Twrl rged for at the ate at t < ! word. Cash to under FARM INCOME AND PARITY I The IMC income of American farm em is estimated to be higher than ever before in the history of the na tion, topping the previous high of IMC by more than one billion dol The expert calculator* figure that the farmers of this nation had gross receipts of more than -28,000,00<M>00, which is about twice aa much m they had in pre-war years. It is interesting to note that moat of the statistics that come to publie notice, in regard to the income of farmers, relate to their gross re ceipts. It is more difficult to ascer tain the net, and practically impossi ble to figure the avenge return on the invented capital of agricultural ists. It has been apparent, however, for many years, that the formers of the United States, as a clar \ do not re reive a share of the national income in proportion with that received by other groups.' This fact is the basis of the parity payments. Parity is a formula designed to give to farmers the same percentage of the national income that they enjoyed in selected base yean. It should be recognized that the years selected for the purpose, when economists consider that there was a normal economic balance in tbp na tion, did not give the farmers of the nation anything like a proportionate part of the national income upon a per capita basis. Inasmuch as a sound agriculture is vital to the wel fare of any' nation, it is entirely proper that government, as far as possible, should take action to g^ve farmers a fair proportion of the na tional income. A court ruled that a man was ac$ insane because he married 15 times ? he's just a glutton for punishment. Thirty-three North Carolina 4-H club members have recently been awarded (960 in Savings Bonds for outstanding work in 1946. The State Five-Acre Cotton Con test will be held again this year and farmer* may file entries with coun ty agents. A man who wouldn't walk across the street to see Us beet customer will get out of bed at 2 a. m. to answer the telephone. -The largest acreage increase over 1946 of say commodity is suggested for cotton in 1M7, by the USDA. The c??l is -based On the need for nearly 12 million bale* of cotton. M? /*? the home at Mrs. George Farr, selor, with Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox, co director in attendance. The group spring operetta with cided to send a Brownie box of topi to children of a local family who lost their playthings when a in which they were being mend, ignit ed. , Recordings of music and stories wer enjoyed. . Nancy Jane Carroll and Joyner were hostesses of the noon end served onuige jaiee and cookies. ? ; : Ellen Norris Spencer was a'special ?1 if the topic, "An Old with a New Urgency." Kn. J. H gate the devotional book of Isaiah. George B. Moore presided and Mrs. J. C. Corbett open* ing with prayer. sment of the foreign mis sion night with Dr. J. W. Hassell, of . 27 is the date for his talk. Mrs. Frank Dapree, Jr., the host ess, served fruit gelatine toppkd with ream and cakes to the social hour. Circle 2 -? %tm$ . Circle 2 met to the home of the chairman, Mrs. W. H. Moore, Jr., who Robinson led to prayer; Mrs. Cherry Easiey developed the devo tional from the second half of Isaiah. Dr. Pagley'a article, "Your Last Year," which dealt with stewardship was presented by Mrs. C. F. Baucm. Hot tea, cookies, pickles and sand wiches were served after adjourn ment to the eleven members and two visitors. A * * Csrrswsy's Chapel Circle Mrs. Noah Allen and Miss Goldie Windham were joint hostesses to the Callaway's circle, Saturday after noon. In the absence of the chair roan, Mrs. Noah Bundy, vice chair man, presided. Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, group adviser, gave the Bible study on "Isaiah Speaks to the Needs of Today, Call ing the World to Righteouness." A talk on stewardship was made by Mrs. C. F. Baucom. There were 15 members and* 4 visitors to attendance. - Sweet cookies, salted pecans, chick en salad sandwiches and coca-colas were enjoyed to the social period. - Methodist Circle 4 Circle 4 of the Methodist Society, met Monday afternoon with Mrg. C. H. Mozingo as hostess. Mrs. J. H. Harris took her de . votional from the book of Timothy ?with her missionary theme being 'Stewardship of Prayer." Daring the business . session the members decided to hare a special collection on May Day. The hostess served fruit jello top ped with cream, note, cake and cof fee. Workers' Council The Workers' Council met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. W. M. Willis with Mrs. G. M. Holder, as joint hostess. Reports ware given by teachers and department heads op the progress, at tendance and other activities of the Snndav School. Miss Anne Jones, RUPTURE t O *?} ?7 // coffee. Guests were If Y?bM, of Inp * j ber, Mias Anne Jones, *re. Morgan Xrt. US pAllino Va/I nlieW?a flooerx fiOiuni on cnarge 01 one >rehip period at the FkraviUe Youth Fellowship, Sunday evening. Mias Betsy Jones guvs the program on Methodists in India. -- of were given by Miss Babe WiUiford and Jackie Willis. Plans forpfe ruary 2, the data set for the group to be hosts at a supper for their pa and a program f.-ISH pr#.fS{l m H Church ?f if Our two years tor tha the field of religious that its search has been well reward ed," the Rev. Mr. Ed. Notei?Miaa Winstead, who is well known here, k An daughter of Mrs. J. W. Holmes, of Farm villa, and the late G. Ashley Winstiaad, of Bodky FOR SALS: 20 gal. Viking Auto matic Oil Hot Watir Tank. Dr. M. J. Gregg. - (J-17-ltc) WANTED: A Small, portable hand operated rktrola. 994, TV Ea tcrpriae Office. (?17-lte) JUST RECEIVED ? Big Order ef VIGORO, Pruning Shears ft Hedge Shears. ? Western Aato Associate Store, FamriBe, N. C. " 3$ PH1LCO BATTERY RADIOS, for the farm or any home where ofee trk current ia not available. On Sale New? FARMVILLE FURNITURE 00. FLOORS SANDED awl BEFINISH ED ? Expert . Service. ? J. \ R. BRADY, Phone MM, FarmviOe, FOR BALE: ONE HEATROLA, One Water Jacket Laundry Steve; One JO-gaL Tank. All to good con dition. See J. T. Bandy. (J-3-2tp) FOR SALE?New (HI Burning Heat er, medium sire?See J. E. Garris, at Farmville Blacksmith Shop. STRAYED ? BLACK BOBTAIL Fe male Heg; weight 175 Aa. Laat ef Albert McKenaie, Walatonburg, Rt. S. Notify either McKensie or John D. Dixon, FanavHle. . (ltp) jPOR SALE: WHITE CRIB FOR child np to six yean; tion. Write M9, Snterprtoe Of fice. ;. ???-*? (J-8-ate) PHILCO PORTABLE RADIOS, will ploy on battery or honoe current. Entertainment anywhere? ,< FARMVILLE FURNITURE CO. BE SURE TO TUNE IN ON W-P-T-F Every Sunday Morning front liU to 10 .-90, mid hear about aU the now inventions and whan they mey ho 'Jggjpjtf an the gled with eongi thai i togieeae.?Waatom Aato Store, FarmviHe, K. C Mir..RECEIVED ? ShipsMaded ~ " and Glria' BICYCLES _ w ? 1 1 ' . ' - r 1 PHILCO RADIO CONTRIBUTION? tor r?tr listening pfeasara nay FARMVILLK FURNITURE CO. RADIO BATTERIES?W# hare a today. ? WESTERN AUTO AS SOCLATB STORE. HELP WANTED?Male ft Fewale Can yon use an extra ?5.00 dally for .4 hours work aerriai custom era? -.ME tiara weA available. Write Dept. S4r J. R. Watkina Ccl, Richmond. Vs. NEW PATTERN 'ef Tri*nia WALL PAPER Joat received. No patting, water and apply. Washable, fade* proof?guaranteed to stick. Anyone can hang it. Call and see diapla ?Weetern Ante Aaaoeiate Store. TAKE A PHILCO PORTABLE with yon on that fishing or hanting trip. Operates front battery er honae current. In atoek now? : FARMVILLK FURNITURE CO. COME IN AND WE OUR LINE Of Baby S trailers, Play Pens, Car 1 ' ?' i i > i ? i ? ? in .i^rtn. i ?ea FOR SALE: BELL'S CERTIFIED TOBACCO SEED. Varieties?i?X Yellow Special. Virginia Bright 4 Leaf, White Stem, Orinoco. Also Improved Mammouth Gold, Yellow 9xford 26, 441, Gold Dollar, nanza. JPfcANT THE BEST! Sold by J. H. HARRIS ft SON, Far** villa, N. ? . ; (J-8-3tp) JUST RECEIVED NICE LOT OF WAT COVERS - Can fit auet Jjcanu WESTERN AUTO A8SO. STORE. ? ? ? ' ":T' * ; . v ? , i: ,UJf " ';' ? '?? - V ? ? ? 1 ? m. -? -R-'i . | limit oi this IpjjjfH 1 formerly much shorter M the of the pror >m the mlli-l ^PIP;.rWFil in e few ~ Charleston, fi- C, largest* gathering oi breeding I is in A splendid Heron colony _? has developed under the special ewe yt I. A. Mellhenny at Avery bland, La. The rookery is In the trees and bushes of a small artifical j^nd near' watching the JUrons and Snowy roos^ | ? on guard at the | nests. The young are fed en small Bah that are rsgurgiated into their, throats by the parent bird. I Glenn Harris was welcomed as a! new member and Billy Baker, who visiting Bert Wa?ren, was af m -I NOTICE TO CREDITORS . . I ? gs Adn 3f the Estate of Mrs. Sim of Pitt ?Hjfei gttpB claims agdihst the Estate of to exhibit them to the orth <3 ym ? ARAMOU ? THEATRE I SUN. ? M(?i . ADDED .. . NEWS . CARTOON ?? - xs STOP BORROWING YOUR NEIGHBOR'S ? NEWSPAPER ? Subscribe to THE ENTERPRISE and receive it Regularly ? The price is only $2.00 a year. at... MANNING'S for. ? ? tiij Dry Beverage Coolers Ice Cream Cabinets Johnson's Wai^ Coal Heaters r:;f ?? Heating Pads,.#* Electric |Sje(PiflH : Electric Irons And "Service that Satisfies iipioll mM S*Z Wm ?jg?|| k* i 1 ? :KS?-: r % gK, m. ?r mmm .-. ? ? ^ . . IN CAR PRODUCTION . . ofWl IN fRUCK PRODUCTION r \ CAR AND TRUCK PRODUCTION I

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