Mis. Dunbar Lamar is vtoittag i?to tivea to AimU, Ga. tives to Dm taring the holiday*. Mr. and Mm J. W. Joyner arc visit ing friends to St Msntoi, Fin. Mrs. R. C Shirlsy, of Raleigh, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gaynor. Miss Elizabeth Lang is spend few days sid friends to LaGmng*. James Joyner, of Wilson, the week end with Mrs. Bob Joyner. Miss Clam Lee Cmbtree, of 1 boro, spent the week end with friends here. ; v' * 'K ^ Mrs. Walter Barden and daughter, Peggy, spent Friday with Mrs. Robert Fields. William Ritter, of Richmond, Va^ is spending a few days with John Parker. Mm H. W. Kemp visited Her mo ther, Mm W. C. Hales to Middlesex. Sunday. R. C. Copenhaver and H. N. How ard were Richmond, Va., visitors, Monday. Mrs. S. E. Ewell is visiting her niece, Miss Janie I pock, to Goldsboro, this week. Mrs. George Edwards, of Snow Hill, is spending the week with Mrs. J. A. Mewborn. Mrs. Alice H. Kilpatrick, of Char lotte, spent the holidays with rela tives here. Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver and Miss Elizabeth Lang were Greenville visi tors, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Parker visited relatives at Lake Waccamaw during the holidays. Mrs. G G. Rollins, of Raleigh, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Eason. Friends will be glad to learn that Miss Mamie Davis is improving after a recent illness. Mrs. Z. 6. T. Cox and sons are spending this week with relatives at West Point, Va., Rev. and Mm E. R. Clegg spent several days of last week with rela tives in Pittsboro. T. C. Rollins, Jr., of Wilson, visited his grandmother, Mrs. W. J. Rollins, during the holidays. ? Mrs. Maggie Jackson, of Ayden, spent Wednesday with ^hfcr sister, Mrs. Albert Jones. Mrs. George Wilkerson,' of Green ville, spent Monday with her mother, Mm S. G. Gardner. Mrs. Lillie Cook, of Wilson, spent some of the holidays with her daugh ter, Mrs. Robert Fields. Mr .and Mrs. J. M. Carraway spent Tuesday and Wednesday visiting friends in Jacksonville. < Mr. and Mrs. Roland Butts, or State College, Raleigh, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Butts. Friends will regret to learn that Miss Emily Gayle is ill at her home on Grimmersborg street. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor E. Barrow and son, of Greensboro, visited -relatives here during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Lewis were hosts at a family dinner, Sunday. There were twenty guests. Clarence Bundy returned Monday after spending several days with Bob by Forrest, in Greenville. * Mr. and Mrs. P. K. EweU attended the Gator Bowl game in Jackson ville, Fla., New Year's Day. I Miss Bettie Joyner and Mrs. S. G. f ? . ? Jn n ?! m il ^r f* . ??!?,! H/SIL m M uaraner vMiiefl nn. uwrge w HKer son, in Greenville, Saturday. | Mrs. J. E. Burgess and Mrs. M. F. Edwards, of Ayden, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Frank M. Davis, Jr. ? Herbert C. Bonner and Jack Spain, of Washington, D. & attended the fundnd of Frank M. Davis, Jr. r Miss Gayle Roberts returned to Pate Beach, Fla., Tuesday after visit ing Mr. and Mrs.-J. B. Buhists. < 1 Mrs. Charles A. Mozingo, and son have returned from a month's visit to rslatfvea in Hagerstown, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Alien Drake and daughter, Nancy Etta, spent the week end With relatives in Winter. Miss Fannie Gary has returned to Goldston after spending the I-pUdays with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Hobgood arid son and L. W. Andrews have return ad from a week's tour of Florida. E. C. Carr, Jr., has returned to Newport Newg, Va^ after p. m.?Woman's Society of 7:00 p. 7:30 p. m.?T.W.A, Baptist, i with Km. H. D. Johnson. 2:80 p. m.?Contract Club with Mrs. Arthur P. Joyner. \ 6:30 p. n.?Rotary Club, j 7:00 p. m.?Woodmen at -Vorii 8 K)0 p. m.?Boy Scouts. ?8.-00 p. m^?Junior Woman's Club meats with Mrs. Mabrey Pollard I and Mrs. George Parr as hos - tessee at the home at the former. 8 KM) p. m.?Annie Perkins Circle, Baptist, meats with Mrs. Kobert Joyner as hostess in the church. , Wednesday, 8 3 KM) p. m.?New Deal Club. 8.-00 p. m.-?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. George Moose, Jr. 3:30 p. m.?Brownies. v Thursday, 8 3:30 p. m.?Troop 2, Girl Scouts. 7.-00 p. m.?Farmville Home Dem onstration Club has Joint meet ing with husbands with Mrs. B. R. Pilds, Mrs. Earl Bagley and Mrs. J. R. Lewis as hostesses. "1:30 p. m.?Masons. Friday, 10 8:16 p. m.?Book and Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Irvin*MorganJr. 3:30 p. m.?'Woman's Club meets with Mrs. C. H. Motingo with Mrs. E. F. Gaynor as joinf bos tess. Saturday, 11 10:00 a. m.?Bird Club. 3:00 p. m.?Major Benjamin May Chapter, D. A. R., meets with Mrs. C. H. Mozingo and Mrs. D. S. Morrill as joint hostesses. Today 3:46 p. m. ? Rebecca Winborne Chapter, U. D. C., meets with Mrs. A. C. Monk, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Melton, Miaa Vgnes and Allle Mellon and Marvin 36bb were Raleigh visitors, Satur lay. Mrs. Herbert E. Hart and infant ion, Herbert Earl, Jr., returned home Christmas Eve frrom a Wilson hos utal. Mrs. John Butts and Mrs. Levi Cverett and sons, visited Allen Butts n Columbia, S. C., during the holi lays. Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Joyner and hughter, Pat, of Greenville, are ipending a few days with relatives (ere. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Darden arrived Chursday from their bridal trip to Plorida and are residing on Pine itreet. Miss Nannie Smith returned to Henderson, Sunday, after a visit to ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. Mrs. Mary Jerome Simons has re sumed to Raleigh after visiting Mr. ind Mrs. J. M. Wheless during the tolidays. Dr. Paul Jones, Jr., left Wednes for Charlotte where he will be I associated with Charlotte Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Mattie Swain and grandson, Charles,'of Roper, spent a few days taring the past week with Ifjs^ W. 1 Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Melton and r, Regina, of Mineola, N. Y., peat Friday with Mr. and Mrs. A. . Melton. ? ' Mr. and Mrs. .George B. Mdore and one, Roy and Ray, spent the holi ays with removes in Clinton and [ Mrs. C. W. Blackwood and Miss Alice Ward S. C., during Jit*. Harvey Tornage and son, * - * I? ' * OX ' w. x,:'. if eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Btll Bandy, in Chester, & C. C. L. Irey, lr, who has served ^ two years in tire Merchant Ma discharge recently Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Moore and Wri tes day visit to their sister, Mrs. It K. Duncan in Miami, Fla. Mr. -and Mrs. Sproill Spain and J. G. Clark, ^ere among Greenville friends, attending the funeral of rank M. Davis, Jr., FridayUfe Miss Rachel Barrett returned to Baltimore, Mid., Sunday, after spend ing the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barrett. Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Gllehristj* tended the Sugar Bowl game in New Orleans, New Year's Day, and-ipf visiting relatives in Alabama. Mr. and lira. C. E. McKinney, ofl Dublin, Gl^ spent the holidays with and Mrs. Herbert E. Hart and Herbert E. Hart, Jr. ? Mrs. C. R. Lewis and Mrs. S. T. Lewis, of Wood, are visiting thrir sister, Mrs. B. M. Lewis, and mother, Mrs. Stella Shearin, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bfoden, of Chicago, 111., and Mike Lizzie M. of Pittabore, are visiting Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Clegg this weak. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Drake and daughter, Nancy Etta, left Wednes day for Rartsville. Tenn., where Mr. Drake is on the tobacco market. Mrs. Delia Smith, Mrs. George Ed wards, of Snow Hill, Mrs. Lola Forbes and Mrs. J. A. Mewborn were Green ville visitors, Tuesday afternoon. 'Mrs. J. M. Hobgood accompanied her ton,' Bill Morton, to Richmond, Vs., Tuesday, where Mr, Morton re sumed his studies at the Seminary. Misses Doris and Lydia Tugwell had as their guests during the holidays, S 2/c Frfchk Baker, of Jacksonville, Fla. and 81/c Gil Sals. New Jsreey. Mr. and Mrs, Mae Freeman and children, of Kansas City, Mo., spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Hay wood Smith'and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hollowsl and Mr. and Ifrs. Ernest Barrett, Jr., and family, of Goldsboro, spent Wednes day with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bar rett, J3r. Mr*. Ffank Carr returned to Kal eigh, Tuesday, after spending several days here with her husband, who is recuperating at the home of a sister, Mrs. Bob Joyner. Pr. and Mrs. A. 7. Hammond, Jr., and daughters, Olivia and Mary Var den, of LaGrange, spent a portion of the holidays at the T. E. Barrow homf in Greene County. John Council Parker, Dr. Prank Harris, and . Sam D. Bandy , were among visiting Kiwanians at the Greenville KJwanl* club's regular meeting on Deoember 20. Mrs. Frank M. Adams, of Bruns wide, G*., spent a portion of the holi days here with her grandmother, Mrs. Dora H. Keel, and in Monica, Miss., with her husband and his p^" Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Outland and family, who have been residing in ^euington for the pagt year, return ed, Tuesday, and die making their home for the present with Mr. and Mxe. Thad Nichola. Mrv arili Mrs. J. T. Bundy had as dinner guests, Wednesday. Sam D. uiuuvi o " "uovwimji "g|P; . - " and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. son of?Norfolk, Va,, and Mrs. 8ehna Mr.and Mra? Harry Baker, of Sen Pedro, CaL, are gueata of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Tugwell. They will visit relatives and friends here for several more weeks. Mr* Baker had not beeta will regret to team of the Julius Williamson, of Clinton, on Deoember 24th. Mr. Williamson was Mr. nd Mi*. W. W. Salisbury, Mrs. Annie Cooper, Miss Virginia Bell Cooper, Mrg. P. R. Taylor, Mr*. J. D. i, Mr*. Loyd Tringle, Mi*. J. ?gees, Mrs. C. R. Tyndall and Mr. and Mrs. WilHam Shelton were Ayden friends attending the funeral of Fimnk M. Davis, Jr., here, Friday. Mrs. D. R. Morgan is spending this week in Raleigh with her son, tten at Rex Hospital, Toes day. Friends will be glad to lean that Dan is recuperating rapidly and Is expected home, during the week end. Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck accompanied to Raleigh and returned Wed Mr7 and Mrs. George Baker, Mrs. G: K. Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gay, of near Farmville, Mr. and Mr*, i. L. Baker and J. L. Baker, Jr., all of Norfolk, Va., and Mr. mad Mrs. Harry Baker, of San Pedro, CaL, ft I/O W. U Baker, pf Jacksonville, Fig., and ? i/e Gil Sa|s, of New Jersey, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Tugwell, daring the holidays. PETTEWAY8 HOLD OPHN HOUSE Mr. and Mm. Ernest N. Hetteway held open honae Monday evening in honor of their honaegneets, Mr. and" Mrs. Rawdon Garrett, of Lomberton. Greenery, wzerths, poinsettias and a tree made an attractive setting. Guests were greeted at the door by Mr. and Mrs. Petteway, who intro duced them to'Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Mrs. G. M. Holden poured colored punch, and mints, nuts, decorated cookies and cheese straws were served from the dining table which was spread with a white linen doth- Red tapers and lights on the tree fur nished illumination. Around 88 guests called. MELTONS ARK HOSTS Mr. and Mr*. A. -J. Melton were delightful hoots, u is their annual custom, to the employee* of Melton Motor' Service and their families, Saturday evening, December SI. A lighted tree and glowing candles were used as decorations. ' Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lather Deal, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mayo, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stocks, Mr. and Mrs. B/F< Wood, Mr. , and Mrs. J. Fred Gardner, Mr. and Mr*. R, R Whitman and children, Dorothy Jane, Dora, Rrflph and Howard, Jr, growth. A chaplain in the 1 W?r, the Rev. Mr. Cox Me points by relating to Me In elosing, the speaker impressed the fact that "frith in our time, when fed from the principles of Christ and exercised by the proper relationships, would result in a new j.m ?? an gm j| M. ,M B, ?>??? Bociciy KAprcBsing new cuiiDicicrnuon for others.". lbs. C. Hubert Joyner, as program leader for the afternoon, the geest speaker, ^ Mrs. H. NenJ Howard war gracious hostess to the club at this time, en tertaining in the home of tfm presh dent,, Miss Elisabeth Davis, by special invitation. Potted plants were aaed as decoration of the Davis home. During the business session, Mrs. C. Hubert Joyner and Mrs. Wr~P? Easley reported their activities in representing this group aa grade mother for section B, grade 1, at Christmas time, and Miss Tsbitha Devisconti, community chairman of the annual Christmas Seal Sale, re ported move than fdOO raised in thiq connection. A color note of green and white was carried in the refreshments con sisting of mincemeat tarts, topped with cream, a variety of cookies, cheese straws, homemade mints and coffee, Special guests were: Mrs. E. R. Clegg, Mrs. E. S. Coatee, Mrs. E. W. Holmes, Mrs. J. H. Moore, Mrs. John T. Thome, Mrs. 6. Alex Rouse, Mrs. Louise D. Harris, Mrs. Jack Smith, Miss Edna Robinson and the Rev. Mr. Cox. Party Series Mrs. G. Atex Boom was hostess at a aeries of parties, on Saturday, en tertaining members of the New Deal dub and additional guests at three o'clock In the afternoon, and other friends at seven-thirty In the evening. Decorations were seasonal and m hanoed by effective lighting. Tables were spread with refresh ment cloths and centered with minia ture Christmas trees, around which were placed red mint baskets and favors of poppy lipsticks, purse aise. Bavarian cream, angel cake and salted nuts were served, followed by demi-tasse. Miss Elisabeth May as sisted the hostess in serving in the afternoon, and Mrs. Archie L. Speight assisted -in the evening. In the afternoon games, Mrs. Hen rietta M. Williamson and Miss Helen Smith scored high for dub members and guests and were awarded rod bru-aiator teapots and Mrs. Paul B. Jones received a tea towel as eonso prise, 4 In the evening, Mrs. W. CL Holstoa compiled .high score and received a teapot, and Mrs...J- 0. Harden, hold ing low score, was given a tea towel. Mrs. Charles S. Edwards, a recent bride, waa presented a gift of crystal by the hostess. '? 0*ids? CM - The Garden Club members paid a surprise visit to Mrs. Paul Allen, Jr., a member and her infant son, Paul, III, Monday afternoon. An informal discussion on plant ing dogwood was held to help focus interest an Dogwood Week, January 26 through February 1. Each member was urged to interest ten people in taking trees to reset CoeayeOlas and nabs were Mflayed in a pleasant social hour. ? f Mr*. Will Jones, tertained her Ii School 1 Um W in 3E BOOTS AT DANCE ?? ' "" %.&{ch Mr. And Mrs. J. M. Carraway, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll D. Oglesby and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Moan Harris rare gracious hosts at a lovely holiday iW? at the Country dob. Thursday evening, December 26. One af the mantels was banked ans?di&ft9' alj, ?4 ?ma nn ?.*11 M w J wiwi cecior> ciccinc caiiQirB ana rca stockings as a reminder of Christ mas, and the other with decorations of cedar, and doll babies with horns and tog hats was suggeative of the New Year. The long table from which refresh ments of hors d'oeovrea, cookies, sandwiches, mints, nuts, pickles and potato chip# were served; held trays surrounded by wreaths of cedar tied with large red bows. Wreaths, red leaves and New Year's bells were hung from each daor. Guests numbering around 126 were in attendance from Kinston, Durham, Raleigh, Fairmont, More head, Foun tain, Tarboro, Jacksonville and boro. MOVERS Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sutton, Jr., and family moved this week from Pine street to Raleigh where Mr. Suttoa will be associated with the Floe Cared Tobacco Stabilisation Corporation. Their new address tit 1004 Canterbury Road, Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Liles moved Thursday to their new home in Ral eigh. Mr. Liles la a student at State College. r : Buy Savings Bands Mew And Save 1 #<y"t - ?Ml ?? MM** - ; ? CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY little Annette tive daugfcip of Mr. and Mr. Gm haorMlcAdams, of Washington, D. C., celebrated her third birthday with a party at the home ef | Mr. end Mrs. W. A. were eajoyed urvoer uu er-.J recction of Mr*. J. B. Manly Lttoa and Miss Nancy La Moors. the handrss opened her presents and pictures of the creep wet*, taken prior to catting the birth day cake, which was decorated in pink illumined with pink eandlM, and served with ice cream. The re freshment table was cevered vrith ? lace cloth. Favors consisting of handkerchiefs and tiny dolls were given the gitis and the hoys received whistles. Ten little friends attended. NOT* OF THANKS We wish to ciation for the many expressions of sympathy daring the sadden illness sad of oar mother, Mrs. Emma E. Hardee, 'libs."Adrian Paramore sad Brothers sad Sisters. BUT -SAVINGS BONDS" NOW ! ijM THEATRE FARMYILL& N. C The Bob* of Better Entertainment ? ?PROGRAM?. ^ WEEK OF JAN. 4th |?| SATURDAY ONLY It's your king of Cowboy's ROY ROGERS and his horse TRIGGER in a Jlvin' Jubilee of Thrills and Melod-ee "HELDORADO" with Gabby Hayes * Dale Evans. Added . . . Chapter No. 11 "DAUGHTER OF DON Q" and Comedy,. V SUNDAY ft MONDAY TIm year's moat unusual drama! A youth and hi* davcted home The Home r 1 11 w c.m? ii . :# in tk* fNt'l _ ? ??- 1 *: i A,#** 0$S rnus PARAMOUNT THEATRE SUN. ? MON. ' ? ? ?

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