WiHiford is visiting in Stanton sburg. _ , . . W. A. MeAdams was a Raleigh visitor, umi'iwj ? Nancy Jans Carroll is visiting relatives in Miss Nancy Lewis is visiting rela tives in Washington, D. C. Mr ,lw* Mrs. John Dwight Holmes of Raleigh spent Saturday here.* Mrs. Ben Lang and daughter, Noel, ate visiting relatives in Plymouth Mrs. J. H. Moore and Mrs. E. C. Carr wil spent Friday in Ahostae. Mrs, Dunbar Lamar toft Monday to visit relatives at Beach Island. S. C. Bill Humphrey of New Bern is vi siting his brother, H. B. Humphrey. Mrs. G. R. Smith returned from a visit to relatives in Sparta, Wednes d&y -v ?? Mrs. J. F. Hart left Sunday for a visit to relatives in Virginia and New York. . -Mrs. Lonnie Pierce, Jr., rormerly of Tarboro, is now making her home in Farmville. Little Julie Reid Jones is ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Janes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston of Durham spent Saturday with Mrs. Pearl Johnston. W. C. Murray returned to Atlanta, Ga., Sunday after a visit to Mrs. Dora H. Keel. Mrs. Herbert E. Hart And son and Mrs. G. Ale* Rouse were Wilson visitors, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. HaroM S. Askew and family of Wilson spent Monday with relatives here. Mrs. R. A. Haialip of Hassell spent Thursday with her brother, Rev. Z. B. T. Cox, and Mia. Cox. Martha Holmea is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and,Mrs. M. C. Todd, in Wendell this week. Mrs. Ted L. Albritton and children, Harry and Theodora, are spending some time at Caswell Beach. Jimmy Pollard left the latter part 4f the week to visit his aunt, Mrs. Floyd Andrews, in Mount Olive. Will Jones, III, is the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jones, in Macclesfield, this week. Miss Jean Beckman will leave dur ing the week end to attend sunimer school at Meredith college, Raleigh. tdward Beckman returned Thurs day from Oak Ridge Military Insti tute and will spend the summer here. Maynard Thome, Jr., and James Thome have returned from a visit to relatives at Vero Beach and Sgnford, Fla. Mrs. Ellen L. Carroll spent a fbw days with her iister, Mrs. L. O. Crawford, in Hot Springs, Ark? this weila Sk . Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Morrison and childen of Sandstom, Va., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Hardy. . Mrs. Ed Owens and son, Ed, Jr., oi Raleigh are spending a week with Mrs. Mary Russell, Mrs. Owene's '"lhT David Golin returned to her home in Richmond, Va., Wednesday, after a visit to her sister, Mrs. C. L. Beaman. Mm J. W. Hardy returned, last irsday from a visit to relative in Bandston and Rich i Vh, 1. B. T. Cox and children, and Chandler, are leaving today end some time with relatives in t Point, Va. [isses Marjorie Cash and Louise ra are leaving Monday to attend Young People's assembly at ^SETWm. Stansill md ghters, Misses Wilma and Janet, Wednesday for a visit to rela ? in Rockingham. Irs. E. C. Carr and son, Charles, ,?u.~ Sunday, to attend the of mil Carr from tHate AUce'lPreuter left Saturday iMJto'- " _ T. 4:00 p. m.?Circle 4, Methodist meets with Mis. E. L. Barrett at the home of Mm C. C. 7:00 p. m.?Kiwanis. 8:00 p. m.?Circle 2, meets with Mrs. Glenn, Ne 8:00 p. m.?Wesleyan Guild, 1 odist, meets with Mrs. Allen M. Harris. .Tuesfcy, 10 3:48 p. m.?Merry Matrons club meets at the home of Mrs. G. I. Holden. 7:00 p. m.?Rotary. 8:00 p. m.?Boy Scouts. 8:30 p. m.?Altar Guild, Episco pal, meets with Mrs. C. 8, Ed wards. Wednesday, 11 3:00 p. m.?New Deal club meets with Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt 3:00 p. m.?Wednesday Afternoon club meets with Mrs. R. V. Ris er. Thursday, 12 2:30 p. m.?Farmville Home De monstration club meets with Mrs. Lula Forbes and Mrs. Her man Baker, as hostesses, in the clubhouse. 3:30 p. m.?Presbyterian Juniors. 7:30 p. tr.?Masons. 7:30 p. m.?Burnette-Rouse post, V. F. W. Friday, IS 3:15 p. m.?Book and Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Eli Joyner, Jr. 3:30 p. m.?Woman's Chib. Saturday, 14 10:00 a, m.?Bird Club. 3:00 p. m.?Major Benjamin May chapter, D. A. R., meets with Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson and Mrs. C. S. Eagles of Sara toga, as hostesses, in the chap terhouse. Mrs. Allen Drake, Miss Jen Essey and Miss Hazel Spell attended the alumnae luncheon and the 75th an niversary celebration at Peace col lege, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horton Rountree and daughter, Cathie, of Chapel Hill, arrived Wednesday for a Ivisit of several days with Mrs. Dora |H. Keel. Mrs. R. L. Matthews, Mrs. Ray mond Owens And Mrs. Lillie Worth ington spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Worthington near Snow HilL Mrs. J. M. Hobgood and Mrs. Charles F. Baucom are leaving to day to attend the Presbyterian Syno dical Training school at Peace col lege, Ralegh. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen and daugh ter, Connie, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Parker and family in Norfolk, Va., last week end. Mrs. Lucy Rumley returned to Washington, D. C., Sunday after spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Pearl Johnston, ana other relatives. Mrs. John D. Dixon and Mrs. Louise Harris attended a luncheon given by firs. Cecil Hixon in Wilson, Thursday, honoring Miss Virginia Uszle, bride-elect. Misses Margaret Tyson and John sie Moore are leaving Sunday, after a short vacation at their homes here, to attend summer school at W. C. U. N. C., Greensboro. Misses Betsy Jones, Ann Moore land Joyce Tyson and Cedric Davis |will leave during the week end to at il at Campbell col Jones and Daphne Yelverom and Harold Rouse Jack Willis graduate 8ton, Tueaday Mrs. N? Sylvia, Dor His. Goldta of iagisa WW* CHRISTIAN - Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., Sun D. iy, superintendent; morning wor sbip and communion, 11 i. m.; mb ject, "Discipleship;" youth fellow ship, 7 p. m.;* evening worship' and baptismal service, 8 p. m. The Bell Arthur church will wor ship with the local church for the evening service. After the se Bell Arthur church will " * service. BIRTH - ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Lentis Lewis, of near Fountain, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Louise, at Edge combe General hospital, June 3. Mrs. Lewis is the former Miss Mary Parker. OAKLEY-WALSTON Miss Allie Laura Walston, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Walston of Farraville, route 1, and Unwood Earl Oakley, son of Mr. and Mm. T. B. Oakley of Farmvilie were mar ried Wednesday, May 21, in an even ing ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Oakley of Fountain. Rev. L. B. Manning officiated. ROBBUCK-CRABTREE The following invitationg have been received here this week: "Mr. and Mm. Thomas Frank Crab tree request the honour of your pres ence at the marriage of their daugh ter, Cara Lee, to Mr. Albert Q. Roe buck, Jr., on Saturday, the fourteenth of June, at eight o'clock in the evto ing, New Sharon Methodist Church, Hillsboro, North Carolina." Mr. and Mm. Cleve Westbrooks. Jr., are leaving today to accompany the latteris nephew, Jimmy Anglim, who has been visiting them for a month, to his home in New Yoric City. Rev. and Mm. E. a Coates and son and Mr. and Mm. Edwin Maasen gill of Raleigh attended the gradua tion of Miss Margaret Coates from E. C. T. C., Greenville, Monday morning. 1 Mm. W. C. Murray and daughter, Mm. Frank M. Adams, who have been visiting Mm. Dora H. Keel, left for Norfolk, Va, Tuesday where Mrs. Murray will spend a few days be. fore leaving for Washington, D. (C. Mrs. J. *4l Christman of Kington and her house guest and granddaugh ter, Miss Lula Penaon, visited friends here Saturday. Miss Benson- re cently graduated from the high department of Prneland college,-' Sa lemburg. Mr. and Mm. H. Nasi Howard and Miss Vivian Scott left Friday to at tend the graduation exercises at Woodberry Forest in Virginia. Neal Howard, a student there, will accom pany them home to spend the sum mer here. Mr. and Mrs. Graham McAdams of Washington, D. C., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mc Adams. Their daughter, Annette, who has been spending sometime with her grandparents, returned to Washington with them. Misses Louise and Virginia Harris will arrive Friday from New York City to spend the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harris. They will attend the Roache SherriH wedding at Duke ^University chapel, Saturday afternoon. Rev. and Mm. Z. B. T. Cox and family spent several days of last week visiting Mr. and Mm. R. A. Haslip at Hassell. Rev. Cox conduct ed revival services at the Hassell Christian church during the week, concluding them Wednesday evening. Mrs. John D. Dixon, Mm. Louise Harris and Mrs. Henrietta Wil liamson attended a coffee hour in Raleigh, Wedneday, given by Mm. Wiley Barnes in honor of Miss Vir ginia Uzzle, bride-elect of this week. Mm. C. L. Beamah, Mm. Horace Erie, C. L. Besman, Jr., and Mm. ham Thylor o# Goldsboro, mother houseguest of Mrs. Beaman, at tended the graduation of Miss Nell Beaman from the high school depart ment of Campbell allege, Brie'. Creek, last week. Mm. M. H. Rountree, of St. Peters burg, Fla., Mm. W. C. Murray of Atlanta, . _ Norfolk, Va., and Mr. and Hit The Mre. Joseph D. Joyner for seven tables .of bridge eveniag in her home which rated with roses, sweet , ?J*i?ies. m M Upon arrival guests were served ice cream topped with chocoJate sy rup, cake and salted nuts. Later in the evening, coca colas were passed. An after-dinner coffee cup was awarded -to Mrs. Curtis Flanagan for high score. The floating prise, a china ash tray, went to Mrs. David Harris and consolation prise, ear rings, was presented to Hiss Mary Thome Tyson. LITERARY CLUB I ? Mrs. Haywood Smith was gracious hostess to the literary Club on Wed nesday afternoon, bringing to a close the elub year. Day lUies, Queen Arme's lace and magnolias were used in ar tistic decoration. The president, Miss Elizabeth Davis, presided over a bus iness period in which report were heard from Miss Annie Perkins, club | delegate to the State convention re cently held at Wrighsville Beach, and i Mrs. J. H. Harris, the club's acting grade mother for B-section first grade. Miss Perkins stated there were three things received from the convention: justiee for all, courtesy for all and a package of vigoro which she gave to the president with the hope" the club .would grow. These books were traced and the following donated to the pubic library: "Sing ing Waters," "Women as Force in History," "Winter Meeting," "Delta Wedding," and "The Wasteland." Mrs. W. M. Willis, as program ohairman for the afternoon, gave an interesting presentation of poems ghowing out of American history. By using a phonograph the members and guesta heard outstanding actors read, "Columbus," "The Landing of the Pilgrims," "Paul Itevere's Ride," "America," "Old Ironsides," and other poems of American literature included, in the Decca album, "Our Common Heritage." After adjournment, the hostess served ice cream topped with cher ries and Special guests " were Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox and Mrs. E. W. Holmes. ELLIS-WILLIAMS VOWS I SPOKEN IN LOCAL CHURCH Miss Margaret Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Williams, became the bride of Joseph Brice El lis, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Si bert Ellis, of Round Hill, Ky., in a candelight ceremony in the Farnj ville Methodist church, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. E. R.| Clegg, pastor, of the bride, officiated, using the double ring ceremony. i Floor baskets of white gladioli, fern and candles made a background for the vows. i Mrs. R. O. Lang, Jr., soloist, sang "Because" and "Oh Premise Me." Mrs. Haywood Smith played a pro gram of nuptial music. The couple entered together unat tended. The bride wore a blue suit, a white hat and white accessories.1 Her corsage was of talisman roses, i Ushers were Captain Joe Edwards,1 Jr, of Augusta, Ga? and Bill Wil liams, brother of the brid.u of Green ville. Immediately after the ceremony, the couple left for a trip to Ohio after which they will be at home in Round Hill. Mrs. Ellis is a 1947 graduate of Farmville high.school. The groom recently received his discharge after serving with the Army Air Forces in Germany. Out-of-town guests here for the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards of Washington, Captain Joe Edwards, Jr., of Augusta, G*., Mrs. G. C. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams of Greenville. , ~? JOINT HOSTESSES AT BRIDGE tor the ciasa were Lt. Gov. L. Y. Dr. Frank P. Graham, the Greater University of N. Carolina; Dr. W. C. Jackaon, Woman's Colege; and Ruth Webb of College P*rk, Ga., representing the Senior Class. Lieu tenant Governor BaVlentine presented the diplomas to the graduates, whom Dr Graham conferred Graduates from Pitt counkjP'ddt their records are as follows: Miss Wilms little Stansill, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stansill, a bachelor of arts ' degree in primary education. She attended Montreat College for two yean and while at the Woman's College has been a member of the .Cornelian so ciety, Education Club and the Y. W. C. A., in addition to serving as hall proctor last year. Miss hlvelyn Elizabeth Glenn, daugh ter of Mr! ami Mrs. E. Hodges Glenn, 415 West Fourth street, Greenville, received a bachelor of arts degree in home economies. She has been society i member of the Aletheian society and Home Economics club, in addition to participating in after-school hockey intra-mural sport. A bachelor of arts degree in Eng lish was tsMed to Miss Elizabeth Thome Forrest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Forrest, 114 E. 18th street, Greenville. A dean's list stodent, Miss Forfest has been a member of the Adelphian society, staff of "Ca rolinian," weekly newspaper; Educa tion club, International Relations club, Square Circle club, and the Y. W. C. A. She was a hall praetor for two years. Coming from Grifton, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. McArthur, Anne McArthur Gaddis of route two received a bachelor's degree in; English. She has been a member of the Aletheian society, Classical dub, Masqueraders, Play-Likers, and was vice president last year of Square Dance club. Jimmy: "Was your daddy in the Navy-?' Bobby: "No. Why?" Jimmy: "I heard the finance man say he was a 'skipper1." ^ -~wMi ?waryMag *ha haa... i? Mm rtn?a?VHta^ ?wMpaHromaonijf floM to Capitol Mil * 7. - DR. KENNETH L. QUIGGINS OPTOMETRIST 0FGR1 ANNOUNCES -THE GPSmiffffijfytfjgt: FICE IN THE BANK OF FARMVILLE | BUILDING ON JUNE 4,1947 EACH WEDNESDAY?9:00 to. 5:00 _ -? - Eyes Examined Glasses Fit Streamline pen and pencil >et.

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