Mr Mr. and Mm. W. H. Duke end in Richmond, V*. ? ? ? ? Spall, of Durham, the weak end with relative! bens. ~ ?{?.? ?????.. Mia&A. Parker,, of Benson, spoilt the weak aid with Mrs. D. R. Morgan. ? a e'a . Mrs. E. C. Carr and son, Chariot, will visit relatives in Raleigh, Sen day. ? ? ? ? .? Mrs. J. L Baker was the guest of torn. Rosa Ragles, in Crisp, this pari -??ee , Mis. X W. Baas and 1(1* Georgia Howard were Wilson visitors, Wed ? e ? ? Mrs. Emerson Smith and Mrs. W. Leslie Smith were Baleigfc visitors, Thursday. e a ? e Mrs. R. A. Fields and Mrs. E. G Beaman spent Thursday visiting In Snow HilL ? a ? ? Bobby Smith, student st PJT.G, Maxton, spent the week end at Ms home here. e ? a e Mrs. D. S. Spain, Sr., of Greenville, was the guest of Mrs. Ptoaii Johnston, Wednesday. e ? ? ? R. T. Norville and Gordon E. Lbs were Goldeboro and Smithfield visi tors, Monday. ? ? ? ? Mrs. W. H. Whitmore, of Wilson, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with relatives here. ? e ? ? Miss Marjorie Killebrew, of Foun tain, was the guest of Miss Lois Gray Kemp, Sunday. e ? a ? Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fitzgerald and son, Charles, left Sunday for a trip to Florida. T. J. Etheridge, of Englehard, the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. C. Corbett, Sunday. ? ? e e Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Norville visited Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fountain, Sr., in Fountain, Friday. . ? e ? e J. & and Willihm Welch, of Dur ham, visited their sister, Mrs. A. J. Melton, Saturday. Mrs. T. C. Turnage, Sr., has re tailed after spending Several weeks in Western Carolina. ? e ? Milton Williamson, student at Wake Forest College, spent the week end at his home here. ? e e ? Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Clifton and family, of Kinston, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. L Baker. e e-w.e %y. r: MJm Jane Fbader retained Tuesday to Washington, D. C., after a visit to Mis. W. Alex Allen. - e "a ? ? Mrs. 0. G. Spell, Jr., and family, of GoMaboro, visited Mr. and Mis. O. G. Spell, Sr., Sunday. e e e .e ?. : Mis. C. B. Dodson, of Aaheboro, the week end with her parents, Mr. .and Mia. A. J. Greene. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Harris, of Rocky adi end guests of their Mrs. Claude Tyson. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Garner attend ed the furniture show in High Point, j, Tuesday Wednesday. Mis. B. V. Flser and Mis. Qti*4 of Bobersonville, left Wed : to visit in Newcastle, ? ' Ma jsT MBS ? v IsSs Z- Taeaday, ? 2:80 p. m.?Contract Ch* )ff|| with Mr?. W. Leslie I ' 8:80 p. m.?Rotary Club. _$J|I 7:00 p. m. ? Woodmen of the "f: WorkL 8:00 p. m.?Boy Scouts. 8:00 p. m.?Annie Perkins Baptist, meets with Mrs. A. Melton end Mrs. M. D. ~ " as hostsasea in the church. 8 KM p. m.?Junior Woman's meets with Miss Elvira % and Mrs. C. H. Flanagan at P hoane of the latter. ?: Wednesday, 8 '-m 8:80 p. m.?Literary Oub meets with Mrs. J. B. Joyner. 8:80 p. an.?Brownies. 10:30 a. m.?Mrs. Harry Harper and Mrs. R. G. Batik will m tertain at a bridge luncheon a the home at the latter. 3:00 p. m.?An Fait Club mean with Mrs. Howard Harris. 3:80 p. m.?Girl Scouts, Troop 1 7:30 p. m.?Junior Order. Friday, f 3:00 p. m.?Lamrad Club motto with Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr. 8:80 p. m. ? Rebecca WinboMM Chapter, U.D.C., meets with Mrk C. H. Mozingo. 7KM p. m.?American Legion. 7A) p. m.?Order of the Eastern Star. Saturday, 8 10:00 a. ntr?Bird Club. > 1:00 p. m.?Major Benjamin May Chapter, D-AJi., will its 21st anniversary at a eon meeting with Miss Carraway, of New Bern, regent, as honor guest. Hugh Sheppard and Mrs. W. __ Whitmore, of Wilson, will alt TOMORROW . * J 3:00 p. m.?Mrs. J. H. Darden entertain at bridge in honor of J daughter-in-law, Mrs. John Cowan Darden, recent bride, and Miss Nkncy Newsom, of Durham, fishes of her son, J. H. Darden, Jr., whose marriage wili be solemnised en Sat urday, February 15. Miss Dorothy Struma and J. T. Strurad spent Sunday in Chapel Hill with relatives, Mr. and lbs. Floyd Brockwell. Friends wiH be glad to learn that Mrs. J. M. Hobgood is recuperatiag from a recent attack of flu and bronchitis and is able to be up agaip.. Miss Agnes Quinerly, student at Salem College, arrived Tuesday to spend the interval between semeste: with her mother. Mrs. Frank Davis,] Jr. ? > '' ? see' Mr. sad Mrs. John Matthews, ai Mr. and Mrs? Tom FowsD, of Rocky Mount, ware /M?*" guests of Mr. and Mrs.- R. G. Ruffin, Wednesday evening. ' . flL -.I'M' ? ? e ? Dr. and Mrs. Q. L. Gilchrist return-] id Thursday from Raleigh, where Dr. nirfirtor attended the ninth annual ^ State College. ? Rag * * * * riir-'W ? 4Mi. ville Chamber of D. Bandy, secretary, inawl dinner of in the Hotel Cherry, of the (radng was CHRISTIAN NOTRS MC fu Bach Thuraday evening in Feb J, Dr. George K. Miller, mission to India, win speak to the adults the main auditorium in hi the main audi to of the month of foiofgA missions. Miss Gladys Whi Gladys Whitley, apedhl state iporher, will address the young poo services, ple at the same hour. These Scheduled for 7:30 o'clock, win take the place of the Wedneaday PLANNING BOARD KBITS Holding ita first meeting of the now year on Toeaday evening of this week, the Community Planning Board appointed Sam D. Bandy as chair man of the private housing commit tee and urged .that notice be given prospective oaiioers to register tneir needs with Mr. Bundft?"- j j Dr. T, M. Mewborn presided, nooneed the recent arrival of a contractor, J. D. Mercer, and stated that a meeting of the committee in charge of securing a recreational di rector would be held soon. ANNOUNCEMENT QF T , WEDDING DATE The wedding date of Mi* Nancy | Newsoni, of Durham, and Je Cardan, Jr., whoae engagement was announced recently by the britle elect'i parents, has bean set for Sat urday, February 16, and will take place in Trinity Methodist Church, Durham, at four o'clock in the after noon. , No invitations am friends of both families am invited | attend. BROWNIES | 'TJ*. Brownies held an enjoyable meeting this week at the home of Mrs. George Fair, with Martha Holmes presiding f over a business session, which was featured with the election of the following new officers: Nan Williams, leader; Clara Belle Flanagan, secretary; Nancy Jane Carroll, treasurer. ; ?':* " Coloring and' free drawing i^l^dtbe^ ing of snapshots and the playing of| b Fruit juice and cake warn by Nan Williams and Geneva Flake,! hostesses of the aftem The installation of , jS short b by Kn G. 11 who was also Z. B. T. Cox as _ J wars Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Henrietta 11 Williamson, Mrs. I. H. Baylor and Mrs] M. E. Pollard.J; The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Pollard and Mrs. Baylor in serving ice essoin, is floral molds, nuts and cake. Later she invited the guests into the dining room where coffee, mints, nuts, eheess straws and stuff m Honoring l|ia? Martha Davis, of GoMaboro, houaegomt of Mrs. R. C. Copeahaver, Mrs. Robert Lee Smith entertained at bridge, Friday after noon in her home, which was decorat ed with potted plants. In the games, Mrs. Edison Moore The hostess remembered the with a lovely hamfkawhief. '!t Apple pie a la mode, nuts and coffee were served before the games, and coca-colas and nuts were passed dur ing play. Gnests were Miss Davis, . Copenhaver, Mrs. Moon, Mrs. R. E. Pickett, Mrs. Harry Harper, Mrs. W. A. Allen and Miss Elisabeth Davis. ?; 1 f : Bridge Landmen The first of a series of bridge luncheons to be enjoyed by a group of eight friends during the coming month was given by Mrs. W. R. Burke and Mrs. J. T. Wednesday, at the borne of the for mer in which pyracanthia, quince, - ?an- l-w--..- ApdUiU witn pleasing enect. of salmon a la newbqrg in tomato and g re in heart molds, buttered asparagus, pickles, whole wheat vol ice cream aandwicfaea end coffee. In the progressive games bf con tract, Mrs. Ted L. Albritton scored high and Mrs. Harry Harper, low. Members of this group are: Mrs. W. R. Burke, Mrs. J. T. Windhai Mrs. Roderick Harris, Mrs. Charles S. Edwards, Mrs. R. G. Ruffin, Mrs. Ted I* Albritton, Mrs. H. Neal How and Mrs. Harry Harper. Mrs. T. S. Ryon was a charming to the Book and Bridge Club, Upon of nattrn Camellias, berries and hawthorns artistically decorated the home. Mrs. Eli, Joyner, Jr., compiled high scots ' the afternoon. book awards for high pveil ?? and Mrs. Ryon. P. T. A. Kin Rosemary Holmes singing of "America the at the Parent Teachers Association Thursday evening, with the George W. Da ifsilSifl B. T. Cox heme of Km Bixon's Davta, with burial in rfaortew twry, in Rocky Mount "Ehe Rev. fu/Mui rocma vtRwoe MUUtr, North mm Paul Meth Surviving are his wife, lire. Mamie Da via Dixon; two daughters, Linda Joyce and Shirley Jean, both of the t ? m a Mn ?, i w a M J Uaa u(hM| flip parents, ^ay, Ww Jaw* J. T. Dixon of Farm villa; four brothers, Joe; of Decatur, I1L, Harry, George and X. V., of Farm villa; three sistera, Mrs. Ernest Pugh, of Grandy, Mrs. Ernest Cfcrtwright, of EU? wv ia.. t ? , nZlr, WWr my, mw lavmifl ureen, of Newport. News, Vjl OPA WINS mm* Washington, Jan. I*?OPA won a temporary victory todhjr in Ma fight to save the sugar from threatened The hMmemm. Chief Justice D. Lawrence Groner oC the United States Court at Ap peals (ranted a ?Uf erf ?> a District Court attorneys said might result in lag the entire sugar rationing pro Two other justices of court of appeals, Henry V. in Justice Groner's action. A L was set for Feb. 7.. , ? Earlier, the OPA had suffered an initial setback when Fedtral Dis trict Judge F. Dickinson Letts order ed OPA to stop limiting m plies of industrial users under the wartime "formula.'' ^ The formula is baaed on the amount, of sugar used by a comp in previous years, thus detenab how much its quota will he Bri of shortage. tenth of one percent ireent in 1W, & Department of PARAMOUNT , THEATRE I' fawiixk n. a ?* PROGI FEB/lit Gun-Blazing Thrills! Xirfey JFEghgSU . ,-v with Fuaay luiight and A,. W&m, Hit! ppesa 6#- fiiiislir'-l coffee to the social hour. Group ,4 met with Mrs. cot Russell the Hidden Answers. The ? Was give* by Mrs. E B. T. Ted Albritton led to a the work otthe group for the com ing month. Pleas were made for the ' Stody Class to he! Settle, ot ?MM ???? pound cake, topped with a peach, cream and a - -S ,, * 4,L _ mm Aify us served wit? I- tx "0, Zion Harte'lhy Church, Monday < Mowborn ? of Seripturvand announced the ap IfflHh John B.p?py and -Mrs, R. G. MmmB m. Mabrey Pollard, foreign mis Bios chairman, presented Mrs. Cherry Resley, who led ? study of India, after which aa offering for thfcr cause C. F. Baueom closed the mesh ing with a seaktog young resident, of Ottt, speedily solved with fhe following ad 'Having trouble buying flakes, lard or bacon? Young man working -in large grocery estab lishment, requires room, breakfast and dinner six days a week, private; home."?-Christian Science Monitor. HOI, Mr. and Mrs. Auk N. of Sooth Boston, Va, birthpfe# Monday, January 20, in ton hospital. Mrs. mer Miss Dorothy " ' ' are the Rev. and Mrs. E. of ifarurvflie. Tha boat commendation that a busi ness can receive is the patronac* of ' ^ ?&&&? * J. M. CARRAWAY, 'JsSKsjkL

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