WALST0NBUR6 ... NEWS... Miss Rayonell Bailey is the weak at Lake Junaluska. sS > I Miss Ramona Rouse is attending CONCRETE gives beauty, livabilily and firesafetT at low annual cost Build Your Home With Vita-Lite Concrete BLOCKS j V-. ??? Laboratory Tested ??? Member of N. C. Concrete Masonry Assoc'n SMITH CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. Box 548 ? .Phone 3412 Kinston, N. C. Sold in Farmville By ? v Vs , v; The Tumage Co.; Inc. V r--. v ??? ?jmm m 'M Vx ; J "' ^ ?? 'v- - ?-?-??'- > J' 300 pairs beautiful ruffled curtains in plain marquisette or cushion dots fi... Full 2} yards long..... Values to $4.98 ??????' 11 1 the Methodist Youth Assembly ? Miss Clara Jenkins left last for New If ark where she will spend seventl days with her sister, Mrs. Ed McKenjirick, of Hempstead, Lbng Mrs. J. C. Gardner, Ola Grace, Mr. and Mn. Ed a Taylor, Jr.. of Atlanta, Ga., are spending some time with their parents here. conjUlly-owens #1 (Continued from page five) J ? I eeption. Dr. and Mn. E. B. Beaslev greeted the guests as they arrived and they were directed to the regis ter by Capt. and lira. Anthony D.l Holhuid. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Horton presided over the register. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fountain, Jr., introduced the guests to the receiv ing line, composed of the bride's' mother, the bridal couple, the bride-1 groom's mother and members of the I wedding party. Mr. and Mrs. B. L Stokes directed]I the way to the dining room. The bride's table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with an arrange-1 ment of white flowers in a silver I bowl, flanked by white tapers in sil ver holders. The tiered wedding cake, topped with a miniature bride end bridegroom, was on the buffet and illumined by white tapers in] silver holders. I Mrs. M. D. Yelverton and Mrs. J.| L. Dozier were assisted in serving! ices, decorated bridal cakes, green] and white mints and mixed nuts by Misses Mary Bland Hoffler, Hannah Campbell, Martha Jefferson, Dorothy J Chastain, Eleanor Boney and Jean Owens. Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Harris di-i reeted the way to the gift room, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Beasley, Jr., and{ Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brothers received.] Goodbyes were said to Mr. and Mrs. Carter G. Smith. Immediately following the recep tion, Mrs. William Henry Browder | and Miss Eleanor Boney, cousins of ATHLETES FOOT ITCH NOT I - - HARD TO KILL. IN ONE HOUR, I If not pleased, your 85c back at any drug store. TE-OL a STRONG fiing lcide, contains 90% alcohol. It pene i?4*? ? K^jches more germs to kill the itch. Today at I CITY DRUG COMPANY ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' wood, late of Pitt County, North Ca rolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned-at Farmville, North Ca rolina, on or before the 15th day of ^8yj ' ?r 41,18 notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persorf indebted to said estate will w immediate settlement P 41,8 14th day of May, 1947. t NELD S. BLACKWOOD, Admrx. gf^eEstate of Carl W. Blackwood, John B. Lewis, Atty. l?-6 After July I, Mr nelly will be at hor De Leon Blvd., Coral Gables, Fla. The bride is a graduate of Foun and East Carolina College, Greenville. For the and a half she ^as been by Eastern Air lines in Fla. T*4 bridegroom attended the pub lic schools of Cairo, Ga., and Miami, Fla., and a Presbyterian College in Georgia. He is associated with East ern Air Lines as aaArtant traffic manager at the municipal air port in Miami. Among the out of town guests at-! the week J. S .Chest thy Chastain of Mrs. Ray Singletary, of < Fla.; Miss Hannah Campbell, Richmond, Va.; Miaa Mary B1 ilo/fner, of Wallace; M&W: Jean Owens, of Raleigh. On Sunday evening, the'bridal party and out of town guests were entertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dozicr. Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hariris and Dawson Jaffersoq en tertained at the Club Carlisle in Rocky Mount. ? Following the rehearsal, Tuesday evening, Dr. and Mrs. E .B. Beasley and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Beasley, Jr., entertained at ? cake cutting. The' bridal party and out of town guests were honored at a luncheon on Wednesday by Mrs. R. A. Foun tain, Jr., and Miss Betsy Fountain. Prior to Sunday evening) the bride wus honored at the following social P?ty, given ; a bridge by Mesdames R. A. Fountain, Sr., W. R. Harris hnd G. E. Tie-' vathan; a buffet supper, given by Mesdames G. W. Jefferson, Jr., A. D. Holland, Paul Bumette and Hiss Mar tha Jefferson; a tea, given by.Sgti B. L. Stokes at her home in Rober sonville; a bridge and rook party, party. I . 1WW OP0W i luncheon, given by Mesdames Hardy Johnson and M. E. Smith; a coca cola party, by Mrs. B. D. Jefferson; a bridge and rook party, by J. L. aud R. L. Peele, and a party, by Mi*. W. C, Redick. DR. KENNETH L. QUIGGINS OPTOMETRIST OF GREENVILLE ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OF FICE IN THE BANK OF FARMVILLE BUILDING ON JUNE 4,1947 EACH WEDNESDAY?9:00 to 5:00 Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted fm' coAuxt ywi tic r y ^ ' 1 WHY 00 MTH COD? m *29 50 ^2/ TTere Jre cold figure* about a cool su: - Northcool Ttopical* have 2547 "air-way*" par inc ?2547 "openings" fa every fach of the fabric through which fa* ah ca come fa fa cool poo off. Bat her*'* fa* important thing to reanember 1 Com parative toote bp fade that FABRIC HAS OVER *0 MORE "air-way*" HA 100 PD - INDIANAPOLIS IND MAY 30 HARVEY S. FIRESTONE JR. PRES - FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER CO AKRON O I WON 500 MILE INDIANAPOLIS RACE AVERAGING U6.338,?. P. H. ON FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPIONS. TiQRR OUTSTAND. ING SAFETY AND ENDURANCE PLAYED A GREAT PART IN MY VICTORY. MAURI ROSE d GET OUR LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FORv YOUR USED TIRES ON 2U&CHAMPI0NS ato luotft Tndte at^ Jy&tAfou PAY AS urns as FOR 24 consecutive yean, Firestone Tires have been on die winning can in the Indianapolis Sweepstakes. The same patented and exclusive coo i features, which melee these safe, so strong, so wear-de ' tying on the speedway, are aleo built into the Fireatooe De Luxe Champion Tire* which protect your life on the high way. You can get all of this extra safety and extra'mileage at a big taring in coet because your ueed tire* are worth Mor* at Firestone. We need used tirei far retreading. So we are offering high prices for the unused mileage in your present tiras you trade them in on new Firestone De Luxe the only tires made that are safety-proved on for your protection fa the highway. Easy if y?. >v!5 . I mm