!m?fer m - AttrfKri ITS CHRISTMAS It'? Christmas time again and the Christmas spirit fills the land. Yea hear it in the tinkling laughter of the children?you see it in the smiling welcomes and outstretched hands? you feel it in the expectant hash that fills all homes on Christmas Baa. This is a homey season; a season filled with the poignant scent of holly and pine, of mysterious packages and children's hopes. This is a season of giving, of hospitality and joyous good fellowship. With this thought in mind, we, of the Enterprise staff?Editor G. A. Rouse, Associate Editor Mrs. G. A. Rouse, Miss Elizabeth May, T. B. Rouse and Charles Gayle extend oar heartfelt wishes for your Christmas cheer. A bright and blessed Chritmas Day, With echoes of the angel's song, And peace that cannot paas away. And holy gladness, calm and strong, And sweet, heart carols, ringing true, These form our Chrstmaa wish for you. TODAY IS GOOD WILL DAY "Peace on Earth, good will to men" .... In this Joyous season of the year do these words mean to you what they ought to ? A Texas read er of the Progressive Fanner sug gested a way to help them o^ati something to us. She wanted a day set apart for the members of the white race to do a kindness or good deed for a member of another race and each person in the colored race and other races, of course, in turn could do something helpful and kind for a white person. Just speaking a kind word or leav ing off some criticism of a person of the opposite race would indeed be one way of helping" to observe this day. Whatever you do for someone else will make your Christmas happier. Let's take time out from wrapping presents, shopping and preparing for the Christmas Day Just ahead to add our bit of fuel to the flame of GOOD WILL. Good Wffl Another year. Another Christmas. Once more children look up, the very Star of Bethlehem reflected in their eyes, as they hear the story of the infant Jesus. And who can fail to be filled with awe at remembrance of the little Naxarene and the angelic chorus bringing their message of "peace on earth, good will'to men." Nineteen hundred and-forty-six years have been recorded since, yet this remains this worldis most blessed birth. Once more the parents of little children, everywhere pray that there should be peace on earth?for never before in all history, has His lesson bees more worthy of repetition. Good will toward men?let every man say it over and over. Let it be instilled in the hearts of those Just learning the ways of life. No man can observe Christmas reverently? without doing sacrilege to Hfa name ?if he fails to practice the leeeon of "Good will toward men!" _ Christmas CKeer Make this a really old fashioned the freety air tin gle with the element of surprise. Wra 'rap poor things to give more fes tively than you've ever attempted to before 1 Scatter cheer wherever yon go, visiting year Meads, writing gay greetings, callfeg out across the street and saying ewer the Christmas! Merry Chjfcfe all!" day ? Christmas Day ? heated auto safely in its j or hire a horse aa? toggy for travel the countryside, driving thru the snow piled high; warmly 1 in all the sweaters and scarfs yon It will to a world of of get oat and have fun this Car lf jgg Mies Jwiie QuinOrtftl lem; Misses Ann Turnage and Gladys Crawford, Flora MacDonak" Nail Baamaa, Campbell, Butm Misses Margaret Coataa and Lewis, Joe Gregory, Cheater Langley and Douglas Jones, E.C.T. Cv Green ville; Neal Howard, Jr., Woodberry Forest, Vs.; George Robert Smith, Jr., P. J. O, Maxton; Milton Williamson, Wake Forest; Edward Bookman Harold Rouse, 0. I? M- I.; Bill _ berry, Tommy Lang* Mil Pollard, Marvin Horton, BUI Monk. Rlbert Moye and U B. Johnson, CariUaa; Donald Walston, Jack Paylor, Harry Davis, Douglas Kemp, Alton Thomas, Lowell LUea and Bill Cprr, State, Raleigh; Dan Morgan mad CI Parker, Darlington, Roma, Ga. MEMBER OF CHRISTMAS PAGEANT The senior class of St Mary's Jun ior College presented the earn Christmas pageant "Peace on Earth," Sunday afternoon in the collage chapel with Kim Florence C. Davis and Russell B rough ton directing. Miss Mary Lsgfc Thome, daughter of Mm. John T. Thome, was one of the wis* men. the Convention to' the North Caroline gates enjoyed a gay evening in Holly wood prfth ? dinner party at famous Eaxi Carroll Theater-Res rant. Mr. and Ma. Kay Kyeer, of Hollywood, wea guests of honor. Also in the convention party and at Earl Carroll's wea Fred C. ?, Miss Adelaide,, add many others frotn Jimmy Jones ley Community Youth splendid program was given by Loans Andrews after which g wor ship servioe was held. ~ Names for the Christmas party oa December 28 wea dawn. Recrea tion was dlaectsd by Miss Ly' : ,? . ; kil The only sua way to jja within i your to09me is to ksep adding to it. THE SEASON'S BEST .1 t-if: TO YOU ON THIS; * JO.o3. GLORIOUS, JOYOUS CHRISTMAS" Our Heartiest Wishes For .HAPPINESS .T. - r ENDURING PEACE ? * .? ECONOMY AUTO SUPPLY Farmville, N. Carolina MADAM NELSON AMEBIC AN PALMIST, LIFE READER, ADVISOR! SPECIAL READING DAILY AND SUNDAY LOCATED IN PULLMAN TRAILER Without any question thin remarkably gifted woman reveals your entire life, from infancy to old age, giving names, dates, facts and figures and guides you to sneeess, health and happi settias lovers' quarrels, qgsbles you to win the esteem and affection ol anyone yon lore, .causes epeeay ana nappy marriages, telle eon if the one you love is true, restores lost affection, peace and confidence to lovers and discordant families, gives yea the full secret of how to control the thoughts and actions of any one you desire, fltet appearance near the dty. If your business is unsuccessful, if your health is not good, if you ars tn trouble of any kind you should see this TRULY good, If you i GREAT READER. waiting rooms for white and _ You're seen the rest?now coaw and see the beet and he convinced. She does whet ethers capiat te do. She is She's the one yonvTWn hsasing ae i Just Out of City Limits of Snow Hill oo the ParmvOk Highway! MADAM NKLSOhPS SIGN ? $1.00 DAILY AND SUNDAY ? FROM 9:00 A. M. TO 19:00 P. M. shopping comparable to that of Our Store will be closed tor yz ALL-AMERICAN RED HEADS ^ players am: Love, GcGee, Hatcher, Walker, Haines, Daniels and Winter. b1"-" j The Blade Phoebe wu the topic given by Tommy Little at the Bird .Club, Saturday morning. Seven and three-fourths todies to length, Its upper parte an sooty blade and the under sides an'the- same color ^ conddend by ottor WrdS iiC one of the finest fly catchers. Its dejnunness makes it almost staid Comforts to the Black Phoebe an i matter df indifference. Today you may meet one of the species in town and see its nest under the eaves of a kitchen. Tomorrow you may find its brother living Just as contentedly in a lonely canyon. ^Ninety-nine and on?-hnlf per eont of its' food consists of animal matter ?useful booties amounting to about three percent, other booties of a harmful species, to ton and one-half. Flies form the largest item of food with other types of flies, moths and ^nd-caterpillars completing the menu. W? bird is always welcomed and should be protected. Albert Monk and Gordon Lee were welcomed as new members. NOTE OP APPRECIATION We wish to express oar heartfelt appreciation to friends In Farmville and community, for their sympathy extended, and many acts of kindness shown us during the illness and death of oar beloved husband and father. . Knu C. B. Mashburn, Sr., and Family. One sore way to make a lifelong enemy is to call the gay's bluff. X04 W. 5A SL-At Flee Potato GreensHJe, N, C, Want Ads! NICK LOT OF SKAT COVERS ? Cto fit moet can. WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORE. FOR SALE?BABY'S NEW BATH ENETTE. StiO in crate. Intended as . gift to baby who had one ?i-| ready. Write 202, care Enterprise, FamVOta 'N-.C ? ' COME IN AND SEE OUR LINE of Baby Strollers, Play Pew, Car riagee, Chairs, Recking Bittiinritai, Bed end WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORE. i. i. .1 .. ii . .fltsrat... i' FOR SALB?? ONE WARM MORN ING Type Coal-Store ? Perfect eehditioa. Ala* One Stoe 42 New TopCoat.? RolHW' Cleaners ft * (D-I3-2tc) ? FLOORS SANDED and REFINISH J. R. BRADT, Phone MH FarmriUe, FOR SALE?New Oil Burning Heat er, media* stoe?See J. E. Garris, at Farmrille Blacksmith Shop. RADIO BATTERIES ?We hare a today. WESTERN AUTO AS SOCIATE STORE. I WANTED: INSURANCE SOLICI TOR AND COLLECTOR with ear for the town of Farmrille. Start ing salary, 12,000 a year. Write tor ^-JM^HTmmf?aT? h4XT IHIvi rWWi OOm W? rr EMKIII^lwIc W? (D-12-Jtp) BE SURE TO TUNE IN ON W-P-T-F to lOsOO, and hear about all the Mm, they ma* he j A C Q I) i N S Tt* bride is Phonao Kflgore, of attended David Nashville, batchelor of arta Peabody College in Mr. Can- is the F. Carr, Sr., and the lata Mr. Chunr of Greenville. He was giadaalsd from the East Carolina Teachers College, Greenville, and received his degree from George Peabody in Nashville, Team. He is sistant Dean of men and director of residences at the Thliaha??? Brandt of the University of Florida. Dee to the recent bereavement in thebride-groom's family, the wed ding, which was originally to occur in Birminghom, Aha, solemnised in Greenville. EVERYBODY WANTS A r f.trp f , -1U AND PM JUST ABOUT RUN RAGGED! It seems that everyone put the emphasis on comfort and lux urious styling! They all want chairs .... rich deep down comfort, resilient coil springs and puffy padding that lets fell the family know that here is full, roomy satisfaction! Below are just a few of the priceless pieces in our large collection. - ? L V Luxuriously MAatofH >(a Mnimt Chair coil springs. Fringed bottom, inm, ? sweltW Yooll find it priced *t. . ?? $6TaoPpj ss: Distinguished styling with - tjskp at* iiSgSS: