? . ' Mr. and Mm. O. Spell spent Sunday in Candor. . Mr. W. A. Pollard, Sr, to improve from a Mrs. Virginia week end with friends hi Mrs. H. W. Kemp spent Sunday in Wilaon with her brother, On Hales. Mre. Fred Our and" daughter, Miaa Lib, spent Sunday in New Bern. - . Miaa Margaret and Joe Bynnm apent. the week end a^ Atlantic Beach. 1 Mrs. M. L. Eaaoa and Km, Norria Xaa, spent Friday la Chapel Hill and Ralaigh. Mrs. Agnea Potent of Griffin, Ge.,1 la visiting her niece, Mrs. R. 0." Lang, Jr. Kddie Drake of Coffeyvills, Kan., is visiting Miaa Tabitha DeViaconti this week. Mrs. L. E. Elks oA Richmond, Vs., spent last week with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Ward. Mrs. E. S. Hobgood and daughter, Mias Ella Mas, spent Frifey at Ca rolina Beach. Mrs. J. E. Wilkeraon and Mrs. Gordon Lee spent Thursday <th Goldsboro. Ma. and Mrs. EdwXrd Harris of Kaleigh spent , the week end here with relatives. Mrs. -Tommy Vinson of Durham spent last week with her daughter, Mm. Paul Allen, Ja, > Mrs. M. J. Gregg spent (he week end with her mother, Mrs. F. B. Har gett, in Poliockaville. Mr, and Mrs. Haywood Smith apent several days of last week with relatives in Durham.. Bob Morgan returned Wednesday f*om Camp Morahead where he spent the past two mcnHm. Mrs. J. A. Gregory is visiting her mother, Mm. J. T. Godwin, in Jote ston county this weak. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carr and sons, Charles and E. G, Jr., spent Sunday in Raleigh with relatives. Dr. Marguerite Kersey and daugh ter, Kits, of "Bluefield, W. Va., are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Herring of Kinston are spending several days with Mrs. Fred Smith. , ' B. G. Jones of Blackstone, Vs., is' visiting his sisters, Mrs. .Helen Nut ter and Mrs. R. T. Martin. Mrs. Blanche Paschal 1 has return ed from a two weeks' visit to Wil son's Mills; Billy Gregory left Tuesday morn ing to live in Richmond, Va., whegp he has accepted a position.' Mm. Mae H. Moore is spending ?evesal days at Morahead with Mr. and Mm. Edward S. Dixon; Kim Coram* Haynes was the. afternoon and Obgier guests of Mrs. David Harris last Wednesday. ' Mrs. J,. W. Brown has returned to her home in Pinetops after spending a week with Mm. 8. G. Gardner E. C. Carr, Jr., of Newport News, Vs., is spending this wsek with his parents, Mr. and Mm. E. C. Carr.. R. T. Norville and Mr. and Mm. Gordon Lee spent Sunday in Foun tain with Mr. and Mrs. F. L, Eagles. Mm. Wayne A. Mitchell, Jr., and daughter of Kineten spent Wednes day afternoon with Mm. Dora H. Keel. ^ Mine Lelia Skinner and Mm. Hugh Barrett attended the Sldnher-Epper ?on wedding in Lawrenceville, Va., Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. E. R. CUgg a^d Mr. nad Mrs. R. A. Joyner and son, John Russell, am vacationing' wt woyi of Mr. and Mm Clere Westbroolu, Jr., in Klnaton Than dfty vwtdng. ^ ./L. \ I M i? Bettie Joyner. has returned from ft vtoit to her brother. Roderick Joyner, and Mm Joyner in Fltta burgh, Pft. George and ffiOa? Putnam, of Rocky daya with their grandmother. E. S. Hobgood. ubgood, ? Mm |#onard Joyner left this ,v~ week to risH her father, J. M. Grove, sister,'Mm E. C. Wright, In nesbofo, Va. Waynesboro, Va. Miss Barbara Tarpley of Aaheville I to her home the gneet of Mm Johit Barrett and m J. A. Forbea. Mm G a Midyette and soon of Kinston have return* a visit te the Mm Annabel! Gardner and Mm J. W. Joyner spent tari week at for the ?Wm;.* ? 1' 1 f. jiii if i : r **? i (i i ii i i ?CALENDAR* WI 7:00 p. m.?Kiwanis. 1*0 p. m.?Y.W.A, Baptist, meets with Mrs. Francis L. Jovner. ?HHDf . R si 8:00 p. rt.?An" Fait Club meets with Mrs. Emerson Smith. 8:00 jk m.?Boy Stents. v ss 8:16 p. m.?Book and Bridge Club. ~v' Saturday* 28 '-4 10:06 a. m.? Bird Club. Mrs. Jack Smith is in IPark Vie* hospital, Rocky Mount, undergoing I Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ferrell of Rocky Mount visited Mr. and ' Mrs. A. X Melton Sunday. : .. - Mrs. R. R. Harris and family of Clinton and Mrs. ~M. J. McLeod- of Greenville will spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Garns^ Miss Billy Johnson returned Mon day from a two weeks' visit, to Mrs. James Mountcastle in .Weldon ' and has as her guest, Miss'Jean Medlin, of Weldon: Mr. and Mrs. Saih Roberts of Sa vannah, Ga., visited Yel*tires here Thursday en route to their hoipc after a vacation in Delaware. Friends will be glad-to learn that J Lean Jones, who returned from the] Veterans' hospital, Fayetteville, last Wednesday, is improving slowly. Friends will be glad to- learn that Mrs. E. F. Gaynor is recuperating nicely from a .wound in her leg, which she sustained last week. Mrs. C. L. Langley and son, Ches ter, have_returned from a visit to friends and relatives rrj Union arid Spartanburg, S. C., and Asheville. Mrs. John T. Thome and Mrs. Wesley R. Willis havC returned, from a tour which took them, to New York City, Niagara Falls and into Canada. I Mr. and Mr*. Walter Hobgood and son, Walter Edward; and Mrs. St G. Gardner visited Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Bryan in Rocky Mount Sunday even ing. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis and daughter, Carolyn, have returned after a-viait to Mm. Lewis' sister,., Mrs. James Britt, in Biraunghtm^ J1 Ala. Mr. and Mrs. BUI 'Harris and daughters, Louise and Mae, of Hous ton, Texas, are visiting Mr. Harris' mother, Mrs. Louise Harris, and re latives here. * Mrs. J. W. Holmes is spending* two weeks with her daughter, Miss Frances Winstead, in Concord and with' her son, Dr. Ashby Winstead, hi Franklin. - Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree has P returned from a visit to friends in I; Washington, D. C., and ha^ as her Jj guest, Mrs. Annie May Clark, of St Petersburg, Fla. Miss Mary Alice Gray and Pat Gray of Cary spdat Sunday with Mr. aad Mrs. W. J. Raafcegry . Mrs. Res berry accompanied them home and spent a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cayton and children, Jean and Jan, spent Sun day in' WUmington with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Parker and Misses May and Sue Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest N. Petteway and son, Ernie, and Mr. a&4 Mrs. S., T. Lewis and daughter, Lou Taylor, j have returned from a jrgek.'s Vaca tion at Ocean Drive, S. C. ?> Mr. and Xn,^ S. Hotchkiss and ?on, .Charles, of Elisabeth City spent the week end with Mm. Corinne Stilley. Mm. Hotohkiss and Charles remained for several days. Mrs. A. H. Joyner and daughter, Miss Bettie, of Momhead arid Mr., and Mm/ A. H. Joyner of Norfolk,} Va., spent yesterday with Mm. & G. Gardner Jopier. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Smith and Miss Dorothy Smith will spM tha week end in Wubtngton, DrC., with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rector. Mrs. Rector U the former Miss Frances ~ a ,1mi as ? were dieted to a table I with a white cloth and cen tered with a bowl of varicolored zinnias where cheese straws, birds' nest cookies, sand bars, potato chips, pimentoCheese sandwiches and coca colas were served. - Zbmas were also used on the man tles and tables. " Records were' played throughout the afternoon. NEIGHBORS WELCOME MRS. JAMES a HOCK ADA Y yf **"1 - ' i' "f*J Around SO neighbors and the femi nine members Of households connected with The Rouse Printery called upon Mrs. James B. Hockpday Friday morning at the ' invitation of Mrs. G. Alex Rouse to fexten<l her a cor dial welcome to Farmville as a resi dent. .S' i The affair, held from 10 to 11 o'clock, waa in the form of a surprise coca cola party pad caught the hon oree almost unaware as die was ex pecting only the hostess and another friend tb-call. Floral arrangements and refreshments were earned in at the time announcement was made of the "storm party," a few ihinutes prior_to arrival of first comers. As tern, "dahlias, pompon, 'nramSr roses ageratum and Verbena were used throughout the new home, of the Bockadays on Barrett street. , Refreshments, carrying the pastel colors, consisted of sandwiches, Sa ratoga chips, pickles, ogives, cookies, salted nuts? floral mints and coca. colaa~ /. Mrs. Hockaday was presented a package of kitchen accessories -by the hostess and Mrs- W. A. Pollard, Jr., and Mrs. Gar! "Damage, Jr., re cent brides,? were remembered with gifts. T " Mrs. Hockaday and little daugh ter, Georgia Tull, who had, been re siding in Lillington pending comple tion of their home, joined their hup band and father here-recently. Mr. Hockaday has been associated with The Rouse Printery as junior pyt ner sad editor.of the "fturmville En terprise" since March. 4 . L s 9 UBS. ROSCOE HONORED BY MRS. W. J. RASBERRYj Mn. V. W. Roscoe, of Wyoming, <1 * housegttest and niece of Mi* r J Rasberry, v/as comphmentea ' ? delightful neighbMhood^ coca ta party given by the latter FriAiy ?noon lfrom'4 to 6 o'clock at her >'on Belcher street, fat-which arrangement of midsummer i were used with artistic of The 22?gttesta were bailed .upon to! date some exciting Experience <tur their honeymoon trip as a fea rc of the entertainment. The con-l ibutions covered * period of ,671 the first being that of Mrs.j M Rowton. of Palatka, Fla.,1 st of Miw Mamie Davis, , last being the story of a r moping across the highway ju^l front of the car while Mr. and W. A. Pollard, Jr., were on the I ine ' Driv* in Virginia on their tour in May oi thisvyear. I Homemade pound cake, salted! ,utb, mints and coca colas vTerej IRS. JOHN C. PARKER ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB! -Au Fait Club members-?nd addi-j ional guests, Mrs. J. M. Carraway, '? t SS ice cream and] Coea colas were award went] Mrs. Charles Ed i high prize __ the low. i were used in the j >* ? ? :? ? ti mm ? w 1 ""'"-"mm Farmville's theNorth ttan rise, and f\ quetiipWts ^ ?^.-JBL^ part in the eonteata yesterday, opening day of the annual Wilson fiesta. The princesses who are competing for queea were honored at a lunch eon given at the, Cherry hotel and wera guests of the Junior Chamber of Commerce at a' supper held in the Christian "church, Thurs day Events scheduled for today include a floral parade, a special farmers' program at which J. P. Huts oil, head of Tobacco Associates, will speak, a coast-to-coast broadcast of the "Chesterfield Supper Club," Oorona tion of the new queen and a corona tion bail. -V MRS. MOORE ifONORS FALKLAND BRIDE-ELECT I. .. ?-5 ? ~J " Mrs. W. H.- Moore, Jr., honored Miss Lorraine Moore of Falkland, bride-elect of this month, at a lovely] bridge party At her home on Cfen tentnea street Thursday afterhoon. As guests arrived punch was . served from a bowl surrounded by ivy. Mix ed arrangements of summer flowers were used in decorating," .Tallies and score cards were in the bridal motif. Miss Mattie Little of Falkland wan the high score award, note paper; the low prise, toilet water, went to Mrs. Woodrow Woo ten of Falkland The honoree was remembered_with a corsage ft pink roses and crystal in her pa* Win. . . ? Marshmallow salad, sandwiches, artichoke pickles, bri>wnies, ritz and tea were served oh the tables which hajl centerpieces of rose buds. The hostess was assisted in serving by her/ daughter, Misa Nancy Lu, and by Mrs. JL (J Copenhaver. RARBfcCUE B1NNER Mr. sod Mrs.R. D. Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. R. D, Rouse, Jr.,^entertain ed at a barbecue dinner Sunday in honor of \lheir house guests, Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Eastman and sons, Rob hie and- Tommie, of New Orleans, La., and Mrs. R. E. ?Eastman of Pu laski,. Va. Hie dinner, which consist sd of barbecue, slaw, chicken, sand wiches, corn bread, pickles, eake and an iced drink, wa j served picnic style Outdoors. Guests other thin the honorees pere:v Mr. and Mrs. C. 3. Andrews and son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hack ery and. children, Newport News, Va^, Mrs. Lee Sadler, Lynchburg, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Dkugfcety, Ports mouth, Va.; and Mrs. Ralph Daughety and son, Mrs. Bruee Stocks and children, Mrs. O. G. Daughety, Kinston; Qssie Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. John Shackleford and sons, Mr. and Mrs. .A. C. Edwards and son, Mrs. F. H. Taylor, Hooker ton; Mrs. D. 0. Pate ami son, Goids bpro; Mr. and Mrs, XL F.*Daughety, Sr., Miss Perry 'Faye Gilbert, Rev. and Mrs. Z. B. T. Cox and sons, FarmviUe. iff|y ' - / BALTIMORE GUEST HONORED AT PARTY , Wm Miss Barbara Ann Hales of Balti more, Md-, Who is spending the sua- ' mer .here, was honored by' 1 Mrs. H. W. Kemp, at party Monday afternoon. , drinks, candy, cookies, were served after the guests ftd from the pool. Mrs. A. B. Moork and Mrs. Manly Liles were special guests and assist ed in directing .games. -|j v GIVE FISH FRY Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dixtm enter at a fish fry Tuesday even honor of Mr. upd Mis. Bill of Houston, Texas, whp are Jjpf^fjdministration ed, including facility junior college colleges fmA .JHHHHH times of crowded colleges. Junior college , athletic programs, inter-col lege relations, increased recognition Of the place 6f the junior college in the educational program will be dis cussed. w&hty" pr?^ ' . Dr: E. % Coltrane, president of firevard college is chairman of the junior' college group. Dr." L. H.~ Campbell of Campbell college is vies chairman, h . :i J ??r . *vf] Mrs. Ray Smi& and son, Donnie Ray, arrived Wednesday for a visit to'friends and natives here. tgft. ; 1 ? BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT : W'- - ?' 1 Mr. and Mrs.- ijenry Limbach of Buffalo, -N. Y., announce the birth of a daughter, Christine Marie, Wed nesday, July 30. Mrs, limbach is the former Miss Sue Wiggs, daugh ter oat Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wiggs, of Packamack Lake, N:'Y. Jft*. Wiggs is the former Miss Mary Bynum of FarmvQle. i BROCK-MORGAN ? . Mr. and Mrs: Fepell Morgan an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Mary Alice, to Mr. Alton Bnfek, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brock of near Farmville, Wednesday, July 9. The couple are now'making their home gt 105 South Barrett street, PUnbville. '?< ' BIRD CLUB NOTES L ? . " , ?-C s > - Hummingbirds were studied at the Bird club Saturday morning with Chandler Cox reading an article from the "tfatiomtl Geographic" magazine telling about how Mr. and Mys. Lawrence J. Webster, of Hold erneas, N. H., trained them to be come accustomed to human 'beings. ? Mrs. Webster, a bird lover for 35 yean, has died but ttie third genera tion of her family is now caring for the colony. The article recounts the family's interesting expert i*ees with .a hummingbird colony over a period of nearly 20 years,, which started lyhen Mrs. Webster took 19 this hobby in 1903. * . . " The most important feeding sta tion is one established on an opeh piazza just outside the living and dining room windows. Many kinds of birds feed-in this haven but tj?e bottles filled with sweethnad ? - : ySg"; fly direct Hi* ' was Jocated tie previous year. Ifo ob Special Days,- . . A distinctive Hfdbaaik Card lifts your message out of the ordinary-?wings your words of thooghtfulness sad tore straight to the heart. ^ a* ' ; ZW;* MBS. 1. M. CARRAWAT, Manager 108 North Main Street.. .^onefflM ?. .Farmvffle, N. C. Biii' ~ , - J,\ See the New PHILCO j Radios and Pht>nogrdphs * m " ' - (fj ? ' MAIN street '3

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