MASK FAJtMVILXJS SHOPPING them of the erltkal shortage and re queuing them to taad their taltaeao and efforts in Ttiietiig tide situation The following letter was sent b] the local secretary, in this i to Congressman Herbert C. "The Ftamvflle meree am quite certain that you with the ertttegl shortage now big in flue iron or flue sheets. Na turally, this situation will really be some acute when the farmers ef thii and other sections begin to try tc equip their bams for the curing sea son. "It is our understanding that steel mills refuse to -accept any orders foi this type of business unless Issued a "directive' by the Civilian Production Administration. Furthermore it is oui understanding that the CPA refuser to iane the 'directive' because It is being MqaMaiad by 'the Office of Temporary Control. "Yet, we are oi the opinion that such a *<BrerH*e' -can be issued by the CPA or the OTC. "We do not know all the details er the intricacies that are involved in this rttsrtlm. but we do know that the need Is acute and will become In creasingly so unless something ia done to relieve the situation now. "The PawaviBe- Chamber of -Com merce and Merchants Association re spectfully urges and requests that you exert your influence and efforts in any way that-you can to help re lieve the Vefy serious and important shortage of flue iren." Theatre Owners Help In March of Dimes Theatre owners throughout the na tion have been called upon by moving picture operators to participate in the >947 March of Binds by taking up collections during shows, from Jan uary 34-80, J. H. Mo*re, campaign Chairman here of the National Foun dation for Infantile Paralysis fund raising drive disclosed today. A copy of a telegram sent to the atrical circuit executives by Richard F. Walsh, president of the Interna tional Alliance of Theatrical State Employees and Moving Picture Thea tre Operators, received by the cam paign chairman read as follows: the war, we motion picture projectionists gave our time, our sincere efforts, and our moAdy without stint for every worthy that the war is over, our first thought in peace is the lealth and happiness of our children. [%e Motion Picture Theatre owners originated collections for the Magidi ?f Dimes to fight infantile paralysis. ? the industry, therefore we ?? Is oar fight ? 4 ' Last ypar was the worst infantile paralysis year in the history of the National Foundation for Paralysis. For this to participate for the welfare of our children and all children of the nation, and we call Opon to cooperate with the ! Division of the National for Infantile Paralysis by audience at every performance from 24 through January 30^ For s?ss the children down; bar duty. We are to do poor share.'* \ Commenting on Mr. Walsh's moo Mr. Moore said: "This fine evidenced by the moving pie that the v. KB and ?steel companies to manufacture of sheet metal for tobacco coring State. at the k. J-t ae vKie from CPA that they would 'attend ti aing problem at once by long Hie CPA spokesmen, who hare the authority to issue directives thai would -compel th? steel companies to| produce the Sheet metal, hope to pre. vail upon the manufacturers to meet s demands voluntarily.- CPA is re luctant to issue directives at this time since it is in process of liquids' tion and the govenme|| generally is trying its best to 1st private enter prise handle its own problems. Bonner told the CPA that the Tar Had delegation would, be back, and carry its appeal brtiigher autho rity * jjpimaiy, if the demands for sheet metal are not met "in a roasQBt able time." At The Kliraius Club At its regular questing on Monday evening, presided over by the newly elected president, Alex Allot, mem bers of the local Kiwanis Club bad the privilege of hearing the Rev. R. E. Hardaway, pastor of the Memo rial Baptist Church, Greenville, and a Kiwanian of twenty years, in a time ly and constructive talk on "How to Build Good WilL" The guest speaker was presented by Bob Wheleea, pro gram leader of the evening. Kiwanian Hardaway outlined, ih an impressive manner, the fundamental principles of success, discussing per sonal courtesy and service, the op portunities provided in a community for a distinctive service by Kiwan ians, and the importance of building "good wlH. The speaker's, trend of thought and admonitions were quite timely - fol lowing, as they did, the recent instal lation of new officers.. Kiwanian E. W. Holmes, newly elected music director, led the sing ing of "Happy Birthday" m observ ance at recent birthdays of fellow members, Sdiq Lewis and David Har ris. Billy Smith will be program direc tor next week. New Officers Installed By The Masonic Lodgre In its first regular meeting of the year, Luther P. Thomas was installed as master of the fWrpttfUe Masonic Lodge. Along with him the other officers installed were as follows: John E. King, senior Warden; Her Baker, junior warden;. Sam D. Bandy, Senior deacorf; F. C. Owens, junior deacon; C. L. Irey, senior steward; Joe Willoughhy, junior Joymr, secretar ash Warren, treasurer; and Joe installation was in charge of James W. Brewer, of Greenville, Dis trict Deputy Grand Master of the ?J"*.. ' -jt???--??? ?? ,aiM^,fe*olii>ss Fsrmville Masonic of Dm most succei long" history. ? In Br< ?? CH ; % Chant jr Agent. ftul several farmer* to-I iof ? in b the larvae of the tobwxo moth. The *** UXtt or adult arffl be talk until the pre ventive for this hideous ilmn is Sfor ss1*!! Shf Mb that mm do -ear pent, net by telling everyone hear her etdUk like tlfoaeands ef oth ? ?? wiflril ? _Ll*tls 1 SPWSPll-ep. by the March of Dimes." by,?... rv_,__ dteMea- pi 11L1I1 j.n iwtien ntney ciruxy was stncKoi wnen the infantile partilysie epidemic swept through Kentucky in 1M4. She is a completely hpSlthy ana normal child still kse traces of On Which attacked fcer viciously then as| ?.ii -i- _ .1 .iy.? OE /Mb attacked mere tnan zo,uu cans last pommer in the worst" epi-1 demic the nation has known for over| thirty years. Little Nancy, like thousands of other polio -patients in the nation's hospitals today, rteslvod export at tention and modern treatment, 'ftp bills?for doctors, ntrrsee, physical therapists and follow-up clinic treat ments at the General Hospital In Louisville ? were paid in full fcy the Kentucky Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, with funds made available through the March ef Dimes. "Without that help, I do not know I how we would hr e managed," Mrs. | Drury writes. ">ve were eo fright ened. first there was tee terrible pain and the four of partdysis as Nancy's little body went stiff .sod helpless. Then there was the worry how could we possibly pay for the hospital and the doctors and nurses Nancy needed? To have the money provided by the Kentucky Chapter of the National Foundation was like s miracle. They paid for everything, aaw that our child- had every chance' for recovery. "Sometimes you find friends when you're in trouble. That's what the March of Dimes was to us?a friend. As a mother, I want to ask all moth ers to help the March of "Dimes. You never know, you cannot tell. We never thought a child of ours would have polio. It may be your child next summer. As long as there Is a will not have March of Dimes, you.will to Worry shout what to do. Yo* local Chapter will tell you, as mine told me, where to; go and how to get the beat modern treatment for year lfcj||| ? . ' | "We're proud that .Nancy wai chosen to be the poster girl for the LM7 March of Dimes. She wants^to do her part to make sure then slways be help for bfoer children who might need it. Help us kelp the others. It U our ohly way of thank ing you for the help yop gave us through the March of Dimes." Eire Destroys Track With Load of Clothing And Kitchen Furniture An M-riiit-* of Monday, which re ulted in ? "Aw Jj"*? y totted and couMweU b^?? artSfiESsa kitchen furnishings of th? I Taylors from Farmville to and puncturod the gas j? ,g in a fierce blase, which ignited the fl^ ^bkh brought Mt-d to cut off the motor and * iust before the truck ^ l inferno. and which was wd rolled into ? tf i tionoiuiu offers the know the ii f ?... . ? ? tilings, rat in :ello", or "Phre im* The most outstanding landmark and * one first visited by the Mklahlni la Diamond Heat, ? peak jetting oat hrtothe ocean. It ie from this point that a fall viow of the ocean is pos sible. Imagine the simple beauty homes scattered ?wag a mass of tropical growth, a small strip of beach dividing aKWeh shore from the blue Paetflc. It is also from this spot that the Doris -Duke estate can be i As you turn your eyes seaward, the ndsty outline of Koioksi, which is ajpnudmately thirty minutes away by air,^ Appeen. Inner aa one gases far oat into a| e "? , - drive Mm Hono- j lute to &oKo Head ia one taken fn a-traW faide. Through the Wailciki district, yon pass, following KoKo Head road which winds around and batweSh boulder*. On one side yon have pcnmtful waves pounding against huge clifts. A bit further down the road Where there is a wide beach, white cape kiss a sliver beach.v At the same time on the opposite aide, tall peaks rise to Vast heights. /Along KoKo Head drive there ie tire Blow Hole, where suction beneath rocks caoses a geyser to leap many quite the air. The Blow Hole Is active and many 'hours are spent, watching this unique creation of "mother nature. F "KoKo" Is a Hawaiian word ing Bloody. One-can well understand why this point is called KoKo Head, (or here in the old days many vessels were Shattered to Splinters. While the beauty of this is beyond the hu man mind's comprehension, thiajs the most dangerous point on the island. Although swimming for military per sona al is restricted, islanders do a great deal of spear fishing hex*. In the vicinity of tikis Blow Hole ie n memorial, erected to Amelia Ear hardt, the flier who presumably lost bar life several years ago. She flew aver this point on her first flight to Hawaii Of all this hi the What la more per* fact than to have a memorial erected M?h e? a cliff, overlooking n treach prous, yet soothing sea, where trade khnkrplay? . - ? ? ? Nunania Pali offers the most ex Citing ride (Mi the Wand, Commonly konwn da the FalitUs ie where, t^ey Mar, stttekteis impossible. Two moun tain ranges meet, causing a strong wind -which seems to lift the vehicle as it makes the turn. Many people who were '"tiding motorcycles have been, blown from the cliff. At this point, a perfect view of She other side of the Island fa possible. As a car descends, dangerous curves ars encountered. If one suffers from aversions, it is suggested he does not go down the Kaneoe side. ? ? The other side of the island waa worst hit by -the tidal wave of last spring. It is here that many homes BiMftoftopjnieBnwMpn ?' a**** f.vv. itfjil S,'' feiPfllHB f wm _ m it, and mm w State Fire Marshal Brockwell, of RaleigC gate high lights of the chiefs meeting held Salisbury recently for the of discussing hotel firee. The Washington unit win bi at the Mat mtoting, April 14. ; . . : The State Agriculture Department says that the indicated production of tobacco in Bdf' * oid crop, and compares with 1,994, 000,000 pounds for 1045, hut is shout 1.6 per cent lower than was indicat ed last November 1. The acreage of IB tobacco is estimated at 1,988,000 somewhat below earlier esti but 6.4 per cent above the IMS The crop of flue-cured tobacco is placed at 1,322,000,000 pounds, al most 169,000,000 pounds larger than the previous record crop of 1946. The marketing season is largely over for flue-cured types, except type 11. Only negligible quantities of type 12 remaflied unsold on December 1. A total of 581,000,000 pound* of hurley tobacco from the crop of 1946 was indicated as of December 1. Hits is approximately the same as was harvested in 1946 and about two per cent below the record crop of 1944. The December estimate of total acre age of buitey tobacco, at 477,000 acres, is seven per cent below the 611,660 acres harvested in 1946. The indicated average yield per acre in 1946 ft an all-time high, but 98 pounds per acre above that of 1945. TB Expenditures i 'Mrs. D. L. Moors, Treasurer of the 'Pitt County Tuberculosis Association, reported through the Pitt County Health Department the following ex penditures for the month of Decem ber: ? . December 3, 1946, through Jan uary 10, 1047?x-rays **7.00, Seal Sale postage *36.00, Seal Sale Cleri cal Worjc 9101.04, Renfrew Printing Co., 127.56; with a total of 9191.49 expended. ?PIMPIOTRBK :? Workers are brought in from aur-l rounding islands while they are teen agers. After the tour when everyone is vweary, visitors walk to a fountain, turn the tap, and ice edit} pineapple juice fe?s freely. ? Visitors are welcome and urged to] return as often as desired. Wilhemenla Round top and the Punch Bowl hold many charms but none compare with the Tantbsu. & At the summit, tins entire city of Honolulu and Vkfnity is visible.. At night when the lights are aglow, one has a feeling of success, of being on top of the world. >? In the peaoe and quiet that pre vails, there is nothing to disturb in nermost thoughts. Even the soft pat ter of rah) aids a person to think at many things. April is the most beautiful part of the year. People apeak of Paris in the spring, yet, Paris could never surpass Hawaii. Flowers grow in profusion ? Orchids, Bougainville, ?, Carnations, and the national , Hibiscus. Than are many at orchid, but the most popular it, U Hie name indicates, the 'Baby grows no place else in fragrance, or pink and white beautiful leia, but by the rector, i two, an* the church: crvital aid silver, from Austria, presenter by Madeline H. HiMMfo. of tea, D. a, and Petersburg, Fbu, in memory of her mm, the late Charles Stanley Rountree, Jr., a veteran of World War II, aad a communicant of the Church; a Bible for the brass altar candelabra aad a red vel vet drape for the sanctuary ed by the Altar Guild, of which Mrs. John D. Dixon is directress. The Bishop refoned to the Epiphany sea son as being most appropriate for of the Bible, the I of Christ, the Light of the World. Bishop Wright aad the Rev. and Mrs. Rountree were dinner guests of Mt. and Mrs. Tommy S. Ryor, Son Mayor's Proclamation "March Of Dimes" WHEREAS the nation has just emerged from the greatest epidemic of infantile paralysis dace the great scourge of -1916, and, WHEREAS, the National'Founda tion for Infantile PHraiysis, which is supported by the March of Dimes and by the March of Dimes only, has been called upon a never Srfore in Ha history to spend millions to bring the best available care to those stricken, regardless of age, creed, color or race, and, WHEREAS, the National Founda tion* for Infantile Paralysis will be called upon as never before to provide continuing care for the thousands stricken until; maximum recovery it assured -In every case, thereby ful filling its expressed pledge' to the American people, and, : WHEREAS, the National Founda tion for Infantile Paralysis has, in addition to these huge sums spent millions?and Will continue to spend millions ? in research seeking the cause of and possible cure for this great crispier, and proposes so to de until polio is rendered harmless, and, WHEREAS, the National Founda tion for Infantile Paralysis, support ed as it is solely by the March at Dimee, will need minions of addi tional dimes this year in its wide spread educational program derigned to strike againat polio's two greatest allies?fear and ignorance, and, WHEREAS, the National Founda tion for Infantile PgfMysis, spear head of the ceaseless war against polio wiU, for the reasons set forth above, need funds to carry on its work in 1947 as never before in its history, .'IB ' " WtM the week of January 24-30 f? far it wffl remit in being fnl benefit in point of Tiekehs will go on sale next Thelall will begin at 9:00-o'clock and^ continue until midnight or later. Plana (all for a wA known orchestra. It ia hoped that everyone in the | community will buy tickets and at tend the ball if possible. In con tributing your dimes and dollars you * can help polio victims of this com munity as well as those througbsVg?^J the nation. ,. ... The celebration of this oceas on by the American people this year will be the second held in IS yean without the'living presence of and the-inspir ing broadcast of Franklin Delano Booeevelt, the man who inaugurated a nationwide fight against the dread 'M, disease of infantile paralysis and be-|>-' J came the symbol, ef success in bis personal struggle against this tragic The late president bequeathed to the American public the cause to which he was so xealously devoted extending research toward complete ly conquering rite disease and con tributing funds to the Warn Springy Foundation, the facilities of which Can aid those who are already strick Army Looking Por^ Partially The United Statos Amy is fo? partially disabled combe* * veterans of World War II who would like to enlist in the Regular Artny.sf . but who have been unable to do to due to their disability, says 1st %t Arthur W. Grant, Commanding Offi cer of the Army Recruiting Station, Greenville. Under a new directive''from the War Department, certain partially jpj disabled combat wounded veterans will be accepted in the Regular Amy. In order to qualify, the veiMn must be able ts meet all other standards and qualifications necessary to enlist in the assy with the exception of hit combat incurred disability. His phys- ? kal condition must be such that ha is able to cars for his personal ofeeds unaided and farther hospitaixation < loss of time is not expected. He : also be capable of performing the duties of one of many military ????- "jg u trained in one of those Combat w< meet these qualifications will be listed in the Regular Amy for years unassignad. Th they will not be gin branch of service. The is ttfkt their service will so wiav M>vu s*vl thsy will be be r January 31st these men will be enlisted to their - - - - ? - -- - - - -

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