Mn. Bob Joyner of here Monday. ? ? B. L. Lang was a Rocky Mount visitor, Thursday. a ? ? * Edith Ann Lee spent the week end in Greenville with relatives. ? ? ? ? Mrs. G. R. Smith is spending some time with relatives in Sparta. ? * ? ? Mrs. J. M. Christman'of Kinston spent Tuesday visiting friends here. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Dixon will spend the week end at Broad Creek. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Virginia Howerton spent last week end in Greenville with friends. J. B. Ellis of Round Hill, Ky., has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G, S. Wi liams. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Barbee and son, B. C., Jr., of Wilson, visited here Sunday. ? * ? ? Mrs. Sheppard Brann of Hooker ton spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gaynor. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Charles Wales of Charleston, S. C., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Alex Allen. ? ? ? ? State Patrolman Larry Taylor has returned after a visit to relatives at Roanoke Rapids. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Fannie Hardy of LaGrange will spend the week end witH Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gaynor. * ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis and family visited relatives in Goldsboro Saturday afternoon. ? ? * ? Milton Williamson, student at Wake Forest j?oUege, spent the week end at his home here. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Gordon E. Lee and Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis were visitors in Raleigh, Thursday. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Mary Lewis Lang spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Harrell, in Greenville. ? ? * ? Mr. and Mrs, L. A. Brown of War saw were dinner guests of Miss Mar garet Smith, Friday night. V ? ? ? ? . ? * Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss and son, Charles, left Wednesday to make their home in Elizabeth City. ? * * ? Mrs. Eli Joiner, Jr., returned Fri day after a visit to her mother, Mrs. T. W. Matheson, in Norfolk, Va. ? ? ? ? Mrs. J. H. Overstreet of Washing ton, D. C., spent Thursday night with her sister, Mrs. George W. Davis. * ? ? ? ? .? Mrs. Fred Smith left Wednesday to spend several days with her daugh ter, Mrs. Tom Herring, in Kinston. ? ? ? e Miss Emily Gayle returned Sunday after attending the graduation exer cises at Belvoir-Falkland high . school. , B. T. Heath, Jr., of Norfolk, Va, and Mrs. David Parker and son of Suffolk, Vs., visited relatives here Wednesday. ? ? ? ? Mr and Mrs. Meriweather Fergu son and J. L. Humphrey of Jackson ville were.guestp of Mr. and Mm. H. B. Humphrey, Sunday. ? ? ? ? I Leo T. Norville of Chicago, 111., will arrive by plane Thursday ?te spend several days with his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Norville. ???? Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Lee and children attended a family xeuiiion at the home of Mr. Lee's brother, Wal ter, in Greenville, Sunday. ? ? ? ? Mm. James Mounteastle and chil dren, 'Lawrence and Sallie, of Weldon are the guests of im Mountcastle's mother, Mm. Albert Jones. ? ? ? ? Harold Rouse, student at O. R. M. I., spent Friday night at his home and had as his guests, Bill McDonald and Don Smith, classmates. 1 . - ! ease Mrs. C. L .Beaman is leaving today to spend the week end at Campbell college, Buie's Creek, with her daughter, Miss Nell Beapian. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mm. Bert Watkins of At lanta, Ga, will arrive' Saturday to be the guests of Mr. Watkins' moth er, Mrs. Helen Horton, for a week. , f.V-w ? e ? Lt Col. and Mrs. Ben 0. Turnage, Jr, and sons, of Fort Monroe, Va, pent the week end with Lt. Col. Turnage's mother, Mrs. B. 0. Turn CALENDAR Monday, May 28 2:30 p* an.?Ballard's Home De monstration Ctab. ij&t' U 8:30 p. m.?Garden Club meets with Mrs. J. A. Mewborn. 4:00 p. m.?Presbyterian Ajuxili ary meets in the home of Mrs. J. M. Hobgood. 7:00 p. m.?Kiwanis. 8:00 p. m.?Group 1, Christian, meets with Mrs. Sue Robinson at the home of Mrs. W. A. Bar rett. Taeaday, 27 - 10:30 a. m.?Executive Board, Baptist Woman's Missionary Society, meets with Mrs. H. D. Johnson. Mth *r 2:30 p. m.?Seven Pines Home De monstration Club meets with Mrs. Roy Jones. 3:45 p. m.?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. B. O. Turnage. 7:00 p. m.?Rotary. 8:00 p. m.?Group 3, Christian, meets with Mrs. Jack Smith. 8:00 p. jn.?Group 4, Christian, meets with Mrs. David Harris. 8:00 p. m.?Boy Scoots. 8:00 p. m.?Community Planning Board. 8:00 p. m.?Junior Woman's Club meets with Mm. Allen Drake with Mrs. J. R. Harris as co hostess. 8:30 p. m.?Altar Guild meets with Mrs. John D. Dixon. Wednesday, 28 3:00 p. m.?New Deal Club meets with Mrs. W. M. Willis.' 3:00 p. m.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. Ben Lang. Thursday, 29 3:30 p. m.?Presbyterian Juniors. 8:00 p. m.?Group 2, Christian. Saturday, 31 10:00 a. m.?? Bird Club. Tomorrow 4:00-5:00 p. m.-^Brownie Scouts give mother and daughter tea at home of Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Youngbloefl of Vilson Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hasey and Mrs. John JohnBon of mithfield spent Sunday with Miss iosa Williams and Hal Winders. | .?" 1:- ? Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Massey visit Hi Mr., and Mrs. W. G. Quinn in tinston, Sunday. They also visited Urs. Massey's grandmother, Mrs. lillie Craft of Grifton who is ill. ? ? ? ? Mrs. Elmer Hiiison and infant laughter have returned from Caro ina General hospital and are spend ng some time with Mrs. Hinsons kother, Mrs. Ellie Eason of Snow ftilL ? ? ? ? Mrs. T- C. Tumage, regent, and ilrs. J. O. Pollard are representing he Major Benjamin May chapter, D. ^ r.i at the National Congress be ng held in Washington, D. C., this veek. ? ? ? ? I Mrs. Mary Lewis Lang, her daugh er, Mrs. J. H. Harrell, of Greenville, drs. B. S. Smith and Mrs. W. C. Hol iton attended the faaeral of Lt.-Col. lames M. "Mewborn in Kinston, rhursday. ? ? ? ? Mrs. C. L. ,Bfeaman, Mrs. Berkley lutledge and C. L. Beaman, Jr., am ended a music recital at Buie's 3 reek, Monday evening. Mrs. Bea nan's daughter, Miss Nell, took part n the recitaL ? ' ?? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Oglesby, Mr. ind. Mrs. James M. Gibbs, Mr. and Urs. David Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Al en M. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. J. d. Carraway spent Sunday at the D. S. Oglesby cottage at Moveheed. ? ? ? ? ? Ed Nash Warren sperjt Sunday with Ws mother, Mrs. J. E. Warren, *rho is a patient at Duke hospital, urham. She is reported as improv undergoing an opera lovml of a cataract * * * ' ' Howerton is confm with bruises and a she received in an n nson beauty shop, a phone call, the stool as sitting crashed accident happened ? ? ? ? attending the district opal auxiliary in mion, i nuxwmy, were Mrs. J. H. arden, Mrs. Jack Lewis, Miss Helen mith, Mrs. T. S. Ryon, Mrs. R. S. cott Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver, Mrs. ' *- , and Mrs. J. C. Gibbe. ? ? ? t Wooten attended nieces, Misses ' Activities Church In place of a program at the auxil iary Monday afternoon, the mem ben Practiced a playlet about the United Thank offering to be give* at the dietrict meeting in Grifton, Thurs day. Mrs. G. A. Rouse called atten "on to the district get-together which h? attended by around ten mem D6W. - ? : " V|?? l ? v .? fVv.^ _ After the opening hymn, "rinJUnmit^- PrMldent' >*** "? scripture reading and a prayer Mr. A. Williams announced that WXStS ?* XX i. Methodist "tudy at Circle 6, nah t)i 66811 with Han hostess, Mrs. M. j GlWo. revved ice cream, cake amfaaHed in a social ner.Vwj nuts M?. T Presbyterian h02" - "" "?oiT ???XXS* sy* f > stsjt reader. conscientious fiibl, Baptist naptiflt c?.t b, ,S4;"^k"?'iK Mia. Vi?-? W- Davis. the business'se^on'1 .P.r?aided iD the *??* Monday evtil" ** ""wLL vt ^"hfteriau r. the p!LbrtT* Spfncer Presided ?u, bdviur. p^.w th. ?**?*>?1 -wiT'Srs ?XX."W *??" Tlw* t__a . _ **v "iccwi^, JJe *?*? Roy Moore, pass* cookies, drinks and suckere toD members and the two visitors Presbyterian Circle 2 met with Mrs. Cherry Eas ley, Wednesday evening, with Mrs. Joe Flake, chairman, presiding. The story of the auxiliary's birthday was presented by Mrs. C. F. Baucom, who, also, as secretary of spiritual life, emphasized the need for daily Bible retaiing. Mrs. Easley led the devotional. Peach shortcake ttyped with cream was served to the 14 members by the hostess, assisted by her daughter, Miss Jen. SUPPER CLUB Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Harris were hosts to the Sapper club, Saturday evening, at the Country dub. A Brunswick stew supper was served to the members and addition al guests, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gibbs, Dr. and Mrs. Ashby Winstead, Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Eason, Mr. and Mrs; John D. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Monk, Mr. and Mrs. R. a Lang, Jr., and Lt. Col. and Mrs. Ben O. Turnage, Jr., of Fort Monroe, Va., who were visiting here. Floor baskets of Paul Scarlet roses, arrangements of pansies and mixed garden flowers were used in the club lounge. , ' : _ SENIOR PARTY After the graduation exercises Monday evening the seniors went to Clark's in Greenville. Upon their re turn they were guests at a party giv en by Jack Willis and Leland Flana gan at the home of Miss Betsy Mor IfiSr Potato chips, candy and coca colas .after which -dancing was enjoyed. Mrs. Jack McDavid of - < . U_ nu)tner> and Harris, ! ?AS? J. H. Paylor and Mrs, G. S. of Saratoga, sister of the slated Mrs. Williamson in bridal bas, Mrs Robert Lea high score in the games and was awarded a double deck of Congress cards. The low prise, Dorothy Gray cologne, was given to Mrs. j. P. Uzzle, of Raleigh. The honoree was remembered with silver in her pattern and a corsage of roses. Pink and red roses, larkspur and iris made an attractive setting for the six tables. Bridal tallies and place cards were used. In the evening, Mrs. Williamson entertained her New Deal club and. additional guests, Mrs. Frank Allen, Mrs. Arthur P. Joyner, Mrs. W. C. Holston, Mrs. J. H. Moore, Mrs. Ash by Winstead, Mrs. Lath Morriss, Mrs. Madeline Rountree, Mrs. Louis Allen, Mrs. J. H. Darden, Mrs. M.V. Jones, Mrs. Sam Lewis, Mrs. Archie Speight, Mrs. W. E. Joyner, Mrs. Herman Baker,,Mrs. Zeb Whitehurst, Mrs. Walter B. Jones, Mrs. J. H. Pay lor and Mrs. E. B. Beaaley and Mrs. Roderick Harris -of Fountain. Ice dream, cake and >iuts were served by the hostess who was as sisted by Mrs. Archie Speight, Mis. Louise Harris and Miss Grace White burst. The club award, a double deck of cards, was given to Mrs. P. E. Jones; Mrs. J. H. Paylor,. scoring high for guests, received a box of Dorothy Gray face powder. - LAMRAD Mrs. R. D. Harris graciously en tertained the Lamrad club and a 'spe cial guest, Mrs. T. S. Ryon, Friday afternoon in her home which was at tractively decorated With roses. Between progressions cookies, sandwiches, and coca colas were passed. Mrs. Irvtn Morgan, Jr., received, the high score award and was also pre sented an arrangement of rose buds by the hostess. Mrs. Ryon was re membered with a box of gift .wrap pings. INVITATIONS ISSUED Invitations reading as follows have been received here: "Mrs. James Henry Hinaon requests the honour of your presence at the marriage of her daughter, Lydia Frances, to Mr. Herman Baxter West, Jr., on Satur day, May the twenty-fourth, nine teen hundred and forty-seven, at five o'clock in the afternoon, First Chris tion Church, Newport News, Virgin ia." The enclosed cards read: "Recep tion immediately after the ceremony, | Palm Room, Hotel Warwick." MRS. WHELESS HONORS SENIORS AT PARTYl Mrs. J. M. Wheless, Jr., senior class sponsor, entertained the gradua ting class at a lovely party at her home Friday morning at 10:46. The hostess greeted guests at the door. Upn arrival of all the group, Jack Willis, class president, ~. presented Mrs. Wheless a silver tray as a token of the class' appreciation. Barbara Jean Wheless, small daughter of the hostess, passed nap kins after which the guests Were in vited into the .dining room where assorted sandwiches, nuts, sand tarts, cookies and coca colas were served. Mrs. Charles S. Edwards assisted in serving. The table bore a center piec^ of ?crimson roses carrying out the class colors of crimson and gray. Roses were used throughout the house. After the social hour, the hostess I remembered each guest with a box of | note paper. , ?? v LITERARY CLUB Mrs. Henrietta Williamson delight fully entertained the Literary club and additional guests at her home on Wednesday aftei Elizabeth Davis, business period, the that Miss Jean swarded the English prise 3j ttby fpfcy of Mrs. J. W. ! WLjj' Ti'ii'li ijail n iiii f.dtapwwslr room a 39H Mrs. G. G Utile, Mills, mother Of the I ed decorated end of the table. Nuts and were ata> served The table centered with, an arrangement white rdses. The tables ? with refreshment coven ed with brides' slippers filled with mixed flowers. Mrs. Charles Bissette of Greenville received a handpainted plate as the high award; Mrs. J. H. Moore retain ed the floating prize, a ash tray, sad Mrs. Allen M. Harris won the low prize, a China pin box. The hostesses presented the honoree a corsage of white carna tions and a linen bridge set MBS. HOTCHKISS HONORED In the evening, Mrs. Dixon plimented Mn. C. S. Hotchkiss, who lea Wis soon to live in Elisabeth City, at a bridge party. The honoree, upon arrival, was presented a cortege of pink roses by the hostess, and later in the evening was remembered with a vase. The high score prize, a handpaint ed plate, went to Mrs. Will Joyner and the low award, a novelty vase, to Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree. A floating prize was also given. Brick cream- and decorated cakes were served from the dJrimr room table by Mrs. Prank K. Allen and Mtb. g. G Copenhaver. Other re freshments were mints and huts. Eight tables were in play. pp*p_. : COCA COhA PASTY ^ HONORS MRS. HOTCHRISS Complimenting Mrs. C. 8. Hotch kin who leaves soon to live in Eliza beth City, Mm. Irrin Morgan, Jr., and Mm. Freak, K. Allen entertained at a coca eolai party at the home of Mm. J. L Morgan, Thursday morn ing. Rosea and iris attractively de corated the reception rooms add a mixed bouquet waa used on .the din ing room' table which was spread1 with a white doth. L Potato chips, ham biscuits, olives, pickles, fudge, cheese cookies and coca colas were served from the (fin ing table to about 80 guests. The honoree was remembered with a miniature gold picture frame by the hostesses mid a guest book in which all present signed their names and wrote messages. Allen; Shelby Roebuck over Chester Langley; Dick Hi over Bill ShAlton; A. W. Bobbitt i Andy Martin. Third tw ? it i ever Lev! over R. G over Dr. Fourth flight?Dr. over Carl Tumage; J. Y. Hook Walter Jones; Robert Lee Chester Outland; P. K. Ted AH Fifth flight?AHen Drake over David Harris; -Frank Williams over Jack Freedman. Semi-finals will be played tike lat ter part of this -week. 8?,?__ OPEN HOUSE Mrs. Hoy B. Davies and Miss El vira Tyson honored their sister, Miss Ruth Tyson, at open house at the Country club, Friday evening, after the music redtal. A color scheme of pink and white was parried out in the decorations of lighted white tapers and pink on the mantles and the refreshments of punch, cookies, assorted wishes, olives, potato chips and pea nuts. Dancing was enjoyed by guests, who numbered between 6? and 70. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Htrdifion of Snow Hill announce the birth, of a daughter, Brenda Reid, Aprfl 7 at home. Mrs. Hardison is the former Mies Thelma Garris of Farmville. fal A suit with black cbrsage of yellow rosea. The bridesmaid, Miss Wenis Tyn daH, ofPink Hill, and Eaat Carolina C Teachers college, Greenville, was at tired hi S tunic style grey dress and black accessories and a corsage at pink The bride's -mother wore a crepe dress with matching ries and a corsage of red roses. The. bridegroom's mother wore an ' aqua ? I blue suit with black accessories and a corsage .of_red rosea. *} f The bride was given in marriage . by her brother-in-law, Roland Butts, of N. C. State college, Raleigh, r Bill Utley of Greenville was bast man. Ushers were Watson Foines ... and Mayhugh Pope of Greenville. Only close friends sad-relatives at tended the wadding.'.'. ?;?'$. Following the ceremony the couple left for points in the western part of the state, en a wedding trip. On Friday night folowing Hie wed ding rehearsal, Mrs. J. N. Williams entertained the wedding ?rty" and close friends at a cake cdKng. Miss The gnoem is the brother of Dr. R. T. WRUsms and has visited here frequently. The bride was a mem ber of the nursing staff ,gt the Wil Kams-Winstead clinic several months is year. ?'M W ? ' of grSenviixe ,;v* ate ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF.HIS OF FICE IN THE RANK OF"FARMVILLE BUILDING ON JUNE 4, 1947 DUlUlillNUr Uii junft % 13*1 1 ?? ?' ?> - - ? V%J. . ? ?: - V, . " . t WEDNESDAY?9:00 to 5:00 Eyes Examined ? ? Glasses Fitted - I' WATCH THIS SPACE EACH WEEK FOR REAL EXTRA y- ?' ? ^ ' " " " \ !&h1SBS >yy '"yr'"I !. 11.1 ? -.! jl m hh Consisting of stool seat cover and 21 x 32 toAbajft T" One lot 6 z 9 foot rag rugs, van-colored, thick and soft, with fringe. $17.50 seller?Our Friday and Saturday special price * y-.-??Ai:'' -.v. ^l^^imW^raK^wKltiliga .r# V