FARMVILLE ENTERPRISE numiu n. c TKB ROUS! Fararille, N. C n_? race. 92.00?9 Moo. $1?S Hoc 60c -r? "ef Enapti. Cards of Thanks and all N&ica of En tertainment for profit will ha charred for at the rata of S canto per word. Cash to accompany or der. Advertising rates will be furnish ed upon ns foot Office at aader Act of March at Farmrille, N. irch SrdTlVra. It Fertilizer Grades Receive Approvi An increase in fertiliser produc tion next year was predicted at al meeting of farmers and fertiliser 1 manufacturers who recommended I adoption of a list of 25 grades ofl mixed fertilisers to be registered for ?.i? in North Carolina (taring the ensuing fiscal year. I Only two changes were made in the grade list in effect during the past year. The group, meeting for a I public hearing called by Assistant Commissioner D. S. Coltrane, recom-1 mended that a new grade, 10-6r4, be added , to the list, and that grade j 10-0-10 be eliminated. The total number of 23 recom mended gntfes is the same as last year's total. The recommendations I will be submitted to the Board ofl Agriculture for approval. Pending! the board's action, the old grade -list will remain in effect. No change is contemplated in the grades of to bacco fertilisers on thMjfet. The proposed grade list was pre-1 rented by Dr. Ralph Cummings, head of the N. C. State College Agronomy Department and assistant director of the State Experiment Station. Hbl submitted a list of 26 grades, includ ing g-8-10, which was not accepted. About 100 persons attended the I hearing. Coltrane announced at the! outset that North Carolina farmers purchased a record amodnt of ferti liser hi the fiscal year closing st| midnight June 30. Two plant food experts of the U. S. Department of Agriculture ad dressed the meeting. The estimate ofl higher fertiliser production next ] , year was made by W. P. Watkinsof | ? the Fertilizer Division of the Pro- j duct ion and Marketing Adxninistra-j tioil. ?r** 1 Wat kins said the outlook for next year's supplies of vital materials used in fertilizer manufacture indi cated increases of 10 per cent in ni trogen, five per cent in potash and 10 per cent in soluble phosphates. Supplies of nitrogen Jj>r fertiliser will increase from 757,000 tons used last year to about 825,000 tons >1 the ensuing year, he reported. Production el sulphuric acid is above the war-time peak, Watkinsj said. He that the nation needs more fertilizer plants and plant equipment, and be said transports-1 tion may be a bottleneck next year I in fertilizer distribution. He .alsoI said the industry needs a year-round program of production and distribu-1 tion to handle efficiently the 16 or | 17 million tons of fertilizer sup " to fanners. Suggestions that the mixed fertilizer be made by Dr. S. F. 1 Royster Guano Co., ? pf tAe Smith-Douglass Co., S. Bethune, Robeson county ^ GI fa* JuU aary i. I#**, bu bnn given to wt erans of World War II in which to reinstate their nwmuait insur ance. And it is urged that all ser vice men avail themselves of tide protection. This reinstatement can be had, without examination, upon payment of two monthly premiums. Veterans are also advised that Congress did not pass a measure boosting by 15% subsistence allow ances for veterans attending school, and neither did it paae the bill in creasing salary ceilings for on-the job training. Army His Openings In European Area White former serviqemen of the Army, Marines or Coast Guard may enlist tn the United States Army for initial assignment to the European Command, provided they enlist in the grade of Staff Sergeant or lower, ac cording to a statement spade today by Master Sgt. Douglas D. Boswell, commanding officer of the Greenrille sub-station of the Army Recruiting Service located at the New City Hall building, Greenville. This new en listment directive becomes effective today. Enlistments for the European duty (including the Mediterranean thea tre) will be in the Regular Army un mssigned for initial assignment to the European Command unaasignad, and will be for period* of three, four, or five yean. . Mas enlisting under this directive who have been discharged more th*n 20 days will be ordered to the Fifth Infantry Division at" Fort Jackson, whore they will be reported as im mediately available for shipment to the European Command. Men enBst ing under this directive. Who have been discharged leas than 20 days will be Ordered direct to Camp Kil mer, N. J., for immediate shipment to Europe. According to the Sergeant, this will be good news to many former servicemen who desire duty in Eu rope. For quite some time now, the European theatre baa been closed to ehMMMfh' . I The world is sick of knowledge sad hungry for wisdom. s Items Of Interest From Ballard's Crossroads (By Mrs. Gilmer &_ Nichols) . At s recent meeting of. the Young People's Service League of Ballard's Presbyterian church, members voted to give s window in honor of the Lesgue'to church now under construction. The donation will be one of the front windows. The League meets every Thursday evening et 8 o'clock. An interesting program on some phase of Christian living is presented et each meeting. All the young people in the com munity are invited to attend these meetings. * ? ? ? On Saturday evening, July 26, Mr. and Mrs. 'James Pulfer enter tained at a hay ride in honor of-Kiss Ann; and Bob Wallace of Baltimore, Md. Guests assembled at the home of Miaaee Leather and Louise Tyson; where they wen picked up by Mr. and Mm Fuifer. Arriving at Arthur, they were served refreshments con ? listing of ice cream and cake. After the refreshments all who wanted to do so went riding on bicycle scoot ers. When the rides wen the hay riders turned singing, laughing, talking and ing a good time. Around 26 enjoyed tiie hay ride with Mr. and Mrs. Pul Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bradley, Accom panied by Mrs- Amie Flanagan, vis ited Baltimore, Richmond and at tested the races at Charleston, V. Va., last weak. They also visited Mrs. E H. Robinson fat Word. Mui Flanagan, who is attending summer school at State college, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Annie Flanagan. Mrs. J, R. ttigsbee and Miss Jen nie Rigsbee of Durham and Mr. and Mrs. Tapp of of Mr. and Mrs. P. 3. Ellis Grigg Tyson, Jr, and Jessie For -1 PaUiavan tnaifnas loaf n wbw ocpivcp vigivorB. ihv Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Harris as and Mrs. Joe Jones visited 1 Mr. Jonet at Ve^eiana' hospital in Fay" "?-"asrdt* All hope tor ehoap livestock and poultry toeds in the ensuing your has vanished, according to Assistant Ag riclture Commiaaioner D. S. Cottmne. Feed will be "somewhat hfcrd to get" and prices will be high, he re ported. North Out> lina farmers must have more and better pastures and must r?*dnn more bay, corn and grains if this is to become a live stock state, Coltione said. Pointing out that North Carolina now imports about three-fourths of the feed concentrates used in this state, he declared: "Our farmers cannot buy so much feed for liveatoek and poultry and compete with their farmer friends in the Middle West who are producing their own feed." Producers of beef, pork, milk, eggs sad poultry are confronted, Coltrgne said, "with the now all-too-familiar task of trying to make profits with high-priced toed. The situation may force rather .heavy liquidation of livestock and poultry, which may in tun cause even higher prices for those products later. "Our farmers should buy feed only as needed. A late fall would im prove the outlook. . "Farmers should save gll the hay they can and sow a~big small grain crop fills year. * 1 "Milk producers will suffer from the squeege of high feed prices and consumer resistance to higher milk prices." In -discussing the livestock feed outlook for 1947-48, Coltrane said: "If we were not a feed deficit state we would be all right because our local feed production looks very good." From the national viewpoint, he added, it* appeared the country will have about 10 per oestt less toed per animal feeding unit than it had last year. Please let ear advertisers knew yea saw their ads in the Enterprise. FOR SALE, WANTS, LOST, FOUND, ETC FOR SALE?Sir new tobacco tracks. See C. Hubert Jojmer. FOR SALE?The Line Gay House and 1st on the corner of Grinmera burg and Waverly Streets. See Wa. J. Bandy, Attorney, Greenville, North Carolina. 25 2c FOR SALE: 9-foat reach-in Frigid la excellent condition. Foyal aire. la excellent condition. Poyal Grill, FanariHe. WANTED: Two young ladies locally, three to six hours daily, no eanoals sing. Earnings $50.00 to 975.00 weekly guaranteed. Car necessary. For personal interview write W. M. Owens, sisnsger, Golds bo ro, N. C. 18-3p ?'? FOR SALE: Electric refrigerator in good condition; oil stove. Mrs. D. R. Morgan. . , 18-tf FOR SALE: Cord wood. Soe Qny r, Bert Burnetts farm. 18-tp SEE the new KILLABUG electric fly and insect killer. Kills instantly. Operates on house current. The TURNAGE COMPANY.18-2 WANTED?Fertiliser hags. We pay 10c each far burlap fertiliser bags and sits a tall, regal woman who watches as Eleanor kneels before the throne. The woman nods slowly, in approval. "It's a great play," she trtrfspbre to a companion. The woman is Mrs. Caroline Meade, and the Eleanor Dare on the stage is her daughter, Julia Meade, who is playing the feminine lead in Paul Green's symphonic drama for the first time. Mrs. .Meade is an actress of long standing "herself, and-she has com Id Manteo to be with her daughter in her first big stage role. "I believe that It's me accident," Mrs.' Meade continue*- "that my daughter has this part. The play is about pioneers?the first English to colonise America They were pion eers in the finest sense. "And Paul Green la a pioneer?a pioneer in the arts. This play of his, "The Lost Colony*?it's something the like of which I've never seen be fore. It's new, it's refreshing, it's beautiful, and the people want some thing beautiful today, they are de manding it, and this gives it to them. "And that girt in there, my daugh ter, la just one generation removed from the pioneers who settled the plains of Oklahoma last century. My father had a 360-acre claim, and on it he raised his family and traded with the Indians, and ha w_? the first to introduce trees and shrubs to the flat, treeless, and shrubless prai ries of Oklahoma." It pas in Oklahoma thai Mrs. Meade got her start op the stage, in church and school affaire at the age of eight. S8?e attended school in Texas, then' went to New York to prepare for the theatre. She studied with _Yvette Guilbert for three years and then Joined Walter Hampden, tire Shakespearean actor who retired re cently. She remained with him for seven yfears, playing mainly , in Shakespeare. ? Her daughter, Julia, waa (torn in Boston. She entered Yale three yean ago, acted In summer stock and. this spring completed her drama studies. Like her mother she is tall, blue eyed and fair, with auburn hair that cascades to her shoulders, and her _voice has the clarity of a bell in the large; open-air amphitheatre. Direc tor Samuel Selden chase her from among a dozen or more applicants for the part of Virginia Dare's moth er when It came time to caat The Lost Colony" for Its tenth anniver sary season in the Waterside theatre at Fort Raleigh. After the 49-per formance summer ends on Labor Day, she will return to New York, where sl^e has lived most of her life, and spmetime in the fall there .awaits her a screen test with Warner Broth ers. -"fsj Now, sitting hi the wings, her mother watches' with a mixture of professional concern and maternal pride as Julia bows before Quean Elizabeth. And Mrs. Meade prale-s "The Loot Colony" in terms so extra vacant that even a press agent would hesitate to use them. "Brander Matthews of Columbia," she recalls, "referred to the drama as the five fingers of-a hand, the fing ers being scu$tuj?g painting, dance, music and drama itself, and the per fect worjc of art, he said, fused them all in perfect proportion. Here you have sudr a fusion. Yon have them, all here in one play, "and you have them in perfect proportion, in per fect harmony, one with all the oth ers. "And the etory-iteetf?the mystery of what happened to the colonists who came here with their dream of freedom and opportunity', then van ished, their dream being realised in another place and another time?it all makes perfect drama. "The play is lucky, too, in the people who make it, the actors who come here, and the people of Roa noke Island?they themselves are Just is important aa the others, and thsy*re done their own kind of pion eering right here apd now; in mak ing this play possible. Yee, it's a great play." . The scene ends. Queen Elizabeth rises end sweeps to her exit.; Mrs. Meade stands to greet Julia, and then they sit in the wings, talking quiet-. Jy in the shadows until Julia must go on again. NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of General Statute No. 44-2 of tile State of North Carolina and a repairman's lien perfected pursuant thereto, the undersigned lienor will on August 2, 1947, offer for -sale for cash to the highest bidder in-front of the Town Hall of Farmville, N. C., the folio t ing personal property: One 1988 De Luxe Master Chevro let Serial No. 14 HA07-V669 Motor No. B-9818 being the automobile of Daniel Tyson. Let one and all take notice hereby that tills motor No. B-9818 was taken from an automobile registered in the name of Arthur Williams ' bearing Serial No. 2HA07-43216. and that the motor now discarded that was form erly in the car offered for sale bore No. 1864827. Sale will be held at 10 a, m., Aug. 2,' 1947. Said sale is made to satisfy a me chanic's lien created by virtue of work and repairs done on said car and also for storage. . J. W. ELLIS. lienor Dan H. Jones, Attorney . 26-2c i ' Better Homes and Gardens, 4-47: "Mast boats could saver 'a lot -of money and please their guests, too, if they offered tea and coffee even ait the raodt fashionable parties. A good deal of drinking is done under social ?*?"" - ? %? y, ' '\~i '"' ''* ? V '''* ii* mi IN A JI? FOR ANY AND ALL Refrigerators, silver, brass, metal, dishes, glassware, ipholsteiy, etr? ett, etc. . A. Quick, Effective, Thorough, 'HI Economical Cleanser ON SALE AT ? WILLIAMS' GROCERY & MARKET (EPISCOPAL WOMAN'S AUXILIARY. Agwte) ? Merchandise carefully selected to meet the most* " FARMVILLE FUNERAL HOME ? Day Phone 888-1 ? Mn Edwards 405-6 ? Night Phones ? Mr. Joyner 898-1 ' AMBULANCE f ! ; Kit ? ijifc:.-.?& -V'i' .. ?. ? ap? '? / t Bring Your Car To Us g?|fr For | 7 , ,? ? ;,?; ? ?' ? ? Sg 3$ Washing, Greasing, Severalgood used cars for sale?Priced right ] SR?f3P w?WBJ.Minmj L,,kE' FARMVILLE, N. C. COLUMBIA aBd CAPITOL Re?o|ds Rock-a-bye Baby with ?' Dixie __ Melody April Showers . A1 Jolson singing with Guy Lombards Oreh. Columbia Record Price 65c Bloop Bleep Baby Come JBome Woody Herman Columbia Record ?? . Price 65c April Shewed! ?' :V* . ? I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now _ Ray Noble Columbia Record Price <5c Fuedto' ard Fight in' "^3 Say We're Sweet Marts Again Dorothy Shay Columbia Record ........ Price 65c Peg O' My Heart . ~ Come To Me. Bend To Mo Buddy Clarke Columbia Record price 65c My Abode Hacier Starlight Scottioche Louise Masaey and He % Westerners T Columbia Becord price 65c Ahaese like Bring b? Lore There But For Ton Go 1 Frank Sumatra Columbia Record - Price 65c Smoke. Smoke, Sm^ke Roundup Polka ' . Tex Williams - Capitol Record | Ahtaa Bey Capitol Record Mam'aelle It's The Sane Old Dream The Pied Pipers Capitol Reeard price 65e Yea Dent Learn That In School Meet Me At Me Special Place King Cole Trio Capitol Record ? price 65c Sincerely Yours There's That Lonely Feeling Again & , ? - Freddie Stewart and His ' Dreamlady Capitol Record price 65c Come la Out Of The Rain Can You Look Me la The Eyes King Cole Trio Capitol Record price 65c Sunday Kind of Lara Ivy Jo Stafford tinging with Paul Weston Capitol Record price 65c A Little Too Fer The Covered Wagon Balled Right Aleng - ' %'?" Johnny Mereer with Merle. Tr?vi? - - Capital Record price 65c J Earl Wrighton, ^itofle^ Faroes Grer, Soprano; Donald Overture to the Student Prince, Just We Two Prelude fi? E - 1,1- JL In C Major A Little Bit Of Heaven My Wild Irish Rose Come Back To Erin When Irish Eyes Are Smiling The Wearing of The Green Mother Matinee Where the River Shannon Vkwt