H. C. THE KOI Parnrrille, N. a Subscription Price: Year $2.00?6 Mos. $1?1 Hoe. 60c Resolutions of Respect, Cards of Thanks and all Notice of En tertainment for profit wiH be charged for at the rate at 2 cents per Tford. Cash to accompany or der. Advertising rates wOl be tarnish ed upon request. Published weekly and entered as Second Class Nail Matter at the Post Office at Farmvill*' N. C., under Act at March 3rd, 1878. THE ASSESSMENT There has been little razzle-dasak or fanfare about it, but from th? standpoint of real economics the to bacco referendum on Saturday, Julj 12, will be one of the most important elections that has ever been held ii the flue-cured belt. In simple terms, what the electior will decide is whether or not growert will assess themelves 10 cents ar acre for a fund to be used in protect ing and developing the export mar ket for American grown tobacco, Traditionally, the flue-cureof our total crop is exported. This meant a total of 1182,000,000 was returned to North Carolina farmers last year on flue-cured exports and 170,000,000 to growers in South Carolina. The coming referendum cannot be tossed aside as just another balloting ?or the mere assessment of about 4-5 cents per farmer annually for the next three years. It goes far beyond that. It is a vote on whether grow ers are concerned enough to protect the $200 an acre they received from exported tobacco in 1946. If there is a good turn-out at the polls, the effect will be felt both in Washington and in the capitals ol foreign countries where "matters of world trade are decided. If the vote is weak, then we may be headed back toward 1932, when according to eco nomists, world trade was at a stand still. We know only too well first hand what priceg were here at-home. And, with the increasing yield per acre from tobacco, it aril be difficult if not impossible to maintain a fair price if our domestic supply is load ed down with the 40 per cent that normally goes for export. The job of maintaining our export market is a big one. It is that will have vital aOe$ not fc upon the prosperity of tobacco era, but also upon the people living in our cities and towns. We hope that the four dimes and a nickel that the average grower pdts in, when they are all added together for adminis tration by Tobacco Associates,, -will be enough to do the job. Looking at this program philoso phically, it has several encouraging aspects. For one thing, it is home grown and stemmed from discussions among leading farmers right hare in our flue-cored belt For another, it is a move on the part of growero in cooperation with allied interests, to take a firm step to solve their own problems in their own way, Apd finally, the complete control of To-' bacco Associates is. vested in the* hands of a board of directors whose very records are proof that, they will see to it that every penny paid in by growers is made to do full duty in protecting and developing the foreign market for Ameriom grown leaf. Every grower of flue-cured tobac co?regasdless of how busy he may be?should take time out J3atxt.day to go to the polls and vote. . k fl A 9 1/1 r01 W. Wilson - St. Fine 478L 1M| JUST RECEIVED?Shipment pont and Trojan dusting i of Dn pont and Trojan dusting powder for rosea. WESTERN AUTO ASSO CIATE STORE, Farmville, N. a RADIO BATTERIES ?We km a today. WESTERN .AUTO AS SOCIATE STORE. WANTED: CORN! $1.60 per bnabel la aback or shelled. Price subject to chance without notice. ? & L. Lang; FarmTille, N. C, Phoi 4M-L (M-7-tf) JUST RECEIVED ? Shipment of Boys' aad Girls' BICYCLES ? Western Ante Associate Stem. JUST RECEIVED ? Bit Order of VIGORO, Pruning Shears * Hedge ? Western Ante Associate Farmrille, N. C. FOR RENT?Jack for breeding pur .PECAN GROVE DAIRY. JS6-1SC IUST RECEIVED NICE LOT OF SEAT COVERS ? Can fit most WESTERN AUTO ASSO. _ GROUP 2. CHRISTIAN ' 1: Mrs. Hugh Barrett was hostess to Group 2, Thursday evening with the chairman, Mrs. J. H. Paytor, presid ing and leading the Hidden Answers taken from "The World Call." Mrs. Barrett was in charge of the devotional. CROP INSURANCE PROGRAM NOT AFFECTED, SAYS MANN There is no pending legislation that will affect the Federal Crop In surance Program for 1*47, accord ing to information received by Julian E. Mann, North Carolina State Di rector, from the Federal Crop- In surance Corporation in Washington. Contracts already signed to cover 1947 crops were written under the existing law and will be earned out NOTICE TO INVESTORS For a United fine only we are offering, fuU paid stock in Unit ed amounts. First COME .... First SERVED Farmville Building and Loan Association ft mN JAeQift SAetftl Meuex 3mqet! GRUEN SHE PRECISION 3TATCH $7.50 ? v < i ' . Tran Scriptures, presenting the dramatized stories of Abra V . ham and Isaac and Song of Solomon gggggqa To hear these superb stories* enacted; character for charac ter, is to evaluatp anew the greatness of the Holy Scripture and its particular significance that calls for a new uplifting of the eyes and heart. BiUetone Album _ $7.5# and the Tran Scriptures, the dramatized stories of the creation Hgs ? .,, ? In these dramatized recordings, Tran stories of Creation and the G ness that transcends any silent <* ing. At the masterly enactment of spirit of the listener soars to meet the MM and acceptance the account of God's Ixve (1 John 3 ond 4) >r. IS 2 P*ar 1)