Sixth Annual ? N. P. A. Day At ? Oxford, Doc. 18. ? Gross Cherry will M at tho sixth annual 1 America Day at the ( aye here on Sunday, - , CT...1 n ?!.itnoAant T m.f oiipcriTiiciHiwiv x ? stated today. . Since 1941, on their annual visita tions to tho Colored Farmers of America have the home more than and bonds, Hamate said, the group of North Carol; school vocational agilcultMe i under the direction of S. B. Simmons, supervisor of Vocational Agriculture in Negro Schools, are supporting the current $300,000 Building Fund Drive of the Orphanage. There are M Negro vocational agriculture teachers in North Caro lina and for the past five years their major extra-curricular undertaking has been to make tangible contribu * I., i tint to the Colored Orphanage, raws its support largely Carver,1 scientist.* "With that it their objec tive, the hundreds of '* A * tered through North an their gifts. In connection with the j tion ceremony, the Orphanage stu ! dents will present their annual Christ mas program under the direction of I Mrs. Beecher W. Williamson. ??? ffGl | Batcbelore are fellows that looked before they jumped. iWwiaer a man grows the less %e talks and the more he ?a : Before the yj,DO ???** 2* ' rs?% ?^1, ???*??* ST-^* ??*tu ?AlanLaddl WHliamBendix Bany Fitzgerald PARAMOUNT THEATRE FarmWDe, N. C. SUN.-MON., DEC. 22-23 ? Plus ... News of The Day and Color Cartoon. ~ ?Y V * Qsprv * ""' -M&k ?1,1' 118 THS COUNTRY fiOCTGflt?HIS TRIBE IS VANISHING Fast fading frqm the American scene la the country doctor. The ranfcs at these hardy men who "have contributed so much to the rich heritage of thp American medical profession an growing smaller every year. As the old timers die or retire, few young doctors mote in to take their places, since most moderp medical school grad uates establish in artan centers. With the shortage of rural doctors now S definite menace 0l JHen t' *! fM ?. ? ? * These simpl j words?this simple wish? has very deep significance We know it is the hope highest in all hearts this ?r I m Ui ..... T *? ? ' Christmas time rao ?-???: 3 i * this message with deep sincerity; "Peace vaia^aseiJ^j Win to Merf/. . ?