friends ??? ? ? ? ? ? ditor in ahle to be ? ? ? ? "Sister" Pickett is confined to fl^g home this week with chicken pox. * * * *'19 Miss Anne L. Jones visited is Raleigh during the week < Mrs. a B. Mashoum, Sr.. of Block Mountain, is visiting relatives e j? ? , Mrs. W. R Bute sad son confined to their home with infl? ? ? e e Jen Easley visited friends at Peace College, Raleigh, during the a a a * Mrs. R. C. Maddrey, of Charlotte, spent Friday with Rr. and Mrs. R. T. Norville. ? M ? Mrs. H. C. MeDearm&n, of Dor ham, is visiting hsr sister, Mrs. J. H. Darden. ease Mies Fiiiahath Lang, of the Roa noke Rapids faculty, wfil spend the Mr. end Mrs. B. 8. Smith and Mrs. Robert Lee Smith were Mount Olive visitors, Tuesday. e e e a Donald Walafaon, student at Stat* College, Raleigh, spent the week end ad his home here . ? e e ? Ralph Allen, of Clayton, s| several hours Tuesday with Mr. Mrs. Manly like. e a e e Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Liles, of Raleigh, will spend the week end here with relatives. ??> ? ? Mr. sad Mrs. Graydon Liles, of Durham, see spending several days with relatives here. e ? e e C. G. Rollins, of Raleigh, visited his mother, Mrs. W. J. Rollins, Tues day and Wednesday. e e e e Martha Holmes spent the week end with her grandmother, Mrs. M. C. Todd, in Wendell . Mrs. Sarah Perry, of Durham, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Frank Harper, for two weeks. ? ? * ? Mrs. James Lang returned to her home in Douglas, Ga., Monday, after visiting ||? -i If? n Q Hfllliai, JBr* bug mnj. ururgc o. tt iiiibiud and Mr; and Mrs. L. W. Godwin were Wilson visitors, Friday. ? tee. H. S. Butler has been confined to tbe home of his daughter, Mrs. R. 0. Lang, Jr., with influema. ? ? v e Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Clifton and children, of Kinston, were guests of Mrs. J. L Baker, Sunday. e* e e ? Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Duke attend ed the Jones-Modlin wedding in War renton, Saturday evening. - see* Miss Mary Thome Tyson is spend ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. Arthnr G. Met*, in Richmond, Vs. ? ? ? ? W. Jf. Rasberry and E. A. Ras herry. of Snow Hill, made a business trip to Wilmington, Monday. ? ? e ? Mr. and Mas. G R. Bodson, of Aaheboro, wen gnats .of Mr. and Mb Ssadgy. Mrs. A. J. e ? a e T. C. Rollins, Jr., of Wilson, visit ed his grandmother, Mrs. W. J. guiiiiw, during tl|e week end. e e ? ? Miss N?U Beman, student at Campbell College, Buffi Creek, spent Ms week and at her home here. Mr. and Mia. Ce?don E. Lee and Mis. D. W. Andrews wen Green ville visitors, Hjwsdnr afternoon. Mm W. L. Clark 5:80 *- m--?Merry Matrons ndthMss. W. ' ?* W? p. ra?I tt !?? 3:00* 1 .5 CWb aaaata with Mia. Hair; Harpec. 3:00 p. Mi iP? X# A. 7:30 p. m.?Maeona. WHay.i* 3:16 p. m.?.Book assats with Mrs. I'Jfr*. m*?Veterans el. _ Waits meet at the Town Hall. Safaris?, ? 18*10 a. m.?Bird CloJb. ISO P- nu?Jd^ss M*tp Thssss Tyson entertains at ln}4fe boar odag Miss Prances Bivens Smith, bride-elect of April Edith Ami Lm. small Am?*!?*?? of ? ???? ? mf ?? ????>* ? ' V W Mr. and Mm. Gordon E. Lm, is con fins* to hsr home this wssk with * * * * Mrs. C C. Joyner, end Mm. 1m? Harper and family qeot Sunday <9 Washington with Mi*. Joynear'a sta ter, Mrs. J. H. Chlloway. ? ? ? ? Mrs. T. W. Lang, Mrs. Allen Du de*, Mrs. & & Smith and Mrs. Robert Lee Smith were Greenville visitors, Monday. ? e e a Mis. Senie Parker retained Toes day from s visit to If* and Mrs. Mac and Mr. sad Mrs. Archie Psric er, in Norfolk, Vs. e ? ? e Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fields, Mrs. Bennett Fields and .Mrs. Robert Fields and son, "Chip," were Green ville visitors, Friday. Mr. sad Mrs. A. D. Hotchldas sad daughter, of Washington, D. C., spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. A Hotehki** ? e e e e Friends will be glad to learn that Mis. P. G.?Dupree, Sr., id much Im proved from a meant illness and is able to be up again. ? ? Mrs. R. T. Williams and Mrs. Bob Teel visited Mm- WiUJgms' mother, Mrs. W. H. Worsley, who is ill, in Rocky Mount, Tuesday. mi. Mrs. iouy Lewis Lang a*d grand daughter, Noel, wms guests of Mrs. Lang's lisnghtar, lbs. J. H. Harmll, in Greenville, Tuesday night. ? ? e e 'X T | Mr. and Mis. H. Nasi Howard and Mr. sad Mrs. Giaydon Liles, of Durham, spbat the week md at th Howard cottage at Mill Devil Pity. Mr. and Mrs. J*m? RdVffd* M br M~ : . i jnv jyq MBa WWMM PABTll Mrs. Billy Tfaunday Country Club bridge, honoring SSR Maurice Julian, of before her marriage in Mies Mary Brady, of Greensboro, and Mm. Edgar S. Or mont, of Chicago, IB. Mm Burke, wearing green with a corsage of Talisman rosea, r informally with her guests of Mm. Julian, who were aqua with a corsage of Julian, as wese the ooraaaes worn by Mm Burke and Mm Qrmont, who wore brown and gold with a* of Talisman rosea. The club was artistically with native long leaf pine, holly, ivyl and wild magnolia leaves. The mantles were especially a marriage acene, flanked by candles and the other having a wedding ring motif of ivy and a white bell, tied with tuile, which was also flanked by white candles. Both 11m brides' table was covered an imported linen cloth. Whitej trellises covered with ivy were used on either side of the table. Whtts carnations, snapdragon and fern were arranged in a crystal howl atj| one end of the table and th? crystal punch bowl, surrounded by ivy and: long leaf pine, was triad ait the ether. The punch bowl, a family hsiriooni,' has been used at all bridal parties' In the Brady family. 1 Punch was served *iWn? thai afternoon by Mrs. Roderick and Mm. W. C. Garner. The tables were spread with cloths and bridal ices, snowball and toasted prior to the During the three progressions of I contract that followed, Mm P*t| Boffin scored high sad received a~ btyie hobnail flower basket, and Mrs. Robert T. Monk, with low score, re ceived an antique green vase. Mm Julian was presented a tall silver compote by ~ "iBi "J Jr., and Mm. Ormeat Motived a til-l ear bon bon spoon. Mrs. M T.-j Williams, whose occurred on that rith a miniature cap and 11 in a rack. Miss Gaye Pippin sixteenth birthday, ning with a fish was decorated with tared with a pink and cake. lee eraaim and the served after the main courjs. Dancing, music and games enjoyed from 8 until 10 Dot and Bay Hathaway, lins, Peggy tusgsss, Dot Carol rtppi^i Gordon Tftghman nir rot oif?M jrieqds to birthday, who t-j of g^rdim. in thT&?venl taring mode. wSa of red ro wfce of Following the left for ? ed points. SIX CUSHION dx feet long, resistant upholstery, AU, METAL GLIDERS AH stifer* ?3 iwfes tag. W? ?* three Vm op fior# or lawn. ^ *?94* Glider Chairs glider, 2 jiHMftnfoto water re peBant cushions, strong steel fiasw. Variety of estop. ? fcji ?3 chairs, Colors?red, green, yellow mmm for tfirmr or bushiess, colorful, ny ;?; - $** w-im- 1 I pi "?;?..- ?- Ci;.tS, Stock sizes, metal slat only 28-36" .Wood or metal fifcts to fit your BUNDS ?t^ m