?f B4 RJ| P BOOST' FARMVILLE EVERY DAY! 1 ? 'V ??iHHBWiitMaftaaiiy^uL SCHOOL PATRONS INVITED TO ATTEND THE OPENING AUG. 27 The Farmville School will open for the 1947-48 session on Wednesday, August 27ttt, at 9:00 a. m. and will remain in session until poan, and it is possible a shortened session will be maintained for the first few days, but announcement will be made on the opening day. Chapel exercises will be held at 9:16 a. m. on the opening day and parents and the general pub lic are cordially invited. ^ Yhe building and grounds.are being placed in order for upe and it is sxpected that everything will be in eadiness by the opening date. .New lackboaids have been installed in all oonis of the main building, the en rauces hav< been painted, the lunch ?oom floor has been painted and >ther minor repairs have been made, imong them being the screening of he Home Economics cottage and the irincipal's office. The agriculture department has ^en re-opened and E. P. Bass, the instructor, has been busy getting gs in readiness for this depart it. New equipment has been add to the science ^-department, and some new equipment has been re vived for the lunchroom. Sam D. indy, the new superintendent, states At a new 16mm. sound projector ?ill be purchased soon after the open ng of school for the purpose of ig educational films in all of the school. A library of is being purchased for t^je and all schools- will have ae ;ess to these films in addition to ithers that may 'be secured from sources. Mr. Bundy states that . of new equipment being contemplated and will be lunced at the proper time. * Vasal texts for the elementary chool will again be fuxxiished free rf the state and high school teats workbooks will be sold as here rQ by Dupree's department stole. Announcement of the charges on upfUes ftes, commercial fees," and ithers will be made on the first * school. Supt Bundy states that Farmville s very fortunate in securbig the alibre of teachers that will cdmprise lie teaching personnel here this rear. There has been a 60 per cent sun-over in the "teaching personnel md of the 12 new teachers only ttfo lave had tvo previous teaching ex perience. The main difficulty here been to secure living accommo for teachers after they have _an employed. -complete roster of teachers is D. Bundy, superintendent, I I Farmville; Mis. Evelyn Joyner, Eng Farmville; Mis# Margaret LceJ -English, Greenville; Hooms Needed Several more rooms are needed for Mchers and tobaecon&ts who have ot yet been able to find satisfactory ring quarters. Farmville home wners with rooms to rent are re uested to call the chamber of eom lerce office, number 4900, and list ie ropms they have. Committees Named For Annual Kiwanis Carnival, Sept 10-20' . w Bernice Turnage, general chair lan of the Kiwanis Carnival sche uled for Sept, 19-20, has announced ie appointment of the following immittees: Square dance:' Charles Edwards, odericK Harris, Howard Moye. Publicity: ? Jim Hockaday, Louis Williams. Solicitation: Alex Allen, Jack ewis, John Parker, Bill Garner. ? Lights and power: Dave Harris, harles Quinerly. Erection of booths: Grady Gil irist, Emerson Smith, Billy Smith, any .Taylor. Booth assignments . ? minstrel: am Bundy, Frank Allen, Jake ields, Seth Barrow, Frank Harris; ovelty stand: Earie Holmes, Jim oyner;. hot-dog stand: Zeb White urst, Henry Johnson; pony ride: ??l Lewis, Charles Quineriy; arch ly: Z. Cox, Bob Wireless; drink band: John D. Dixon, Carol -Modlitt; ing-a-prize. . Ted Albritton, Alton tobbitt; darts: Jack Lewis, R. C. openhaver; weight guessing: Bob iser; ice cream, candy, etc.: Ernest legg,' Carl HfckS; bingo: Hubert oyner, Doc Gregg, Ferd raite, Jim Hockaday; auction;: ar "Barrett, Louis Williams; grab ag: Emerson Smith, John Parker; all pitch: Sam Lewis, Algx Allen; enny pitch Louis Allen; bowling: Irnest Petteway,. George Allen; rain ride: Bernice Turnage, Doe niliaips, Bill Gamer, Grady Gil brist.-.. ... 1' Dwo From Farmville Get Master's Degrees AmOr.j the 53 students scheduled r> be graduated at East Carolina 'eachers college today are two from "armville: Ellen: L$wis Carroll and lorothy Hope All but 'two of this summer grada tes are North Carolinians. Twelve re candidates for the masters de roe; 10 for the B: S. degree; and 8l or the A. B. degree, which" is can erred upon tyose taking part - in eacher-training. ' Of the total seven re men, and the other! are women. Principal speaker of the exercises rill be Dr. J. D. Messick, president ilect of East CaroHna college, wto rill apeak on the topic, "Our Part In i. Policeman Hurt, Negro^ Killed In Affray Saturday Web Vine*, Jr., 4ot By Officers GregeryAnd Fields After They were Attached; Owueel Jury Te Bald Investigation Policeman J. ? A. Gregory, veteran of several years' sendee with Farm ville's police department, may lose the sight of one eye as the result of an affray Saturday night, in the southern section ef town, fit which Web Vines, Jr., Negro was shot and killed when he launched an attack on Officers Gregory and R. B. Fields. ' y ? Reports from the Wilson hospital to which Gregory was taken state that another week or 10 days will be required before it can be determined whether he will loaa the eye, into which was embedded shattered bits of glass from his spectacles when he was strode and knocked down by the Negro. Gregory expects to return from the hospital tomorrow. According to reports, the two offi cers were riding through the colored section of town shortly after mid night, in the patrol car. As they halted in front of a group milling around and making mors noise than was necessary in the middle of the night; one of the crowd warned that "the law is here." Vfiiee is report ed to have expressed, his contempt for ttie officers in profane terms, smashed Gregory in the eye when he stepped from the car, knocked him down, and was over him, evidently trying to get the pistol. Fields then joined Gregory and the shooting oc curred when Vines rushed toward Fields. Both officers fired several times, five of the slugs finding their mark in the body of VbM who took several stepa before keeling over. .% An inquest will be held aa soon as Gregory's -condition permits. Empan eled for duty on the coroner's Joky Ed die Caraway, R. D. Rouse, R. b. ivy ' ~~~wk mm Vacation Days Over . t? ' WW ww we - vfl srv ?*. e.nku 1 ry Mr?. Hasnan Dakar,, rrtncipai,. Fountain School) : Vacation days are over tor tl juntain boys and girls. On Wed saday, 'Aug. 27, the children and achers resume their work. - .,i j During the summer the agricui fre building has l>eeuwe?uvsted, ids assuring tos'Bi&dren s modern nch room. Mrs. Martha Bundy and rs. Mildred Norville will again pre ire and serve the meals. , . ' The faculty for 1M7-48 is oompos I of Mrs. Koma Lee WaBcer, Foun ds, first glade; Miss Muriel 6ay, riert*!, second grade; Mrs. Emily eroer, Fountain, third grade; Mrs. ary D. Horton, Fountain, fourth Mrs. Geneva Phillips, Mac grade; Mrs. Glendon At The Rotary Club Congressman Herbert C. Bonner, who for the put four years has been a member of the Un-American Acti vities Committee of the House of Representatives, spoke an Commu nism Tuesday night at the weekly meeting of the Botary Club. After citing the otBs of Communism and its development In 1*r Mr. Boa- I ner said, "I do not fear Communism at home. Wo have too much to of fer, once the two systems are placed J side by side.* Congressman Bonner was the guest of Joe Basberry, by whom he was introduced. - Congressman Bonner drew the at tendance prise. Guests end visitors werej Henry Johnson,. Alex Allen. Dr. Edwin Basberry, Bill Kasbeny, | Marvin Swartz. D. A. R. Dedication Of Chapter House Set For Early Fall| With additional gifts and substan-. tial donations . repotted by committees of the Major Benjamin May Chapter, D. A. R., aa an immediate remit of their work during the summer months for completion of the memorial plaque and dedication of the magnificent chapter house, comes assurance of the event being held in the fid, at which ; time descendants of pioneer will meet here to celebrate the per petuation of the memory of the dis tinguished men and women, who laid | an enduring foundation for noble citi senship in Eastern North'Carolina. Announcement of the date and pro gram for the dedicatory eefimoniee, which will mark this as s day long i of FWrmville, will be made soon. ' The branke memorial plaque which is to be gastasxt mmfefc, and the his- J torical volume, to be compiled, which will contain sketches of all the fami lies memorialized to the buildfog, will be given a significant plan to toe dedication program not only as a means ?f perpetuatinar their serraeea to the State but as an incentive for future generations; 4t Since 1M?, when the id^al of a cultural and social center-of discrim inating taste ahd grace had, its in ception in the minds of the regent end members of the chapter, it has been their earnest desire to make the chapter houae a shrine and sanctuary and to have It stand out to Eastern North Carolina as a beautiful end living memorial to its progressive dtisenship. It has been gratifying indeed to tb? local Daughters to find a ready ^^^t^^tomicjitisena before worthy of emulation and te^estab-l li?h in tola section a center of sym bolic beauty and historical value. In thia connection .the words of Winston ChurchUl, wh^ gave ^6 tost insure for posterity the ideals of. ?eu*wegPMgMHi n ix'iwiWiMS. ?????????? i it*-' V -C* Wane* u > ? u ukw,-'. npwfynpFPfVNiH North Carolina's flue-cured tobacco I estimated at 881,095,000 pounds August 1> an increase of atxteen over July 1 Crop cuitivauon P4N or one m r KSHeS :7.v : M?" 1 ' ;, ??a w* ? rv !>! ? ?? ? . ? 'JtRSn !??* - ?J**- j*-"-. v - -u?_. I? ;? Set To Capture First Place Former Army Pilot Succeeds Bundy As v Sales Supervisor! Oscar P. Ho(hua Takes Over Work| As Executive Secretary Of CSuua> ber Of Crauneree And Super visor Of Tobacco Market Oscar P. Hoffman, former Army Air Force pilot who has been making his home in Sehna, has been ap 1 pointed executive secretary- of the Chamber of Commerce and sales su pervisor of the Tobacco Board of Trade, succeeding Sam D. Bundy, who is roundinig out 15 months of efficient service with the organiza tion and is tafchg over as superin tendent of Farmville schools, > Mr. Hoffman comes to Farmville with excellent recommendaticmsr He is living at, Hotel Davis Until suitable quarters are obtained for his wife and their two children. ' Prior to his entry into the service, he waT employed by Sehenley Distill ers Corporation, in New Orleans. He first served as private secretary for the southern regional director, later being promoted to the salea depart ment and traveled the entire state of Louisiana. During this period, he was active with the Junior Chamber of Commerce wot* in New Orleans,' an Pilot Trainhig Program. He also worker with the .Ford Mot-, or Company, lie terminated this em ployment ia order- to go Jtan Civilian Submarine Patrol on tile Louisiana Coast with the Ciril Air Petrel and later entered the Army as pilot Local VFW Sponsors , |p Caktival Next Week Ta.its efforts to raise funds for a hut it plans to construct in the near future, the Bumette- Rouse post, -Vet erans of Foreign Wars, is sponsorii^r a carnival Here all next week, featur ing W. C. Kaus s*. The way to the exposition grounds will be lighted by a powerful search light. ' -The sponsoring organization calls attention to its notice, elsewhere in this issue of /The Enterprise, apd places special emphasM on the cou-l one ride oft the merry-go-round. At The Kiwania Club Fkrovilto JUwanians reached ?w into Hie ranks of the $otariane Mon day night and drafted an Able ?*?*" er in the pengm of Irvin Morgan, Jr who rolled three speeches into ?" , and rave hie listeners interesting lessons In h?mor, agriculture geirrte>reibd several jokes from cor county on which the owners hoped to ' . . . , qptp. y on wniw ? 200 bushels od a measured acre, IST-ES . ? ?j gave an account of ? trip he took several years ago into countries teverai y?u? ?bv ?'south of the border." Ha appeared on the program at the invitation Altotv BobbittT who was inaWe tobe present and for whom Louis Allen substituted in . introducing the ^President Alex Allen, Vice presi dent -Louis Williams and Secretary Jota SfSLS. M gates to the district eonvwinan i Columbia, S. C? in CMober. Alter nates elected were ^ Allen, Henry Johnson and Jim Hockaday. Policemen Prepare For Congested Traffic I Speed LtaitirVw. BUefa Of Avenae By Monk's Factory cut To m mm An Hoar * ? . t ? - \f _ \ , In anticipation of Hie t?mendo?s increase in the nanmber of automo biles and trucks which will he using Farmville's ^ keting season, Chief of Mice Uoya ?2s* and memh^s of his ^rt I went have laid-off parking lanea & I thA warehouse area and designate* driveways'vrith^low;p?nt. A ? ZTttat the taws of aafrty be sd Led to i. made by Chief Lncaa, who , hered to is maoe oy , offers the wholehearted coope^tiyn of his department to insure ? [smooth, orderly flaw of traffic on ! l0<The two blocks on Wert Hotae avenue by A. C. MpA's fpctoryhave been designated as business ?*???*' move which automatically cuts tije speed in that area to 2? mil f? to The speed law. wUl be en forced. ' fij Mr. Gayle Royal Welcome Awaits Visitors On Opening:; Offering's In First Few Days Expected To Be Light; 5 Warehouses Bid For Leaf ? Feverish activity of the past few weeks, unmistakable harbingers wt . another tobacco marketing season, - wiH reach a climax .Monday mow ing when sales axe started on Fkm ville's five warehouse floors. ^ As has been the custom la the j , past, the selling time on opening day - will be divided between the operating (firms. " ?' "i Due to the lateness of the crop sad the slowness in getting the leaf in order, offerings during opening week are expected to be light. The current trend, established on Border markets, of averages in the mid-forties, is expected to be cAp tinned here. Farmvjlle hopes to bet ter its records of moid than 31 mil lion pohnds sold in 1946^ but, has no; idea of reaching the .average, about 353.06, maintained last year. Farmville's 1943 record, the secmwf^ ? beet Jn the belt, lent good enough v for the town's warehousemen and business'people, who dont relish the , . -J Auctioneering ef tobacco moves " , into Che third flue uaed type this the 15 markets in the -j Eastern North Carolina flue-cured belt begin' sales Monday, August 25. According to thp U. 8. Crop Report ing Board,' indications as of August . 1 pointed to the second largest crop dn reeopd in the area, with prodnc- ,;-v tion expected to fall slightly under last year's all time high. The board forecast an output of 450370,000 pounds, or only around S 1/3 millionv pounds leas than the 1945 crop. Total flue-cured production was placed which woe 1396,865,000 pounds, be approximately <% below year's harvest The United SI and North Carolina Department! Agriculture report that rendu in the.Eastern North On belt toe prior year totaled 438,' Si MM to the bm V" -

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