moved to Mil B. ??" from ? to f is fit at her rvd Jii ,d in ? JK w. **?* - the wnek aid in Palmer Springs, R. A. Joyner, Jr., of Raleigh, r?? the week end here with - j'* C . "f\_ (^' jT - Mr. end Mil Ben Eagles, oi visited Mr. and Mtl R. T. No ^MmT H. S. Corbett, of Micro, spend the week end with Mrs. R. Norville. ^ Mrs. Peal E. Jones left Thursday! for e visit to relatives in Washing-1 ton, D. C. ta,I Friends will regret to learn that! Mrs. Claude Joyner is ill in a Wilson hospital. Joe Gregory, student at E. C. T. C-, Greenville, spent the week end at his home here. . ,, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Forbes and daughter were Raleigh visitors Thursday. PjM Miss Floribell Garner, of the pri mary faculty, spent the week end m Newport. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rasberry and Mrs. A. B. Moots were Wilson visi tors, Tuesday. ? Mrs. C. G. Rollins, of Raleigh, was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Eascm. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gaynor and Mrs. L. E. Jones visited relatives in Kinston, Sunday. Mrs. Don B. Cleveland left Wed nesday for a visit to her parents in St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Bob Joyner has moved from 309 Grimmersburg street to 1109 Gold street, Wilson. , _ . S/Sgt. Jack V. Johnston, of Fort Bragg, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Pearl Johnston. Mrs. J. I. Baker spent the week end in Greenville as the guest of Mrs. Simon Moye. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Gupton, of Rocky Mount, were guests of Mrs. Ben Lewis, Sunday. Mrs. Arnold Pittman, of Selma, will spend the week end with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Gregory. | Mrs. W. E. Smith and son, Jaek,| of Wilson,'spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Clegg. , Mrs. G. S. Vought, of Raleigh, will arriye Friday U spend the week end with Mrs. G. Ml Holden. Mis. Berkley Rutledge, member of the local faculty, spent the week end at her home in Ayden. Mr. Appie Flanagan returned from a Wilson hospital, Monday, and is im proving'at her home. Miss Bath Spier, member of the school faculty, spent the week end! at her home in Tarboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ik Tripp, of Green villa, visited Mr. and Mrs. George B. Moore, Sunday afternoon. _ - Mrs. Pheora Eason, of Red Springs,! arrived Thursday morning for a visit \ to Mr. and Mrs. John Eason. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Johnson return ed Sunday from a trip to Cleveland, Ohio, and Washington, D. C. Dr. G. L. Gilchrist and Frank Allen ittended the Stantonsburg Kiwanis 3ub meting, Tuemfay evmung. Mr. and Mrs. R. LeRoy Rollins and ?as, Robert, and Mrs. G. M. Holden spent the week end fa Charlotte. Mr. 'and Mm. J. M. Wheleaa, Sr., and Mr. and Robert P. Wheleas spent, Sunday with relative, fa Spring Hope. H. H. Bradbam, who is on the to bacco market, in Louisville, Ky? is expected to arrive home Friday night. Mfas Geneva McCachem, of Wil-I mfagton, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. I Ed Nash Warren during the week | e?Mr and Mrs. Gordon E. Lee family were dinner guests of Mr And Mil E. L. Meek, in Greenville, Sun-| day. ? Mr. and Mrs. V. N. .-?>> ??m of 1 Smith, ; iiaJhTT I?gll > p. m-XTOP i, 8:30 > m.?Circle 1, Presbyterian Auxiliary meet* with Mm. C. C. ifi ? - ? f?yner. at the home < ?with Nn. L. J. 8:00 p. m.?Circle 2, Presbyterian, meets with Miss Jen Easley, Tuesday, 11 5 p. m.?Merry. Matrons meet Mn LeRoy Rollins. * p. in.?Rotary Club. """p 7:00 p. aa. ? Woodmen of the World. 7:80 p. m.?Lang's 4-H Club meets with Jarvis Tripp, Jr. 8:00 p. m.?Boy Scouts. Wednesday, 18 3:00 p. m.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. Robert Lee Smith. 3:30 p. m.?Brownies. .... Thursday, 18 2:30 p. m.?Farmville Home Dem onstration Club meets with Mrs. Richard Tttgwell and Mrs. J. H. Bynum as hostesses.^ 3:80 p. m.?Presbyterian Juniors meet with Jeas and Ellen Norris HMRjRPI 3:80 p. m.?Girl"8ooutsr Troop 2. 7:30 p. m.?Masons. Pridsy, 14 3:16 p. m.?Book and Bridge Club meets with Mrs. R. T. Williams. 7:00 p. nn.?Woman's Club holds ? covered dish supper at the home of Mn. J. V. Hobgood with Mrs. R. S. Ferguson, State Senator, as speaker. 8:30 p. m.?Altar Guild meets with Mn. John EL Dixon. Saturday, 15 10:00 a. m.?Bird Club. 7:30 p. m.?Supper Club. TOMORROW f:00 p. m.?Major Benjamin May Chapter, D.A.R., will celebrate its Zlst anniversary at a luncheon meeting with Miss Gertrude Carra way, of New Bern, state regent, as honor guest. Mrs. Hugh Sheppard and Mrs.W. H. Whitmore, of Wil son, will act aa hoetepseft. Mr. and Mrs. Flave Darden moved Jhis week from 306 E. Wilson street the home of the late Mrs. B. Jiheppard, on S. Walnut street. Friends will be glad to learn that Bfrs. Ben Weaver is improving in a JVilson hospital, where she recently nderwent a major operation. I Miss Mary Thome Tyson returned Bfrmn the tobacco market In ri, Mo.,* where she has been em for the past several months, ftiends will regret to learn that lire. L. J. Williford entered Woodatd Jferring hospital, Wilson, this week, here she will undergo treatment Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carraway and Ir. and Mrs. Carreil Oglesby were uests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Clif |on, in Kinston, Tuesday evening. Rev.* and Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox and ftfrs. Will Jones, Jr, and daughter,] Julie Reid, spent Friday with Mr. Hod |fn. R. A. Haislip, near Oak City. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Duke and son, feflfy, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, Fr., and family visited Mr. and Mm it J. Langley, in Robersonville, Sun *? Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Spell and Homer Speir and'Mr. and Mrs, George C. of Maury, visited* Mr. and Mrs. Addison Sprague, in Durham, Vivian Scott student at St Mary's, Raleigh, spent the week end [ it her hnae here and had , Miss Sarah Halt be glad to Mara that urday Wil ttmj.ifivI'/Tc " 4pi : p ~ ^ tJ - ? ?. - 3? - ? V . - BIRTH ??n ff Mr. and Mrs. Lester C. Skinner, of Norfolk, Vs., announce the birth et a daughter, Nina Jo, Wednesday, Jan uary 26. Mr. apd Mrs. Mae Besmsn, of GoWeboro, announce the birth of a sen, Ed Malcolm, Jr., I i^HML is the former Miss SalUe Vandiford, of Ayden. a*1 1tr, and Mrs. Ben Hardison an nounce the birth of a sen, John Ben, Jr., February 2, at the Willlams Winstead Clinic. Ifas. Hardison is the former Miss Eleanor Cherry, of BfUwWfc ; Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, i Fountain, announce the birth of son, Wedneitday, February 6, at the Williatas - Wins toad Clink. Mrs. Moore is the farmer Miss Katharine Morris, of Macclesfield. PLHASK NOTE We ham to fellow a straight court pith no eaception, in regard to nev items emit in' without signature or address ... we cannot print them for obviops reasons. DIES IN COLUMBIA. S. C. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Longford, of Greenville, N. C., will regret to learn that they were called to Columbia, S. C., Saturday after noon due to the death of Mr. Lang ford's mother, lbs. Clarke Langford. a - addresses young people g?pj?' Mr. and Mr?. Sam D. Bpndy at tended the Youth Fellowship Supper jf the Greepville Christian Church, Sunday evening. Mr. Bundy spoke to the group of sixty young people cm the subject "Christianity and Its Relationship to* Youth." ?' Brownies The Brownies met Wednesday aft-l ernoon with -Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox, the iissistant counselor. Ann Morgan presided during a business session featured by a dto cussion regarding the, spring operetta uid the installation of new officers by Mrs. George Farr,-counselor. The meeting was cloned by the sing ing of the Brownie song. ? Mrs. Cox served delicious cookies, indies, nuts end fruit juice. Sue Flanagan was a special guest. Despite the bitter weather, the first freesing cold day of winter season, ?11 of the Brownies, with the excep-j ion of one, were present. > JULIAN-BRADY *' f Bennett.?The marriage of Miss Mary Lily Brady, daughter of Mr. Bind Mrs. William Walter Brady of Bennett, formerly of Durham and Greenville, and Maurice Julian of Chapel Hill, eon of Mrs. Alexander Julian and the Jate Mr. Julian of Brockton, Mast., was solemnised on| January 27 bJ'Dt J. L. Shelburne. The bride wow a white * J ? limned pietwe i , .. # card table, by the hos The tables were spread with white linen covers and .centered with ar rangements of came Hi ss^f or tbe^serv of a chicken salad course, cake and by her sister, jftse Ida Cowan, Durha?^S'?i|*i^5i^i( Mrs. J. D. Murphy, of G i?oth?r of Mre, John C.-Darden, ^ a spatial gleet. ^ Sharing also with the honorees His. Murphy in Mrs. Dental's hospi tality, "were: Mm Mehard D. Harris, Mis. Irvin Morgan, Jr., Mrs. Robert T. Monk, Mis. Roland O. Lang, Jr., Mrs. Csnoll D. Oglesby, Mrs. J. W. Joyner, Mrs. G. Ale* Rotuw, Mrs. John B. Lewis, Mrs. Carol W. Modlin, Mis. j R. C Copenhaver, Mrs. Wifl Jones,) Jr., His. John D. Dixon, Mrs. X. V. Jones, Miss Anne Jones, Mrs. Charles S. Hotchkiss, Mis. E. C. Beaman, Mias Helen Smith, Mrs. H. Neal Howard, Mrs. lied Albritton, Mrs. Charles S. Edwards, Miss Adelaide Harden, Mrs. J. M. Carraway, Miss Mary Ann Townaend, Mts. Warren Palmer, of Greenville, Mm Roderick Harris, Mm David T. Harris, Mm L. E. Walston, Mrs. W. M. Willis, and Mm T. Eli Joyner, IK Dance dub Latest addition to social organisa-| tions here is the Dance dub, which held its first meeting at the Country Club, Saturday eveniqg. with die pres ident, John C. Parker, and Mm Par ker, the vice president, Dr. Frank Harris, and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Smith as hosts. Mrs, David T. Harris is secretary of the club. Party- sandwiches, cakes> pickles, nuts and punch were served. - Una group will meet for dancing on the first Saturday evening in i month. Contract dob The Contract Club waa graciously en tertained, Tuesday afternoon, by Mm W. Leslie ShpitipHi her home on West Church street which whs Hs arrangements of narcissus, quince and camellias. The high score award, a set of ash trays, was won by Mrs. W. M. Willis, a guest, and the low, note'p per, by Mm J. W. Joyner. ?1? Tallies and favors carried out the Valentine idea as did the refreshments' of ice cream, topped with strawber ries, cakes, cookiee, cheese straws and coffee, iS^T'l Junior Woman's Club The report of the nominating com mittee, given by Mrs. Richard D. Har ris at the regular meeting of the Junior Woman's dub, Tuesday eve ning, was accepted in its entirety. New officers elected at this time were: Mrs. W. C. Gainer, president: Mrs. J. T. Noien, first vice-presideiit; Miss Rosemary Holmes, second vice president; Mm Sam Lewis, recording secretary; Mm E. N, PBtteway, cor Tyson, Edwards, reporter; and Mm H. D.[ Johnson, * i ____ Miss Margaret Smith, co-chairman I of the thata from The on * red heart surrounded by wiitte fluting in the center of the table with lighted candles used ba this arrangement. Napkins also oat the Valentine idea. Quince and first breath of spring in attractive arrangements in the Flanagan home where the nee ing was held. . 's ? Literary Clul? the business seesioe of Club meeting, held Wed with Mrs. John B. Joynpr as hostess, was the reelection of the fol lowing officers.: Miss Elisabeth Davis, president; Mrs. J. H. Darden, vice president; Mrs. W. P. Easley, secre tary; Mrs. J. L Morgan, Sr. treasurer; Miss* 1 Tabitha DeViaconti, librarian. The club voted donate $6.00 each to Philippine and Greek causes. Sam D. Bandy, guest speaker, brought echoes of the North Carolina Recreation Commission workshop and conference being held Qda week at the first Presbyterian Church in Wil son, under the direction of the pastor, Dr. Harold J. Dudley, aad with recre ational leader* from twenty-eta East ern Carolina towns in at) Mr. Bandy, secretary of the i of Commerce, gave excerpt* from lec tures and discussions relative to the place and value of a program of rec reation ta the heme; the recreation leader; social recreation; community programs^ crafts aad Miss Annie Perkins brought the program to a dose with interesting current events. V . v?,"_ During the' eodal hour, the hostess served ice cream molded in Valentine mottfk, block cake, party sandwiches, dates, salted almonds and coffee. The Joyner home, on Main street, was beautifully decorated with ar rangement* of hawthocb and camel lias, flown in from Tuskegee, Ala., home town of the hostess, being used ^Port, Mrs.| Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Pon ton,. Mrs. G. M. Young, Mrs. George Harris, Mrs. Leon Jenkins, Mrs. Lewis Scruggs, Mrs. Lyman Jones and Mrs. Mary Robbins Oliver, all of Rocky j Mount, and Mrs. H. H. Bredham and TT t'dtfT . ?w. n* Knnm. Buy Savings Bends Now Aad Savel j -?-? |? >? PARAMOUNT M THEATRE 1 FARMVILLE, N. C The Hone of 1 ? PROGRAM WEEK OF FER 8th SATURDAY ONLY with - ?B with Monte _HB?aS*S^IGHOOT. Plus?Edgar Kennedy Comedy. SUNDAY A MONDAY H It'e Beery at his best as the toughest mug with a heart of who becomes the reluctant of |t hero-worshiping half-pint! They're terrific! in . . . "THE MIGHTY MeGURK" starring Wallace Beery?Dean r- Stockwell?Edward Arnold. Latest News-Plus The March of Time. V ' Ppl outlaw . I, I " j:; ' HftCMBSE foul ESTIMATE 'f MTBMLS Robert's Jewelers 1M N~tk 1U> ?? ||(j)|Mwtfati Day - AM EXCELLENT HEART SHAPED BOXES OF CAND1 fcS#BITMAN,S ? NORMS ? RUSSELL McPHAIL ? CHESTWOOD (Chest and 1 N. C. j ?iH??i88 ysySSKgsS more M( R LiMsmi - '