. R. If. Hughe# T of Greer, 8.C., chairman of the| Council's South GKrottna unit, wiU preside oner this, meeting. W. Kerr Scott, N. C. Commissioner of Agri culture, will present the main speak er for that part of the program, Senator Clyde R. Hoey, of North Carolina. r" The afternoon session will feature % number of what Eubanks terms "home-made" cotton experiments, following this series, Robert C. Jack son, Washington representative of Council, will give a report. Ed Lips comb of Memphis wiU give an illus trated presentation on the topic, "What Is Being Done about Sales Promoti ion." ? Ciril Brtody Herts From Ikying Flock Hens that show signs of broodiness should fclually be culled from the lay ing floCk. - Prof. R. S. Desrstyne, head of the poultry department at State College, in making this recommendation points out that although a great deal of progress has been made in odiness 'fo laying birds, this trait 11 appears in some chickens, espe cially in Hie American breeds. Because Of tire frequency of its ap pear**,, the question often arises M to whether or not broody hens are profitable and whether they should be culled from laying flocks. If a high Intensity of lay has been bred into the birds, they may have periods of broodiness and still lay pfWlta&y, he says. However, from *n over-all standpoint in most cases, ft wcftild he advantageous to eon such birds from the flock. . As a rule, one'period of brdodSncss followed with another, and M??<, a great d&l of tinfe more than most poultryjgen htfve to q>are. birds that show signs of broodiness are used to produce hatching eggs, it is highly probable that the tendency to broodiness will appear in their i i i < Leadership involves a good per centage of bull, but even women fall for it " if Candle aH eggs -ptft on die market for sale. It doeent pay to take a ; - f: ??x & SSS!5: G6I ,a. J ii i, naturally present in fresh b hut is removed during the nun pro?"*? "uoh 01 "different" tsate in properly can juice, especially in 0Ifa*t P,*Pe t comes from the can, is sctual^ airless taste which largely dis ears when air is gdded. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE of LillianF. - _ ate of Pitt County, this is tonotifyall] claims against the esi to exhibit them 48? ll( will p? before 17, or this itus'the 12tlrd*y of October, 1M#. John Hill PayfoTj, Administrator )-$??> rf Lillian F. Parker NOTICE TO CREDITORS fttfe Atty. (N>15-6wk?) lay Savings Bonds New And Save I WWmM. RKEYS or OQ orders now for All ordew F. O. B. **?/? . I . ? . '?? ii "/ ' Whatever you decide upon,; car that offers so i Until yon get dolfvery of ?OT Hudam, this same dealer isyour jjtijfljftoo, to ' ww transportation now,nuia a higher value when you trade it ml .J* - qBR Here, you may be sure of a friendly welcome, expert " Hudson parts, fair prices?prompt and courteous attention to your every need. Drive in bowI Even today, buyms cto be choosers urfth Hudson. ' ' 'ij I - U r,'%~ hr y . * "i , fc, rf *;^4 -V* ' ? ' "* :'j Cboici ?f fmUom 102*or,*o*r S*p*Si* *U 128 bwntpvwf Smpmr Eight 9?iitms ... Nm* n*w tUemi ? | ? |fl$< ? s?:-- :&{? ,, ?&;.,. Lbx-*;.- yfe# aM&MP? sasa^ -?..;.u?S . . P*r ?? * IT"- ' * |rij,^-12#$?a ,tm BP ? (i ?? ?nmmL & m&S STREET p" .' 'Vv;^|l, . )M FARMVILLE, ti. C. ,'*k AUTHOR.ZCD DIAL.l! OFF.* HOW* IMffMMt SERVICE AtftORS THE HATIOH ???is m