O ' \ = V;' .? J iM>ni)il?Hni?>r ? (By Wteabeth May) ~ - A dmni^t tod tahsoted mroed '"MBgemMaa" end * whose sjfn'A^s ~o5 John Barveti, at their home ?& North Main afreet Mrs. Carrie Denny who saw "The loet Coteny" production at ?*nteo ^ the time ia as esrtenaiestic about the historical drama as she is ?boat "America's Town Meeting h* the Air" which her son, George Ver M Denny, Jr., engineers. 1 The idea for each a program came to George, she relates, after he had frym to see two frie. da, one a Re publican and the other a' Democrat. Neither would listen to the other's views. Why not get people of dif fer"** vkwa togefcyr and air th?i* ideas before im ^ ****?*>} thought yoong Denny. This dream tumqd into reality in the form of a broadcast one May evening twelve years* ago. The -first participants in I this forum ware a Republican^, a De mocrat, a Fascial and a Soctehat, 1.^ being Norman Thomas, ?too isi a director of Town Hall snd whoee has appeared on several tickets | as Socialist candidate for president i of tin United States. ] Raffing that she waa playing thel leading role in a play given by. thel Delnhiane, a -cultural group, that evening, Mrs. Denny states that she! was very excited and portrayed the rote better than ever before. Both she aad her son George knew that the pregiam had been well received I when scores of letters beganppuring in. Because the Town Meeting'neyer grttt? a question, it makes the lis>| tenets **?inh - Two outstanding fea tures about this broadoaet are that it presents bpth sidse^od the topic se-l lected for discussion and prises are awanted * different foundation. aad group# to the persons whtfl write &e best essays on a topic an nounced by the moderator. N Born in Washington, M. .C,^U gust W, IBM, George mowed to Sa vannah, Ga. vtfh H Denny and her son mowed to Ashe ville hi 1914 so that he might at* I tend Bingham Military School. After finishing high school -at Bingham he stared the University ef North Ca rolina whew he took an active part in the Carolina Playmakers, serving - - far a time. Be I a B. 8. degree in commerce - ' to reside in Cternal Hill working with the Play* makers part of the time until 1M? when he went to New York City to be on the stage. ? . rresn 1WT-1W9 he gave If /?t Columbia University every One day an offer earner from HaB.lL. to be its vice pre. _ ' 1 Fetter <* to take over his work at 4 ? the by Town HalL When "America's Town Air"' Uw young North beard lord Lyttaa of a talk whisk further ' mot 'Mm Geor*e Domy, who writ* arligfes a member of recipient jlRS. J. BROOKS TUCKRR v--. v?. - ; ??? Pitt Woman Elected Delegate -To World ' Conclave In Holland i Mrs. J. Brooks Tucker'of Grrmes land, Pitt comity, one of North Ca rolins's outstanding rural hdmemak ers, faai been chosen afong with four other Tar Heel women to represent the North Carolina Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs at the meeting of the Associated Country Women ejf the World in Amsterdam, Holland, Sept. 8-18. This organisa tion is Qjjmposed of 70 women orga nizations in 17 countries. Mrs. Tucker has been a member of a Home Demonstration Ch>b in Pitt county for 19 years. During that period, she has been a strong pro moter of the program in the county and state. She is now a member at the Red Banks Home Demonstration Club. Sha-has served as an officer of her local club many times, presi dent of Pitt County Federation of Hmne Demonstration Clubs and president of North Carolina Federa tion ' of Home Demonstration Clubs for tWo years. She has"served as In-^ ternational Treasurer of the Asso ciated Country Women of the Worid for three years and has served on the United States Liaison Committee of the Associated Country Women of the World for eight years; at the hMMlHitttfl 'mm. present time shfe Jgfffcatrman Study Folder Group for the above named committee. Mrs. Tucker wflr sail from New Yoric on Aug. 27. ?- ? ~ . Greene Farmers Slew To Finish Curing. -Only a few farmers fax the county will finish harvesting tobacco the week ending Aug. 1$. ] A good num ber should .finish fay the first of the last "week in August. Some of the late tobacco looks now as if it will be fat September before harvesting is completed. :.i - comity farmpkea - and urged to attend Farm * ?, *> fee held at State Col leg*, Aug. 26-29. The program for the week has been plarmed to fee of interest te both men and women. Fee for registration and room rent for the entire period is >2.00 per person. Farm families interested are to contact the county agetnt or i office for further inforraa nMtl P If ft . % - fr-. , *'-T- 7. r.'~.. lib**, la Un* fcofa, Nek., unM Jo? of WW rafwi the level of rural Ufe \y as watt u spiritually. v !%% L There waaevjdence that the " odist Chupd?>4Wlr tacpgnfee* t . - fa t S, r - - life of more democracy in Church administration, securing more parti dpation on the part of tin' laymen | !n policy making and program te rn ulatiahs," a Findings COmmJ ' reported at the ccnefaete of three day meeting at the University of Nebraska. s ? |i The Committee also noted that the '1 church "should- acknowledge the val ue of the work of other tions in the community: promote fel lowship among them,' and develop a of relationship to God in all jphaeee of community Me." the blistering Nebraska *jn com bined with soil experts, including I'' Dr. Hugh H. BeiAett, chief of thep U. a soil conservation service, point up the absolute necessity of under standing the relationship. between a productive land policy and a stable, _ rural life. Rural laymen. moat allp farmers, likewise stressed the. need] for soil conservation as well aa soul Of their concern for the welfaj^ of the land, the men and women dele gates who name from every annual cnnftorenee in Methodism and itary |faate In the country, stated that "the welfare of the church is dependent upon a sound lend policy that guar antees proper stewardship of the land and provides an adequate living end way of life for farm labor." They-tallsd for promotion of fam ily-type farms pa basic to the stabil ity of the nation and reeehdngjoans to help young people got into the land and better rural V Recognising that Urn-''existence Of : every individual aspfell as every in stitution incuding the chureh, detfves from the land," the CoSfrreube call ed colleges to include courses oh ru ral life, seminaries to provide chairs [for the study Shd promotion of ?r?| ral rebuilding, sad the training ;< ministers for permanent rural jworkJ The omfeieuee, far a Findings Committee report, also npfad^at the church has a "peculiar Ihllity to consider the areas of mu hwi, concern of the city and the fathis field, the report stated that the church should "serve as an apt', ive >gency for reconciliation: between industry And l^<ff ? The conference decried to bqild a Methodist The major objective, It jtaid, was to "build co-operatively a Christian ru-' ral America," . ^ To carry out-its suggestions" the Conference petitioned the Council of . in " "? " W -J.??- " - , " . ? "J IS". ?? wfakh called the matting in ? B mrs*vw. ? 1 state of rural Hfe |' the general * ? "gfas major of d ik M a unique and humorous I mmi ?' 7V^ ?? ? wm not;: fevioWKl ? . .In*1* jr^Bglus wire-with WP ptoAUntell a drive, of 200 ? mi lee or wore for the nwnd trip. You've already guese-tg what ?9* make the trip. Hadto) done eo, he prohaWy hew. hnd to tafc the man to lunch. ? PVT. . safe J * ;v ' ;i After J hearing tfie forthcoming loepital construction program ex ilained in detail, fcamviHs Kiwrnf ans Monday night agreed, that the ountjf could not afford to low an opportunity of getting a ?900,000 loepital at a cost to Pitt citizen* JdM 362,00ft hut were practically of one ?ord in their expressions 0f regret bat it would be impossible to locate he institution in or adjacent to cotethictibm, program, which aUa for an outlay of county funds ? supplement State and federal ap ropriations if the,bend issue is ap roved in ? special election schedul d for Tuesday, Sept. 16, was ex latoed by Stuart Garr and State [ighway Commissioner John G.J Hade, both of Greenville." Under -terms of legislation passed I y recent sessions .of Cangress^pB fre General Assembly, funds have' een made available for a hospital, foflded the county supplements the pprepriations. Of the $900,000 re tired for the construction of a hoe Ital, 1300,000 will-be furnished by m Federal government, $248,000 by4 lie Statp, and the remainder by Pitt ounty. Regulations require that ft e constructed on a 15-acre plot, ear thd center of the nopuiation It i to serve. The regulation as to lo stion automatically "removes Farm ille from the picture, insofar as ob slnmg the hospital is concerned, ab liough leaders . in the community ad expressed a willingness to offer 100,000 toward toe construction' tots if it were located to? or near Sfoiiwi:": i -7EM The P% Generei hospitoi is to be old,Proceeds of toe sale, lew an idebtedneea of fl2Jg?, will be turn i over to trustees of toe new hoa ital, who will number between 15 nd -20 and will be apolnted by the towd . County Commissiotiere. Serr Staffed Monday nirfht that the W.Geoeral hospM* w 52-bed to, tilutton, will bring anpnxximatelv 66JOOO. " ^ tote for ttre hospital will be atiect d by a committee of seven, ? " p pointed by the .GdbjmL. larr stated that ha dfd not 'here the cotter of population 4s at J?. expressed ? hope that the hos ital will be located between Farm - ille and Gmeacrilfe --/'i? WM tor the alee wiM be open tomorrow (Satur and for aaoh of the three suc ? After thd fourth fefcltbday IHMO^^^Bsit'''? weans-; Jw^Lntei i iiiiHm DM8 Deen thMt lb* election tte registration." ?- - Majority of those Hp-tapster Tor the special election oust vote for the bond issue if the IB odfl ?CJ ' ' p ?! w ?'11 'p r 'ft*!--, <Bt |gM||g||S -' ? -msm sr.SJ"i?t -. the privi IjC ?I'll II iMiJl the first for the group since the tetter pert of Jtenhir committee. With Edwards <m thisj committee ere Leslie Yelvarton.-Cnri Seaman, Roland Lang, Jr., Dr. W.-lt, Willi*,. Dr. Paul ? /ones and Chat. RvHem^w. Tl?a - ? ? -- - - ea^ - Daaconu iuc program coiuiiiImM ^composed of Rev.?.,? T.^kK. Eli Joyner, Jr., and Lloyd Lucas. On the food committee are Arthur ? Joy MOT, Billy Smith and Jalmer Bynom. Initial plana for the supper called for extending ah invitation to prominent official.wbo would be asked to deliver a formal address. The vet erans decided, however, that the event would be a more enjoyable one if the speech-making was kept at a l^pMtnr '&nd emphasis , placed on Vood food and friendship. l . T rfi The Parmviille post baa approxi mately 369 members on rolls. Goal of the veterana is to build a legion hut, or suitable chib house. The treas ury already hat several thousand dol lars, accumulated over a period of years by .the foresight and initiative of older veterans whose aim was to "a home for the unit as soon w Alex Allen Is On; Committee To Pick Site For Hospit&l _ ? ? * . Alex Allen, member of ^udk 's Board of Commissioner*^*** | j appointed -by the Board of County Commissioners as n member of the seven-member Committee Which will select the "site for the hospital wltfeh, if the 3pptl? election is approved, Will be c^fetmted with aid county funds. * -Hie Farmville public schools will open for *s.lMMt session on. Wed nesday, August" 27th. Bupt,, Sam D. Bandy states that a compete Upt of facpHj? members will be-publiifced All twelfth grade pupils are re quested to register on iWday, Aug. 22, from 9 to 10:30; eleventh gisis, from 10:80 to 12:00 o'clock; tenth grade from 1:30 to f^'doekt ninth, grade front 8:00 t<r 5 o'clock. |p^ kin tii'ik*1' 'ilijQj^ -1 FARMVIfcLB .^TUIMENTS. GRA nu Am kj^CAMPBBLLr -COLLEGE. SUMMER 1 . . "? ir- ^,.S. .. Kisses Betsy Jones,- Ann 1 and Joyce Tyson and Cedrie Davis] were among graduates receiving f high school diplomas Thursdayr at Campbell college. Buie's CreslL 4l < ' - - w - - - * O" | gMpA A to enter cdlegeSUsfalL .i > J ? relatives ant friends at _??, the exercises were Jfr. Km M, V. Junes, Miss Amn Jones.l *s.C. A. Ty-1 _ J HRftrr^loddsM. Mich., Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mooter,: Miss Johnsie Moore and PI I i ..*J gijp? ilH? ? r bade the church bought some gov in, the name ot the Qrawh. Pvt the bonds waa on easy at tshan started to I of them, to hafejpeet the the building, tW^found it was easier said than done, -Uncle Sam a copy of the constitution '-laws, particularty the . says the ofiBcera are to complete the trsca aetton in the name of the church. VlTfil . I * > III ?.L V. ->j' r,n.; ,? fBSmSftiS (By Nell BoltoJv Agrieultursi Agont, V Tide Water F*wor Go.) ? *?* fi.," A ? z yfe j 'IgB&ofe'' :> Although Greene county has only eight families enrolled in Better Farming t& Better Living, there is are more interested hi making im provements With ' genial County Agept Jack Herreil, aH eight fami lies were visited recently. Mrs. Nell Butter, home agent, went along in the afternoon. V? ">? Robert Heaths have a lot to shop; for their effortef-wwater sys tem, a new wash hope, gear wash ing machine, remodeled IdtJfehen with ' asti * mt a new sink and cabinets built by Mr. Heath. Their daughter had jusi returned from 4-H camp. "Mr. Heath 1* an. ?. ? tr was cupping era pasture, *Ss ?? The Archie C&ggins were busy in tobacco. Mr. Coggins said, when ask ed if be had'ever heard ot Better years." He pians to improve pedhue ?a> pot in seme ditefce 'owtaar ? ? Jack Parker doesn't put all his eggs in one basket He has sold, (1,000 worth of hogs. The fine hy brid corn should *"??"? lots moie hog feed. A bathroom is planned. CM1* dren have been active in 4-H work. mLhus m m m ml? 4 ?>,, n n ??a?a ??*"*A {n af young1 peacn ivmi were mt in s re markable growtk, according to ' Mr. Eterrell. Mr. Murphy also has some good eon. Mr. Walter Murray is another hog rateer with |90? income from Jtogt tens far. Dm "" midst of home tion of -ft'Mgr teg Of < is bteng group on this farm, -ir ^ -??-I'tiif ^?a-' UaBUwimdf la . avttl v an '^vPw4S ";^vhnCxvUvs *w ^a^^m ? sAilsy m farmer as^well. Ho admits that his with Con Engfneer WHHam C. Olaao i of Raleigh wh?- opened bide from four contractors seeking the contract for the ctostftietion work at the town's power jjlant. The A. H. Guion Company of Charlotte was suoeeee- V_ ful bidder, offering to do the Job for I88J545. , ? three Aether bids, and the ampunte submitted, ifers: B.y*. Brothers and Ctompeny of Ohartotts, W2M) V. B. Higgins and. Company 4 of Greensboro,-$37,800; C. If. Hefel- ?,j finger of Charlotte, J38^00. Mr. Guion has told loeal officials that h?y \ expects to begin work right sway. The contract provides for complhgta within 200 daya?v - -If .'V , Supt W. A. Mr. A dams of the pow er-plant has mettad word from manufacturers of the new Agfa* ? ; I that shipment wffl he wad* the hfc % tor part of October. Ssij y .Wm?.ftgjiC , iy ^Hee Provided, EacMre ef The Electrical Wert - Ah' idea of what the plant will a letter m Jk MeAAm, ?t,?he ???? ? the town thie wo* awwm* - mately *26,000,'.without any provision for cable, conteE^ ete. I thought you \ might be

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