Eight From Grfteite County Will Attend State 4-H Club Week Eight delegates from the Greene county 4-H chiba will attend the 4-H Club Week beginning August IS < at State college, Raleigh. The programs for the week include conferences, study, demonstrations, recreation contests and special events for ap proximately 1800 boys and girls who will represent every club in the state, Delegates from Greene county are: Agnes Carraway and Richard Mew bom, Snow Hill: J. C. Parker, Carl Tlinson and Marjorie Barfield, Wal stonburg; Elisabeth Williams froi the Hookerton club and J,. B. McLaw hon from the Maury club. N. C. Corn Crop Will Equal Record Prospects indicate that yields for North Carolina's 1947 corn crop will equal the all-time record of 27 bush els per acre harvested last year, re ports the Federal-State Crop Re porting Service of the State Depart ment of Agriculture in a summary of the general crop outlook. Although dry weather during late April and early May caused growers some anxiety, rains since that time have contributed considerably to the fw _ at 8482,000 acres, the same as last ?sar', and July 1 prospective yields point to a crop equal to toe 68,914, 000 bushels harvested in 1046. for Motto Carolina's wheat crop improved during June and yield is now estimated at IT bushels per acre, equaling the record high yield harvested in 10461 -Acre age for harvest, however, increased from 871,000 to 407,000, or 84 per cent above the acreage harvested in 1046. The 1047 crop is now estimat ed at 8,449,000 bushels and compares with the 1946 crop of 6,807,000 hushels. Production of oats in North Caro lina during 1946 is now estimated at 12,302,000 bushels?about four per cent less than the 1946 crop. Indica tions point to a yield of 29.6 bushels for this year, compared with the 1946 average of 38 bushels. Production of ail Irish potatoes lit North Carolina in 1947 is estimated at 8,468,00 bushels, er 30 per cent less than the record-high production in 1946. Yields per acre were esti mated at,116 bushels, compared with the record-high yield of 161 bushels harvested last year. Production of sweet potatoes in the State is now estimated at 7,700, 000 bushels, 20,000 more than was harvested in 1946. Yield pgr acre for the 1947 crop is currently esti .0 bushels compered with Bhrvested per sere last ye^r Reporte from peanut growers in dicate that the acreage of peanuts grown alone for all purposes (nuts sad hogging) will show no change from the 817,000 acres grown alone in 1?4?. Production of all peaches (com mercial sad farm) in 1047 is now es timated at 3,104,000 bushels, two per cent less than in 1946. Production in the six counties of the Sandhills area is six per cent less thsn the 1946 yield. ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS For a number of obvious ipnni, the desperate plight of England is of increasing concern to the American government and the American people. In the first place, she is our sole major ally abroad, and we have depended upon her for essential as sistance in our social and political conflict with the Soviet Union. In the second place, we are spending an enormous Bum of money in an effort to underwrite and stabilise the fal tering British economy, and our com mitments for this purpose may be still further increased. Lastly, Eng land is still the nominal head of a world-empire, even though the ties that bind have loosened perceptibly, which Ilea astride some of the most strategic areas in the earth. "Export or die" has literally be come the theme, of present-day Eng land. And, so far, the results obtain ed have been depressingly below an ticipations. Hie American loan is being consumed at an alarming rate, and England's dollar credit in this country?with which she purchases many of the essentials of life?is go ing down and dowip. Unless condi tions materially improve,* it will be used up in a very'few years. It is, in brief, providing the English people with a minimum standard of living? but it is not expanding the export trade upon which, a sound "and self sustaining economy may be built for the England of the future. This failure, is certainly not due to a policy of pampering the average Briton in his daily life. The English diet is still poorer than in wartime. Only -a small part of the manu factured goods made?such as tex tiles, motor cars, china, Scotch whis key, silverware, leather articles, and the rest?can be sold in England. The great hulk of it, -by law, must go abroad in search of more dollar credits. All of the necessities and many of the luxuries are severely rationed. This is what the British call their-"austerity program" and ft fully justifies its name. As a result, the vast majority of 'art waging their own in dividual battles to keep the wolf from the door." Then has been a tremendous price inflation, and in- I comes have not kept pace with it This is particularly true of the white-collar classes, who i to pay 1047 prices with, which are not much above the-1939 40 level. The buying power if the pound isVonly about a quarter ef what it was seven or eight years ago. Worst of all, prices are still going up, and the end is not in sight To make the situation still men dif ficult, the quality of* the manufac tured goods available to the English people has gone down in must in stances, which in itself is a form of price rise. . The Labor government did not create England's terrible economic problem. That was the result ef the incredible drains of war, of her loss of foreign markets, of ^h* shift of economic power to the United States. Any government would have had to face the same problem, and most au thorities think that any government would have had to put something very much like the present austerity program into effect. ? ' Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson in addressing the Fourth Annual Oklahoma Save the Soil Clinic in Oklahoma City, recently made the following remarks, which could well be studied by all people interested in our soils and their pro duction: "What will the United States be like a hundred years from now? Will the people be prosperous ?well fed?with plenty of nutritious milk, fruits, and vegetables for a balanced diet? W1U they be more vigorous than we are?healthier? longer-lived? Or weaker sickly? aging and dying before our time?" These questions are asked by Secre tary Anderson. In. answering, he said: "The story of soil exploitation be gins about three and a half centuriee ago, when the white man's plow.first broke American sod. The plow that stroke the plains loosened the dust cloud as well .As the dust storms boil up in the West and carry across the Mississippi, and the Ohio, and the Allaghenies, and the Atlantic Seaboard, we find that our account with nature's bank of soil is marked 'overdrawn'. "Wise leaders suddenly see that the tired and worn-out countries fit ting exhauatecL along the sidelines of history are oar counterpart in the ancient world. Once-, they too had stood strong and vigorous, but they alllowed their land's life tp ebb out in the red and yellow and Mafic lit vuleta, just as we are permiting ours to do. Already -more than half, of our farmland has bean seriously in jured. Each year erosion is tstf mated to coot th? country cloM to four Mllion dollars. Tliii consist* .?*j plant food materials." ~ Weevil Inf&tatioii _ Greene County I Cotton 31 Per Cent W. F. Welfare, Snow HiU, Route 2, baled 64 bales of alfolfa bay with tiie third cutting from a two acne field seeded in August of last year Latest holl weevil check in the cot ton fields of Greene county shows an infestation of 31 par cent. A was bar of farmers are dubting with calcium anenate dust for control. To "THE ENTERPRISE*^ ].- NOTICE NcS^^dS "M- St3 interested persons that an assess ment roil covering aH Street provements in the Town of Fhrm ville for the rears 1946 and 1947, as authorized prior"to the date of this notice, was deposited in my office by 6. L. mid* T. W. Rivers, Town En ~ the total amount of the ascertained by li oners of the J ? _ Rt F. CL, on June 26, 1947: that said assessment roll vie doty confirmed by the.Boasd of Com missioners of the Town of Farmville, N. C., after due notice, on July 8th, 1947, at 9:00 o'clock P. M.; that any assessment contained hi said Strhet Improvement Assessment noil may be paid to the undersigned in cash on or before August 81, 1947, with out any addition for interest; in the event said assessment is not paid in foil in cash on or before the 31st day of August, 1947, then and in that event said assessment shall bear in terest from July 1st, 1947, at 6% in terest, until paid; provided that said assessments may be paid in tan equal installments, the first installment to be due on October 1st, 1947, and all subsequent installments to be due and payable at the same time that the Town taxes are due and payable. This notice in compliance with G. S. 160-92. This the J29th da^r^of^_July, 1947 Clerk and Treasurer, Town of Farm ville, N.,C. 1-4 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified aa , Adminstra trix of the Estate at W. G. Gay, Jr., late of Pitt County, North Carolina, thia is to notify all persons haying claims against the Estate of the de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Esrnrville, North Carolina, on or before the 26th day of June, 1M8, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate settlement I This the 26 day of June, 1M7. ' KT MRS. RUBY S. GAY, Administratrix of the Estate of W. G. Gay, Jr, i Buy "Savings Bonds" Hsyei Hold! BENJAMIN L. GARDNER Benjamin L. Gardner, 72, dtad at hie home near Fountain .late Thurs day nigfci following several years of declining health. Funeral services were held from the home Saturday afternoon at 3:30, conducted by Elder Smith of Elm' City and Elder Flye of Rocky Mount. Interment was in the Fountain eeme Surviving an his wife, the former Lucy Owens; four sons, Harry E. Gardner of .Raleigh, Carlton L. Gard ner of Fountain, B. L. Gardner, Jr., of Farmtille, and R. D. Gardner of the home; two daughters, Mrs. F. E. Kellam of Philadelphia and Ifn. Min nie Hayes of Rocky Mount, and 11 grandchildren. HEADQUARTERS for MILTEX Direct from New York Factory WEAR THEM FOR SIMPLICITY, r> CHARM AND STYLE. Junior Sizes 9 to 17 Misses Sizes 12 to 20 Half Sizes 181 to 24| A Dress for any occasion ALL ONE PRICE only $6.95 K. Cannon Dept. Store Where Quality Tells and Price Sells M Ml FORCE MY, MUST 1ST No one today questions the fact that the whole future of the United States may rest in the very clouds over your head. And the new, reorganized Air Forces give thousands of eligible young men an opportunity to take an active part irTbuilding America's air power ,.. on the ground as well as in the sky. * You may, for"example, enlist in the Air Forces fcr three years. If you- have a specialty which will qualify you, you may also be able to enlist in a grade at higher pay. If you have had Air Forces experience, you may join the Air Reserve and continue your military aviation training outside of business hours. Or, you may join the Air National Guard and perhaps become eligible for advanced technical training -at special Air National Guard schools. On Air Force Day, make a point of finding out everything about your Air Forces ? especially the new Aviation Career Plan described below. Full details can be obtained at your U. S. Army Recruiting Station , NOW?THE WORLD'S GREATEST OPPORTUNITY FOR A CAREER IN AVIATION Today the Army Air Forces offer high school graduates an unprecedented opportunity to get the finest aviation schoofeig on earth ? and select your school or course before you enlist. ' The AAF Career Plan is unlike anything ever offered before. It permits selected high school graduates to apply and qualify for AAF specialized courses o^their own choice. Simply go to your V- S, Army Recruiting Station, advise the Recruiting Officer the kind of aviation training you wagt and he will provide you with an application blank an<j a complete list of available courses When you are selected to attend the course of your choioe," you enlist in the Army Air Foroes for 3,4 or 5 years. After your basic training period y ou are guaranteed the education you have selected to make you a specialist in the type of work you want. Get a. list of all the schools and courses open to you under the AAF Aviation Career Plan at your U. S. Army Recruiting Station., '??> '* * ii. S. ARMY RECRUITING SKIlVlCI * ? ?? ?? '? . .A i s, A * , Ws'Zst'' . ' :: ' v. ? ?hb^^ mmm ?mm MB mbb mbmi MM MMM MBMM ? . r ? . w%w4~*% ot Tiif liirm M^M If * ^ | J lm/m fl/l mJ LP v ,,: ifnfiBf -. _ - -? ?? IRBP^ vj #?>*' v:W\'^ j B ^ ' . :s2-3 t-H .". '! B B B fct'- ? :/4*aB B , - ? w Bm ? m ? .^1 / IV ? IVa W* a if >? - ??''.- ?? ' ? ? -j&J lOw 5 ?'J.' >* ixS., y. ,^,^. '? ? __ 1 F E ' B ,??; 1 a ? IB ? ? ? J ? ? M B-,. -Jr l A * J l \ f k - ;.<*. . - - * , ? .'.<#?' ? ?'"V _______ " m _ pi I . . BPBBBP BWL ?-.,, m B B&. MB m B E'l * . X 1 4 I ^1 _ _ _ _-_ __ __ _ ? - B 1 k 2 1 A B B I ^^BJKBMBBB B BB Wl B& Jdk bB ^^B B B B H LdiB * . ^^^BP B^^B ? ^mjmU -^B ^^B ' .'^^b? J. - ' "--t/v B Mflfll ^B BB ^B ^B ^B ^B. .^^Hr ^B ^B ^B 1^ m ; Our store was crowded at the Opening of the First Real Summer Clearance Sale we have had |f Satisfied Customers and stock up at these Give-A way-Prices! ff ^ -VV-f?-"" _???-.??.? SOME Hot Men's ? < J# ' Bfcv i ?v ;>V 8 1 ****** *********> ***"-i

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