DISAPPOINTING Instead of which would en a flat salary, the blindly following " get bill whieh ha says will give thk increase bat which leaden of the North Casetiaa Education Associa tion claim will fell short of the de sired figure by Opponents ef the move to tee an increase of SO i than appropriate a sun wtoek or may not be sufficient to this goal, have stated that to do so would "break piuuMuiiC and take away from the State Board of Edu cation its long-exercised light to set the salary scale for fathom. If there is a more valid reason for 1 sterling the proposed legislation, people of North Canolina are entitled to know it bnt progressive cltisens will pot little faith in the excuse that its de feat stemmed primarily from its "precedent breaking" feature. Loyal, progressive Democrats, who comprise a majority of this State's three and one-half million people, have every reason to be proud of their record in furthering the cause of education sinee the torn pf the century, but this reeord wee based on straight-dorwafdMMb not oa failure to meet issues and feee them squarely. ONE BRIGHT FACT IN R & L CRIME REPORT Bad though it was, the report of Federal Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar Hoover that crime increased 7.8 per cent last year con tains one encouraging feet ahd a glimmer of lume that future yean may show crime on the down-grade. The one bright spot in the otherwise disheartening and tragic report is this: the head of this nation's sleuth system reported a decrease of 1&8 per cent in the number of women arrested in 1M8 as compared with 1945. ? > Mr. Hoover offered no explanation for this trend. It may be thpi the return of men from the way is bal ing a beneficial effect and the women are less hesitant about over-stepping bounds; or it may be that they are exercising their well-known tive of changing their mind r they wish, and have finally a conclusion that crime lent at all fedy-inm. . ?.TL&iJlIPlJaf Whatever the cause, everyone con cerned with the future of our coun try should-be changes time true that the "hand cradle rules tlie world." of thinking, a jail or i is a poor place to mothers to learn the art and we know tfai impossible for any the face of a ~ m of ?DT aa a ? ot aatotattoa lend mk Durta* aa aerial hew, tfci'fcp* esaa, Mm Claud Jayaer aad Q. T. Weatbrook, aasiatetf by chickea plate with coffee. ?&?? ttfc wl I . to the FOR SALE, WANTS' -rr? WANTED ? TWO (1) FUBN7I BOOMS. Call HH ? FOR SALE?4 Potty wfth , B. M. AB?. rCT.'**- ???? Mt?- ?-*? s^""3^tr:l STS-Tsb-. I n**'l Estate oa vtuis furniture' CO. WANTED: COjtS, ,*1^r to (fall* wtttjttt ????>. Lu(, FArmTilto, N. G, , .y. < I FABMVILLE FURN. CO. E1 JLi, Store. F?r?rifle. N. C- | | FLORENCE OIL HEA' ff ? Gwtrltt Mr ft (tor Prte- kefor. asso. ; jj NICE DOT OF | -m-mmmH tffmp WBflflnfltN AUTO A680.I mmi BmA $ . ?MHMflBsK mm mm her u her foMl of arcle S, Mon Mr*. C. W. Blackwood, who was hostess fa fae home of Mrs. 6. It fruit 111 Shamrock designs, potato chips, Each "Would I be doing this if she it en >???.'? -r.v?$ f >?-< . ] w**n ' .v^ -?> Buy Strip* BmIs Now And Sere 1 with Km Curtis?Jennifer Holt Abo Chop. 10 "Crimson Ghost" plus 2 reel comedy SUNDAY A MONDAY No Natter What the Weather, SUDDENLY"ITS SPRING Added Latest News, Selected Short - Ml Bacall bom for. 2 111 PIS Uncle yntll of Exp?rie"te "I usually topdress my oats with 100to 159 lbs. of soda per acre. Last spring, I hauled the soda in a wagon and wherever I parked itl spilled some when filling die distributor. Ihmighoat the season! noticed that the oats on these spots had 0 better color and grew better than the rest of the field. When, har vested, the yields were maeh higher ? some times doable. I should have parked the wagon all over the field!" -XSiHgif! m " '"'3 A JIFFY" FOR ANY AND Ali CLEANING JOBS P."' U .V.P, HWB ? t--a ? .? ?..... ??, J ?. ^ W0W1WW*, I Refrigerators, direr, brat*, V #*-: ?e. . ON SALE AT WILLIAMS' GROCERY v?a? mmmwiotwi . ?? mmmmmmmr w ?'." ?' .. ? jjK^ M* ?? -? MV w> ?bI^h V ' - 15c ftc CO. G CENTKK" Latest in and fB&f.' MUSIC tO SOOTHE TOU ! MUSIC TO EXCITE YOU I And MUSIC TO REMINISCE WITH ! p? jfc*.*" IHIWBfnUB DUE Rotoi Vtoeent Guilty I ioww tforasn Door, Richard Got a Dote W*k 11 A?r!l UioFortete hi DM hi Am ? . J iW. uo? ?I " RECUED BACKS. AJX TTP* MRS. J. M. CARRAWAY, J i<8L ? Faxavfi)*, N. C.