- ..''1 ??? ?? and i?m oat * ***.**!? ^I -ritod all to to pmam at fire o'clock. At I p. ?? fa the main Jim Joyn** of with a imuwi of W? kiji ??d I *--? with Ids helpers te die-l CKT?jr?a ?tf*? to "M ?T While the ?i#U ^-1 dfetribotad Seafr *?*J ^SaBBSg ?I Colored Hi^V Sdtool eh?? ^ ^] naaner gifh *o< dietrihoted afan wen token- Santo ,ronueed all children that J* m back on Chriatmaa Ento flli ?? tockimr* with The on ? ?- . atatod that it waa the mo* i ful riatt made hy 8aad? eed 1 bidding Bulletin,,and whoes aoUfcfie name k Vfcrgiada, writes under-the pan name of "Ginger McDonald" and wider the topic "What's Going On At The young columnist states far ther, "rd like to pans along to a* friends, the people ef Farmvilk, the many interesting things a hoot this inland of Oahu. Since many people spend fortunes each year to get ? tiny gUmpee of Oahu, and since mai other* spend a lifetime, perhaps, d siring to see these things, I'd Hke to try to share with them the things Ppe | ?"This 'Paradise of tfc* PadfW)M much hidden beauty, the people who inhabit the island am strange yet very interesting, and the easterns afe definitely unique. | "Tberr will be four major units to nay paspensd series -with | odder each. For instance, I ham oak] Bnhd tow aerie* as follows: 1?1Tti Voyage Fnom S*n Francisco to Ha waii; 2?Oahu, as seen by the Mala hine (newcomer); 3?The People aqd Their Qutams; 4?Departure From TWs Island Paradise. "I want to give my hometown pa per a View of Oahu from where I rit and to share its beauty and enchant ment with my old friends thbre. "When I return to FaravtUe in October of '47, you will ha one of the first persons to wham I'd'tike to aCy 'HsUe*.* We, are happy to learn that "Gin-1 who will .be well outstanding pianist, wfth] a regular schedule for perform at the Greenville radio station after finishing htwfc school. has a flair for writing and sufficient am bition to bade it Wa recall her early struggle for expression in pose toy and the poems, soma of them qnks good, that she swiitftad to for etlUuiam from to time also, j Friends hem were tntcwwtod in M, "Ginger" in a recant news] at rim Paramount which phsm a ginger lei for good lack about the neck of Col. C. S. Irvine, commonder of the Pteasan to tha--takeoff for flight from John oa October 4. The to make a record written "Ginger" and ae , SCHOOL HOLIDAYS ?Hgpta ? ?^ep:- . .. -::y ^sH ??a," ? >? ,jtv; In 1946, one out of dx drireni in-1 | volved In fatal accident* had beon| || drinking:, the Bureau ? one oat ?T flow i |t?W^ri had nbo ?4MUj&ax ?a* between If 118 per cent, abont the same a* In I 1.1944, bat ween higher proportion. of I Speak A t DjLB.! ' ^ f.,N| ? Jslw eSi,i, Vajw :",,. Tj 5 ; hM A ?Al ? wvonoHi, Ehrira Tyson ' Holmes. Cpon dpi I' Mftv - M "IiaU with -JWP* -'"WH^ksSSfflPw . laying tS* w I* t?fc ? t*rth : ?*1 potted plant* Ive decoration of tl | ban Siqtt bom*. *4 Fruit row tray. | tlon* alao. _ Allan }?. Harrii j it'Wouttfui 11 USD- < jfcfctfce -JLfiritak ar ea hsstess to I | Circle 4, Monday afternoon. Usi: eond chapter of Lake. Mrs.) Allen gar* the devotional. J. H. Hani* read the story I Christmas flower, the poin leettia and made a talk on an Ameri I can painter. She showed picture* of 1 om ?f his paintings. <1 MpT, w. Lang'1*** . cordially1 (ted and poinaettias ? 11. -Ma L.I Lewia' offer to negotiate a soft coal contract with~4roch parties aa may their authority" to bar gain with him haa brought no re government or the ceaf operators. ' | J The retain to Work o as little * to SE2 . A $60 bond <71, jail the U, E the present grows in value ' "Si taut fa the Unit not know that U. & the same bonds as ?-=, ght fa wartime, An Still: on sale," Mr, Junes continued "If that is true, I believe the people of North Carolina an smarter than the average American, for tatho first eleven months of IMS they invested 189,766,824 in U. a Savings Bonds, Series E, F and Q. People do have odd blind spots. I heard the other day that a newpaper poll now under pray in one of our biggest cities was revealing that many people who could food and write had never heard of the *U?aic bomb, or could not remsr bef anything about it if tbey had > "What I am most interested in now," he concluded, "is to make 1 that Santa Cfaus faww* about tl bond, the present with a future, by giving E heqds to people in t ipt* wilj help mahfaour __ ietmasoe merrier when dol lars wffl bar mors," . ? t vp iwy'.'S-' .Jinny Ball its maker, expect to ucirc m ? uncharted realm of supersonic speed, has successfully eAmaWed lAa yiw-i | , . -i" '? v- ' ? COlBpieiM 1X8 XI rW ?0V1. The XS-1, with 23-vear-old Chalmers (Slick) Goodlm, New Alex 10, at the controls, was cat _ from the belly of a B-29 bom over Muroc Army Air Base Moc |tf" /America's first ? dropped away . Goodlin turqed ?^ fi s - J _ J ^??1 crart dartw ???-, wdth a momentum mhich the former Navy pilot compared to the thrust from s catapult aboard a car rier. r:V, * The plane is designed to fly 1,700 miles mi hour, hut Goodlin mi no attempt to step it up that high,] He loafed along at a mare 550, using first one cyfteder, then two, and finally?for only a few secon." opr. ^ : . The plane was cut loose ^t 25,0001 Goodlin climbed under Us own to 35,000, meantime diving,! climbing. He flew for] Haw York, Dec. 11.?The Bit Fo?r to sign treaties fori m lite nations in Paris February 10 and to start their. jHRities to ftk at once .00 a treaty for Germany. . . In addition to these two long strides toward returning Europe to normal, the foreign ministers prac sally completed drafting a program for their na*t meeting, to be held in * Moscow on March 10, at which real ifO^o* tP? Canaan treaty will be It free agreed to end the session tomorrow flUNg*^'. Foreitrn slmr Molotov, fa coosion to th* uiswa of State James F. pad hie opposition to at once to hear the views at small nations on peace Irwathe for Ger many and Austria as w?&. Though Molotov gave in to 1 tha question of I gat to work rjcnr, In maintained his objection to letting China, which la a member of tha Big Five hot not tha Big Four, attend the Moocovr meet ing and take part in the German treaty nock. .. , -? ':?< W5-*" - ? The question of Chinal partici pation in drafting Wanapean paaee * final stalemate at tha flS foreign mtntottotoi mmini in Loo don in September, 1MB. MP'. that China be let in tide time. Molotov not only ob to letting her self draft the 1 treaty bat refused to oon eider her one of the "inviting" or for-an eventual ?I III lost out aleo in his i to gat the foreign ministers at the _ agree to limit the number of oecupatfon troops in Eu rope to a total of MO,000. Molotov said he was not ready to consider such a plan. Ho lafaaed also it on the program for the*;, ? *ld ha Would to start talking about it. SS'M '? M' ? ?!>?? Medal For hit of Technology, Cat the nodal by Col. Benjamin S. Meaick, Army or at; lew I mm Hf niwm"'l" w | Si ~ SKI Jfci^ I'v ?? 1 - '??; ? . " w" 1".1 . . -?