Miss Ubby C. Anderson of Win chester, Vs., is spending seme time with the D. D. Fields fwniiy. Mrs. E. F. Breaks went to Wilson I I .1,1 ? w ?IP'?I Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bailey and family spent Sunday with relatives near Princeton. Little Carolyn and Nancy Simpson returned to their home in Aldington, Va., Monday, after spending soma weeks with their grandmother, Mrs. W. E. Lang. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Eagles of Fountain visited in Walstoaburg, ___ Kay Wast, Jr., is on the sick list. Mrs. L. J. Noe, Jr., and daughter, Ann, of Morehead, are ,visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roland Fields this week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert West of Tul sa, Okla., gre visiting their parents, Mr .and Mrs. Ray Wept, Sr. , Mrs. David Jones of Farmville and her infant son are spending soma time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. -Gay, near here. Mrs. Myrtle Seaman has returned from her vacation at White Gap,-Va. p Mb; and Mrs. Qatneron West spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harris of Raleigh visited friends here Satur day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jehnson of Durham visited here Saturday. Mrs. W. E. Lang spent a few days IMSt week in Nashville end Louis burg. Mrs.' P.'P. Pierce of St. Augnstine, Fla, left for her home Wednesday afternoon. She- spent several weeks here with her Mater, Mrs. Ray Went, Sr. BU SH -NORWOOD Miss Sallie Norwood of Hender son, assistant in (he office of the dean of women at East Carolina Teachers college, was married on Saturday afternoon, July 12, in the First Baptist Church of Rocky Mount to ''Jsmes Clinton Bush of Rocky Mount. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. W. Kinch loe and was attended by a small number of friends and relatives of the couple. Mrs. Bush wore a costume of aqua marine , crepe- and a hat of natural straw and Mack taffeta. Her acces sories were black, and her flowers were talisman roses. \ After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Bush will return to Rocky Mount, where they will be at home at 261 Hill street - Mrs. Bush is the daughter of Mrs. Esther Royster Norwood and the late Robert Alexander Norwood of Hend erson. She is a graduate of East Carolina Teachers college and for the past five years has been assistant to the dean of women at the college. Before coming to Greenville, she taught for a number of years at Farmville. > Mr. Bush, a native of Georgia, has been engaged in business in Rocky Mount for several years. He attend ed high school in Cordele, Ga., and the Georgia-Alabama Business Col lege in Macon. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clifton Bush of Cordele. A-ii (! Home bars are having a picnic at the Farm er pool Friday at 6:30. The July meeting of the Wopum'* Missionary Society will be held at the parsonage Sunday at -Sa'clock, with Mrs. L. B. Bennett hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Porter and daughter, Dinah, of Greenville, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Robt McArthur on a recent Satur day sight Mr. and Mrs. Den E. Todd speni Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Alfcsrt. " ./-Wj Little Miss Katharine Tucker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tucker, spent several days last week with Lillian Ann McArthur. ? Mrs. Richard Nichols spent Thurs day with her daughter, Mrs. Ear} Coward. Mrs. Robert McArthur has been confined to her home with mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutton, who were recently married, are residing in their new brick home on the Farmville-Greenville highway. Mm Sutton is the former Miss Lillian Martin and will he remembered as a former teacher here. Miss Irene Hester was in the com munity Wednesday. We are delight ed to know that Pitt county will have a bookmobile by the fall, perhaps, or as soon as one is available. We. ru NOW\ "" K?- r?' f rou cai FIRESTONE mtZ ? ? *w , .. . ?a# mja Mjaf# I nft - Irfff rKtCtS f ESS .- . ? ml " ' I . 1 You Save 4 Ways 1. Save With Pirattena** 2. Say* With Oar liberal In 3. Sava Mara aa Mllaaga 4. Scrva Tlaia and Traabla ? ? ? Ilia tba Convanlaat Pirastaaa ledgat Plan. fedMe Quality. . . Loag, Troubla-Fraa Sarvita font 'ERIES 13JS ^ Moat dependable In tb? price field) Packed I 7 - ;? * ... -JP" Bunfr P Ht A N mm FREE INSTALLATiON ^CCUiti^ut SEAT COVERS 6*95* f?*N ? of 4H materials and precision tailored to fit per fectly. They'll protect the npbolatery and add nut good looks, too. They're a grand buy! ?d Meet PrepertleaeMy . ? Ti . -> ? -?? 'ity&atemcikei jzUcciai I Set of 12 A 2.87 Vmkfl Both Only 12*39 Buntlful 20-inch, (law cortred tray. Tka 12 tnUm 1 Lightweight EGGSHELL DINNERWARE * * Development is American Dinnerware for many years. It contains Tremoiite?makes EGGSHELL 25% lighter in weight and thinner than ordinary dinner \ ' f ? . r ? i- ?? *f , on wide ivory a 'W^V'L 5T3H FARM LOANS Bow **?**? Office M N.J. J. W. JOYNER SoUdtot for The Prudential Insurance Co. of America How women W gjris may get wanted relief from functional periodic pain I HHIIIWI. pnXQO VNM> *1 ICARPUI The New STROMBERG'CARLSON "Dynatomic" Plenty of "big radio" fea tures in this strikingly mod ern, keenly selective AC-DC table model, in ivory or brown plastic, ease. Alnico S permanent-magnet dy namic speaker. 3-gang con denser. Built-in loop an '34.75 Hear it Today There is nothing finer than a ' STROM BERG-CARLSON ''v" ? ?? 'J* ? Furniture Co. FARMVIttE, N. C. DR. KENNETH L. QUHJGINS optometrist Bank of Farmville Building EACIJ WEDNESDAY:-9:00 to 5:00 Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted ?* AhJi ' . ' ? .!*?*> City * *11" , uitw , _ _ _ ;> in vacation travel. Cverjrt&inc you other attraction eat f?#* ble the operation of a LeelB." . vj$ S of Mr. and Mm. Greenville, Route know that he ia far several weeks. ??????????? Mr. and Mm Jog McArtlmr anc daughter, Jem, of Morehead City left Taeeday for Greensboro to visi her parents after apending a fev days with hk mother here. ? E!t ? H *?? BATHING SUITS -y. .. lS-\ . ? .? ? Were $5.95, now $3.88 Were $6.95, now $4.66 Were $7.95, now $&88 Were $9.95, now .$6.88 PLAY Suns Were $3.98, now $2.77 Were $498, now _$m Were $7.95, liow .$488 Were $9.95, now .....$5.88 1'2 to 46 values to SS.OO J ? Children's worn ? "* . ' w I ' II MEN'S ? 200 Pairs Women's ? Summer Shoes Values to $&00 ?#? ? 2000. Yards ? ' >! . -1M Values to $1.0Q yard , 1 m l "Farmville's Shopping Center" BIG -c tt. grs, .ri. .&3IEN / ' ^ ^ 0%?% I * T, J < I Pi .V . N5 d km