"Out of and nothing can Persia*. At the ] is running somewhat above that of last year. Women's beauty, like men's wit, is generally fatal to the owners."? Chesterfield. "A man is aa good as ha has to bo, and a woman aa bad a* she i G. Hubbard. "Women are wiser than men be cause they know lees and understand more."?Kipling. Unprecedented Offer < . To Certain Specialists Civilians, who posssas certain ikills used by the United Statee Army Air Forces, may be enlisted in non ommissioned officer gradsa, regard ess of whether or not they have had previous Military Service, according jo a statement issued recently by H/Sgt. Virgil B. Lindseyt command ing Officer of the Greenville (Sub) Station of the Army Recruiting Ser vice located at the New City Hall railding. Sergeant Lindsey said that a new C recti ve has reached his sub-station ;o the effect that individuals without jrior Military or Naval Service, or hose with pripr Military or Naval Service but discharged prior to May 12, 194b, and who possess Job spec altiea needed by the Army Air Foreee, nay be enlisted in grades based upon heir skill and experience in their civilian jobs. Man in this category nuat meet requirements for enlist ment in the Army, and must enlist 'or a period of three years. The Sergeant urges all men, who ire specialists in Jobs comparing to hose of the Air Forces, to contact he loaal Army Recruiting Sub-Sta ion at once for full information on his unprecedented offer. BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs. Fuller Salter and lbs. Al Hurphey celebrated their birthdays vitK a dinner party, Thursday, March >, at the home of Mrs. Salter. Guests included Al Murphey, Mrs. Jeorge Melton, Miss Sudie Lee Gar is, Miss Dorothy Melton and Miss Vileen Murphey. MRS. EMMA K. OWENS Mrs. Emma K. Owens, 76, wife of 3. W. Owens, died near Fountain arty Saturday mondng following leveral years of declining health, funeral services woe held bom Ot er's Creek Free Will Baptist Church, >f which she had been a member for nany years, on Sunday afternoon at I o'clock, conducted by the Her. W. * Hart, Free Will Baptist minister >f Pikeville, and the Rev. P. C. Viggs, Free Will Ba?|st minister of )ld Sparta. Burial followed in'. the 3wens/cemetery near Surviving are f. Z. Everette and Mrs. fountain and Mrs. 'ALL US FOR SERVICE on YOUR Badlo, Refrigerator, Bsctric Range, S?MM Range, Oil Heater, In* Mrrice any make. Oar Prices An Low?On work is gaaraatoed. THE GARNER FURNITURE CO. [ADIATORS?We are Equipped to Repair tear Radiators. Re-cap ping Tirea, Vnkaniring Tins and VakanUag Tractor Tires ? AD WoS Gaaraatoed. ROUSE RE CAPPING SHOP, OtPesite the ABC Store, M6 East Wilson St, FamvUle, N. C (F-$?-5tc) HREE NEW EVERBEARING FIG TREES 1 to $ ft. for $4.45 Postpaid. 1 SURECROP NECTARINE TREE $ to 4 ft. Earlr-bearing Sine for $5.55 POet Tampa $yr. GIANT RHUBARB ROOTS $5.15 Postpaid. Write for FREE COPY NEW 44 PAGE PLANTING GUIDE listing extensive line of Frmits, Nats, Bar riesTaat On?e.tel Pta* Ma WAYNESBORO NURSERIES, 1?*W. -,v. fi I ? ? ? ' "? ' ' V" V&?. **! \ 'x ? ' " WB ? r? ill LATEST NEWS > ? ? ? Plus ? ? ? - COLOR CARTOON AHAAY9 ? then visit our baby !? II DEPARTMENT! WE CAN 8UPPLY YOUR EVERY NEED WITH 1 TRIP! INFANT DRESSES ^BLANKETS jr - ' CRIB SHEETS QUILTED PADS RUBBER SHEETS INFANT SLIPS BOOTIES SWEATER AND CAP SETS LQE SHAWLS MADERIA EMBROIDERY INFANT SHIRTS GOWNS (ALSO KNITTED) SHOES AND SOCKS BOTTLE WARMERS For the Larger Children We Have Beautiful . DRESSES, SPRING COATS, SUITS, UNDERWEARS. We Specialise in Children's and Misses' Formal DRESSES FOR PARTIES, RECITALS or GRADUATION. THE MAYPAIR SHOP 310-312 Qoefa Street ? ? ? KINSTON, N. C. HOURS FOR EYE EXAMINATION Daily Wednesday 8 JO to 4:30 Until Noon DR. KENNETH L. QUIGGINS n r:"', OPTOMETRIST 100H W. '4th Street, Greenville, N. C. Jpstoin > ? v Phone 8779 Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted a - 70??A>M??um smart ^ rati.a.I WSSm