? ~ ? C. L. iwf, ?., hu Deen sick list thla pasl BHBPyii Will Jones, III, Sa confined to hia home om account of sickness. ? ? ? ? Miaa Anne L. Jonea spent the week end in Saratoga visiting frienda. ? ? ? ? The Aaaociate Editor is recuperat ing after an illness of several days. ? ???'. Miss Hattie Carr and Mrs. E. C, Carr were Wilson visitors, Friday. ? * ? ? Mrs. Ella Jefferson,*of Fountain, visited Mrs. R. T. Norville, Friday. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Annie- Rigsbee spent Thursday through Saturday in Richmond, Va. ? ? e ? Mrs. Corinne Stilley visited relatives in Washington during the week end. ? * ? ? Bill Carr, student at State College, will spend the week end at his home. ? ? ? ? R. T. Norville and Gordon E. Lee were Greenville visitors, Wednesday. ' ? ? ? ? Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Minnie Warren has been ill this week. - e ? Miss Aileen Flanagan has accepted a position with Simpson's Flowers in Greenville. ? ? ? ? Mrs. E. C. Beaman and Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver were Kinston visitors, Wednesday. ? ? ? ? Mark Pope, of Atlanta, Ga., was the overnight guest of Charles Quin erly, Tuesday. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Allen Darden have returned from the tobacco market in Owensboro, Ky. ? ? * * Leon E. Jones entered the Veter an's Hospital at Fayetteville, Mon day for treatment ? ? ? ? R. A. Joyner, Jr., of Raleigh, will spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Joyner. * * * * 71 Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. J. M. Ward is much improved from a recent illness. * * *. * Carl Rowan, of Nashville, Ga., spent last week here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Lee. ? ? ? ? Gordon E. Lee and guest, Carl Rowan, of Nashville, Ga., were Rocky Mount visitors, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Royster will arrive Friday night from the tobacco market in Maysville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clegg, of Pitts boro, spent Sunday and Monday with Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Clegg. \ ? * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Johnson return ed Friday from a trip to Columbia, S. C., and Cleveland, Ohio, r S ? ? ? ? 1X Mrs. J. L. Rumley, of Greenville, was the week end guest of her-daugh ter, Mrs. G. E. Moore, Jr. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Allen Drake are spend ing a few days of this week in Colum bia, Tenn., on a business trip. ? ? ? ? Mr*. W. H. Duke and son, Billy, spent part of last week visiting in Roanoke Rapids and Durham. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. EL Darden, Jr., who have been on a bridal tour of Florida, are expected home during the end. p- . 4 *.-? ? Miss Aim Turnage, student at Flora Springs, Mac Donald College, Red will spend the week end at her here. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mr*. J. W. Holmes left Wednesday for a visit to West Palm Fla., and other points of in ? ? ? ? ?w"-r Mrs. David Harris, Mrs. Carroll Oglesby and Mrs. J. M. Carraway were Greenville visitors, Tuesday aft ernoon. . ??''??&*... r '? e ? ? e "<|i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Flak* and fami ly move floor of Arthur. . . tore te i a Iff*. Arthur F. Joynar, Mr* M. V. Richmond, V*, visitor*, Monday and Tnssday. i Mr* Ida Watson, of Falkland, was tha roost of hsr nsphew, C.L?i*ng w^k "^d. ? ? ? ? Jack To mage and Dr. Frank Har ris attainted a dance at Flora Mad f\MiaU /"?-?? T}_J Qm?inffa Q.i,., lA/iuiia MJiiejjc, iwQ opnii^Bf omut* day ?CALENDAR? *jfSH 8:00 p. m. ? Woman's Council, 3:80 p. m.?Lenten Study Class, Episcopal, meets with His. R. C. Copenhaver. 8:80 p. m.?Woman's Society of Christian Service, Methodist. 8:30 p. m.?Week of Prayer Ser vice, Baptist 8:80 p. m.?Circle 1, Presbyterian, meets with Mrs. J. M. Mew born. 7:80 p. m.-Y.WA., Baptist, l with Mrs. Robert P. Whelesa. 8100 p. m. ? Workers' Council, Methodist, meets with Mrs. J. M. Carr k way at the home of Mrs. Bertha Gardner. 3:00 p. tn.?Contract Club meets with Mrs. Lath Monies. 6:80 p. m.?Rotary Club. 7100 p. m. ? Woodmen' of the' World. 8:00 m.?Boy Scouts. 8:00 p. m.?Annie Perkins Circle, Baptist, meets at the home of, Mrs. Geo rye W. Davis with Mrs. C. L. Langley as Joint ho 8:00 p. m.?Junior Woman's Club meets with Mrs. W. H. Duke with Miss Margaret Smith aa co-hostess. Wednesday, 5 3:30 p. m.?Literary Club meets with Mrs. A. B. Moore. 8:80 p. m.?Brownies. Thursday, 6 3:00 p. m.?Au Fait Club meets with Mrs. Allen Drake. 8:80 p. m.?Girt Scouts, Troop 2. 7:80 p. m.?Masons. 8:00 p. m.?Circle 2, Presbyterian, meets with Mrs. Ethel Thornton. 8:80 p. m.?Altar Guild meets meets with Mrs. Will Jones, Jr. Friday, 7 3:00 p. m.?Lamrad jClub meets with Mrs. George ? Moore. Jr. 3:30 p. m.?Rebecca Winhorne Chapter, U. D. C., meets with Mrs. J. W. Parker. 7:00 p. m.--American Legion at the high school lunchroom. 7:80 p. m.?Order of the Eastern Star. Saturday, 8 10:00 a. m,?Bird Club. 3:00 p. m.?Major Benjamin May Chapter, D. A. R., meets with Misses Helen and Huldah Smith as joint hostesses. 5:00 p. m.?Smith-Lewis wedding solemnised at Methodist Church, Mines Anne Jones and Mary Ann rownsend attended the mid-winter lances at U. N. C., Chapel Hill, dur ng the week end. ? ? ? ?? Mrs. R T. Williams and son, Rod, ind Mm. Will Jones, Jr., and daught sr, Julie Ried, visited relatives in Etocky Mount, Friday. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. R Shearin were ailed to Louisburg, Wednesday, on iccount of the death of Mrs. Shearin's jrother, Frank Gupton. ? see. Bill Morton, studenfcat Union Theo ogical Seminary, Richmond, Va., will ipend the week end here with his ?mo Jier, Mrs. J. M. Hobgood. n ? ? Friends will regret to learn that tfrs. T. M. Dail who has been ill for leveral days in a.Greenville hospital s reported as. Blightly worse. sees \ Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Kornegay re turned to their home in Richmond, 7a., Monday, after a visit to their nother, Mrs. GUes Kornegay. . %. * * ? ? Eugene B. Cass, ledatsd with th Company here for about six months, >vas recently transferred to Wallace. . . . ? ??>. i' i T. and J. W. Wellons, brother* ?f Mm. E. B. Clegg, and Miss Eliza beth Wellons, all at Princeton, wen Eneets of Rev. and Mrs. Clegg, Son* i*y. ' ??? ill ill ? * * ? ; t. Mn. A. J. Qnene returned Wed nesday from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. James Yates, in Whiteville. Mr. end Mn. Yates accompanied her home and spent the day hen. * ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mn. J. H. Smith and son Jimmy, of Norfolk, Vs., and Mr. and Mn. W. L. Smith. of. Memphis, Team, wen guests of Mr. and Mn. W. Les lie Sndtfr, last week end. Miss Jean fedqnmr, student at Adams street, Wilson, Thursday. ^ Wright will open his new tin busi ? timm the flmt of April. Mrs. Cherry fsstoy, secretary, and Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, attended a meeting of board of Albemarle Pres byterial, In Washington, Tuesday. Miss Annie Perkins accompanied to Washington and visited Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McLean. Union Meeting Planned >:1 Y' -Soft. Rev. Thad Cox and Sam D. Bandy, president and vice-president of the" Hookerton Union of the Disciples of Christ Church, met with the pro gram committee in Greenville on Tues day afternoon and planned the four onion meetings for the year. The March meeting will be at Bell Ar thur, the June, Walstonborg, the August, Red Oak' Church, and the November, FumstU*. The general theme for all four meetings will be North Carolina Feces the Crusade. BAPTIST CHOIR APPEARS 1 IN NEW ROBES, SUNDAY The choir of the Baptist Church will wear the new maroon colored robes, recently purchased by the church, at the Sunday morning hour. Dedication of the robee will take place at a special musical service, Sunday evening, March" 15. The Sunday morning anthem will be "Nature's Anthem of Praise," by Sir Arthur Sullivan. In the evening the youth choir will sing. Sermon topics for Sunday are: morning, "Persistency In Well Do ing"; evening,'"The Wicked Are Like A Troubled Sec" Rev. E. W. Holmes, Paster. ATTENDANT IN MAY COURT ????? ' Miss Margaret Bynnm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henry Bynnm, and a student at Louisburg College, was third place winner in the election for May Queen, held recently, which auto matically made her a member of the MayCourt. Miss Bynum is a senior LOCAL STUDENT HONORED .Bobby Smith, son of Mr. and Mn. G. Robert Smith, student at Presby terian Junior College, Maxton, has been elected president of the Student Christian Association!, vice president of the Vets Club and secretary-treas urer of the Student Council in elec tions held-recently. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Miss Nancy Lu Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, Jr., cele brated her fourteenth birthday, Sat urday afternoon, with a weenir roast at which several, of her friends were The dessert course was a birthday cpke made of iced doughnuts in tiers. Russian tea was served with the cake. MRS, McCULLUM HONORED WITH BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs. Bert McCullum, of Louisville, Ky., who is the houseguest of her sister, Mrs. J.-W. Joyner, and Mr. Joyner, was honored by them, Sun day, at a birthday dinner. Out-of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Askew and daughters, of Wil son, and Mrs. Stephen Gardner, of Finetops. GIRL SCOUT ACTIVITIES" Highlighting the meeting of Troop I, this week, vu the election of new officers?Dot Hathaway as scribe and Dors May Barrett as treasurer. The date for a breakfast hike was set for the morning of March 8. A study of the U. S. flag was made agricultural ' building, on Thursday nights. V jW lira. Don Cleveland, new aad Mrs. R. T. Williams met the girls in the Baptist Church, ? wt Yife 3 E. F. her home which amarjrllis, bluebelle and d Mies Tabitha ' DeVisconti over the i mn. Leon welcome as a and Mrs. L. F. Daughtey as a visitor. Jello topped with whipped cream and hot coffee were served during the social hour. J An Fait Oak Mrs. Roderick Hants graciously entertained the An Fhit Club and guests, Mrs. Joseph D. Joyner and Miss Rosemary Holmes, Thursday afternoon. Strawberry shortcake and coffee were served prior to the games in which Mrs. Carroll Oglesby scored high and was awarded a pine scented soap and bath oil est and Mrs. Carol Modlin received the low score prise, aplastic apron. Mrs. Allan Darden was welcomed as a new member. Bridge-Luncheon Concluding a aeries of informal bridge-luncheon* held during the month of February, Mrs. H. Neal Howard and Mrs. Ted L. Albritton entertained at the home of the latter," Tuesday. A barbecue luncheon was served with lemon pies and coffee as the dessert course. Mrs. Albritton won high score in the games that followed and Mrs. R. V. Fiser, a special guest, low. New Deal-Club Members of the New Deal Club and a special guest, Mrs. W. R. Burke, were charmingly entertained by Mrs. S. A. Roebuck, Wednesday afternoon. Spring flowers were used in decorat ing the horns. Mrs. Pat Baffin won the high score sward, a bronze plate rack, and Mrs. W. M. Willis received a plate and a rack as consolation. Between progressions the hostess invited the guests into the dining room where cherry-pie a la mode, cheese straws and coffee were served from the dining table. Wednesday Afternoon Club Miss Elizabeth Davis graciously en tertained her bridge club, Wednesday afternoon. High score prise, ash* trays, was won by Mrs. R. V. Fiser, and the low, Wedgewood note paper, by Mrs. Robert Lee Smith. Members and the following tea guests were invited into the dining room: Mrs. T. Eli Joyner, Jr., Mr*. Allen Darden, Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., Mrs. George, Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Lewis Allen, Mr*. R. D. Harris, Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver, Mrs. T. S. Ryon, Mrs. R. T. and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr., and Miss Ruth Spier. The table was centered with an ar rangement of snapdragons, carnations and Dutch iris and covered with a white Madeira and lace cloth. Mrs. F. M. Davis, Sr., mother of the hos tess, pound tea and dainty sand wiches, cookies and salted nuts were Potted wen used In the decorations of the living room. Mr*. Allah Darden, a recent bride, was rememberpd with a pair of silver candlestick* and Mr*. T. Eli Joyner, Jr., with a crystal bud vase. . American Legion Auxiliary The. American .Legion Auxiliary, meeting in the home of Mr?. E. F. Gaynor with Mrs. Alton Bobbitt m Joint hostess, heard a stirring talk by their president, Miss Mamie Davis, The opening rituals of the Pledge to the Flag, the singing of the Na tional Anthem and repeating the Pre amble to the Constitution were led by toe president Psalm 87 was used as by Mrs. Bobbitt who poem and also led in prayer. for year books, poppies, Girls' State, and GoU Star mothers. Mrs. Clfffldft was cordially welcomed as a lember. The meeting closed of "America." delicious ro of jello'J Friday morning. ] who knew M'jm both Carolina, Introduced. ' | estingly developed the subject, "Mis aad Methods." Women's Circle and Young Women's Association, of the local church, aid the Woman's Mis sionary Society and Y. W. A. of the Fountain Baptist Church, were guests. Miss Rosemary Holmes concluded the program with appropriate songs, The community missions commit tee set sad cherry tarts topped with cream and decorated with tiny flags, coffee and nuts. In spite of the in clement weather, Thursday night, 85 members were present. . Potted plants and Jonquils were used as a setting for the meeting which was held in the Sunday School auditorium. Baptist Week of Prayer The Week of Prayer for Home Mia sms will be observed with meetings, Monday, Tuesday,' Thursday, Friday, at 8:30 o'clock and Wednesday at 7:80 p. m. in the church. Christian Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox had the members of Group 8 as her guests for their regular meeting, Tuesday evening Mm. Arch Flanagan presided and Mrs. C. L. fvey, Sr., led the Hidden An swers. The devotional was given by Mm. L. E. Tumage on "Kindness." Mrs.'Troy Dai! was welcomed as a new member. The hostess served gingerbread topped with cream and pineapple. Five new members were welcomed into Group i> at Hie meeting held Tuesday evening in Hie home at Mrs. T. T. Moore. They are Mrs. Jack Allen, Mm; C. L. Ivey, Jr., Mrs. Ron ald Nichols, Mrs. J. T. Windham and Mm. Andrew Garris. Miss Verla Williams conducted the devotional and Mrs. Ted Albritton, who presided in the absences of the chairman, Mrs. Ernest Russell, led the Hidden Answers. Ambrosia and cookies were served in a social hour to the 19 members present. Group 2 met with Mm. & K. Pip pin, Wednesday night. Mm. Z. B. T. Cox led the devotional and the chair man, Mrs. J. H. Paylor, the Hidden Answers. Vanilla ice cream topped with strawberries, pound cake and salted nuts were served in the social hour by the hostess. Miss Helen Smith presided at the Lenten Study Class held in the home of Mrs. Will Jones, Jr., Monday aft ernoon. She opened the meeting with prayer and the reading of appropri ate Scripture. ' The auxiliary members voted .to ?end a second box for overseas relief. Mrs. J. H. Darden, United Thank Of fering Custodian, stated fSul a pro gram on this topic would be present ed March 23 and collection made 'of the Bine Boxes. Mrs. E. S. Scott concluded the study PARAMOUNT f THEATRE 1 .. FARMVILLK, N. C The 9Tob? of WEEK OF^ILAJtHi 1, i?47 Id^ttATUBDAT ONLY 'OUTLAW OF THE PLAINS' With Barter Kin* of the wild and A1 (Fussy) St John Al&o?Chapter 8 "Crimaon Ghost" PI Pine ... . S SUNDAY MICKEY'S of to the bay purple hangings for the church -a. . 3 with chocolate icing Mid coffee. A eeeting will be held Thureday with Mrs, Will Jones, Jr. lowship was privileged to hew Charles A. Motingo, who spent several months in India, tell very in terestingly his observations of life fat India. He spoke of the living con ditions?work, clothes, habits and re ligions, the influence of the British and emphasised the great need for aid to ^hese unfortunate people. Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck demonstrated how the girls and women make and iar the sari?their dress and how the men wrap and wear the turban. She ltd the devotional which was fol lowed by a chain of prayer. Refreshments consisted of foods of India served in the style and manner of the natives of that country fcy the hostess, Mrs. Ed Nash Warren. Pim>;IiiIiu ? report at the nominating com mittee, given hp the chairmen of the committee, Mrs. Mm B. Lewis, waa made at the Monday evening meeting of the Auxiliary. New officer! are as follows: 1st vice president, Mrs. Joe Flake; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Habrey Pollard; secretaries?spiritual life, lbs. C. F. Baucom; foreign mis sions, Mrs. J. C. Corbett; literature, Mrs. P. K. Swell; Christian education and ministerial relief, Mrs. J. T. No len; synod's and presbytery's home missions, Mrs. O. Robert Smith; or phanages, Mrs. Glenn Newton; chair man of Circle 2, Mrs. Joe Flake, and historian, Mrs. Will Moore, Jr. Mrs. John M. Mewbom will serve another' term as president, Mrs. George B. j Moore will continue as chairman of. Circle 1, and Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, as' adviser to Carre way's Chapel Circle.1 I " The program, "What Is My Paft in the Adult Program of the, Church," was presented by Mrs.. J. C. Corbett In the business session which was presided over by Mrs. J. M. Mew bom, president, in whose home the group met, committees were appoint ed to make plana for a church supper. The meeting was opened with scrip ture reeding and prayer. CHANGE Mrs. Alice Tugwelt, formerly of Route 2, Farmville, is residing With Mrs. Annie Askew at 2612 Wickham Ave., Newport News, Vs., instead of with her other daughter, Mrs. Paul Gay, as stated in the issue of Feb ruary 7. (This was not Ohr error.) SALE! I fAPRONS ? and ? SWEETS / . Wednesday, March 12 FLOWER SHOP Episcopal Altar Guild As part of the i ?hip study, Mrs. a five-minute talk ~ Lloyd Alien, Mm. J. E. Gowans, . gave talks on these subjects. In the social hoar, heavenly hash and cake were served. " W: P Spedal guests were Mrs. 1+ E Turnage, Jr., and Miss Myrtle Plsa iiariM'. Sam D. Buady, secretary of the local Chamber of Commerce, was the guest speaker at the Woman's Club in Walstoalnrcg on Wednesday af noon of this week, Mr. Bundy spoke on the subject "Citisenship Building for the Future." Smokey Says: >? ;? / ^ ? MO CHAISE' ESTMATE ANB . Wc now have a ma Repair System and iteau left repair will be ready for Mir within a week. ,9a 101 North m