R. T. Norville will visit relatives in Edenton during thl week and. John Eaaon spent last week in Brooklyn, N. Y.t with Sofas KeeL Friends will regret to leant that Mrs. Joab Tyson is ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. T. & Ryan spent the week end at Virginia Beach, Va. Pat Baker of Colombia, Tom., is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. L Bake.', Mrs. Sam D. Bandy sad sons re turned Friday from a visit to rela Hadley Morgan is leaving today to spend several days with mastitf in Bailey. . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Herring of Kin gton spent Sunday with Mrs. Fred Smith. Bert Watkins of Atlanta. Ga., will Bpend the week end with his mother, Mrs.-Helen Horton. Mrs. G. Ashby Winstead is visiting her mother, Mrs. Edna Danson in Washington, D. G. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yelverton and Miss Pat Corbett spent Friday at Vforehead. Mrs. Ethel Thornton visited her brother, Dr. E. E. Pittman, in Oak Dity Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Manning and ion, Dickie, spent the week end in Clinton with relatives. Dr. G. Ashby Winstead left Satur lay to take op his duties at the An ?el clinic in Franklin. Mrs. Lloyd Smith returned to her lome here Sunday after spending some time in Henderson. Mrs. E. C. Beaman will spend the week end in Snow Hill with her sis :er, Mrs. D. F. Hardison. Mrs. E. D. Porter and son of jreenville spent Sunday with her r.other, Mrs. W. B. Carraway. Mr. and Mrs. . Carol Modlin spent he week end in Petersburg, Va., with lis mother, Mrs. C. E. Modlin. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Moore and Eamily of Pinetops spent the Fonrth with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burgess. Julian Smith left several days ago for Brant Lake, N. Y., where he is lerving as a counselor at a boys' lamn. Edith Ann Lee will spend the veek end in Greenville with rela ;ives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mozingo are i pending this week at Carolina leach. J. E. Thomas of Lynchburg, Va., is he guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. rhomas. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver will ipend the week end with Relatives in Smory, Va. v Mrs. Berkley Rutledge of Ayden vas a dinner guest of Mrs. C. L. Bea nan Friday. Miss Ruth Tyson of Wilson spent rhursday night with her sister, Mrs. lonnie Allen. Mrs. Padl Craft /of Walstonburg i pent Monday afternoon ^with Mrs. Shner Hinson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Heath of Stan xxnsburg spent Sunday with Mrs. DolUe Ballard. - Miss India Clark of Wahingtan, D. 1, spent the week end with her annt, Krs. Alfred Moore. Mrs. Will Jones, Jr., and children returned Sunday from a visit to rela tives far Whiteville. Mrs. Walker Woodard of Wilson is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. John R. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Meadows of Jacksonville spent the week end with Mrs. W. B. Carrsway. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Winatead and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dixon spent the Fourth at Hoboken. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Ed wands of Washington visited Mr. and Mrs. G. & Williams Tuesday night. Mrs. Katie Pugh of tjScandy is spending some time with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josh Dixon. Mrs. J. I. Morgan is spending the summer sjith her mother, Mrs. C. S. WUttelsey, in Opelika, Aha. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Lang, Jr., spent the week end in Raleigh with Mr. and Mr*. John D. Holmes. Mrs. W. Leslie Smith returned Friday froip a visit to her son, W. L. Smith,' hi Jacksonville, FU. Miss Minniav Lee Trevethan of Pisetops spent last weak with hex Mrs. Walter ud Mrs. C. at and Mrs. of their ?CALENDAR* Monday, Jnly 14 8:00 p. m.?Circle 4, Methodist, - moots with Mrs. E. a Cwt. 8:30 p. m.?Circle 1, Presbyterian, moats with lbs. J. M. StansHl. 7:00 p. m.?KJwanis. 8:00 p. m.?Circle 2, Bresbyterian, moots with Mrs. C. F. Baucom. Tuesday, 18 7:00 p. m.?Rotary. 8:00 p. m.?Boy Scouts. 8:80 p. m.?Altar Guild, Episco pal, moots with Mil Jack Lewis. Ihsrsday^ 17 3:00 p. m.?Au Fait Club meets with Mrs. Allen Drake. 7:30 p. m.?Eastern Star. ' Saturday, 19 10:00 a. m.?Bird Club. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Bowling and son of Charleston, S. C., are visiting relatives in the community this! r week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams and Mrs.. G. C. Wilson of Greenville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Wil liams. - Miss Fanny Gary left Monday for a visit to relatives and friends in New York City and Washington, D. C. V--'. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Noah and twin sons of High Point spent the Fourth with Mrs. Noah's sister, Mrs. C. W. Blackwood. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., and daughter, Hadley, spent last week at Morehead City at the Ocean King hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaughan and son, Jimmy, spent the week end in Creswell visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Alexander. Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Jones and Lt.-Col. and Mrs. Charies M. Duke and son, "Chuck," spent the week end at Morehead. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bynum and daughter, Miss Margaret, and Mrs. "Fred Smith spent the Fourth near Washington. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kelley-return ed Friday from a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Thomas E. Gladson, in Greenville. ? Mrs. S H. Bundy, Mr. and Mrs. Luby Bundy and son and Mrs. Boy Bowling and son, Franklin, spent Tuesday in Wilson. . Misses Sybil Barrett, Lola Grey Kemp and Marjorie Killibrew of Fountain are spending Tuesday-Fri day at White Lake. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Scott and daughter, Miss Vivian," Mr. and Mrs. H. Neal Howard and son, Neal, Jr., Lee Stapp of Miami, Fla., and Miss Henrietta Thorp of Rocky Mount left Thursday to spend the week end at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner and family spent the week end with Mr.. Gardner's father, Jesse Gardner, in Macclesfield. Misses Pat and Faye Corbett spent several days of this week in Raleigh as the guests of the letter's uncle, W. Leslie Smith. Wilbur Rollins spent the week end in Scotland Ne<Jc with Billy Nonkes, who accompanied him home to spend two-'weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Edwards spent Friday at Indian Island near Aurora on a fishing trip. an. n. vi. Aiicii icxw iuui ijuiimiij for Boston, Mast, to be with her son, Paul D. Allen, who has been quite ill for some time. Rev. E. S. Cbatas and P. X Elks of the-Ballard's community attended a meeting of Albemarle presbytery in Piuelops, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bouse and son, Harold, Neal Howard and Miss Viv ian Scott returned Tuesday after a stay at Momhead. Mrs. Virginia Howerton spent Wednesday-Saturday bn a fishing party at Tolars Bridge and with friends in Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Tucker of Fuj quay Springs were the wee' guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Uvea in Seaboard. f m Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Joyner an children, Carole and Larry, of Nor folk, Vs., spent the week end witl Jo ternoon with Mr*. Elmer Hbison. Mr. and Mr*. Gordon Lee and son, Gordon Tilghman, and Miss Eleanor Rousl will spend the week end at Manteo and attend the l4xt Colony. Mrs. J. I. Baker and Pat Baker of Colombia, Tenn., who was visiting here,' spent the week end at More head with Mr. and Mrs. John Baker. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Dodson of Asheboro spent the holiday* with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Greene. Mrs. Greene returned witha them for visit. ? Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flake and ton, /6e, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen son and Fred Stephenson of near Smithfield spent the week end at Atlantic Beach. -Mr.^and Mrs. Joe Tom Ricks of Conway spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Bundy. Sam Bundy, Jr., returned with them to spend two weeks., Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., are leaving Sunday to attend the North Carolina-South Carolina Plant Food Institute at the Cavalier hotel, Virginia Beech,-Va. Mrs. Lester Gay and Misses Doris Tugwell and Delma Gay were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker in Nor folk, Va., last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Atkins of Dur ham and Mrs. Annie Lee and Mrs. W. Br Lee and son, Edward of Greenville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee Tuesday. Miss Mary Ellen Yelverton of Nor folk, Vs., and Miss Jessie Rose Yel verton of Goldsboro spent the week end with Mr. and Mis. Jack Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Allen and daughters, Virginia Wright and Ann Frances, left Sunday morning to visit Mrs. Allen's parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. P. Foree, in -New Castle, Ky. Mis. J. M. Hobgood, who attended the -woman's conference at Mont rest for the past -two weeks, will return during the week end from a visit to Mrs. A. P. Hasaell in Hendersonville. Mrs. Ethel Thornton spent several days of last week in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pierce, Jr., spent Sunday with relatives in Tar boro. 4 beth Parker of Raleigh spent the week end with Mn. J. T. Nolen. Jackie Noien, who, with Mrs. Eir Parker, had been in Virginia, - with thein to her home here. Aileen Flanagan, manage* of i's Flowers, Greenville, has from Columbia, S. C., wl attended the Southeast School for Florists. Louise Harris, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harris, left Monday to resume her duties at the Cornell. University Medical school in New York City. Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox and sons nave returned to their home after a visit to relatives in .West Point, Va. Rev. Cox spent severs Ways of this week in West Point and accompanied them home. Mr. and'Mrs. Elbert Holmes had as their week end guests, Mrs. H. 8. Goodwin of Aniba, Netherlands West Indies, and Mr. and Mrs. John Mat tox of Atlanta, Ga. U v'-ijvf Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wheless, Jr., and daughter, Barbara Jean, left Monday for several days' stay at Edge water on the Pamlico. Friends will be glad to learn that Leon Jones, who unhderwent an ope ration "in the Veterans' hospital. Fay etteville, Wednesday, is reported doing as well as could be expected. Mrs. C. L. Langley and son, Chest er, are leaving Sunday to visit in Union and Spartanburg, S. C. They will attend the KeHey-Oochipne wed ding in Union August 2. Mr. Lang ley will be an usher in the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arnoys, and daughter, Beverly, of Pateraon, N. J., Lt.-Col. Charles Ramsburg of Camp Edwards, Mass., and Miss Frances Carrhway of Fayetteville are guests of Mrs. W. F. Carraway this week. - ? Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Potter and daughter, Mary Florence, of-Lum berton visited Miss Elvira Tyson last week. Miss Tyson returned with them and spent a few days in Lum berton. Mrs. A. B. Tyson and daughter are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis at their summer home at Ridgecrest. A. B. Tyson and Roy B. Da vies accompanied them and went on to Oak Ridge, Tenn. " Reg. <hd Mrs. E.. W. Holmes and their granddaughter, Betsy Harris Crews, of South Boston, Va., who is visiting them, left Tuesday after noon for Mallins, S. C., where- Rev. Holmes will perform the Ya rbo rough Elliot wedding. They will be joined in Mulling by Mrs. Frank Crews, Jr.J of South Boston, who will return with them during -the week end for a visit here. Mm. Clere T. C. T. H Mrs. a T. Wa Brook., Eider end Mn. J. and Mr. end Mn. Oscar near Wihterville spent the in Roxboro' attending the Baptist association. Mr. and Mn. Sam Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest N. Petteway and their house guests, Mr. and Mn. Ralph L. B6ne of San Bernardino. Calif., spent Wednesday aitdmoon at More* head at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Chadwick. SS Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Norris and daughter, Beverly, of Pa tenon, N. J., are the guests of Mr. Norris' sis ter, Mrs. M. L. Eason, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Eason and their guests will spend the week end at the Eason cottage at Morehead. Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. W. E Bailey of Kington, the former Miss Stella Smith, is recu perating from an appendicitis opera tion in a Kinston hospital. Mrs. Bailey i? the niece of Mrs. E. F. Gaynor and Mrs. Leon Jones. Mn. Louise Harris, and her house guest, Mrs. Mae Moore, of Fayette ville and Mrs. B. Hampton Elling ton, of Fayetteville spent several days of this wek with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Dixon at Morehead. Mrs. Moore remained for an extended visit, Friends wilLbe glad to learn that Mn. CT E. Modlin^who underwent an operation in a Petersburg, Vs., hospital, Monday is reported, as do ing as well as could be expected. Mn. C. H. Flanagan spent Monday Friday with her and C. E. Modlin visited her Sunday-Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fitzgerald had as their guests at Virginia Beach, Va., during the week end Misses Gay and Carol Pippin, Dot Lucas and Grace Miller. James Thorne spent last week at the beach as the houseguest of the Fitsgeralds. Mr. and Mn. H. D. Johnson and daughter, Henri pearl, and Miss Mamie Davis and her houseguest, Mrs. Charles E. Rowton of Palatka, Fla., returned Ifonday from a visit to Mrs. Johnson's sister, Mn. C. B. Snipes and Mr. Stupes in Culpepper, Va. Mrs.; Edgar H. Jones returned Saturday from a visit to her son, Arthur Jones and Mrs. Jones in Washington, D. C. While away she visited in Gaffney, S. C., and7 New York City. Mr. and Mn. Jones and daughter, Janelle, accompanied her home and spent the day here. visit to Mr. and Mr*. R. F. and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. other relatives in To.' Mrs. J. H. Moore, who _ Pocahontas and Pylertovrn, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. W. Alex Allen, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Phrker, Sam Bundy and Seth Barrow returned Friday after attending: the .contention of Ki wanis International at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barrett and son, Paschall, spent the week end in Norlma with relatives. Bi?nda Bar rett, who has been visiting in Nor l Una ,for a week, retained to her home here and had as her house guest, her cousin, Polly Curtis, of Norlina. ^ ! FATHER OF MRS. WHELESS tHES EARLY FRIDAY HH * ^ Roy T. Cox, former register of deeds of Pitt county, died far Pitt General hospital at 1:80 Friday morning after suffering a heart at tack a few hours earlier. Funeral services were conducted at the WLn terrille Baptist Church at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon by the pastor, the Rey. E. G. Cole, and burial was in the Winterville cemetery. Mr. Cox, son of Mrs. Susan Jack son Cox and the late A. G. Cox, was born in Winterville, April 16, 1890, and spent all his life in Winterville. He attended the ,Winterville school and Wake Forest College. He was associated with the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., sad was also engaged in farm ing. In 1912, he was married to Jane Kittrell of Ayden. He was a past member of the Pitt county Board of Education and the Pitt county Board of Commissioners. He was also vice president of the Winterville Bank. He was register of deeds for Pitt county from August, 1940, until his resignation in September, 1946. v He UNWANTED HAIR RIMWtD > ** t* ttw *mtf aMbad Mdanad ?ad <ba aaly a.'*, a?r war *? Wr MRS. E. G. CARRAWAT (Mamie S. Can-away) Call 5246 for aa appoint ment -Wednesday after noons or Saturdays. ' FARMVILLE, N. C. AU FAIT CLUB Mrs. Carol Modlin was hostess to the An Fait club Thursday afternoon in her home which waa decorated with hydrangeas and dahlias Ice cream and chocolate cake were ser ved. The high score award, an after dinner cup and saucer, went to Mrs. Howard Harris; Mrs. Jade Deaden received the consolation, a score pad and tally set During the coca colas were passed. I was a member of the Winterville Baptist Church and had served on the board of deacons. Surviving are his wife: two daughters, Mrs. J. D. T McClohon, Jr., of Greenville, and Mrs. R. P. Wbeless of Farmville; two one, Vernon Cox of Winterville and Riley Cox of the home; his mother, Mrs. A. G. Cox of Winterville; three grandchildren, and thro# sisters, Mia. R. H. Hi*1 sucker sad Dora Out of Winterville, and Mrs. Herbert Jenkins of Aulander. For Out-of-Doors Living SEE OUR NEW SUMMER FURNITURE Yes, a few of those comfortable GLIDERS in Red, Blue and Green. Water resistant covers, white frames. A cool, comfy item for hot, summer evenings. GLIDER CHAIRS with those soft, durable cushions, water proofed and flat spring steel frame. Built for comfort. ?*><&;?< V . .7.4". . " - ? Another SPRING CHAIR with flat springy steel frame, metal seat and back ?12? Yl #?V | No cushions. Priced .. BEACH CHAIRS A regular $4.05 Value with stout folding frame, colorful eauvass seats, ijfht, easy to handle and store. Get 'em NOW. light, easy is. Settees and Chairs Oak and hardwood with V, . ht

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