World Is Awed By Atomic TPower, NowHH Ab everyone knows, when the first atomic bomb was eiflwM in New Mexico the scientists were in eery serious disagreement as to just what the results would be. One physicist of standing was of the opinion that it might very well start a chain re action which would literally destroy the earth. ,Late{, when the bomb was used for military purposes in Hiro shima and Nagasaki, very little was known as to its possible effect on human and plant life. This igno rance waa partially dissipated by studies of the results in Japan made after the war. Then came the Bi kini testa, which were designed to clear up mShy p. point which still puzzled the experts. Little by little, facts showing just what the atomic bomb can and can not do?in its present form?have been made available. This informa tion is the result of the most careful and thorough research, much of which was made for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission which is start ing the colossal job of developing some kind of a plan for control and use of atomic energy in all possible' forms. In a recent issue, the United States News carried an excellent summing up of the material which) has to far been made public. First of all, the theory that the bomb could totally destroy .great centers of population?or that a< series of Strategically-placed bombs could virtually eliminate the United States as a strong and functioning nation?is not supported by the scientists. Deaths at Hiroshima mostly occurred within a radius of 1,000 yards from the center at the blast. Practically no deaths occurred outside an area of 3.1 square miles. And, within that area, about half of the people survived, and virtually all of these have completely recover ed from injuries and illnesses tained. However, the bomb did kill 80,000 people at Hiroshima?by blast, by radiation, and by fire and drown ing. Stories to the effect that the bomb caused permanent sterility, fatal ra diation sickness and induced cancer have not been substantiated. In most cases radiation sickness passed in a matter of weeks, and the only re sult of the bomb now appearing on Japanese survivors is disfiguring but .not serious scar tissue on faces and bodies. Temporary sterility was; common, but disappeared shortly. Plant life in the Hiroshima blast Don't Delay.. Mr. Tobacco Farmer Have your tanks filled at once. Every in dication points to an oil shortage during the curing season and we advise all farmers who cure their tobacco with oil to take heed. Distributors have been urged by the oil industry to fill all oil tanks at the earliest possible date, thereby increasing their stor age for future use. Let us fill your tanks, today! BRH.EY OIL COMPANY FARMVILLE, N. G ANNOUNCING The HftMALE AIROVAC Tobacco CURING SYSTEM The answer to bad curing barns, high foe! cost, insuffi cient curing space. Not another curer but a new system ; of curing. r> - 1 , THE Hardale Airovac Curing System WILL 1. Cut fuel coat approximately one-half. . . ,JL\ ? - ? 2. Cut curing time one-half after yellowing period. 3. Permit 20 per cent more tobacco in barn sweating. - JH 4. Bring" tobacco in order in 3 to 4 ? y-r ' - ' , k ? 77 ? - C-'. V 1 v ? 5 Give you a cool born in which to hang ?. Eliminate swell stems and cold corners. Makes , a - .*-> t - rrmijm* s ^ 5?t-- rs 7. Permits Ufeg out at 140-50 degrees. sr rtivity. But the seems about the At fifltini, nearly 6,000 sre exposed on target the two bomb teste. The i killed some 20 per eeat of B per cent by radioactivity and ten r cent by blast The undetVatei plosion was ranch MH lethal? ?re than 60 per cent of the animali perished, largely by radiaMpn. Ac rating to the U. S. News, 'V*ny ol me died from lack of prompt i treatment." Surviving animals were definitely affected, and wete restless and irritable for a week of two. Some (ieveloped luekemia. Studies mads of afck animals, it is said, have result ed in an effective treatment {or ni dation sickness. From the information thus gained^ the scientists have projected what an atomic attack might do to United States cities. Ope Nagasaki-type bomb bursting in the air would be lethal over .8.1 miles. That amounts to 2 per cent of the ares of Detroit, 4.3 per cent of Washington, D. CX, and 0.9 per cent Of New York. It is forecast that deaths would be pro portionately less than in Japanese dtie?, due to superior American building construction. ? ; i An underwater burst in the har bor of New York, the forecast goes on, would cause few immediate deaths. But radiation sickness would soon kill peple in the path of the spray. Streets and buildings touch ed Ly the spray might-setaain radio active for years, and could be used only for very brief periods of time. The sine of the area thus made un fit for ordinary use would, of course, be determined by the extent of the spray of contaminated water. Summing, up, the scientific view seems to be that the atomic bomb is the most terrible weapon yet devised by man?but that, so far, at least, there is'nothing to indicate that it could wholly or even largely destroy life on this planet. However, it must be remembered that the bomb is very much in its. infancy. It has an ex tremely low efficiency?much less than ons per cent of the mass actual ly explodes, and all the rest is harmlessly dissipated. If means are ever found whereby the entire mass can be expoded, the effects of a single bomb may be multiplied hun dreds or thousands of times. Thus, the present bombs may simply be the forerunners of infinitely more power ful instruments of destruction?pre cisely as the Wright's crude and toy tike airplane was the forerunner of fhe great aircraft of today. There are atomic physicists?some of them at the very top ef their pro could effectively animal and perhaps plant life from whole sections of the world. But. ap parently, it is far ft?m that peak of lethal Tri , - , , , ?I,, tIl?LU?liin jbcononyc nigniipis As usually happens a year or so before "a presidential election, taik is making the rounds concerning the posaibiUty of a thlrd-pMty entrant into the greatest race on earth. The idea was broached to Mfc. Wallace when he was abroad, and he made a ttetwil to the affect that be sought no office hat would be glad to serve in any capacity that weald advance the eaape of peace. Prior to that, Mr. Wallace had suggested that Sen ator Pepper' wood -he a good stand ard bearer for a party whose main plank would be better relations with' Russia. The Senator declined the honor yith alacrity. - The history of third-party move ments in this country is certainly not encouraging to possible aspi rants. The electoral system, plus the very fact that only the established parties have local organisations that get out the vote, works against them. Eyyn Theodore Rooseyelt, rating as an ex-president with an enormous personal following, could not make the grade. The elder La Follette was one of the driving per sonalities of the time, but the best he could do was carry Wisconsin. The last third-party candidacy, that of Representative Lempke, collapsed like a pricked balloon. And the pe rennial minor-party candidates ?*- So cialist, . Prohibition, etc. ? rarely carry a single U. S. county. This is definitely a two-party nation. The next election, it seems certain, will be a fairly exact reflection of the Rooaevelt-Willkie race to the ex tent that there will be no Important difference over what our foreign po licy should be. The isolationists, in either party, an now so heavily out numbered that they hardly count. The campaign, as a consequence, will al most entirely be conducted on- do mestic issues?unless, of course, some great and unexpected event occurs to entirely change the outlook. It is taken for granted now that Mr. Truman will be the Democratic candidate. At the moment, the Re publicans ip the strongest positions are Taft, Vandenberg and , Dewey, with Stamen and Warren as the principal lesser candidates. The issues on which the campaign will be, fought are in the making now. One i| labor. It has been fore cast that if Congress passes a "tough" labor, hill, such as that ap proved by the House, President Tru man may veto it. Taxation, is another lively issue. Mr. Truman has consistently said that he is opposed to any tax reduc tion now. The Republicans believe taxes should be lowered now, without lost the ed the lest rj ~i L .. , 11 -URi 11'IBI mil?? im iJsmm ImPBlMsl V' ?' " ' "?' J been opened and we are j *- ? i< ?Mi '*??'*??"?$? " *??????'?'?*?*??? paved to ? ?? :-' - ? - = ? ' n ? res, gas water heaters, Servel "?? 9H life-, : f?S&f