VOLUME Sermons To Carry'Theme of Hope The theme of eternal hope of "Peace on earth, good will to dm," will be woven into the aermona of the ministers of the Farmville churches, Sunday, as they relay the mes sage from the angels to the shepherds, in the Judesn hills nineteen hundred years ago, and the choirs in their turn will raider echoes of the song of the heavenly chorus. The spiritual leaders will read from Isaiah's prophecy in the Old Testament and from Matthew and Luke's accounts of the Nativity, and they will stress the wonder of His birth, His life, death and resurrection. His power and teachings will be emphasized as well as the grave respon . siDiiity or the faithful remnant in whom lies the hope of the world today. The to^in and community are invited to attend each and every one of these services. BAPTIST At the morning worship hour, Sunday, the Rev. E. W. Holmes will preach on "Immanuel, God with Us." Special Christmas music for this service will be featured with a solo "The Holy Mother Sings" b?r Miss Rosemary Holmes. "Christmas Bells," a cantata by Edward W. Norman, will be presented in the evening, at 7:80, by the choir under the direction of Miss Rosemary Holmes, with Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner st the organ. Special parts in the cantata include: Bolos?"Make Straight His Pathway," Elbert C. Holmes; "The Angel Choir Came Winging," Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes; "The Love lighted Star," Miss Seleta Tucker; "Sleep, O Blessed Baby," Miss Rosemary Holmes; Duets ? "The Angels' ^Refrain," Elbert C. Holmes and Raymond Shearin; "The Christ Story," Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes and Miss Rosemary Holmes; and a special chorus?"The Vision of the Shep herds," Misses Seleta Tucker, Ann Moore, Lola Gray Kemp and Joyce Tyson, Harry and Cedric Davis. CHRISTIAN At the eleven o'clock worship hour, the minister, Rev. Z. B. T. Cox, will speak on the subject, "Stop, Enjoy Christmas," and there will be special music by the choir with Mrs. Clarence Moye, of Maury, as soloist In the evening at 7:30, children of the primary depart ment of the Sunday School will present a program of stories, recitations and a tableau scene under the direction Dr. Mewborn Heads ? Pitt County Medical And Dental Society The Pitt County Medical and Dental Society held its annual Ladies' Night meeting Thursday at the Rotary Club in Greenville. Dr. F. P. Brooks, Greenville, the retiring president, presided and ex tended a gracious welcome to the doc tors' wives. Mrs. D. L. Moore, of Greenville, in her happy manner, re sponded. . . Dr. John M. Mewborn was installed as the new president of the Society and in his remarks of acceptance took occasion to mention the fine relation ship existing between the local health department and the physicians and dentists of Pitt County. Dr. B. McKay Johnson, Greenville is the new vice president and Dr. C. F. Irons, secre tary and treasurer. The chief feature of entertainment was the performance of a capable magician. The hpsts, Drs. Fred Irons, Malene Irons, E. B. Ayeock, D. R. Armistead and Dan Wright, provided an elegant banquet for the occasion. Leading Carols A song which made its appearance in 1942 entitled "White Christmas, is in its fourth year and well on its way to permanent recognition as a Christmas favorite. - The amaxing popularity of "White Christmas" as a yuletide song reaqhed its peak last year when a poll con ducted to establish the favorite carol of servicemen revealed that 22 per cent of the votes went to this early war song written especially for the occasion by Irving Berlin, graduate of Tin Pan Alley. The birth of the song was entirely by accident despite rumors to the contrary which attribute its concep tion to the war. Actually, it J=o?_ posed in 1940. A Hollywood studio had an idea for a motion picture to be called "Holiday Inn," co-starnng Pied Astaire and Bing Crosby. The * theme of the picture was based on the holidays of the year and a song was needed to represent each hobday ? ?? Irving Berlin was contractod for the compositions. The picture, Mtaaaaa in 1942, was synonymous with ou second wartime Christinas, and in that year the song sold one million copies in four months. Although nothing is dons on the part of the publishers to exploit the song, it Somatically rings the register each year as the holiday season approach so. Berlin calls it his favorite song, with the exception of his "God^ Bless America,, written during World War from iu * - ChiWm." ? **** **** FT lnil'liLIiLi li'i.il'ii'.'iiff / oi Mrs. Florence Thome and With Mrs. George Parr as accompanist. A girls' choir will sing Christmas carols. The White Christmas Community Tree Service, a union affair held for many years here, has been dispensed with this season, the reason for which has not been satisfactorily ex plained by those approached on the subject. EPISCOPAL On Tuesday night, Christmas Eve, from 11:00 to 12:00 o'clock, a mid night service will be held at the Episcopal Church, with a timely mes sage by the rector, Rev. J. R. Roun tree, and a celebration of the Holy Communion. Mrs. J. W. Joyner will sing Gesu, Bambino, by Pierto Yon. METHODIST On Sunday morning at the regular worship hour, the pastor, Rev.. E. R. Clegg, will preach on the subject, "Peace on Earth." The choir will render Christmas music and an aa Miss Betsy Vorriss will sing "The Holy Mother" as a solo. A Christmas Candlelight Service will be held st 6 o'clock in Jtfee after noon, with adult and yoifng'people's choirs taking part end Mrs. Haywood Smith st the organ. ? The Bird's Carol, by Nobis Cain, will be ren dered by the adults aad the young people will sing Fairest Lord Jesus. Mrs. R. O. Lang, Jr., soloist, wfll sing Gesu, Bambino, by Pietro Yon. Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck is directing this service. PRESBYTERIAN Appropriate music Will be used as a setting for the pastor's sermon, "If Christ Had Not Come," Sunday morn ing with ? anthem, O Womhip the King, by Lorenz, as a feature. The Rev. Bdwtn S. Coatee is the On Monday "The Stores To Close Thursday, 2tfth Merchants and other business men of ? Farmville will observe Thursday, the 26th, as well as | Christinas Day as a holiday. James and Elizabeth Bollock, will be presented in the Church at 7:30 o'clock with the Woman's Auxiliary as the sponsoring group and Mrs. Joe Flake as committee chairman. Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, organist, will be in charge of the music. ST ELIZABETH'S, CATHOLIC Sunday Maaa at 9:80 Sunday morn ing. Special Christmas Mass with sermon J>y tSb pastor, Father Mahon, and "music at midnight, Christmas Ere; Maasss at MO and at 9:30 Christmas Day. Merry Christmas x Two little words?they've been said over and over again Car generations? but no others have been found to ex press so apll the spirit ef the season! "Merry Christmas" to you and yours. Even if you don't believe in exchanging costly presents ? don't miss the joy of exchanging those friendly words, and the trifling re membrances which make them come true. ' -? . ?'' .yv* "? ; #ust In Look your prettiest this Christmas! Pin flowers in your hair. Mistletoe, dipped in stfrer powder, makes a beautiful "frosty" hair decoration! Yon won't hare to stand under the mistletoe?youH be under it. Just in Ku - ?"' -?. .. .%'r' *- _2 ? What make* f ^ A Mbereber 9 Cfjttrtfc frtetplt rises to pierce the Uue skies of daylight, and commune with the stars of night ? there is Peace... And as we enter our Church this Chriftmastide, the full spirit, meaning, and essence of the word shall enter our beings and inspire us to fulfill our own minor role in achieving for all time |feacr #n Cartfc Coot) MUD Co JMen! C, Come let fet Chore Mm. * ?. tEJje &ong of Christmas he; long journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem . . . a new Star in the sky... heavenly music above the hills of Judea ... the flutter of angel wings... the swift journeying of the Shepherds . . . Mary and Joseph and the new-born Child ... the coming of the Wise Men, with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh . . . From these inspiring things the Song of Christmas was fashioned more than twenty centuries ago. The years hare added new notes of happiness. Carols and song upon th&air . . . candles gleaming into the night . . . secret whisperings and laughter in the home ... greetings going from friend to friend ? ? ? deeds of love and mercy done in the name of a Child. No great symphony or composition can match' the Song of Christmas. It rises above the clatter and roar of the city; it throbs through the scatter ed town and hamlet; it sings through t^ie sunlit islands of the South; it permeates the frozen wastes of the Northland. In ever-widening volume its strains echo around the world. Before its magic the hosts of darkness take flight. It touches the slumbering chords of memory; it heals old hurts and scars; it binds loved ones in a closer and deeper tie. There are no friendless or forsaken within its sound; under its influence the strong reach out to help the weak. Peace and Love and Joy, these are its loudest notes, and they are for all men. For the Song of Christmas is the greatest of all songs because it is understood by every heart. Gifts Beyond Price The gifts the Wise Men brought the blessed Babe ? wonderful though they were ? could not compare to the gifts He gave to mankind. jewels of spiritual goodness: rare love and unselfish ness ? hh< are the treasures bequeathed to those who know the messing of His word. Santa Writes Grown ups a Letter This Year Listen folks! Let's keep this con fidential! If I'm s mysterious charac ter, it's only' because I. want to help Christmas make the world of child hood and the grownup world share that kinship which must often be set aside in the usual, year-'round run ?f things. ' Let year children go to progressive schools, and "express themselves"? hut ptoses Mb, let them believe in me. And yea ? keep on believing in the children's- right to live in a land of nefce-beHeve last as long as they can. If it weren't for Knell boys and girls, Christinas wouldn't be the woa derful holiday, it is. So how ahoat a little cooperation, folks? Ill keep right on handing Christmas cheer end coming down chimneys ? if yu-ull keep right on making every child's heart come Christmas time. ' Clans. \ 1 MRS. MOTS HONORED SUNDAY . Mr. and Mri. Howard D. Moye were hosts at a surprise family din ner on Sundajt, the occasion the 7Vth birth, day of Mr. Moye's mother, Mrs. lEstelle Hardy Moya, well known and highly esteemed Pitt county Htiifin '? 'X-> The table was cemtered with the birthday ' the birth date. At The Enterprise Will Take A Holiday 27th The Farmville Enterprise will tike a well deserred holiday next weak and will not make its ap pMHsee again until January 8, 1M7. The Editar and entire force WISH you A MERRY CHRISTMAS ? and ? HEALTH AND HAPPHfeSS IN THE MEW YEAR. Greatest Stamps Of Entire World Officials estimate at least. 100,000 are saved each year?in America fluids made available by the annual Christmas S$al campaign against tuberculosis. In 1903, a Danish postal cleric? Einar Holboell, by name?conceived the idea, of a Voluntary tax on Ohnpt mas greeting cards wfajgh weald her fit the underprivileged. Specifically, Holboell visualised establishment of a fond to build a hospital for tuber cular children. The ministry granted Holboell permission to sell his seals at poet offices and the Christmas Seal campaign was launched. In many countries, the seal campaign is con ducted largely In co-operation with postal authorities and, in some In stances, thy seals ate parte of special postage stamp*. interested in the project in 1907 and co-operated with the National Tuber culosis association. To strengthen the nation-wide campaign, the Red Cross and the Tuberculosis associa tion jointly conducted the sale of the seals and, until 1919, the emblem of the Red Crass appeared on the seal. In 1919, the double-barred cross, in ternational emblem and trademark of the warfare against tuberculosis, was embodied in the design of the seal. In 1920, the Red CroeS*1 wished to devote its energies to the annual Roll ?Galt and arrangements were made whereby the sale of the tuber culosis Christmas Seal is conducted exclusively by the Tuberculosis asso cy*^. r ' Little 01' Santa The little ol' santa propped under oar tree ... is little the worse for wear . . . he's lost a leg and an arm, you see ... bat no one seems to care. Not that we're unsympathic, rather, we are just a bit nostalgic. Time was when our santa, bright #nd assr, benignly welcomed Tommy ??? , , , M they tiptoed down stairs to see ., i their presents spread beneath the tree , , , very early Christmas morning. Tho Tommy and Sue have out grown their toys . . . and entwined their hearts with grown-up joys . . . that little ol' santa, propped under the tree, 'symbolises .Christmas ? as Christmas ought to be . . . with toys for children, good will among men ,.... on earth, Peace dawning. Dorothea W&itzmann. POST OFFICE TO BE OPEN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21 The local Post Office will be open 21, for the convenience sf'those wishing to The American Red Crow WELCOME BACK SANTA, WITH YOUR PACK OF GOOD CHEER! rr Welcome hack, Santa, with your pack of Christmas cheqr. That's sometitfng we can all use a lot of right now: cheer i in our daily work; cheer to spread to other and morale to help them won is ma de a the whole instincts of your coming. for Farm to distribute Santa Claus To Visit Farmville December 2lst, 23rd and 24th Good old St. Nick will be on the streets of Parmville's business section during the three week days prior to Christmas ? Saturday, Monday and Tuesday ? to talk with the children about their presents he is to bring Christmas Eve. The stones are re maining open on these nights also until 9 o'clock. The Santa Claus parade, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, was the most successful yet staged. Hun dreds of people lined the Btreets of the business section of town to watch the parade. Santa Claus arrived in the ljre truck proceeded by the color ed school band. Gifts were distributed to all children both white and colored. This annual event has grown with the passing of the years and plans are being made for an even bigger and better Santa Claus Parade in 1947. Masonic Ladies' Night Delightful,; Enjoyable Affair The Farmville Masonic Ladies' Night held Friday in the basement dining room of the Methodist Church, was declared by those present to be among the most enjoyable and de lightful affairs of its kind held by the local Masons. The program opened with the sing ing of America, followed by the in vocation, by Rev. Ernest Clegg. A sumptuous meal of turkey with all the trimmings was then served by the Methodist ladies. In the absence of the master of the lodge, Sam-D. Bundy presided as master of ceremonies and welcomed the group with appropriate toasts to the ladies, to which Mrs. LeRoy Rol lins responded in her happy manner. Miss Rosemary Holmes, accompanied at the piano by her mother, delighted the group with vocal selections. Sam D. Bundy presented his. fath er, J. T. Bundy, who introduced an other son, W. J. Bundy, Grand |ias ter of the Grand Lodge .of North Carolina. For a time the 125 sons present were kept "in stib by the stories and jokes bandied back and forth from the father, his 3o*\, and the two brothers. The speaker in a humorous vein spoke on the "Secrete of Masonry." The group then sang Jingle Bells after which the Grand Master deliver ed twenty-five year certificates to: Hubert Jojrner, Tony Lang, LeRoy Rollins, G. S. Williams, Dr. Pa*l E. Jones, Aaron Bailey, C. F. Brann, Manly Liles, F. M. Davis, jr., George W. Davis, D. E. Oglesby. W. B. Gay, Bennle Hayes, R. A. Joyner, J. B. Joyner, Carl Hicks, W. M. Willis, Dameron Fields and Marvin V. Jones. Special guests of the lodge were Mrs. R. R. Bailey, Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Clegg, Mr. and Mrs. Brewer, and Rev. and Mrs. Gray. Recognized also W. J. Bundy, wife of the Grand ter and Mrs. J. T. Bundy, the Grand Master. 15 per i tehee" Yacht Pennants Navy Authorizes JitPe The Secretary of the Navy authorised ? Naval ~ owners pennant, which may be as a personal perm ant by who made available to the yacht or any other craft fo during World War II. former t *? "