foetal artb pergonals; Mrs. Roland Sauls is confined to her home due to illness. Mi?s Hazel Spell spent the end in Newport News, Vs. R. C. Copenhaver is visiting' rela tives in Emory, Va., this week. Mrs. Bland, of Raleigh, Thursday with .Mrs. & G. Gardner. Mrs. 0. G. Spell and daughter, "Miss Hazel, spent Tuesday in Duf-J ham. * Mrs. Layne Dail is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. D. Hurst, in Dur ham. - Mrs. G. R. Kirk, of Tacoma, Wash ington, is visiting Mrs. E. C. Bea man. Earl Forbes, of Hampton, Va.,' is visiting his mother, Mrs. Lula Forbes. Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Gilchrist will spend the week end .in Edenton with relatives. T. C. Rollins, Jr., of Wilson spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Vas sar Fields. Mrs. B. R. and Mrs. Robert Fields were Greenville visitors, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Lily Cooke, of Wilson, spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Fields. Friends will be glad to learn that Leon Jones is recuperating from a three weeks illness of flu. Mrs. Dilly Thompson, of Rocky Mount, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Layne Dail. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Moore spent Sunday-Tuesday with relatives in Clinton and Fayetteville. Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss is spending several days of this week in Eliza beth City with her husband. Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Callie M. Tyson fell Monday eve ping and broke her foot. Mrs. J. D. Owens and Miss Neva Owens attended the Wilson-Wooten wedding in Goldsboro Friday. Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. A. J. Greene is able to be up again after a lengthy illness Mrs. David Parker and son, David, of Suffolk, Va., visited relatives here and in Walstonburg, last week. Mrs. C. B. Mashburn, Sr., is leav ing next week for Black Mountain, where she will spend some time. Mrs. Delia Ellis, of Portsmouth, Va , spent the week end with Mrs. J. D. Owens and Miss Neva Owens. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Allen and son, Alex, spent Sunday in Jacksonville visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lassiter. Mrs. S. G. Gardner and her house guest, Mrs. Z. Fonville, of Raleigh, were Greenville visitors, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Hardison, of Snow Hill, were dinner guests of Mrs. E. C. Beaman, Tuesday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Clifton and children, of Mount Olive, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carra way. . Miss Agnes Quinerly, student at Salem College, Winston-Salem, will spend- the week end at l>er home here. Jack Paylor, student at State col lege, and Bob Playlor, student at U. N. C., spent the week end at their home here. Mrs. Bill Shelton and son, of Ay den, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., and Mre. Ag nes Blount. Mrs. J. T. Gurley and Mrs. W .W. Ward and children, of Smithfield, Waited Mrs. Cherry Easley? Sunday' Wednesday. * Mrs. J. D. Owens and daughter, Miss Neva, visited Mrs: Henry Sulli van, of Dillon, S. C., in a Wilson hos pital, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spivey and Mrs. Myrtle Roebuck attended the funeral of Mr. Spivey's niece in San ford, Tuesday. Mrs. Mac Abrams spent Wednes day with her brother, Bud Gay, who is a patient at the Veterans' hospi tal, Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bundy and daughter. Miss Alice Ruth, of Green ville, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bundy. Miss Annie Perkins and Miss Edna Robinson attended a meeting of the Delta chapter of Delta Kappa Gam ma, in Greenville, Saturday. Mrs. Z. Fonville returned to her home in Raleigh Thursday after spending several days with Mrs. "S. G. Gardner and Miss Bettie Joyner. Mrs. R. R. Daughtridge and Miss Mount, Sarah Lee Taylor, of Rocky spent last week with- Mrs. Daugh tridge's sister, Mrs. H. H. Bradham. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams and granddaughter, Annette, will spend the week end in Washington, D. C., with Mr. and Mrs. Graham Ifc CALENDAR 17, May It 3:00 p. m.?Circle 4, Methodist, meets at the home of Mrs. Claude Joyner with Mrs. Cleve Westbrook as Joint hostess. 3:30 p. m.?Circle 1, Presbyterian, meets with IDs. J. C. Corbett. 7:00 p. m.?Kiwanis. 8:00 p. m.?Wesley an Guild, Methodist, meets with Mrs. Corinne Stilley. Tuesday, 13 8:46 p. m.?Merry Matrons meet . with Mrs. W. R. Willis at the home of Mrs. M. V. Horton. 7:00 p. m.?Rotary. 8:00 p. m.?Boy Scouts. 8:30 p. m.?Altar Guild, Episco pal, meets with' Mrs. R. C. Co penhaver. Wedaesday, 14 3 KM)-p. m.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr. 3:30 p. m.?Brownies. Thursday, 15 3:00 p. m.?Au Fait Club meets with Mrs. J. R. Harris. 3:30 p. m.?American Legion Auxiliary meets at the home of Mrs. J. Frank Harper with Mrs. B. R. Fields as joint hostess. 3:30 p. m.?Presbyterian Juniors. 7:30 p. m.?Eastern Star. 8:00 p. m.?Elementary music re cital in Perkins Hall. Friday, 16 3:00 p. m.?Lamrad Club meets with Mrs. R. D. Harris. 8:00sp. m.?High school music re cital, Perkins Hall. Saturday, 17 7:30 p. m.?Supper Club meets with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Harris' at the Country Club. Tonight 8:00 p. m.?Lang's Youth Fellow ship meets at the Farmville Home Demonstration Club house. Mrs. Prank Crews and daughter, Betsy Harris, have returned to South Boston, Va., after spending two weeks with Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Holmes, Mrs. Crews' parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spivey, Mr. Mrs. E. L.-Roebuck and son, Kent, Mrs. Myrtle Roebuck, and Mrs. W. G. Gurganus visited Mrs. A. G. Roughton in Norfolk, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Jones and daughter, Miss Anne, left Thursday morning for Baltimore, Md., where they will visit relatives and attend the running of the Preakness. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rasberry, Mr. and Mrs. James Monk, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Mewborn, J. H. Moore and Manly Liles attended a Rotary meet ing in Morehead, Thursday and JYi day. Mr. and Mrs. George and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Windham and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dixon, of Wilson, return ed Saturday after attending the Windham-Cecil wedding in Washing ton, D. C. Staff Perry, of Raleigh, was a week end guest of John H. Paylor and sang at the Presbyterian church during the Sunday School hour and at the Christian church during the 11 o'clock service. Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree arrived Friday for a visit to her mother, Mrs. Dora H. Keel. She was accom panied by Mrs. G. Alex Rouse, who had spent the past six weeks in St. Petersburg with her. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Newton, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tyson and C. B. Mashburn, Jr., will attend a meeting of the first district, Veterans of Foreign Wars, in Elizabeth City, Saturday and Sunday. R t- Thome'MmA- W Bobbitt, Mrs. S. A. Roebuck, Mm. James Coughlin, of Detroit, Mich. Who is visiting here, and Mrs. Paul E. Jones attended ?H? May day exer cises at St Mary's, Raleigh, Satur day. MpwH '* ^ ??b*ood> J. M. Mewborn and Mrs. Annie Flanagan of Balls rda, attended an all day meeting of presidents in Group 2 of lhe auxiliaries of Albe marle Prerirytery in Plnetops, Tues DANCE CLUB The Dance club was delightfully Entertained on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mia. John C. Daiden, Mr. [l&a. Bill Hardy, and Pete at the Farmville JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB * - Mrs. R. D. Harris and Mrs. John I K. Wilkerson^were hostess to the club, Tuesday evening at the home of the former, which was decorated with miSad spring flowers. The president, Mrs. J. T. Nolen, reported that Mrs. W. Jesse Moye and Mrs. Mabry Pol lard would attend the state conven-, tion at Wrightsville Beach along with the two delegates, Mrs. W. C. Garner I and Mrs. J. R. Harris. The opening exercise of the re-1 pdating of the pledge was followed I by a resume of an article about thel local club in the North Carolina! Clubwoman and a synopsis of a story ) dealing with one of the convention speakers. Mrs. W. Alex Allen noted that the scrapbook was almost com plete and would be sent to the con vention. She also mentioned that she I and Mrs. Frank Allen had saved all | ol the tiny tots' playground equip ment and had stored it fojr future In speaking about "Reasons fori Study of World Literature," JJrs. J. B. Joyner quoted a number of poems and other literary works. Mrs. Henry D. Johnson, who introduced the guest speaker, made a five-minute talk on the duties of the presiding officer. The collect was used to close thel meeting. Mrs. Glenn Newton was a visitor. Chocolate cake and homemade | strawberry ice cream were served in | the social hour. LITERARY CLUB Mrs. R. D. Rouse was hostess to the Literary Club on Wednesday j afternoon at her home on Contentnea ] street. Gladioli, roses and snow-1 ball were used in artistic decora tion. During the business period, the president, Miss Elizabeth Davis, read | letters relative to the State Conven tion of Women's clubs to be held at Wrightsville Beach and the Conven tion of the General Federation to be held in New York, June 23-28. Miss Annie Perkins announced the Woman's club of Colerain was pro-1, moting an Antique Show and Tea on j May 15 and had extended an invita- , tion to interested women of this com- < munity. Mrs. J. I. Morgan, program chair-1, man for the afternoon, brought an-1 other interesting and enlightening 1 message on Russia. She pointed out h the average Russian, according to . obtainable information, is much as ? the average American;- however, we |) io not deal with the Russian people hut with the Russian government and the ideals of that government clash , with the ideals of our own govern ment. She remarked on what the Russians' think of us, the present outlook for a peaceful understand ing and, in closing, asked: "Has our Russian policy changed since V-E Day?" After adjournment, the hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. M. Willis, served frozen salad, sandwiches, birdnest eookies and tea. Twelve members enjoyed this hospitality. AU FAIT CLUB Mrs. Charles S. Edwards enter tained 'the An Fpit club members and additional guests,'Mrs. Frank K. Al en and Mrs. Sam Lewis, Thursday iftemoon. Prior to the games, a aeach cap salad, ritz, individual de corated cup cakes and hot tea were lerved. . - Pink and white weigela and spirea were used in decorating. Mrs. J. H. Darden, Jr., received a cake server for the high award and the low, a candy dish, went to Mrs. D. L. Donnell, Jr. U. D. C. The Rebecca Winhorne chapter, United Daughters of the Confede racy, decided not to hold the usual Memorial day services at the ceme tery, Sunday, but to decorate the graves of deceased Confederate sol diers with flags, Friday. Miss Annie Perkins, president, pre sided and also* gave the program about Mother's day. She told of its origin, adoption as a holiday and read several poems written on the subject by Grace Noell CrowelL Mrs. W. Leslie -? Smith, who was the hostess for the meeting Friday, served ice cream, cake and nuts. BROWNIES , Two girls, Sue Flanagan and Ellen Norris Spencer, received Brownie pins in a ceremony, Wednesday afternoon. After the business ses sion presided over by Nan Williams, practice on the operetta was con tinued at tfie school building. An other practice will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at the school. formed a girls and their Farr, to the drug served them cookies and ioe MBS*. JAMES MATTHEW GIBBS James M. Gibbs And Miss Ruth Brown Wed Horse Cave, Ky., May 8?Miss Ruth Claypool Brown and James Matthew Gibbs, of Farmville, N. C., plighted their troth in an informal wedding ceremony in the Baptist :hurch at 2 o'clock Sunday after noon, May 4. The wedding was :haracterized by dignity and simpli :ity. The Rev. J. D. Herndon, pastor >f the Horse Cave Baptist Church, >f which the bride is a member, offi :iated, using the double ring cere nony. Greenery, large floor baskets of white lilies, gladioli, and garden lowers and tall standards of cathe Iral candles formed the background For the nuptial scene. Prior to the ceremony, Miss Eliza >eth Taylor, of Owensboro, Ky., pianist, played a program of wed ling music, including "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life," by Victor Herbert, 'I Love You Truly," by Carrie racobs Bond. Mrs. Robert Moss /aughn sang "Because," by D'Har lelot. Traditional wedding marches vere used and during the, ceremony, die pianist softly played Llebe itraum, by Liszt. The bride entered the church with ler father, James Clyde Brown, Sr., >y whom she was given in marriage, fhey were met .at the altar by the iridegroom who was attended by Carroll D. Oglesby, of Farmville, as jest man. The bride was lovely in an attrac ;ive dressmaker suit of white with a ilouse of aqua, and matching acces sories of black. She carried a white irayer book with a white orchid. Her >nly ornament Was a cameo brooch, in heirloom of the bride's mother. Miss Betty Jo Brown attended her lister as maid of honor. She wore ar mit of American beauty color with natching accessories of black. Her iorsage was of roses. Ushers were J. C. Brown, Jr., irother of the bride, Jimmy Kay Pal nore, Earle Smith, J. H. McGee, Jr., ill of Horse Cave, Rhea Garrett Car roll of Cave City and Bryan B. Gibbs >f' Greenville, N. C., brother of the iridegroom. Mrs. James Clyde Brown, Sr., nother of the bride, was attired in i dove color dress, made with a lace op and crepe skirt. Her corsage was >f yellow rose buds. Mrs. J. P. Vainwright, of Green rillp, N. C., sister of the bridegroom, wore a white crepe dress with black iccessories. Her corsage was of red -oses. Mrs. Gibbs is the daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. James Clyde Brown, Sr., >f Horse Cave. She graduated wit he highest honors of her class he Hodgenville high school, Hodg rille, Ky. Frio, to her marriage, was associated with her father the Peoples 6c to $1 Store ss I is thi Cairo the son of Mr. Gibbs, of his education Greenville of the of C. 6. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. William Quinn Shaw and son, Charles Wil liam, all of Hodgenville, Ky.'g:y Rev. and Mrs. Edwin M. Keelor and Mrs. Sam Gibbons, Elizabeth town, Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mart in and daughter,. Florence, Law renceburg, Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. Vaidin Cox, Louisville, Ky.; Miss Billie Ann Kirtley, Fort Knox, Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Boston, George B. Boston, Boone H.-Oaypool, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Claypool, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Riber, Bowling Greene, Ky. BIRTHDAY PARTY ? &.fl Edith Ann Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Lee, celebrated her fourth birthday with a party at her home, Tuesday, April 29. The pink and white iced cake was served by Mrs. Manly files from one end of the dining table, which was centered with an arrangement of pink and white flowers. Pastel hats filled with mints marked each of the places. Ice cream and fruit juice were also served Pony rides and gan)ea_provided en tertainment for the 22 guests, who received crayons as favors. Menu For Mother's Day The Royal Grill ROAST with Dressing and Cranberry Sauce Strawberry Shortcake | ? ? . v^.1 i I Cm of Maury, and Oh MaMillAft ItrAWA IMAil rnarcnes were useu. The bride, who entered with her mother, Mrs. CalHe MK Tyson, by whom ihs/Wsa - jfwni '. to. mnrrUga. was attired in a light blue Jersey dress, a blue hat fashioned of flow ers and white accessories. Her cor sage was a white orchid. Mrs. Tyson' wore a black crepe dress, matching hat, black and white accessories and a corsage of fushia roses. Floor baskets of picardy gladioli, greenery and tapers in standards were used in decorating the church. Ushers were A. J. Moye, of Scot land Neck, and Bill Moye, of Alli ance, brothers of the groom. The bride graduated from Farm ville high school in 1M4, took a secretarial course at Atlantic Christ-, ian college, Wilson, and has been employed for the past year at the and Mrs. E*|g|p_ LAMRAD CLUB Mrs. G. Ashby Winstead, Mm. Emerson Smith and Mrs. Robert Monk were special guests of Mrs. Ale* Allen when ghe entertained her bridge club, Friday afterroon, in her home which was decorated with spring flowers. Upon arrival, guests were served strawberry shortcake. Coca colas, nuts and candy were passed during the games. A double deck of cards was given to Mrs. Winstead for high score. 'FLORAY RUGS" IIEAUTIFUL ? KICK ? LOW. LHCI 19x12 SALE *??? THESE ARE FINE WARM IUGS, SIZE 9x12 WITH LOVELY FLOIAL DESIGN. AVAILAILG IN A RANGE OF ATTRACTIVE COLORS WITH HUE, WINE, 6REEN, ROSE A3D REIGE BACKGROUNDS. THEY HAVE LUSTROUS RAYON FACE OVER ? .ff; AJSSSSt'-j--. .-?'.T'-T'iv mMj- iJczs i c&R MAIN STREET . Ws COMBS

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