Ii?9 ? ^JE - ot North Carolina is uSirtf, ?d most *t to 4s With promoting ths pital sad of this" plan. Of tho hospital end of it is, at ?gkmca, tho note important, but it is as thw^ ths WnsI of a gun is ?r .tte stock. of this plan is esssnHsi tol tho whole plan. At this point 'll eotU detail tho six points of this phto, hot it suffices to say that if yos an going to build hospitals in evgry needy issatfoh in North Caro lina, yon an going to ban per shorw that yon cannot got' personnel fspm the present "then an thne medical schools hi North Caroliina at present year schools of Duke and Wake Foe est, and the two-year school of tho' University of North Cteoltoa. Tho record shows that the University of North Carolina Nodical School has furnished a large percentage of the doctors for the state. This is na tural and pnsper, because the Uni versity of North Carolina is a state school?a school that eaten to local students; it is-not fundamentally a connopolitem type of institution; aijd this is one of the many reasons why it is necessary for the state to con tinue to support a medical school at Chapel Hill. Since the day of the two-year school is pest, then it be hooves the state to extend this two year school into a four-year school, and in so doing, show to the people of North Carolina that the state is able and willing to assume a Job that it la pnper for it to assume. It is a reflection on the intelligence of any individual to contend that a founda tion, or group of foundations, can do for our citizens that which the state cannot afford to do. It is Just as proper for the state to educate its medical students as it is for it to educate its farmers; its engineers, its lawyers, or any of the many groups that it now educates. Let these other institutions do everything they can to promote and extend their medical activities. Let hlym give all the stu dents they can's medical education, and even if they do, and if the state goee ahead and does its duty and ex tends the twjp-year school into a four year school, it will be a long time be fore North Carolina has enough doe tors, because the program we hhve in mind is going to call for good doctors and lots of them. ' It seems to me thai the people o! INorth Carolina might be interested lis bowing some of the fundamental I reasons back of this whole health I program. The things they have'heard I about the program are actualities. | Some of these actualities may have en slightly magnified. North Caro llina has many health pcnMema, hut ao I has every other state in the union. lOnt health promoters at* correct in I saying that North Carolina needs I this program Worse than many of the j other etatea, and this is tree I North Carolina ranks So low in so Imatiy fields of socbl endeavor. In I recent years we have been known to I brag about the money we have in | the treasury, but money in a state Usury that fails to be of benefit to Ithtf people of the state is like the I miser's hoard, and I just aa useful. [Hairewar, some of the fundamental Basons back of this phut are these: All of you have heard for yean | about the "threat" of socialised medi e. -Its socially-minded people in | this country, just as in every other Ion, have been advocating | medical plan far all the people. f you are fadaimr with the Wagner-i I Murray bill Which I have ben I for the last i nary layman must wonder why we fooctinually being threatened with talised medicine. The answer is I not hard to : toWn and keeps a filthy back yard, sooner or later this situa tion is going to eome to the atten tion of his neighbors, and if he of c ^M Frank and the State Coach ware roommates while attend** the Uni versity of Tennessee during the ear ly yean of their college careen and recalled that Mr. Feathers was grad uated from die University with the honor of being one ?f the most out standing football "players in the na tion. After playing pro-football for aoase time, he came to State College as head football eoach. During the past sadson his team was selected to play against Oklahoma In ths Gator Bowl at Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. Feathers spate on the subject, "Why I Lite Roetball," listing the essentials that go to mate op a good football player, and smghtoisiiig the importance of sports to a community. Comparing sports with business, the speaker pointed out that the suc cess of both depends upon the inter est and effort exerted.' "Football or any other sport," ha said, "instils sportsmanship and the value of team work in a player, dtesuursgei the tendency to be a quitter in life and fosters, instead, the determination to his goal." An interesting feature of ths s talk was toe showing of a film of the State-Virginia game play ed in Raleigh last fall, during which Mate be gave hie listeners a play by play explanation of tte game. Other guests of the evening in cluded Coach W. C. Harrell and sev eral members of ths local athletic organization and a number of Ro ta rians. Charlie Hotchkiaa, past president, introduced his guest, Walter B. Jones, who has devoted a great deal of time and talent to the promotion of athle tics here since becoming a resident of Farmville. Cotton" Davis will have charge of the program next Monday evening. 81st Wildcat Veterans To Meet at Myrtle Beach Vetera*, of the Slat (Wildcat) Dir. vision of World Wan I and II, and tUr Ladies, will meet at Myrtle Beach, S. O," on Sunday, February 9. The all day Reunion will open at 9 :00 A. M., with Registration at John A. MeLeod, Inc., neat to Postoffice on Broadway. The meeting will be held at 11:00 A. 1L, at the U. 8. 0. Building (now the Community Center or Recreation al Building), on South Ocean Boule vard, and at 1:00 P. M., the barbecue dinner will be served. An intpiee t> Memorial Service will be held at 3:00 P. M. All Veterans aw invited to attend. Myrtle Beach is the-home of Maj. r. H. Franke, 1st < G. H. Franke, 1st Commander of the Wildcats of lM&dfi gad who is the present National Confanander of the Wildcat Veterans Association, Inc. very fine out of himeelf. However, if you were to put the average doc tor on a salary, you Would probably have only a very "sorry" hired sua We do not have socialised medicine in this country, but -we have som^ ex es of the salaried doctor; some of them, of course, are very find, but there ia a tendency in say ? tion in which they" function of mcdine tWi procedures The trying far North Carolina, now about-the ides, ait communities all over North Gsro F~r>? ??. ---? . ? k--?- i fj " ?or m- m- -i ? 1 / -?? A ! W'il IfDU 1 erehip Boy fi A in w inanity Outer in ?toff tint will fee workshop will . Dr. Dudley said today. The subject of the ?wnt wffl be "Social mid will take b^hftke t*?n leaden, jmbtte recreation"teid-1 * " Ip. YMCA, YWCA, can Scouts, Scouts, Solvation Army, Chureh- J Red Cross, youth dab leaden, Junior Red Gross, teachers, clubs and other civic leaden. Towns expected to be presented at the sessions include TTlemi Rotelrb I Henderson, WhitJeviHe, Wilmington, Clinton, Dunn, Golds boro, SmithfleW, Rocky I Mount, Nashville, Louisburg, Elixa-I both City, Willlamstori, Jfcrtnville, Greenville, Washing, Kimton, New Ben, Jacksonville, Mow (Sty. Lumberton and BeuufMfc Leaders who wiH conduct the I workshop instaaie Dr. Msper, Dr. Dudley, Prafteesi Brace Them of I Ohio Unfvenity, Mr. and Mrs. George I Bidstrup of &e Campbell Feikl School, Brass town, N. C., Ronie Shef field, assistant dtamtor of the State Commission: Ruth' iMBimmnr Entail representative of the commission; I and lqpol Girl Scoot, Red Cross and municipal recreation Isadora. ' After ^Monday there will be daily sessions from 9:80 a. m. to noon and J from 7:80 to 10 p. m. at night After noon will ha tghea up with info^ wal discissions. . The following topic, will be dial cussed during .the week through] lecture and ? discussions: The place vnlue of a complete program of recreation in the home; the recrea-1 tion leader in action; planing for social recreation party; organising for the' community 1 social recrea tion program, picnics, eampfires and vespers; crofts and hobbies as dal recreation^/ workshop is being sponsored! locally by the Wilson .Junior Cham-| her of Commerce. Tobacco Flues Assured Washington, Jan. 28.?Two major* anufscturers of sheet met*! for tobacco-curing flues have assured the Civilian Production Adminis tration that they will produce as much material for this purpose as they "did last year. _ This enceuVsging news was passed on to Senators Clyde % Hoey and William B. Umetead aad two Bepre Of the Harold D. Coopey today by CPA. at the reque* at Con CPA wrote the six or seven biggest producers of this type of metal and urged them to make especial efforts to meet current heavy demands. On the basis of replies received to dete, Pat I. Tracy, head of the CP. metal" 2000 Fifth grade, 48X0 Ml? Edna ?., tMeher. __ _ Jiff Batehelor, teacher. 101.00 Freeman, teacher. ,.....- 86.76 Moore, teacher. Third .grade 88.04 Ifiss **rr^ Thompson, teacher. ^2ra! Carraway, teacher. Second grade, 60.87 Writ grade, 40.00 Mia. Berkley Rnttedge, teacher. TOTAL _ (Br s^n D. BdMy? 8?w(?t?y) Hi remit at fee recent J a contractor has now r-mwjS? Tho response to Need a Bouse" survey. maA . ly ^ the Chamber of Commerce I such that the preeaing teed has canaed a contractor to to Farmville to help bW ? for thoee who want to build. | [sTMerw, who has done " W ? (.in Charlotte and In V_-g wd has already started.the ruction-of houses. Mr. Mercer] opened offices neb the Hardy afer Company and has named his the Fhrmrille Building Supply. I liriT will contract for ? ? w??ruction, alteration, Jeba. He can be contacted 4366 or by letter at Bo* ~ , will I* glad to discuss plans b bids on sny project, or by call 4900, tBS Chamber of Commerce] Ice, a conftreno you., Now is-; ? A petition baa ? te Commerce on to -?? w were put into < R petition, if granted, < freight ?6Mr en ap Every lmnil V ,|-1 4 uywL wr leuiuii to la to walk down a street In one of ?'A.'? ll,|. ,|1? J Qtul WHiy fff? hose, heels, end gloves. Those de tails are neglected hers, "Live* radio shows are scares. Al most everything is traaseribsd free* the Mainland. Calls" and broadcasts originating from ball games gravida the aaare thing to "live" broadcasts. Popular radio show*?the Lux | Hour, the Hour of Charm, Aldrich, Fibber MeOee and Molly, Jack Benuy-nsre more greatly .ap preciated here than hi the States. There Is a a large field of improve ment in radio here. People who are in i position to ?Md? thi are satisfied to let things they are, Perhaps, enough interest and pressure wfll he aroused and eventually radio shows will be fur ther developed. g$jp I There is no -Statewide type classi fied advertisement section in the newspapers. If they were placed in a container, shaken well, and left, to they may, you'd ? adi out regrets. When the ship pulls away from her berth,.the same Ha waiian vofcer who not long ago greet ed you are heard hi songs ct farewell. After she clean the harbor, the is view and you find A chek ition gripes you and it is at] A vow is made that you WILL RETURN. * agt. ^ and Ervia Joyner. If should be put on this The findings of the investigating committee brought to light the feet that them is in N. C., only one doctor to 8,400 vitisens, white, mad one doc tor to 8,000 colored rftisens, end en of *2 hotpttfel hade for 1,000 Plans include the of eveilafcle to stndenW of of providing training favta who eulogised Peal es en American and es the fender moving spirit of Botuy. JRo Fuquey, Paramount men awjia M, ? ? _Lj.it J-?1 ila<| -Mi M rn m iC? I hmIaamas ?ftvi) WHo cXbCIKlW a COFulnl WvlCvTun Shew Bonner end John Burgsw, of MB Md ,r" i f i in ,J . ? into law of SB 11, the providing salary bonuses for 58, and public school the remainder of the _ Jane M. r The bftl, which stirred up a Storm p m.. jndwt committee twice before . ic ?*. a. a KofV- lW ? provvHi a total of |144 to ^ESW:' Itamv dttwil ?I by the score of ! M the scoiW for *k~U4- + ? lt I eignt points. Moore was next fmm IMC MWit wffl r its action Department 1947 quotas HI ,000 area roughly by tan per The new end final figure for 1MT allotments now is only 7,000 arm below foe quotas for lM?rl?8T,0OO acne. . In the next two weeks or so in fodivMual producers wil be aott fied of their specifi for lMt, foe 1 ? Clyde pointed eat that foe _ __ I CM ? tt an South Carolina, Georgia and Th> gihia- ' 'a|E Government spokesmen that the temiMr over in for The tawy trAghra?m^at? P. wen held up poSng^trther i of the prospective ability of buyers to pay for tobaecd in can dollars. 'J. In annosneing of Agri cure M. A. Dodd sstld: "During foe war, not impost U. & M itafo duce their stocks for below levels. Fhre-cured totob the bulk of the U. a port trade- \ months of 000,000 pounds (form Annual i

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