VOLUME Tfl ? 'ii 218" SHOPPING < By Sam D. Brady) North -Carolina Merchants tion indicates that "T,? T*~* the peak pear of IMS. Practically all of the forecasts screed that due to high employment, good wages, and the enormoes hacUog af peiil?lnf power in the haadi of consume^), the demand for quality merchandise dar ing 1947 would he exceptionally strong. It la predicted that dales* some unforeseen situation arises, re tail volume in 1947 would be equal to or might surpass the banner year of 1944. By cuaperative effort in making people FarmviBe by a planned program of there is a* Merchants and places of shoald act get their share. Toer Chamber ef Commerce is planning mere and bigger things in the way ef advertirtag the town. "When Tee Back Tear Chamher ef Commerce Toe Back Toer Own Bnoinem." Cftisen ef The Tear The secretary believea that the plan of awarding a Citiien of the . Year citation would be a good thing tor our town. Such a citation to be made at the annual Banquet Meeting in ApriL A committee composed per haps of one representative from each civic organisation in the town could make the yearly selection and the Chamber of Commerce would make the Citation Award. It would be baaed on the outstanding contribution made by any man or woman in the town during the year. The outstanding contribution could be in the form of a tangible gift or some signal com munity service. New Member Since the last bulletin, the Pitt County Insurance Agency has re-affil iated with the Chamber of Commerce thus making our membership stand at 102: This addition is welcome had the organisation offers its services at any time. Annual Dinner Plant are forming for the annual Banquet Meeting in early April. Good eats, good fellowship, and good enter tainment are being planned. Credit Bureau The Merchants Association office is now setting up a local credit bu reau. To do this members are re quested to do two things: (1) Report all unsatisfactory cus tomers to the association office to be indexed in the files. (2) Report all repossessions?if a customer knows that it will not be easy to replace merchandise, he will not ha as quick to turn it back to a merchant or have it repossessed. AH are requested to report to this office all unsatisfactory customer* and re possessions. This is the first step. All reports will be strictly confiden tial and the source will not be revealed and the information will be available for the members of the association" only on request For the part tan days the has bees in almost daily communica^ tion with a contractor with the idea at getting him to locate here. It is now likely that this'person will open up temporary offices in the ChesdMt of Commerce office soon and it is hoped that some building will be at once, w . 111 COMITY MKHCAL AND DENTAL flMlinr MEE1 Allen H. Turnage and Keller E. 4M far BwniifttioM to thft generals in the Marine Corps. Turange is a native of FaraiviUe, N. C., and Rockey ef Columbia City, Md. -' ' At The Rotary Club 7 ' Information regarding the epidemic of ?y"^l* paralysis " nation, termed the greatest since the serge of 1916, was brought to the Rotary dub, Tuesday evening, by Misses Ruth Moore and Daphne Yel verton, high eehool students, who also made an appeal for the local campaign for the National Founda tion for Infantile Paralysis, support ed solely by the Kereh of Dimes, pointing out that this organisation wfll be called upon as never before to provide continuing earn for the thous ands stricken until maximum recov ery is assured in every case, is addi tion to its research work and educa tional program designed to strike against polio's two greatest allies, fear and ignorance. Mrs. Frank K. Allen, representing the Junior Woman's Club, made an nouncements relative to plans for the local Roosevelt Birthday Ball, pro ceeds from which will go to the comi ty's polio agency and to the National Foundation. President Johnny Mewborn brought Die discussion to a close with addi tional facts regarding the disease and its treatment. EM Nash Warren, program leader of the evening, had invited J. H. Moore, county campaign chairman, to participate, and the speakers were presented by the latter. During the brief business session, plans were laid for celebration of the 26th anniversary of the Club in April. TO MEET AT STATE COLLEGE % Manufacturers and dealers of to ba<*4 dSl curing units and stoker cur ing units will meet at State College, January 27, to 3?ek methods of re ducing the number of tobacco haras destroyed annually by fire in North Caroltasu LIRRARY NOTES . . 1 Recant news earning from the Farmville Public library included the fallowing gifts: "The American," by Howard Past, given in memory of Mrs. B. S. Sheppard by Mrs. K. H. Reynolds; "Love's Meaning," by Arch ibald Rutledge, given m menory of Miss Embra Morten, of Rocky Mount, by Mm Reynolds; $5 for the Library fond, given by Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, in memory of Mrs. B. S. Sheppard. Other new books placed on the shelves this week were; "East River" ?Asch; "The World In His Arms"? Beach; "The Case of "the Borrowed Brunette"?Gardner; "Where My Lave Sleepe"?Dowdey; "From the Top of the Stairs"?Finletter; "Flying Stor iee"?Gilpatric; "Hiroshima"?Wode ise; "The Bo * Border Land"?'Weecott; "The Attractive Child"?Foster. E. C T. C. SENIORS 1 PRACTICE TEACHING! Greenville, Jan. 28.?Among fee 41 from East Carolina in 12 of the of now fesaional |n?| | ? incorporators. - N " Of fleers Elected The organization meeting: in Green ville, Friday, Vsa Fderstlne was elect ed president. Directors are W. H. Woolard of Greenville, chairman of the heard; C. Shields Alexander of Scotland Neck; Judson EL Blount, M. S. Ficklen, E. GraharaFlaaagan, R. A. Garrett, Robert Van Identine, Robert Lee Hnmber, all of Greenville; J. W. Joyner of Earaviila, T. H. Woodard of Wilson and Ernest F. Young of Charlotte. ?V'" ' X ' J. W. Joyner and John B. Lewis ere listed among the original sub scribers to htotfc in the nhw company. ~~ .;?] AT HOME ON THE FARM tor cirr*cousin Disinterested *3 they are la worM affairs, I feel sure that Tnt Heel I chickens would spurn all other can didates to same as their choice for "Man of Mm Year" alight, able Phrf. Roy Dearatyne, bead of the Poultry Department at State College. There ia little likelihood that oven the Rhode Island Reds. would vote 'lis nomination. Few men hare so strenuously championed the-cause of the cacklem I during the past twelve months, nor has any man displayed the warmth, the human understanding, and the down-to-earth approach of this ar j dent campaigner who has learned the innermost secrets of his feather ed friends. They have come to think I of themselves as "Dearstyne's Chtek b" in the true Hiawatha tradition, through the State College Rat aien Service, he helps farmers sm ate diepntee by explaining why e?? production is falling off ia the hen house, and he has built up a ease for I the "satisfied fowl" that makes a sulking piker out of the so-called ''contented" cow. I have read, somewhere, abc_. mulee being strong of wilt and taking a narrow-minded attitude about buck ling down to work, but this business of chfchara striking?well, it Just I never opeured to me that they ware well enough organised, in the first Manufacturers who si* j portal-to-portal pay, increased and old, Stale mash; the her house ia too bare; chilly, and she catches ? less than one nest tor j fhrn jMna or her '""" ' ' too cold when she goes to of a nxnmtogr And if there's any 25U1 vitality, of those nice. Jecte Mm turns out, it's the not llfeof Old Hawaii stttl Children ?n often seen on the i wearing no shew, m is the < Sandal sty* or "push pigfc" . are more frequently won by the tive population. Chinese and Japa women ding to the wearing of wt dress of the Orieffc* Japa uphold the andent custom of re brought with them ienfctfie methods of in industry. Even trade unions have grt into the Hawaiian way of life, bringing grafting and corruption. The only island when natives live as they lived hundreds of .years ago is Nlihau. Oa this small island elec tricity and modem conveniences do not fcds\ However, - improvements are under consideration by the Ter ritory. r ?. ^ J-*" ? 1 11 ? One outstanding custom through out this Island Is conservation of trees. For instance, when a building Is erreeted and there are palm or banyan trees growing on tijaj'site, they build around the tress. Since there is little rain, lanais are used whenever possible. It it not at an unusual to board a bus and to hear a group of voices singing Hawaiian songs, accompanied by a steel guitar. In some instances these ambitious people are high school students, although older peo ple often participate. For the mostl part people at the island are unedu cated and refinement is definitely missing. The 'educational institutions are of the highest quality, yet, ladk of funds prevent many from attend ing the Univeraity, or continuing their education.**'';:' : Kn. The outstanding dialogue used is pidgeon-Bngtish. In flsorshows at night dabs and Hawaiian radio shows, Hawaiian is spoken for com-1 'merrisl reasons otaty. From the island of Samaoa native -mm 1w*e been bropght to this ia lefti The similarity between the "Samaoan War , Chant" and the "Knife Dance" Used in chin,- and dances of the uncivilised Samaoa of yesterday is great. -frpsiaa In a -plhee such im this there is no roofn for race prejudice since this is "The Melting Pet" Every agisting race is present It is almost impossi ble! M some cases, to distinguish each . ^ifl Food is not as palatabls as Main land food, for it must be shipped in. Beef is sent to this island from the "Big Island"?Hawaii, and vegeta bles from "The Garden Island" - Kauai. Rush island milk end eggs are available occasionally, thus, Main land eggs and reconstituted mitt are substituted. Even reconstituted, white milk is scares. Chocolate milk ciaa easily be purchased. Some of the eggs must have Mw saved from World War I. There is no ffeod con taining calcium; therefore, bones are easily broken and gold fillings in ttear * IsiJB to 11, The Farmville Kinston, Bethel, Hill since the Chiiatwse holidays; for the pest several games they hive staged a strong come back and have defeated Belvoir, Snow Hill .'.V STUDENTS PRESENT THE CAUSE OF MARCH Of DIMES :'"vT5 local high school stndents, who have been presenting the cause of the National Foundation tor Infantile Paraylsis, supported by the March of Dimes, to schools and civic " throughout the -county in personal and to radio audiences over SSk? Greenville, during the week, have met with a hearty welcome and been cordially received on every side, aceorffinf to J. H. Moore, March of Dimes campaign chairman. denta making ap the speaking i i . >>1, Valna^Aa HolaW were, jJEpnne x eiveruon, oeisy Jones, Ruth Moore, Jedl Bynum, Mar jorie Killibrew, Maynard Thorne and cedric Davi*. 1 ~ ? wmmmmmm body is gyny. Also, there is a Par tiage type bird that is less colorful; llAWOIMll Vn TTtalrAI Itja ttTYltyiTl /-e nowcvcFi flv m&Kca nw prcvsncc known by his load voice. Before the war Use Hawaiian Is lands were famous fiw their annual festivals. Since the war the people are gradually drifting baelc into their celebrated festive castor.* Lei Pay, which fairs on the first day of May, and is known as May Day in the States, Is a day wbra many leis are made by people on sur rounding islands, as well as Oahu. Each person tries to surpass in artis tic design, ft is at this time that Hawaii's talent and floral design are H&lML *? & "2 tor>Bd i" 1928 by Don Blanding, Hawaii's poet (nd artist. Celebrations begin weeks in ad vance of Christinas and extend throughout New Tear's Day. This does not e?| with the dawn si New Year's?fireworks *?" be (nurd exploding during the night and the following days. There la no city ordinance preventing the firing of foreworks in the dtp of Honolulu. A three-day pineapple Festival was held this year muling en New Year's Day with a football game between the University of Hawaii and Stan ford. Large colorful floats were made ' ilkfil i Hi i 11, mi-iisiW St,a rtlmn nd ? a# watt driven unonigii me streets ox Honolulu bearing attractive Island giWs. A University <>f HawmU fresh man, Cissy Jensen, was elected to reign ag the Pineapple . (Jueen received a trip to } wham she met many mode < and appeared on ?f ^7i-*-r' *>'? '?'? '>u<\ ? ? - hwv*#*> : ?''' ' ? is : i?;V ?UmV'WV.-UM s^?-- ;*|V??? ^VrWaTCi? , HK=i" -'-:v-v|gNR^.:' "V ??? ; ? * *?* ? ?$wi; ?, ?& ? ?#.w'/w* #? Hp%<' *'' i' HiS?(83^| ? the topic ?*4 timely ad Can Have the Goet But Hill." In illustra tion of hie subject, the speaker dis the recent miners' strike and L. Lewie U. S. 'iMMBMBt Judge >>1947 ob for equal _ and responsibilities Under law for capital, labor and management; emphasise the fact that good govern ment ttopsads upon active and un selfish participation of an informed KHj^j; Billy Smith wae in charge of the for the evening, and was James, sordidly received by the club. Mrs. Frank K. Allan, eo-chairman of the local March of Dimes Bdl, was pittwint and made mnfan^TnAT*^ re garding? "the Gd Bawl, lieutenant-governor of Khrnnia, seventh division, was a special guest also and after the regular meeting to president Alex Alton in instructing toe various Standing committees in their duties for the new 1947 HID CROSS DRIVE C&ariie Hotchkiss has accepted the chairmanship of the FOrmvflle branch jf the American Bed Cross, Pitt County chapter, and will conduct the Red Cress drive this year. He suc ceeds -Mra. Ben L. tang. By Vera* Stanton Assistant State Agent. ? Planning variety it veil as nutri tion day after day for the school hmchfcox really tests the imagina tion. One is apt vrfall into a routine Doing a good Job at tuneMmc pack ing ia Just a* easy as doing a poor Job. First, take an interest in chang ing the menu freplay to-lay. Make it a print to add a surprise each, time in the form of fruit, candy, or some tid bit Organise your work for spori and fldeney. Set aside oa^phelf to hold all tka> aaeded implement*. You will want to keep napkins 'paper, paper cups, paper Containers with lids, dean Java and a few I nary utensils on this shelf. Also 1 onnaise, and other ities where they will be eaallyreaeh <L Ml Give as mudi thought to your lunch box menu as pdtt Kb to the regular Lunch Is an important meal to growing youngster*, and they need of the right foods to keep up to con & pm ???? ?j the =v PHH of. year'# proceeds of :^Hmria0 ft* mm ipam ball wtll tt? Ctah, 30, from 9:0? until, with chestra and , ?gain furnishing tha Mrs. Allen stated today that the HI bad contributions and that they had In MtoBkiittCm n.Ai rnlik A ,,nn .-1-,T a_ _11 row witn a reaay response to ail re quests for assistance with a genuine interest being manifested on ft is hoped that everyone in the Community will buy tickets and at tend the bail if possible. fit Con tributing your dimes and dollars you can help paiio victims <H this com munity as well as those throughout the nations 5 .\ v" A special effort is being made this year to have Farmville's J. EL Moore, chairman of the March of Dimes cam paign in Pitt Gounty, beam at the showrrjg of his own community in this regard. Greenville stood ahead last year with around $1,800; Farm vtlle next with $325, and Ayden third 'with-around $808. (!w The Kiwanis Club has pledged its full support of the baH's ticket sale awi Rotarians are helping aS in dividualsfe The sale, ? fte i , on in full force by members Junior Woman's Club, also be purchased at the store next week, g The late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt bequeathed to the Ameri can public the eause to which he was so zealously devoted?extending ra the disease and contributing funds to the Warm Springs Foundation, the facilities of which can aid tfcw who are already stricken. ATTEND dS0tS ?.?*?- ?.. ? . . Among members of the local tian Church attending the * for Christ assembly at the ftj A. X*l. ..$|?| { t> .. fit ' -k. ' "" " btreet onnstian i^nurcn, Friday, went Mrs. Atek Mrs. Ted Albritton, Mrs. ris, Mrs. George Win" ard Moye, Mrs. Joe ! ter Turnage, Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs. Will Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bundy, Rev. An. Z. B. T. Cox, Mr. WEttEmm mum Thome, Carol Pippin and Jr., Jimmy Stocks, James Carr, Jack Smith and Mrs. ( Lawrence Mcflfe, of Maury, ?J! -Ik Raleigh, Jan. 15. Division of the State has been informed N- C. Bakers Council that all bread

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