BOOST FARMVILLE EVERY DAY! % lj|i ? i : ' 'W'" ' 3BBni VOLUME THIRTY-EIGHT . - FARMVILLE, PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY I* IMT NUMBER THREE "' | " "" >? ? TRADE PROMOTION DAYS SCHEDUIED FOR ffiXT WEEK Chamber Of Commerce ? Sponsors Event As Trade Stimnhis Daring 'Slack* Season; REA Meeting Will Help Draw Visitors Sponsored by the Farmville Cham ber of Commerce, a trade promotion event has been planned for next week with Thursday through Satur day having been designated as Farm ville Bargain Days. It is the first event of its kind scheduled for Farm ville since pre-war days. The decision to have these bargain days next week was influenced by the fact that the annual meeting of the REA on Saturday, June 7, will at tract several hundred additional visitors to Farmville and it was felt that a promotion event would be an extra incentive for persons in out lying areas to visit, and trade in, Farmville on those particular days. The goal of the Chamber of Com merce is to have one or more of these special events annually but some ex perimentation will be necessary be fore it can be determined what the most approriate times will be. Since the late summer and early fall sea sons usually take care of themselves insofar as trade is concerned, it is generally agreed that a promotion event of some kind in the dull sea son would be of especial benefit. An invitation to attend these sale days was enclosed in the notices of the annual REA meeting which Town Clerk Cleveland M. Taylor mailed several days ago to the 1500 mem bers of the organization. Advertis ing circulars will also be mailed to persons living in the Farmville trad ing area. Since Farmville is the center of as rich an agricultural area as there is in Eastern North Carolina, the town should be the shopping center for thousands of persons in rural areas who have been by-passing Farmville and traveling a greater distance to larger towns. f y t Company Seeking Pipeline System I Manry Corporation Plans Network | Of Oil Unes Throughout Eastern Carolina The State Utilities Commission re ceived an application from the East ern Pine Lines Company of Maury for a certificate of convenience and necessity for a proposed network of pipelines throughout Eastern North Carolina. The application said that it pro posed to begin construction of . the lines as soon as the certificate is granted. No date for hearing on the matter has been set by the commis sion. The pipelines would be used to | transport petroleum products. The application said that the firm I proposed to build ,a line from Wil-1 mington to Roxboro via EHzabeth town, Wilson, Nashville and Hender son and a line from Morehead City to Durham via New Bern, Kinston, Raleigh and Durham. In addition, there would be seven lateral lines leading from these two main lines as follows: from Elizabeth City southward to'a point near the South Carolina line; from Whiteville to Lumberton; from Fayetteville to Kenansville; from Lillington to Mt. Olive; and from Tarboro to Nash ville and Rocky Mount. R. E. Mayo of Maury was listed as president and Willie E. Mayo, also of | Maury, as secretary-treasurer. PITT RANKS 61st AMONG PEANUT-GROWING COUNTIES Eleven North Carolina counties among the 100 ing counties in the to figures of Ag J. C. Oapt, 11 No 240,896 for: nation's GROVER WEBB Who was elected director of Bastern Carolina Warehouse Association at the annual meeting fn Wilson. Mr. Webb, whose home is in Pinetops, is one of the operators of Farmers Warehouses here. Telephone Company Seeks Permission To Increase Rates Business One- And Two-Party Lines Will Cost $1 More And Residence Phones Will Coot 50 Cents More If Petition Approved A request for permission to in crease telephone rates in its nearly 100 exchanges was unopposed at the public hearing conducted by the State Utilities Commission on the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company's petition to adjust its charges upward. The proposed increases average approximately 25 per cent. .The granting of the request will mean subscribers of the Farmville ex change, which comes in the bracket having more than 500'and less than 700 subscribers, will pay |1 more if they are on a business one- or two party line and 60 cents more if they are on a residence one- or two-party line. The company based its request for increased rates on continuing in crease in costs of providing telephone service. The company's announce ment of its request for adjustments stated that present rates are insuffi cient to provide and properly main tain service. The increase is only one of many increases in the cost of living which have been based on the assertion that higher wages are (jireetly responsi ble. At The Kiwanis Club Mr*. J. B. Joyner gave the Ki waniam an excellent talk Monday night on their'duties and responsibi lities as club members. She was the guest of Seth Satterthwaite. Mrs. Joyner's talk was on club work in general but the Kiwanians all agreed that their dub would ?be a better one if it lived Op to the ideals outlined by the speaker. Carol Modlin wAs welcomed into the club as a new member. The group voted to dispense with its meeting Monday night of next week in order that the members eogld. meet Tuesday night with the Tar boro club. 17 - ' & Baptist Bible School Opens Monday, June 2 Vacation Bible* Sfchool opens Mon day morning at 9 o'clock in the flarm ville Baptist church. It will continue through the 'week, each day's session lasting until 11:80. Beginner, Pri iry, Junior, and Intermediate de will be represented in the Workers enrolled in the School are: Director, Mrs. E. W. Holmes; Be ginner*. department: Mrs. Chester Outland, superintendent, Mrs. Curd Lee, Mr*. Ben Lewis, Miss T1 i, Hiss Joyce Tyson; Huge Truckload Of Clothing Given For , Shipment Overseas ? / ' Boxes Of UMfal Article* Collect J For (frans Te War-Tern ' I S MeMng up an e*ti*e track load, 33 -huge boxes of diocarded clothing col lected in Farmville have been ship ped to the Church World Bervice Center, New Windsor, -Maryland, for transshipment to overseas countries whose people are dying from lack of food and clothing. x C, Hubert Joyner and Frank Wil liams, who represented the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs, respectively, as co chairmen of the drive here, were well pleased with the quantity and quali ty of the clothing which Farmville people dug out of closets and trunks, and turned over to the collecting groups. Merchants also contributed many useful articles which no long er had any sales value. While the drive has formally and officially ended, clothing is still be ing accepted and will be forwarded to the service center. It is requested that articles be delivered to Mr. Joy ner or Mr. Williams. More than 200,000 pounds of re lief goods were received at the Church World Service Center, New Windsor, Maryland, from various points in North Carolina last week, officials reported to Rev. Henry G. Ruark, Chapel Hill Methodist minist er and chairman of the statewide drive for overseas supplies/ More than 40,000 . pounds arrived in one day alone, it was said. Ac cording to Mr. Ruark, this makes $200,000 worth of material donations coming from this state in five days. "Officials at the Center continue to praise the quality of the goods and say that almost 100 per cent of some shipments are fit to forward over seas," he said. Rev. Ernest J. Arnold, executive secretary of the North Carolina Council of Churches, which is spon soring the collecting, said: "This is the finest example of cooperative Christianity I have ever seen. This drive proves that our people are gen erous when asked to share and told how they can help their unfortunate neighbors overseas. Every pound that goes from our state will not that this was the first church-spon I sored statewide collection ever held. 1 According to Graham Hodges, di rector of the Church World Service Canter, - New Windsor, Maryland, North Carolina will be used as an example of what can be done any where. "North Carolina has set the pace," he declared. "There is no reason why othpr states should not follow next fall and winter and con tribute many millions of pounds of clothing to our destitute friends abroad. We have enough evidence from North Carolina's experience to ask every state in the union to do the same kind of Job." only mean life and health for unfor tunates overseas, Jjut should lighten our hearts as well." Mr. Ruark stressed the fact that every community should continue its plans to have a collection of goods even though the original closing date, May 11, has been passed by more than two weeks. "The date of May 11 was originally set for closing the collection," he spid, Twit when we saw it was simply impossible for this to-be held to, we moved up the date several weeks. One large city is having its door-to-door collection as late aa June 16." More than 88 counties have been well organizd, with some 230 local communities, having taken part sepa rately in the drive. This means that many thousands have given liberally of time and goods to make the col lection a success. Mr. Ruark said Agnes Quinerly In Salem Senior Class Mitt Agnes Quinerly, daughter of Mrs. F. M. Davis, Jr., 811 N. Main street ,1 Farroville, will receive a Bachelor of Arts Agree at the 17Sth commencement exercises at Salem college, Winston-Salem, on Monday, at 11 o'clock. At this time, John Temple Graves, and author from Birming wmm hJ sermon o'clock in DAR Congress Sombre ifote (Editor's note: This article was written at the request of The Enter prise by Mrs. T. C. Tuniage, who attended the National Congress with Mrs. J. 0. Pollard as representatives from the Benjamin May chapter.) With ppproximatey 6,000 members in attendance, typifying what is ba sically American, the fifty-sixth Con gress, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, formal ly opened a week's program in Con stitution Hall, Monday evening, May 19. The beauty and the glory were all there?the stirring music of the U. S. Marine Band, as well as those of the Army and Navy, flowers, ex quisitely groomed women, and many other social occasions of grace and loveliness. But all were merely a melodious overtone to what, according to one concensus of opinion, was, witnout question, a Congress of prayerful deliberation, resolute, steadfast pur pose, and a deep consciousness of the critical, ever grim issues confronting our Nation now. Gen,. Eisenhower struck the note in his opening address, and it rang out clear and unmistakable through the entire week?That Americans at the crossroads?The dangers subtle and insidious?The foes formidable. It was a proud ' moment to see Mrs. Julius Talmadge, President general, and a Southern woman of unusual and patrician beauty, pre side with charm, of course, but also with equity, discernment and a cer tain ease which comes only from an inner righteousness and a complete knowledge of a field so vast and complicated. ' Cedric Foster, the well-known news analyst, prefaced his unforget table "talk with this?"I come to speak harii words to you"?and he did, in phrases that were as matched pearls. After describing world condi tions as they now exist, from a first hand experience, he stated that the white race could not survive another war. Dr. V. T. Davis from the U. S. Marine Hospital, Ellis Island, spoke of the rehabilitation service being done, stating that the Society was the pioneer in Occupational Therapy. "Black market" Immigration war an address by the national command er of the American Legion. He told of the methods being used to get the really enemy alien into America, even as guest students. Life is a painting of lights and shadows?and splendor. The work and outpouring of gifts provide the radiant life. Great accomplishments in student loans, veterans' hospitals, training boys and girls in the many approved schools of the Society, work with the desirable type of immi grants, National Tribute Groves, and all needful objectives for the Better Way of life were reported. Grave and sombre was the admoni tion: "Do not basely relinquish what with difficulty has been obtained." Activities Of Local Church Organizations Baptist Sunday School,-9:45 a. in.; Montr ing worship, 11 a. m. sermon: "Into a Par Country-" Baptist Training Union, 7 p. m.; evening Worship, 8 p. m.; sermon: "Safeguarding the Marriage Vow." Prayer meeting, every .Wednesday, 8 p. m. ' Christian Group 8 met with Mrs. CS. R. Town send, Tuesday evening, with Mrs. Arch Flanagan presiding. "The Second Mile for Happiness" was dis cussed by the devotional leader, Mn. L. E. Turnage. The Hidden Answers quiz was conducted by Mrs. C. L. Ivey. Strawberry shorteake was served to the 19 members present. |f - Christian Mrs. Louise Harris led the Hidden nswers from the "World Call" at Group 1 in the home of Mrs. Will arrett with Mrs. Sue Robinson as jstess, Monday night. The devo onal was conducted by Mrs. Henri VFW Compiles Data On Service Men For s National Honor Roll Names Of AU Veterans Will Be In scribed On PfcrmaneJh Roll Of Honor In Washington Cathedral If Information Provided lite Burnette-Rouse post, Veterans of Foreign Wan, is doing its part in establishing in Washington Cathe dral, Washington, D. C., a perman ent honor roll containing the names of all veterans by collecting data on ex-servicemen in this section and dis tributing official enrollment forms to veterans, members of their families and to next-of-kin of -deceased ones. Names and ^service records of men and women who served the nation in the recent and past wars are to be preserved in a national shrine in what will be known ad the national roll of honor. The Patriots' Transept, as the proposed memorial will also be known, will be a tribute to those who placed their lives at the disposal of the nation. It will be for the soldiers and sailors who are known *what the Arlington Cemetery is for the soldier who to the nation is unknown. R. R. Newton, Jr., commander of the Farmvilie post, has a sufficient sufficient number of blanks for all veterans in the community. Veterans, members of their families or surviv ing relatives are urged to get blanks from him so" Farmville's sons and daughters may have their names per manently recorded in the cathedral which will be one of .the Bhowplaces of the nation's capital. Newton ad vises that he can obtain more blanks if the supply now on hand is ex hausted. Harvey H. Mitchell, chairman of the National War Memorial commit tee of Washington Cathedral, ad vises that the privilege of enrolling names and records is open to all and is not contingent upon any considera tion other than the expressed wish of the individual veteran, families or next-of-kin. The "uniformed forces" include such groups as the Merchant Marine, Rid Cross, war correspon dent and overseas technicians, as well as the Army, Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps auxiliaries. Sponsors are having to depend up on veterans and their families for the success of this project since they were refused access to records of the war and navy departments. Attention is also invited to the fact that this permanent honor roll will contain the names of veterans of all this country's wars, not just the two recent global conflicts, provided the required information is furnish ed. Wallace Speech Will Be Aired By WPTF Station WPTF has scheduled ' for broadcast addresses by three nation ally prominent political figures, to be heard within the next week. On Monday morning from 11:05 to 11:45,'the address of Kentucky's Sen ator Alben W. Barkley, Democratic Senate leader, will be heard. The distinguished Senator will speak from the campus of the North Carolina College for Negroes in Durham Mrs. Helen Gahagan Douglas, De mocratic Congresswoman from Cali fornia, will be the speaker at the 76th commencement exercises at Peace Junior colege, Tuesday. Her sggech will be heard that night from 10:30 to 11 o'clock. Thursday night, the station will broadcast, between 10:30 and 11 o'clock, the speech Henry A. Wal lace made earlier in the evening in Raleigh's Memorial auditorium. A former Secretary of Agriculture and vice president of the United States, and one-time Secretary of Commerce, Wallace appears in North Carolina under auspiees of the Committee fpr North Carolina, an affiliate of the' Southern Conference for Human Welfare. At'The Rotary Club K. T. Futrelle of Greenville, coun ty welfare officer, spoke at the Ro tary club, Tuesday evening, on the services his department renders. He was introduced by Joseph D. Joyner, program chairman. Levi Walston received the attend-^ ance prize. O. G. Spell was welcomed as *jj new member and Martin Schwartz of Greenville was a "viaitarian." Services speak at the sponsored by o'clock. Girl Scouting Here > Allows Rapid Growth Dotdee Janes, Jean Cayton, Carolyn Roebuck Are Farmville's First First-Class Scouts Starting with one troop in 1M5, the Girt Sc-rnt organization in Farm ville has increased to two Intermedi ate troope and one Brownie troop. A Senior troop for girls over 14 will be organized in September. Due to the expanding of troope and their activities the need for a per manent buildir in which Giri Scouts can meet has been felt. A fund for the purpose of building a hot has been started with the money from the plays and operetta given by the three troops Friday night going into it. Dotdee Jones, Carolyn Roebuck and Jean Caytoh, majoring in the field of literature and dramatics, were given their first class pins, Friday night and became the first ever to receive this honor in Farm tiile Several other giris majoring in this field will soon receive their first-class badge. To be awarded this badge, a second-class Scout picks a field in whidi to specialize and after mnch work in this major she is pro moted to first-class rank. Most of the Intermediate girls have attained ? second-class rating with Marcia Forbes, Janet Harris, Mary Frances Joyner, Louise Lovic and Grace Miller reaching this rank in the spring. As is the customary, the troops suspended meetings with the closing of school. Some of the girls will go to Scout camps and plans have been made to send a Senior Scout to a leadership training camp each sum mer. Bookmobile Is Sought For Pitt Rural Areal W. L. Whedbee, supervisor of the Greenville Tobacco Board of Trade, announced that at a special call meet ing the Greenville Tobacco Board of Trade had voted unanimously to sponsor a bookmobile or traveling li brary for the people of Pitt county outside of Greenville. Before ad journing, approximately one thousand dollars was raised by voluntary sub scriptions from- the' various members of the organization. This will pay one-haff of the purchase price of the bookmobile. . The president of the Tobacco Board of Trade, W. S. Boat, appointed the following contact the civic organizations and citizens of Greenville to raise the other one half of the purchase price: W. S. Bost, chairman, Guy V. Smith, James T. Keel, A. C. Baffin and W. L. Whed bee. , . ^ J. H. Rose, representing the Board of Trustees of the Sheppard' Memo rial Library, appeared before the Greenville Tobacco Board of Trade in behalf of this project. He* stated that the Beard of County Commis sioners of Pitt had agreed to furnish Hie money for the operation and maintenance of the bookmobile for the next 12 months. This includes the salary of a trained librarian who [will operate the bookmobile. H. Pittmen, member of the Board of Commissioners, and a mem ber of the Board of Trustees of the Sheppard Memorial Library, inform ed the library trustees last week of the action of the commissioners. The bookmobile, or traveling libra ry, is designed primarily to carry books to the citizenfe of Pitt county outside Greenville. It will operate on regular stated schedule serving all of the consolidated school centers, ing centers of the county and towns in Pitt, area will bookmobile will be will be chu Jol Junior Woman's Club Cited At Convention ? - Other Awards Given Farmville Uait For Its Projects And Civic Activities m The Farmville Junior Woman's club, of which Mrs, J. T. Noleo is president, is the Jkdpient of hearty congratulations this week from friends for awards and. recognition won at the 46th annual convention of the North Carolina Federation of Women's''ehibe, held May 21-23 at Wrtghtsville Beach. ? . The Junior club won the Louellen Williams Robinson dogwood bowl for the second time (the first in 1944), for having the most outstanding pro ject, the local sponsorship of the Girl Scouts and Brownies. A blue -ribbon and a rating of second place were given the group for its splendid serapbook, which was on exhibit at the convention and the chib was the recipient also of an honor certificate given for having a place on the honor roll this year. Mrs. W. Jesse Moye, president of the fifteenth district, Mrs. W. C. Gamer, Incoming president of the Juniors, and Mrs. J. R. -Harris were delegates from the Farmvflle club. Mrs. Moye served on the nominating committee. The Farmville Woman's club was represented at the meeting by Mrs. J. M. Hob good, who is state chair man at the Sally Southall Cotton Loan Fond, Miss Annie Perkins, a member of a state committee, and Mrs. R. W. Rader. Golf Tourney Finals Being Played Now Plymouth was host to Fermville and Rocky Mount golfers Wednesday afternoon. Althugh the local players lost to Plymouth, the tricky sand traps and fast grass greens made the matches most enjoyable. Golfers who won points were Dr. Ashby Winstead," Lewis Creech and Roy Mewbora of Snow Hill. Kelly Kee, Farmville Country club professional, played in the tourna ment held at Wilson. Kee was award ed |75 for having the lowesf score of any professional entered in the tour nament. There were professionals entered from all over the state. The semi-finals matches in the city golf tourney were reeled ott at the Country club during the past week and the winners are as follows: B. 0. Taylor over Arthur F. Joyner; Shelby Roebuck over Dr. G. L. Gil christ; A. W. Bobbitt over Dick Har ris; Dr. Wooton of Snow Hill over Charles Quinerly; Dr. Frank Harris over P. K. Ewell. The match between B. 0. Taylor and Bill Royster will probably be played this week end. This match will pair Royster, a former president of the Country club, against Taylor, the current president. Finals must be concluded and the prises awarded not later than June 4. A list of prises is now on display at the City Drug Company. CHRISTIAN CHURCH CANCELS VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ition Bible School for Church has been can summer, according to flppinrawi repairs and it has been decided to be impractical Children of the Sunday School have been urged to attend Daily Vacation Bible School in the othe i CLUB