lliM MjjWIffli To get a godfi leaf yield, the to bacco farmer tops the plant at the \ flowering stare. Then ha most go ww the wtp l or * times during the growing eSfJon and pinch off suck ers that topping canes to grow at " the base of the leaves. ' ? ? Dr. Robert A. -Steinberg, plant pathologist in the Division of Tobac co, Medicinal, and Special- Crops, hdb recently completed a series of tests in which he need synthetic growth substitute regelating chemicals as a -si for hand anchoring. In his experi ments, Dr. Steinberg applied the chemical?either in liquid'or powder form?to the cut surface where the top was removed. Results indicate that under green-' house- conditions one application to the-art surface** the time the plant is topped will retard the growth of the suckers. Studies have not yet been completed to determine the ef fect of toe quality of the. tobacco have field trial* with Maryland tot with itustica, a type growA1 etine. . - ? Pitt County Vi I G.h?vm'. v Urn 188 veterane in Pitt county who are participating In the Vetera Farmer Training program ducted by the department of V# tional Agriculture in this s rural high schools may attend Home Week, Aug. 25-28, on Stdtft -College campus, notmced by A. L Supervisor at the program for State Department of Education. Veteran trainees Who ertah to at tend the classes 'and field trips j ned by' Farm and Home Week sonnel for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday?Aug. 26-27-28-*re eligi hja tfr. aeceive a maximum credit of I -J- '-V? ? "and also te gat njjfj otherwise?par farm machinery will become a part of the farmer -trainee's regular course of instruction, there win be 2\?Z. .The program for the three days for which'credit will be giver include* sections on field crops, livestock, ry, poultry, agricultural econo horticuRure, agricultural engi and soil conservation. Tours rtourteet farms in the vi? Raleigh wttl also "be held, oniTa" iiay are scheduled in all phasea of farming More than 16,000 vetdmns-toe en rolled- in. this one-year training pro gram in North Carolina, according to Mr. Teachey, who_e*pact?- If lair representation of .them, on the cam1 pus at this yeef> evdnl. Wives of trainees are Invited to attend and. may. register in advance. - ? ? ?"-1 ? 'y ?&?~ Buy ? Bank ? Sell is Fanavilte! T' . . . i. .l.. .? Business Woman m Robert's llttSliliMai The largest dewelo^f?t in North Carolina for the adnuu^xMni of young peopki??*dair/ industry wiH begin. September 3, when the first ill ^District1 jJnnioiHDairy Cattle wv foi iw will be KeW, A. 0." Kimrey, Extension Dairy specialist at State College, ahrjouncsd this'week. These sbows, which laws aroused the interest of many North Carolina d-H Club and F. F. A. members, bare greatly, contributed to the progress mads in the state's dairy industry in recent years, Mr. Kinney said. Young ?people who tabs part in these shows net only contribute to the present short food supply by producing these animals, but they also leium better practices in the breeding, feeding and management of dairy cattle, " ;v^Recognizing the value of such an eddcatioftal program in future yews, several business concerns and civic organisations throughout the state have contributed. $10,000, to.be used in-conducting these show*, Mr. Kiiu rey said, and without this generous support and cooperation it would nc? be pgasiMe for them to be conducted. Following the Asheville show, the next one will be held in Greensboro, Sept 9. Other shows are: - viHe, September 11; Islington, September IS, add Durham, Sept 17. The places where shows will be held for Negroes and the dates they will be bald are: Rocky Mount Sept.; i; FUyetteviBe, Sept 18, and ~ ! boro, Sept 1&. Buy - Bank - Sell in Farmville! i 1' " ? ' ? i . . ? ? THE FIRST QUESTION AFTER MISFORTUNE STRIKES Be Assured and Insurs#$fow! We ltfa? To - WITH - 2?v mm * Reliable Insurance! ? "KEEP ANXIETY AWAY WITH A FEW CENTS A DAY" COMMERCIAL INSURANCE CO. OFFICESBasking Room? The Hank of FanhviBa? Dial 352-1 ST25&&* Pr-a? -A- ALLEN, fice President L. B. WALSTON, See.-Tre*s. S. A. ROEBUCK, Manger f ? ** - . HP ? v*. &> nnspi R*g. I6.34Va!iM 14M IRTI ? V '?r r?t a y ? DONT LET Romance dip away because you think you can not af expecting! Wei make it possible for you to buy. quality jewelry on a sim ^^payment plan costs you no more than if you bought for ! 7. "rnrz- ? ME SRfHP - "~y from ug with : ? m & ftr mfn. ' a :: Popular apart type far Wiles., Graceful Waltham -vrist watch for fmsi ~ tw? Wi'SJp **> pre MM ? Get the ,*> , i'W 4 * . . - '. ? < gJSL, llHTIMi "Mvp to H'klt ?f ??llihif?. S M>>W ti W Ir? fan frlirti b ?*w4?? ?4 Ml*rW ?MM?4 Ml ? to Mm